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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí hệ khách hàng CRM

Bài viết cung cấp 100 từ vựng và cụm từ tiếng Anh quan trọng trong lĩnh vực Quản lý hệ khách hàng (CRM). Đây là tài liệu hữu ích cho những ai đang làm việc hoặc quan tâm đến ngành CRM, giúp cải thiện khả năng giao tiếp và hiểu biết sâu hơn về các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lí hệ khách hàng CRM

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Quản lý Quan hệ Khách hàng (CRM)
Customer Data Platform (CDP)Nền tảng Dữ liệu Khách hàng (CDP)
Lead ManagementQuản lý Lead
Sales FunnelPhễu Bán hàng
Customer SegmentationPhân đoạn Khách hàng
Marketing AutomationTự động hóa Tiếp thị
Customer Journey MappingLập bản đồ Hành trình Khách hàng
Customer RetentionGiữ chân Khách hàng
Customer EngagementTương tác Khách hàng
Account ManagementQuản lý Tài khoản
Contact ManagementQuản lý Liên hệ
Pipeline ManagementQuản lý Quy trình Bán hàng
Customer AcquisitionThu hút Khách hàng
Customer FeedbackPhản hồi Khách hàng
Salesforce AutomationTự động hóa Lực lượng Bán hàng
CRM SoftwarePhần mềm CRM
Customer SatisfactionSự hài lòng của Khách hàng
Customer ServiceDịch vụ Khách hàng
Service Level Agreement (SLA)Thỏa thuận Mức Dịch vụ (SLA)
Campaign ManagementQuản lý Chiến dịch
Cross-SellingBán chéo
UpsellingBán thêm
Customer Loyalty ProgramsChương trình Khách hàng Trung thành
Client RelationshipMối quan hệ Khách hàng
Customer Experience (CX)Trải nghiệm Khách hàng (CX)
Customer TouchpointsĐiểm tiếp xúc Khách hàng
Data AnalyticsPhân tích Dữ liệu
Customer InsightsThông tin chi tiết về Khách hàng
Lead GenerationTạo Lead
Sales TrackingTheo dõi Bán hàng
Marketing CampaignsChiến dịch Tiếp thị
PersonalizationCá nhân hóa
Customer SupportHỗ trợ Khách hàng
Customer LifecycleVòng đời Khách hàng
Client OnboardingTiếp nhận Khách hàng Mới
Customer HistoryLịch sử Khách hàng
Customer ProfilingHồ sơ Khách hàng
Lead ScoringChấm điểm Lead
Churn RateTỷ lệ Rời bỏ
Net Promoter Score (NPS)Chỉ số Khuyến nghị Ròng (NPS)
Customer SuccessThành công của Khách hàng
Customer Relationship StrategyChiến lược Quan hệ Khách hàng
Client RetentionGiữ chân Khách hàng
CRM IntegrationTích hợp CRM
Email MarketingTiếp thị qua Email
Customer AdvocacyBảo trợ Khách hàng
Service AutomationTự động hóa Dịch vụ
Customer DatabaseCơ sở Dữ liệu Khách hàng
Customer Service Management (CSM)Quản lý Dịch vụ Khách hàng (CSM)
Customer Feedback LoopChu trình Phản hồi Khách hàng
Customer Satisfaction SurveysKhảo sát Hài lòng Khách hàng
Customer Insights DashboardBảng điều khiển Thông tin Khách hàng
CRM AnalyticsPhân tích CRM
Customer InteractionTương tác Khách hàng
Client CommunicationGiao tiếp với Khách hàng
Sales PerformanceHiệu suất Bán hàng
Customer OnboardingTiếp nhận Khách hàng
Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)Chỉ số Hài lòng Khách hàng (CSAT)
Sales ForecastingDự báo Doanh số
Customer OutreachTiếp cận Khách hàng
CRM ReportingBáo cáo CRM
Customer Retention StrategyChiến lược Giữ chân Khách hàng
Client EngagementTương tác với Khách hàng
CRM CustomizationTùy chỉnh CRM
Customer Data ManagementQuản lý Dữ liệu Khách hàng
Lead NurturingChăm sóc Lead
Customer Relationship MetricsChỉ số Quan hệ Khách hàng
Customer Profiling ToolsCông cụ Hồ sơ Khách hàng
CRM DashboardBảng điều khiển CRM
Customer Service ToolsCông cụ Dịch vụ Khách hàng
Customer Support MetricsChỉ số Hỗ trợ Khách hàng
Sales PipelineQuy trình Bán hàng
Client FeedbackPhản hồi từ Khách hàng
Customer Relationship ValueGiá trị Quan hệ Khách hàng
Sales AnalyticsPhân tích Doanh số
Customer Data IntegrationTích hợp Dữ liệu Khách hàng
