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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Phân tích kinh doanh

Bài viết giới thiệu 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh quan trọng trong ngành Phân tích kinh doanh, giúp người đọc nâng cao khả năng sử dụng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành. Qua đó, bạn sẽ nắm vững thuật ngữ phổ biến về dữ liệu, công cụ, chiến lược phân tích, và các khái niệm kinh doanh thiết yếu.

Từ vựng nghề Phân tích kinh doanh

Business AnalysisPhân tích Kinh doanh
Requirements GatheringThu thập Yêu cầu
Stakeholder EngagementTương tác với Các bên liên quan
SWOT AnalysisPhân tích SWOT
Business Process ModelingMô hình Hóa Quy trình Kinh doanh
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)Chỉ số Hiệu suất Chính (KPIs)
Data AnalyticsPhân tích Dữ liệu
Business Intelligence (BI)Trí tuệ Kinh doanh (BI)
Market ResearchNghiên cứu Thị trường
Gap AnalysisPhân tích Khoảng trống
Business CaseTình huống Kinh doanh
Feasibility StudyNghiên cứu Tính khả thi
Process ImprovementCải thiện Quy trình
Risk AssessmentĐánh giá Rủi ro
Change ManagementQuản lý Thay đổi
Project ManagementQuản lý Dự án
Data VisualizationTrực quan hóa Dữ liệu
Strategic PlanningLập kế hoạch Chiến lược
Business StrategyChiến lược Kinh doanh
Process MappingLập Bản đồ Quy trình
Business Requirements Document (BRD)Tài liệu Yêu cầu Kinh doanh (BRD)
Use CaseTrường hợp Sử dụng
Functional RequirementsYêu cầu Chức năng
Non-Functional RequirementsYêu cầu Phi chức năng
Requirements TraceabilityTruy xuất Nguồn gốc Yêu cầu
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)Tái thiết Kỹ thuật Quy trình Kinh doanh (BPR)
Value Stream MappingLập Bản đồ Chuỗi Giá trị
Performance MetricsChỉ số Hiệu suất
Data ModelingMô hình Dữ liệu
Workflow AnalysisPhân tích Quy trình Làm việc
BenchmarkingĐối chuẩn (Benchmarking)
Cost-Benefit AnalysisPhân tích Chi phí-Lợi ích
User StoriesCâu chuyện Người dùng
Business ObjectiveMục tiêu Kinh doanh
Solution DesignThiết kế Giải pháp
Data IntegrationTích hợp Dữ liệu
System AnalysisPhân tích Hệ thống
Process OptimizationTối ưu hóa Quy trình
Business ArchitectureKiến trúc Kinh doanh
Requirements ElicitationKhai thác Yêu cầu
Business Analysis ToolsCông cụ Phân tích Kinh doanh
Risk ManagementQuản lý Rủi ro
Business Process Automation (BPA)Tự động hóa Quy trình Kinh doanh (BPA)
Business Impact Analysis (BIA)Phân tích Tác động Kinh doanh (BIA)
Process AnalysisPhân tích Quy trình
Trend AnalysisPhân tích Xu hướng
Gap IdentificationXác định Khoảng trống
Business MetricsChỉ số Kinh doanh
Agile MethodologyPhương pháp Agile
Waterfall MethodologyPhương pháp Waterfall
Business OperationsHoạt động Kinh doanh
Stakeholder AnalysisPhân tích Các bên liên quan
Change RequestYêu cầu Thay đổi
Process DocumentationTài liệu Quy trình
Project ScopePhạm vi Dự án
Requirements ManagementQuản lý Yêu cầu
System Requirements Specification (SRS)Tài liệu Đặc tả Yêu cầu Hệ thống (SRS)
Business Process DesignThiết kế Quy trình Kinh doanh
Root Cause AnalysisPhân tích Nguyên nhân Gốc rễ
Process FlowsLưu đồ Quy trình
Data CollectionThu thập Dữ liệu
Data AnalysisPhân tích Dữ liệu
Market SegmentationPhân khúc Thị trường
Business Model CanvasKhung Mô hình Kinh doanh
Decision MakingRa Quyết định
Customer Journey MappingLập Bản đồ Hành trình Khách hàng
Business SimulationMô phỏng Kinh doanh
Cost AnalysisPhân tích Chi phí
Profitability AnalysisPhân tích Lợi nhuận
Operational EfficiencyHiệu quả Hoạt động
Process RedesignThiết kế lại Quy trình
User Experience (UX) AnalysisPhân tích Trải nghiệm Người dùng (UX)
Business GoalsMục tiêu Kinh doanh
Performance ReviewĐánh giá Hiệu suất
Strategy ExecutionThực thi Chiến lược
Competitive AnalysisPhân tích Cạnh tranh
Scenario PlanningLập kế hoạch Kịch bản
Business Process AssessmentĐánh giá Quy trình Kinh doanh
Resource AllocationPhân bổ Nguồn lực
Process BenchmarkingĐối chuẩn Quy trình
Process ControlKiểm soát Quy trình
