Học tiếng anh giao tiếp cùng giáo viên ielts 8.0+, giáo viên bản xứ & phương pháp shadowing

100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh liên quan đến ngành Quản lý Dự án Xây dựng Dân dụng

Chủ đề “100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh liên quan đến ngành Quản lý Dự án Xây dựng Dân dụng” cung cấp danh sách các thuật ngữ thiết yếu. Những từ và cụm từ này bao gồm các khái niệm về kỹ thuật, quản lý, lập kế hoạch và thực hiện dự án, giúp người học nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp chuyên ngành một cách hiệu quả.

Từ vựng ngành Quản lý Dự án Xây dựng Dân dụng

  1. Project Management – Quản lý dự án
  2. Construction Site – Công trường xây dựng
  3. Blueprint – Bản thiết kế
  4. Contractor – Nhà thầu
  5. Subcontractor – Nhà thầu phụ
  6. Architectural Design – Thiết kế kiến trúc
  7. Structural Engineering – Kỹ thuật kết cấu
  8. Construction Permit – Giấy phép xây dựng
  9. Site Plan – Kế hoạch công trường
  10. Building Code – Quy chuẩn xây dựng
  11. Project Schedule – Lịch trình dự án
  12. Cost Estimate – Dự toán chi phí
  13. Material Procurement – Mua sắm vật liệu
  14. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Cấu trúc phân chia công việc
  15. Change Order – Lệnh thay đổi
  16. Site Inspection – Kiểm tra công trường
  17. Risk Management – Quản lý rủi ro
  18. Project Budget – Ngân sách dự án
  19. Timeline – Thời gian biểu
  20. Construction Methodology – Phương pháp xây dựng
  21. Project Scope – Phạm vi dự án
  22. Quality Control – Kiểm soát chất lượng
  23. Safety Standards – Tiêu chuẩn an toàn
  24. Building Materials – Vật liệu xây dựng
  25. Excavation – Đào bới
  26. Foundation Work – Công việc nền móng
  27. Concrete Pouring – Đổ bê tông
  28. Structural Framework – Khung kết cấu
  29. Inspection Report – Báo cáo kiểm tra
  30. Progress Report – Báo cáo tiến độ
  31. Worksite Safety – An toàn công trường
  32. Project Delivery – Giao hàng dự án
  33. Cost Control – Kiểm soát chi phí
  34. Permit Approval – Phê duyệt giấy phép
  35. Project Milestone – Cột mốc dự án
  36. Submittal – Hồ sơ trình duyệt
  37. Value Engineering – Kỹ thuật giá trị
  38. Change Management – Quản lý thay đổi
  39. Site Logistics – Logistics công trường
  40. Project Closeout – Hoàn tất dự án
  41. Building Inspection – Kiểm tra công trình
  42. Site Survey – Khảo sát công trường
  43. Contractual Agreement – Hợp đồng
  44. Job Safety Analysis – Phân tích an toàn công việc
  45. Building Permit – Giấy phép xây dựng
  46. Project Kickoff – Khởi động dự án
  47. Risk Assessment – Đánh giá rủi ro
  48. Construction Drawings – Bản vẽ thi công
  49. Scope of Work – Phạm vi công việc
  50. Resource Allocation – Phân bổ tài nguyên
  51. Schedule Delay – Trễ lịch trình
  52. Change Request – Yêu cầu thay đổi
  53. Contract Management – Quản lý hợp đồng
  54. Construction Safety Plan – Kế hoạch an toàn xây dựng
  55. Design Review – Xem xét thiết kế
  56. Cost Overrun – Vượt ngân sách
  57. Project Plan – Kế hoạch dự án
  58. Client Meeting – Cuộc họp khách hàng
  59. Building Commissioning – Kiểm tra và đưa vào sử dụng
  60. Site Management – Quản lý công trường
  61. Workforce Management – Quản lý nhân lực
  62. Contractual Obligations – Nghĩa vụ hợp đồng
  63. Project Coordination – Điều phối dự án
  64. Construction Schedule – Lịch trình xây dựng
  65. Quality Assurance – Đảm bảo chất lượng
  66. Safety Compliance – Tuân thủ an toàn
  67. Project Funding – Tài trợ dự án
  68. Schedule Management – Quản lý lịch trình
  69. Worksite Assessment – Đánh giá công trường
  70. Contract Negotiation – Đàm phán hợp đồng
  71. Project Charter – Điều lệ dự án
  72. Material Handling – Xử lý vật liệu
  73. Building Code Compliance – Tuân thủ quy chuẩn xây dựng
  74. Contract Addendum – Phụ lục hợp đồng
  75. Project Stakeholders – Các bên liên quan
  76. Construction Phases – Các giai đoạn xây dựng
  77. Project Risk – Rủi ro dự án