Customer Journey AnalyticsPhân tích Hành trình Khách hàng
CRM ImplementationTriển khai CRM
Customer Interaction HistoryLịch sử Tương tác Khách hàng
Customer Relationship Best PracticesThực tiễn Tốt nhất về Quan hệ Khách hàng
Customer Segmentation StrategyChiến lược Phân đoạn Khách hàng
CRM Strategy DevelopmentPhát triển Chiến lược CRM
Customer Experience Management (CEM)Quản lý Trải nghiệm Khách hàng (CEM)
Lead Management SystemHệ thống Quản lý Lead
Customer Relationship AnalyticsPhân tích Chiến lược CRM
CRM Strategy ExecutionThực thi Chiến lược CRM
Customer Service PlatformNền tảng Dịch vụ Khách hàng
Client AcquisitionThu hút Khách hàng Mới
Customer Relationship ToolsCông cụ Quan hệ Khách hàng
Customer Engagement StrategyChiến lược Tương tác Khách hàng
CRM OptimizationTối ưu hóa CRM
Customer Experience MetricsChỉ số Trải nghiệm Khách hàng
Customer Relationship TrackingTheo dõi Quan hệ Khách hàng
Sales Performance MetricsChỉ số Hiệu suất Bán hàng
Customer Data SecurityBảo mật Dữ liệu Khách hàng
Client Retention MetricsChỉ số Giữ chân Khách hàng
CRM Process ImprovementCải thiện Quy trình CRM
Customer Relationship BuildingXây dựng Quan hệ Khách hàng
Customer Journey OptimizationTối ưu hóa Hành trình Khách hàng
CRM Best PracticesThực tiễn Tốt nhất về CRM

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Our CRM system helps manage and analyze customer interactions to improve relationships and drive sales.
  2. Customer Data Platform (CDP): The CDP integrates data from various sources to provide a unified view of customer behavior.
  3. Lead Management: Effective lead management ensures that potential customers are nurtured through the sales funnel.
  4. Sales Funnel: Understanding the sales funnel helps us optimize our approach at each stage of the customer journey.
  5. Customer Segmentation: Customer segmentation allows us to tailor our marketing efforts to different groups based on their preferences.
  6. Marketing Automation: Marketing automation tools streamline repetitive tasks and enhance personalized communication with customers.
  7. Customer Journey Mapping: Customer journey mapping helps visualize the entire experience of a customer with our brand.
  8. Customer Retention: Our primary goal is to improve customer retention through personalized service and targeted offers.
  9. Customer Engagement: Increasing customer engagement through regular interaction can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  10. Account Management: The account management team focuses on maintaining strong relationships with our key clients.
  11. Contact Management: Contact management features in CRM systems help organize and track interactions with customers.
  12. Pipeline Management: Pipeline management is crucial for tracking sales progress and forecasting future revenue.
  13. Customer Acquisition: Effective strategies for customer acquisition can significantly grow our customer base.
  14. Customer Feedback: Gathering and analyzing customer feedback helps us identify areas for improvement in our services.
  15. Salesforce Automation: Salesforce automation tools reduce manual tasks and improve the efficiency of the sales process.
  16. CRM Software: We use CRM software to keep track of customer interactions and sales activities.
  17. Customer Satisfaction: High customer satisfaction is a key indicator of successful service and product delivery.
  18. Customer Service: Providing excellent customer service is essential for maintaining a positive brand image.
  19. Service Level Agreement (SLA): The SLA defines the expected level of service and performance criteria for customer support.