Risk MitigationGiảm thiểu Rủi ro
Business Value PropositionĐề xuất Giá trị Kinh doanh
Key DriversYếu tố Chính
Business Performance ReviewĐánh giá Hiệu suất Kinh doanh
Data-driven Decision MakingRa Quyết định dựa trên Dữ liệu
Process StandardizationTiêu chuẩn hóa Quy trình
Business Requirements AnalysisPhân tích Yêu cầu Kinh doanh
Solution ImplementationTriển khai Giải pháp
Metrics TrackingTheo dõi Chỉ số
Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)Ký hiệu Mô hình Quy trình (BPMN)
Strategic AnalysisPhân tích Chiến lược
Business InnovationĐổi mới Kinh doanh
System IntegrationTích hợp Hệ thống
Process EfficiencyHiệu quả Quy trình
Requirement Gathering TechniquesKỹ thuật Thu thập Yêu cầu
Business Process Management (BPM)Quản lý Quy trình Kinh doanh (BPM)
Decision Support Systems (DSS)ệ thống Hỗ trợ Quyết định (DSS)
Business Value AnalysisPhân tích Giá trị Kinh doanh
Enterprise ArchitectureKiến trúc Doanh nghiệp

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Business Analysis: Effective business analysis is crucial for understanding and improving organizational processes.
  2. Requirements Gathering: Requirements gathering involves collecting detailed information about what stakeholders need from a system.
  3. Stakeholder Engagement: Stakeholder engagement is key to ensuring that all relevant parties are involved in the project.
  4. SWOT Analysis: A SWOT analysis helps identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a business.
  5. Business Process Modeling: Business process modeling visualizes the steps involved in a business process to identify areas for improvement.
  6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs are used to measure and track the effectiveness of business activities.
  7. Data Analytics: Data analytics provides insights into business performance by examining and interpreting complex data sets.
  8. Business Intelligence (BI): Business Intelligence tools help companies make informed decisions by analyzing large volumes of data.
  9. Market Research: Market research involves gathering and analyzing information about market trends and consumer preferences.
  10. Gap Analysis: Gap analysis helps identify the difference between the current state and the desired future state of a process.
  11. Business Case: A business case outlines the justification for a proposed project or initiative.
  12. Feasibility Study: A feasibility study assesses the practicality and potential success of a proposed project.
  13. Process Improvement: Process improvement aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.
  14. Risk Assessment: Risk assessment involves evaluating potential risks that could impact a project’s success.
  15. Change Management: Change management strategies help organizations adapt to changes and manage transitions effectively.
  16. Project Management: Project management involves planning, executing, and closing projects to achieve specific goals.
  17. Data Visualization: Data visualization techniques are used to create graphical representations of data to make it easier to understand.
  18. Strategic Planning: Strategic planning defines the long-term goals and direction of a business.
  19. Business Strategy: A business strategy outlines how a company plans to achieve its goals and compete in the market.
  20. Process Mapping: Process mapping involves creating visual diagrams to illustrate the steps in a business process.
  21. Business Requirements Document (BRD): The BRD specifies the requirements and expectations for a project or system.
  22. Use Case: A use case describes how a user interacts with a system to achieve a specific goal.
  23. Functional Requirements: Functional requirements define the specific behaviors and functions of a system.
  24. Non-Functional Requirements: Non-functional requirements specify the quality attributes, such as performance and security, of a system.