  78. Operational Safety – An toàn vận hành
  79. Site Preparation – Chuẩn bị công trường
  80. Budget Allocation – Phân bổ ngân sách
  81. Construction Progress – Tiến độ xây dựng
  82. Change Log – Nhật ký thay đổi
  83. Project Objective – Mục tiêu dự án
  84. Building Performance – Hiệu suất công trình
  85. Project Resource – Tài nguyên dự án
  86. Contractual Terms – Điều khoản hợp đồng
  87. Site Safety Plan – Kế hoạch an toàn công trường
  88. Construction Equipment – Thiết bị xây dựng
  89. Quality Inspection – Kiểm tra chất lượng
  90. Cost Analysis – Phân tích chi phí
  91. Project Deliverables – Các sản phẩm của dự án
  92. Site Conditions – Điều kiện công trường
  93. Workforce Planning – Lập kế hoạch nhân lực
  94. Contract Enforcement – Thực thi hợp đồng
  95. Project Tracking – Theo dõi dự án
  96. Design Specifications – Đặc điểm thiết kế
  97. Risk Mitigation – Giảm thiểu rủi ro
  98. Construction Management Software – Phần mềm quản lý xây dựng
  99. Jobsite Safety – An toàn tại công trường
  100. Project Evaluation – Đánh giá dự án

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Project Management: “Effective project management is crucial for completing construction projects on time and within budget.”
  2. Construction Site: “The construction site was carefully inspected before the team began work.”
  3. Blueprint: “The architect reviewed the blueprint to ensure all design elements were correctly represented.”
  4. Contractor: “The contractor was responsible for overseeing all construction activities on the site.”
  5. Subcontractor: “The subcontractor handled the electrical installations for the new building.”
  6. Architectural Design: “The architectural design included innovative features to enhance the building’s aesthetic appeal.”
  7. Structural Engineering: “Structural engineering ensures that the building’s framework can support its weight and withstand environmental forces.”
  8. Construction Permit: “We need to obtain a construction permit before we can start the renovation work.”
  9. Site Plan: “The site plan detailed the layout of the building and the surrounding landscape.”
  10. Building Code: “The new construction must comply with the latest building code regulations.”
  11. Project Schedule: “The project schedule outlined all critical deadlines and milestones for the construction process.”
  12. Cost Estimate: “A detailed cost estimate was prepared to forecast the total expenses of the project.”
  13. Material Procurement: “Material procurement involves sourcing and purchasing all the necessary construction materials.”
  14. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): “The work breakdown structure helps in organizing tasks and assigning responsibilities.”
  15. Change Order: “A change order was issued to modify the original construction plans due to unforeseen issues.”
  16. Site Inspection: “The site inspection revealed several safety violations that needed to be addressed immediately.”
  17. Risk Management: “Effective risk management strategies are essential to mitigate potential problems during construction.”
  18. Project Budget: “The project budget must be monitored closely to prevent overspending.”
  19. Timeline: “The construction timeline was adjusted to accommodate delays caused by bad weather.”
  20. Construction Methodology: “The construction methodology outlines the techniques and processes used to build the project.”
  21. Project Scope: “The project scope defines the boundaries and deliverables of the construction project.”
  22. Quality Control: “Quality control measures are implemented to ensure that all construction work meets the required standards.”
  23. Safety Standards: “Adhering to safety standards is crucial to protect workers and ensure a safe construction environment.”
  24. Building Materials: “Sustainable building materials were chosen to reduce the environmental impact of the construction.”