  25. Requirements Traceability: Requirements traceability ensures that each requirement is linked to its source and implementation.
  26. Business Process Reengineering (BPR): BPR involves redesigning business processes to improve performance and efficiency.
  27. Value Stream Mapping: Value stream mapping visualizes the flow of materials and information in a process to identify inefficiencies.
  28. Performance Metrics: Performance metrics are used to measure the success and efficiency of business activities.
  29. Data Modeling: Data modeling involves creating diagrams that represent data structures and relationships.
  30. Workflow Analysis: Workflow analysis examines the sequence of tasks and activities to identify areas for improvement.
  31. Benchmarking: Benchmarking compares business processes and performance against industry standards to identify best practices.
  32. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost-benefit analysis evaluates the financial benefits and costs associated with a project or decision.
  33. User Stories: User stories describe the features or functions that users need from a system.
  34. Business Objective: A business objective defines a specific goal that an organization aims to achieve.
  35. Solution Design: Solution design involves creating a detailed plan for how a system or process will address business needs.
  36. Data Integration: Data integration combines data from different sources to provide a unified view.
  37. System Analysis: System analysis examines and evaluates a system’s requirements and performance.
  38. Process Optimization: Process optimization improves the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes.
  39. Business Architecture: Business architecture outlines the structure and components of an organization’s business processes.
  40. Requirements Elicitation: Requirements elicitation involves gathering and defining the needs of stakeholders.
  41. Business Analysis Tools: Business analysis tools support the process of analyzing and improving business operations.
  42. Risk Management: Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks to a project or business.
  43. Business Process Automation (BPA): BPA uses technology to automate repetitive business processes, improving efficiency.
  44. Business Impact Analysis (BIA): BIA assesses the potential effects of disruptions on business operations.
  45. Process Analysis: Process analysis examines business processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.
  46. Trend Analysis: Trend analysis examines historical data to identify patterns and forecast future performance.
  47. Gap Identification: Gap identification helps determine where there is a discrepancy between current performance and desired goals.
  48. Business Metrics: Business metrics are quantitative measures used to evaluate business performance.
  49. Agile Methodology: Agile methodology focuses on iterative development and collaboration to improve project outcomes.
  50. Waterfall Methodology: Waterfall methodology is a linear approach to project management where each phase must be completed before the next begins.
  51. Business Operations: Business operations involve the day-to-day activities required to run a company.
  52. Stakeholder Analysis: Stakeholder analysis identifies and assesses the needs and influence of individuals involved in a project.
  53. Change Request: A change request is a formal proposal to alter the scope or deliverables of a project.
  54. Process Documentation: Process documentation records the details of business processes for reference and analysis.
  55. Project Scope: Project scope defines the boundaries and deliverables of a project.
  56. Requirements Management: Requirements management involves tracking and managing project requirements throughout their lifecycle.
  57. System Requirements Specification (SRS): The SRS document outlines the requirements and constraints for a system.
  58. Business Process Design: Business process design creates processes that align with organizational goals and improve efficiency.
  59. Root Cause Analysis: Root cause analysis identifies the underlying reasons for problems or issues in a process.
  60. Process Flows: Process flows diagram the sequence of activities and decision points in a business process.
  61. Data Collection: Data collection involves gathering information for analysis and decision-making.
  62. Data Analysis: Data analysis examines data to uncover insights and inform business decisions.
  63. Market Segmentation: Market segmentation divides a market into distinct groups of consumers with similar needs or characteristics.
  64. Business Model Canvas: The business model canvas is a strategic tool used to visualize and design a business model.
  65. Decision Making: Decision making involves evaluating options and choosing the best course of action.
  66. Customer Journey Mapping: Customer journey mapping visualizes the steps customers take when interacting with a business.
  67. Business Simulation: Business simulation models real-world business scenarios to test strategies and make decisions.
  68. Cost Analysis: Cost analysis evaluates the expenses associated with a project or business activity.
  69. Profitability Analysis: Profitability analysis assesses a business’s ability to generate profit relative to its revenue and costs.
  70. Operational Efficiency: Operational efficiency measures how effectively an organization uses resources to achieve its goals.
  71. Process Redesign: Process redesign involves reworking processes to improve performance and outcomes.
  72. User Experience (UX) Analysis: UX analysis evaluates how users interact with and perceive a system or product.
  73. Business Goals: Business goals define the objectives an organization aims to achieve in a specific timeframe.
  74. Performance Review: A performance review evaluates an employee’s performance and contributions to the organization.
  75. Strategy Execution: Strategy execution involves implementing plans and strategies to achieve business objectives.
  76. Competitive Analysis: Competitive analysis examines competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
  77. Scenario Planning: Scenario planning prepares for various possible future scenarios to make informed decisions.
  78. Business Process Assessment: Business process assessment evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of existing processes.
  79. Resource Allocation: Resource allocation involves assigning resources to various tasks or projects to maximize efficiency.
  80. Process Benchmarking: Process benchmarking compares business processes to best practices and standards to identify improvements.
  81. Process Control: Process control involves monitoring and managing processes to ensure they operate within desired parameters.
  82. Risk Mitigation: Risk mitigation strategies are implemented to reduce the impact of potential risks.
  83. Business Value Proposition: The business value proposition explains the unique benefits and value that a company offers to customers.
  84. Key Drivers: Key drivers are the main factors that influence business performance and outcomes.
  85. Business Performance Review: A business performance review assesses the effectiveness of business operations and strategies.
  86. Data-driven Decision Making: Data-driven decision making relies on data analysis to guide business decisions and strategies.
  87. Process Standardization: Process standardization involves creating uniform procedures to ensure consistency and efficiency.
  88. Business Requirements Analysis: Business requirements analysis identifies and defines the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
  89. Solution Implementation: Solution implementation involves deploying and integrating solutions to address business needs.
  90. Metrics Tracking: Metrics tracking monitors performance indicators to assess progress and outcomes.
  91. Process Modeling Notation (BPMN): BPMN provides a standardized method for modeling business processes.
  92. Strategic Analysis: Strategic analysis evaluates internal and external factors to inform strategic planning and decision-making.
  93. Business Innovation: Business innovation involves developing new ideas and solutions to improve business processes and products.
  94. System Integration: System integration connects different systems and applications to work together seamlessly.
  95. Process Efficiency: Process efficiency measures how effectively processes convert inputs into desired outputs.
  96. Requirement Gathering Techniques: Requirement gathering techniques help collect and define user needs and project requirements.
  97. Business Process Management (BPM): BPM involves managing and optimizing business processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  98. Decision Support Systems (DSS): DSS provide tools and information to support decision-making and problem-solving.
  99. Business Value Analysis: Business value analysis assesses the benefits and value delivered by business initiatives.
  100. Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise architecture defines the structure and relationships of an organization’s processes, systems, and data.

Bài tập

  1. Effective __________ is essential for improving organizational processes and decision-making.
  2. __________ involves collecting detailed information about stakeholder needs.
  3. __________ is critical to ensuring that all relevant parties are involved in the project.
  4. A __________ helps identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a business.
  5. __________ visualizes the steps involved in a business process to pinpoint inefficiencies.
  6. Companies use __________ to measure and track the effectiveness of their activities.
  7. __________ provides insights by analyzing and interpreting complex data sets.
  8. __________ tools help organizations make informed decisions based on large volumes of data.
  9. __________ involves gathering and analyzing information about market trends and consumer preferences.
  10. __________ helps identify the difference between the current state and the desired future state of a process.
  11. A __________ outlines the justification for a proposed project or initiative.
  12. A __________ assesses the practicality and potential success of a proposed project.
  13. __________ aims to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of business operations.
  14. __________ involves evaluating potential risks that could impact a project’s success.
  15. __________ strategies help organizations adapt to changes and manage transitions effectively.
  16. __________ involves planning, executing, and closing projects to achieve specific goals.
  17. __________ techniques are used to create graphical representations of data for better understanding.