  25. Excavation: “Excavation work was necessary to prepare the site for the building’s foundation.”
  26. Foundation Work: “Foundation work involves digging and laying the base upon which the building will be constructed.”
  27. Concrete Pouring: “Concrete pouring was scheduled to take place early in the morning to ensure optimal curing conditions.”
  28. Structural Framework: “The structural framework was assembled to support the building’s load and provide stability.”
  29. Inspection Report: “The inspection report highlighted several issues that needed to be addressed before proceeding with the next phase.”
  30. Progress Report: “A progress report was submitted to update stakeholders on the current status of the construction project.”
  31. Worksite Safety: “Worksite safety protocols were strictly enforced to prevent accidents and injuries.”
  32. Project Delivery: “On-time project delivery is a key goal for the construction team to meet client expectations.”
  33. Cost Control: “Cost control measures were implemented to keep the project within the allocated budget.”
  34. Permit Approval: “We received permit approval from the local authorities to begin construction.”
  35. Project Milestone: “Reaching the project milestone of completing the foundation was a significant achievement.”
  36. Submittal: “The submittal included detailed plans and specifications for review and approval.”
  37. Value Engineering: “Value engineering was used to find cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.”
  38. Change Management: “Change management processes were followed to handle modifications to the project scope.”
  39. Site Logistics: “Site logistics involved organizing the layout and flow of materials and equipment on the construction site.”
  40. Project Closeout: “The project closeout phase included final inspections and the completion of all contractual obligations.”
  41. Building Inspection: “A building inspection was conducted to ensure the construction met all safety and quality standards.”
  42. Site Survey: “The site survey provided essential data for planning the layout and construction of the new building.”
  43. Contractual Agreement: “The contractual agreement outlined the responsibilities and expectations for all parties involved in the project.”
  44. Job Safety Analysis: “A job safety analysis was performed to identify and mitigate potential hazards before starting work.”
  45. Building Permit: “A building permit was required before any construction activities could begin.”
  46. Project Kickoff: “The project kickoff meeting was held to align all stakeholders on the project goals and timeline.”
  47. Risk Assessment: “A risk assessment was carried out to identify potential risks and develop strategies to address them.”
  48. Construction Drawings: “The construction drawings provided detailed information on how the building would be constructed.”
  49. Scope of Work: “The scope of work defined all tasks and responsibilities for the construction project.”
  50. Resource Allocation: “Resource allocation involved distributing materials and manpower effectively across the project.”
  51. Schedule Delay: “The project experienced a schedule delay due to unexpected weather conditions.”
  52. Change Request: “A change request was submitted to modify the original design to meet new requirements.”
  53. Contract Management: “Effective contract management ensured that all terms and conditions were met throughout the project.”
  54. Construction Safety Plan: “The construction safety plan outlined procedures for maintaining a safe work environment.”
  55. Design Review: “A design review was conducted to assess and approve the architectural plans before construction started.”
  56. Cost Overrun: “Cost overruns were identified and addressed to bring the project back within budget.”
  57. Project Plan: “The project plan detailed every phase of construction, including timelines and resource needs.”
  58. Client Meeting: “Regular client meetings were held to discuss progress and address any concerns.”
  59. Building Commissioning: “Building commissioning involved testing and verifying all systems before the building was occupied.”
  60. Site Management: “Site management was responsible for coordinating all activities and ensuring the site operated smoothly.”
  61. Workforce Management: “Workforce management involved scheduling and supervising the construction team to maximize productivity.”
  62. Contractual Obligations: “All parties were required to fulfill their contractual obligations as specified in the agreement.”
  63. Project Coordination: “Project coordination ensured that all aspects of the construction were aligned and progressed according to plan.”
  64. Construction Schedule: “The construction schedule outlined all key activities and deadlines for the project.”
  65. Quality Assurance: “Quality assurance processes were implemented to maintain high standards throughout the construction.”
  66. Safety Compliance: “Safety compliance was monitored to ensure that all workers adhered to established safety protocols.”
  67. Project Funding: “Securing project funding was essential for covering construction costs and maintaining cash flow.”
  68. Schedule Management: “Schedule management involved tracking progress and adjusting timelines as necessary.”
  69. Worksite Assessment: “A worksite assessment was conducted to evaluate the site’s readiness for construction.”
  70. Contract Negotiation: “Contract negotiation involved discussing and finalizing terms with the client and subcontractors.”