  18. __________ defines the long-term goals and direction of a business.
  19. A __________ outlines how a company plans to achieve its goals and compete in the market.
  20. __________ involves creating visual diagrams to illustrate the steps in a business process.
  21. The __________ specifies the requirements and expectations for a project or system.
  22. A __________ describes how a user interacts with a system to achieve a specific goal.
  23. __________ define the specific behaviors and functions that a system should have.
  24. __________ specify the quality attributes, such as performance and security, of a system.
  25. __________ ensures that each requirement is linked to its source and implementation.
  26. __________ involves redesigning business processes to improve performance and efficiency.
  27. __________ visualizes the flow of materials and information to identify inefficiencies.
  28. __________ are used to measure the success and efficiency of business activities.
  29. __________ involves creating diagrams that represent data structures and relationships.
  30. __________ examines the sequence of tasks and activities to identify areas for improvement.
  31. __________ compares business processes and performance against industry standards.
  32. __________ evaluates the financial benefits and costs associated with a project or decision.
  33. __________ describe the features or functions that users need from a system.
  34. A __________ defines a specific goal that an organization aims to achieve.
  35. __________ involves creating a detailed plan for how a system or process will address business needs.
  36. __________ combines data from different sources to provide a unified view.
  37. __________ examines and evaluates a system’s requirements and performance.
  38. __________ improves the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes.
  39. __________ outlines the structure and components of an organization’s business processes.
  40. __________ involves gathering and defining the needs of stakeholders.
  41. __________ support the process of analyzing and improving business operations.
  42. __________ involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating potential risks to a project or business.
  43. __________ uses technology to automate repetitive business processes, improving efficiency.
  44. __________ assesses the potential effects of disruptions on business operations.
  45. __________ examines business processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement.
  46. __________ examines historical data to identify patterns and forecast future performance.
  47. __________ helps determine where there is a discrepancy between current performance and desired goals.
  48. __________ are quantitative measures used to evaluate business performance.
  49. __________ focuses on iterative development and collaboration to improve project outcomes.
  50. __________ is a linear approach to project management where each phase must be completed before the next begins.
  51. __________ involve the day-to-day activities required to run a company.
  52. __________ identifies and assesses the needs and influence of individuals involved in a project.
  53. A __________ is a formal proposal to alter the scope or deliverables of a project.
  54. __________ records the details of business processes for reference and analysis.
  55. __________ defines the boundaries and deliverables of a project.
  56. __________ involves tracking and managing project requirements throughout their lifecycle.
  57. The __________ document outlines the requirements and constraints for a system.
  58. __________ creates processes that align with organizational goals and improve efficiency.
  59. __________ identifies the underlying reasons for problems or issues in a process.
  60. __________ diagram the sequence of activities and decision points in a business process.
  61. __________ involves gathering information for analysis and decision-making.
  62. __________ examines data to uncover insights and inform business decisions.
  63. __________ divides a market into distinct groups of consumers with similar needs or characteristics.
  64. The __________ is a strategic tool used to visualize and design a business model.
  65. __________ involves evaluating options and choosing the best course of action.
  66. __________ visualizes the steps customers take when interacting with a business.
  67. __________ models real-world business scenarios to test strategies and make decisions.
  68. __________ evaluates the expenses associated with a project or business activity.
  69. __________ assesses a business’s ability to generate profit relative to its revenue and costs.
  70. __________ measures how effectively an organization uses resources to achieve its goals.
  71. __________ involves reworking processes to improve performance and outcomes.
  72. __________ evaluates how users interact with and perceive a system or product.
  73. __________ define the objectives an organization aims to achieve in a specific timeframe.
  74. A __________ assesses the effectiveness of business operations and strategies.
  75. __________ involves implementing plans and strategies to achieve business objectives.
  76. __________ examines competitors to understand their strengths and weaknesses.
  77. __________ prepares for various possible future scenarios to make informed decisions.
  78. __________ evaluates the effectiveness and efficiency of existing processes.
  79. __________ involves assigning resources to various tasks or projects to maximize efficiency.
  80. __________ compares business processes to best practices and standards to identify improvements.