  71. Project Charter: “The project charter outlined the purpose, goals, and stakeholders involved in the construction project.”
  72. Material Handling: “Material handling procedures ensured that construction materials were stored and moved safely and efficiently.”
  73. Building Code Compliance: “Building code compliance was verified to ensure that the construction met all regulatory requirements.”
  74. Contract Addendum: “A contract addendum was issued to amend the original terms of the agreement.”
  75. Project Stakeholders: “Project stakeholders included everyone with an interest in the outcome of the construction project.”
  76. Construction Phases: “The construction phases included site preparation, foundation work, and final finishing.”
  77. Project Risk: “Identifying project risks allowed the team to develop strategies to mitigate potential issues.”
  78. Operational Safety: “Operational safety measures were implemented to protect workers and equipment during construction.”
  79. Site Preparation: “Site preparation involved clearing and grading the land before beginning construction.”
  80. Budget Allocation: “Budget allocation determined how funds were distributed among various aspects of the project.”
  81. Construction Progress: “Monitoring construction progress helped ensure that the project stayed on track and within budget.”
  82. Change Log: “The change log tracked all modifications made to the original project plans.”
  83. Project Objective: “The project objective was to build a sustainable and energy-efficient residential complex.”
  84. Building Performance: “Building performance was evaluated to ensure that the construction met all functional and energy efficiency standards.”
  85. Project Resource: “Project resources included both materials and human capital necessary for successful completion.”
  86. Contractual Terms: “The contractual terms specified the obligations and expectations for all parties involved in the project.”
  87. Site Safety Plan: “The site safety plan detailed procedures for ensuring a safe working environment on the construction site.”
  88. Construction Equipment: “Construction equipment such as cranes and bulldozers was essential for completing the project efficiently.”
  89. Quality Inspection: “Quality inspection ensured that all construction work met the required standards and specifications.”
  90. Cost Analysis: “Cost analysis was conducted to identify areas where expenses could be reduced without affecting quality.”
  91. Project Deliverables: “The project deliverables included the completed building and all associated documentation.”
  92. Site Conditions: “Site conditions such as soil type and topography were assessed before beginning construction.”
  93. Workforce Planning: “Workforce planning involved scheduling and allocating tasks to ensure efficient use of labor.”
  94. Contract Enforcement: “Contract enforcement ensured that all parties adhered to the terms agreed upon in the contract.”
  95. Project Tracking: “Project tracking involved monitoring progress and making adjustments to stay on schedule.”
  96. Design Specifications: “Design specifications detailed the technical requirements and standards for the construction project.”
  97. Risk Mitigation: “Risk mitigation strategies were developed to minimize potential impacts on the project.”
  98. Construction Management Software: “Construction management software was used to streamline project planning and execution.”
  99. Jobsite Safety: “Jobsite safety procedures were implemented to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.”
  100. Project Evaluation: “Project evaluation was conducted to assess the success of the construction project and identify areas for improvement.”

Bài tập

  1. Effective __________ is crucial for completing construction projects on time and within budget.
  2. The __________ was carefully inspected before the team began work.
  3. The architect reviewed the __________ to ensure all design elements were correctly represented.
  4. The __________ was responsible for overseeing all construction activities on the site.
  5. The __________ handled the electrical installations for the new building.
  6. The __________ included innovative features to enhance the building’s aesthetic appeal.
  7. __________ ensures that the building’s framework can support its weight and withstand environmental forces.
  8. We need to obtain a __________ before we can start the renovation work.
  9. The __________ detailed the layout of the building and the surrounding landscape.
  10. The new construction must comply with the latest __________ regulations.
  11. The __________ outlined all critical deadlines and milestones for the construction process.
  12. A detailed __________ was prepared to forecast the total expenses of the project.
  13. __________ involves sourcing and purchasing all the necessary construction materials.
  14. The __________ helps in organizing tasks and assigning responsibilities.
  15. A __________ was issued to modify the original construction plans due to unforeseen issues.
  16. The __________ revealed several safety violations that needed to be addressed immediately.
  17. Effective __________ strategies are essential to mitigate potential problems during construction.
  18. The __________ must be monitored closely to prevent overspending.
  19. The construction __________ was adjusted to accommodate delays caused by bad weather.
  20. The __________ outlines the techniques and processes used to build the project.
  21. The __________ defines the boundaries and deliverables of the construction project.
  22. __________ measures are implemented to ensure that all construction work meets the required standards.
  23. Adhering to __________ is crucial to protect workers and ensure a safe construction environment.
  24. Sustainable __________ were chosen to reduce the environmental impact of the construction.
  25. __________ work was necessary to prepare the site for the building’s foundation.
  26. __________ involves digging and laying the base upon which the building will be constructed.
  27. __________ was scheduled to take place early in the morning to ensure optimal curing conditions.
  28. The __________ was assembled to support the building’s load and provide stability.
  29. The __________ highlighted several issues that needed to be addressed before proceeding with the next phase.
  30. A __________ was submitted to update stakeholders on the current status of the construction project.
  31. __________ protocols were strictly enforced to prevent accidents and injuries.
  32. On-time __________ is a key goal for the construction team to meet client expectations.
  33. __________ measures were implemented to keep the project within the allocated budget.
  34. We received __________ from the local authorities to begin construction.
  35. Reaching the __________ of completing the foundation was a significant achievement.
  36. The __________ included detailed plans and specifications for review and approval.
  37. __________ was used to find cost-effective solutions without compromising quality.
  38. __________ processes were followed to handle modifications to the project scope.
  39. __________ involved organizing the layout and flow of materials and equipment on the construction site.
  40. The __________ phase included final inspections and the completion of all contractual obligations.
  41. A __________ was conducted to ensure the construction met all safety and quality standards.
  42. The __________ provided essential data for planning the layout and construction of the new building.
  43. The __________ outlined the responsibilities and expectations for all parties involved in the project.
  44. A __________ was performed to identify and mitigate potential hazards before starting work.
  45. A __________ was required before any construction activities could begin.
  46. The __________ meeting was held to align all stakeholders on the project goals and timeline.
  47. A __________ was carried out to identify potential risks and develop strategies to address them.
  48. The __________ provided detailed information on how the building would be constructed.
  49. The __________ defined all tasks and responsibilities for the construction project.
  50. __________ involved distributing materials and manpower effectively across the project.
  51. The project experienced a __________ due to unexpected weather conditions.
  52. A __________ was submitted to modify the original design to meet new requirements.
  53. Effective __________ ensured that all terms and conditions were met throughout the project.
  54. The __________ outlined procedures for maintaining a safe work environment.
  55. A __________ was conducted to assess and approve the architectural plans before construction started.
  56. __________ were identified and addressed to bring the project back within budget.
  57. The __________ detailed every phase of construction, including timelines and resource needs.
  58. Regular __________ were held to discuss progress and address any concerns.
  59. __________ involved testing and verifying all systems before the building was occupied.
  60. __________ was responsible for coordinating all activities and ensuring the site operated smoothly.
  61. __________ involved scheduling and supervising the construction team to maximize productivity.
  62. All parties were required to fulfill their __________ as specified in the agreement.
  63. __________ ensured that all aspects of the construction were aligned and progressed according to plan.
  64. The __________ outlined all key activities and deadlines for the project.
  65. __________ processes were implemented to maintain high standards throughout the construction.
  66. __________ was monitored to ensure that all workers adhered to established safety protocols.
  67. Securing __________ was essential for covering construction costs and maintaining cash flow.
  68. __________ involved tracking progress and adjusting timelines as necessary.
  69. A __________ was conducted to evaluate the site’s readiness for construction.
  70. __________ involved discussing and finalizing terms with the client and subcontractors.
  71. The __________ outlined the purpose, goals, and stakeholders involved in the construction project.
  72. __________ procedures ensured that construction materials were stored and moved safely and efficiently.
  73. __________ was verified to ensure that the construction met all regulatory requirements.
  74. A __________ was issued to amend the original terms of the agreement.
  75. __________ included everyone with an interest in the outcome of the construction project.