  81. __________ involves monitoring and managing processes to ensure they operate within desired parameters.
  82. __________ strategies are implemented to reduce the impact of potential risks.
  83. The __________ explains the unique benefits and value that a company offers to customers.
  84. __________ are the main factors that influence business performance and outcomes.
  85. A __________ assesses the effectiveness of business operations and strategies.
  86. __________ relies on data analysis to guide business decisions and strategies.
  87. __________ involves creating uniform procedures to ensure consistency and efficiency.
  88. __________ identifies and defines the needs and expectations of stakeholders.
  89. __________ involves deploying and integrating solutions to address business needs.
  90. __________ monitors performance indicators to assess progress and outcomes.
  91. __________ provides a standardized method for modeling business processes.
  92. __________ evaluates internal and external factors to inform strategic planning and decision-making.
  93. __________ involves developing new ideas and solutions to improve business processes and products.
  94. __________ connects different systems and applications to work together seamlessly.
  95. __________ measures how effectively processes convert inputs into desired outputs.
  96. __________ help collect and define user needs and project requirements.
  97. __________ involves managing and optimizing business processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  98. __________ provide tools and information to support decision-making and problem-solving.
  99. __________ assesses the benefits and value delivered by business initiatives.
  100. __________ defines the structure and relationships of an organization’s processes, systems, and data.

Đáp án

  1. Business Analysis
  2. Requirements Gathering
  3. Stakeholder Engagement
  4. SWOT Analysis
  5. Business Process Modeling
  6. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  7. Data Analytics
  8. Business Intelligence (BI)
  9. Market Research
  10. Gap Analysis
  11. Business Case
  12. Feasibility Study
  13. Process Improvement
  14. Risk Assessment
  15. Change Management
  16. Project Management
  17. Data Visualization
  18. Strategic Planning
  19. Business Strategy
  20. Process Mapping
  21. Business Requirements Document (BRD)
  22. Use Case
  23. Functional Requirements
  24. Non-Functional Requirements
  25. Requirements Traceability
  26. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
  27. Value Stream Mapping
  28. Performance Metrics
  29. Data Modeling
  30. Workflow Analysis
  31. Benchmarking
  32. Cost-Benefit Analysis
  33. User Stories
  34. Business Objective
  35. Solution Design
  36. Data Integration
  37. System Analysis
  38. Process Optimization
  39. Business Architecture
  40. Requirements Elicitation
  41. Business Analysis Tools
  42. Risk Management
  43. Business Process Automation (BPA)
  44. Business Impact Analysis (BIA)
  45. Process Analysis
  46. Trend Analysis
  47. Gap Identification
  48. Business Metrics
  49. Agile Methodology
  50. Waterfall Methodology
  51. Business Operations
  52. Stakeholder Analysis
  53. Change Request
  54. Process Documentation
  55. Project Scope
  56. Requirements Management
  57. System Requirements Specification (SRS)
  58. Business Process Design
  59. Root Cause Analysis
  60. Process Flows
  61. Data Collection
  62. Data Analysis
  63. Market Segmentation
  64. Business Model Canvas
  65. Decision Making
  66. Customer Journey Mapping
  67. Business Simulation
  68. Cost Analysis
  69. Profitability Analysis
  70. Operational Efficiency
  71. Process Redesign
  72. User Experience (UX) Analysis
  73. Business Goals
  74. Performance Review
  75. Strategy Execution
  76. Competitive Analysis
  77. Scenario Planning
  78. Business Process Assessment
  79. Resource Allocation
  80. Process Benchmarking
  81. Process Control
  82. Risk Mitigation
  83. Business Value Proposition
  84. Key Drivers
  85. Business Performance Review
  86. Data-driven Decision Making
  87. Process Standardization
  88. Business Requirements Analysis
  89. Solution Implementation
  90. Metrics Tracking
  91. Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)
  92. Strategic Analysis
  93. Business Innovation
  94. System Integration
  95. Process Efficiency
  96. Requirement Gathering Techniques
  97. Business Process Management (BPM)
  98. Decision Support Systems (DSS)
  99. Business Value Analysis
  100. Enterprise Architecture

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