  76. The __________ included site preparation, foundation work, and final finishing.
  77. Identifying __________ allowed the team to develop strategies to mitigate potential issues.
  78. __________ measures were implemented to protect workers and equipment during construction.
  79. __________ involved clearing and grading the land before beginning construction.
  80. __________ determined how funds were distributed among various aspects of the project.
  81. Monitoring __________ helped ensure that the project stayed on track and within budget.
  82. The __________ tracked all modifications made to the original project plans.
  83. The __________ was to build a sustainable and energy-efficient residential complex.
  84. __________ was evaluated to ensure that the construction met all functional and energy efficiency standards.
  85. __________ included both materials and human capital necessary for successful completion.
  86. The __________ specified the obligations and expectations for all parties involved in the project.
  87. The __________ detailed procedures for ensuring a safe working environment on the construction site.
  88. __________ such as cranes and bulldozers was essential for completing the project efficiently.
  89. __________ ensured that all construction work met the required standards and specifications.
  90. __________ was conducted to identify areas where expenses could be reduced without affecting quality.
  91. The __________ included the completed building and all associated documentation.
  92. __________ such as soil type and topography were assessed before beginning construction.
  93. __________ involved scheduling and allocating tasks to ensure efficient use of labor.
  94. __________ ensured that all parties adhered to the terms agreed upon in the contract.
  95. __________ involved monitoring progress and making adjustments to stay on schedule.
  96. __________ detailed the technical requirements and standards for the construction project.
  97. __________ strategies were developed to minimize potential impacts on the project.
  98. __________ was used to streamline project planning and execution.
  99. __________ procedures were implemented to prevent accidents and ensure a safe working environment.
  100. __________ was conducted to assess the success of the construction project and identify areas for improvement.

Đáp án

  1. Project Management
  2. Construction Site
  3. Blueprint
  4. Contractor
  5. Subcontractor
  6. Architectural Design
  7. Structural Engineering
  8. Construction Permit
  9. Site Plan
  10. Building Code
  11. Project Schedule
  12. Cost Estimate
  13. Material Procurement
  14. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  15. Change Order
  16. Site Inspection
  17. Risk Management
  18. Project Budget
  19. Timeline
  20. Construction Methodology
  21. Project Scope
  22. Quality Control
  23. Safety Standards
  24. Building Materials
  25. Excavation
  26. Foundation Work
  27. Concrete Pouring
  28. Structural Framework
  29. Inspection Report
  30. Progress Report
  31. Worksite Safety
  32. Project Delivery
  33. Cost Control
  34. Permit Approval
  35. Project Milestone
  36. Submittal
  37. Value Engineering
  38. Change Management
  39. Site Logistics
  40. Project Closeout
  41. Building Inspection
  42. Site Survey
  43. Contractual Agreement
  44. Job Safety Analysis
  45. Building Permit
  46. Project Kickoff
  47. Risk Assessment
  48. Construction Drawings
  49. Scope of Work
  50. Resource Allocation
  51. Schedule Delay
  52. Change Request
  53. Contract Management
  54. Construction Safety Plan
  55. Design Review
  56. Cost Overrun
  57. Project Plan
  58. Client Meeting
  59. Building Commissioning
  60. Site Management
  61. Workforce Management
  62. Contractual Obligations
  63. Project Coordination
  64. Construction Schedule
  65. Quality Assurance
  66. Safety Compliance
  67. Project Funding
  68. Schedule Management
  69. Worksite Assessment
  70. Contract Negotiation
  71. Project Charter
  72. Material Handling
  73. Building Code Compliance
  74. Contract Addendum
  75. Project Stakeholders
  76. Construction Phases
  77. Project Risk
  78. Operational Safety
  79. Site Preparation
  80. Budget Allocation
  81. Construction Progress
  82. Change Log
  83. Project Objective
  84. Building Performance
  85. Project Resource
  86. Contractual Terms
  87. Site Safety Plan
  88. Construction Equipment
  89. Quality Inspection
  90. Cost Analysis
  91. Project Deliverables
  92. Site Conditions
  93. Workforce Planning
  94. Contract Enforcement
  95. Project Tracking
  96. Design Specifications
  97. Risk Mitigation
  98. Construction Management Software
  99. Jobsite Safety
  100. Project Evaluation
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