  20. Campaign Management: Campaign management tools help plan, execute, and track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  21. Cross-Selling: Cross-selling involves offering additional products to existing customers to increase overall sales.
  22. Upselling: Upselling encourages customers to purchase a more expensive version of a product or service.
  23. Customer Loyalty Programs: Implementing customer loyalty programs can increase repeat purchases and brand advocacy.
  24. Client Relationship: Building a strong client relationship involves understanding their needs and providing personalized solutions.
  25. Customer Experience (CX): Improving the customer experience (CX) enhances overall satisfaction and encourages repeat business.
  26. Customer Touchpoints: Analyzing customer touchpoints helps us identify all the ways customers interact with our brand.
  27. Data Analytics: Data analytics provides valuable insights into customer behavior and helps refine marketing strategies.
  28. Customer Insights: Customer insights derived from data analysis guide our product development and marketing efforts.
  29. Lead Generation: Effective lead generation strategies attract potential customers and drive interest in our products.
  30. Sales Tracking: Sales tracking tools monitor performance and help manage sales goals and objectives.
  31. Marketing Campaigns: Successful marketing campaigns target specific customer segments with tailored messages.
  32. Personalization: Personalization involves customizing interactions and offers based on individual customer preferences.
  33. Customer Support: Providing reliable customer support is essential for resolving issues and maintaining satisfaction.
  34. Customer Lifecycle: Understanding the customer lifecycle helps tailor strategies for each stage of the customer journey.
  35. Client Onboarding: A smooth client onboarding process ensures a positive start to the business relationship.
  36. Customer History: Tracking customer history helps in understanding their past interactions and preferences.
  37. Customer Profiling: Customer profiling involves gathering detailed information to better understand and serve clients.
  38. Lead Scoring: Lead scoring prioritizes leads based on their likelihood to convert into paying customers.
  39. Churn Rate: Monitoring the churn rate helps identify issues that cause customers to leave and improve retention strategies.
  40. Net Promoter Score (NPS): The Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend our brand.
  41. Customer Success: The customer success team works to ensure that clients achieve their desired outcomes with our products.
  42. Customer Relationship Strategy: A well-defined customer relationship strategy guides our approach to managing interactions and building loyalty.
  43. Client Retention: Focused efforts on client retention help maintain long-term relationships and reduce customer turnover.
  44. CRM Integration: CRM integration connects different systems and tools to provide a seamless view of customer interactions.
  45. Email Marketing: Email marketing campaigns are used to reach customers directly with targeted offers and updates.
  46. Customer Advocacy: Encouraging customer advocacy turns satisfied clients into advocates who promote our brand to others.
  47. Service Automation: Service automation streamlines repetitive support tasks and enhances response times.
  48. Customer Database: Maintaining an accurate customer database is crucial for effective CRM and targeted marketing efforts.
  49. Customer Service Management (CSM): Customer Service Management (CSM) focuses on optimizing support processes and improving service quality.
  50. Customer Feedback Loop: The customer feedback loop involves continuously collecting and acting on feedback to improve services.
  51. Customer Satisfaction Surveys: Customer satisfaction surveys help gauge how well we meet client expectations and identify areas for improvement.
  52. Customer Insights Dashboard: The customer insights dashboard provides a visual representation of key metrics and trends.
  53. CRM Analytics: CRM analytics tools analyze customer data to uncover trends and drive strategic decisions.
  54. Customer Interaction: Tracking customer interactions helps understand their needs and tailor our approach accordingly.
  55. Client Communication: Effective client communication ensures that we stay informed about their needs and preferences.
  56. Sales Performance: Sales performance metrics track the success of sales activities and identify areas for improvement.
  57. Customer Onboarding: Proper customer onboarding ensures that new clients are successfully integrated and satisfied with our services.
  58. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT): The Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT) measures how satisfied customers are with specific interactions or services.
  59. Sales Forecasting: Sales forecasting predicts future sales based on historical data and current trends.
  60. Customer Outreach: Customer outreach efforts involve proactive communication to engage and build relationships with clients.
  61. CRM Reporting: CRM reporting tools generate reports that provide insights into sales performance and customer interactions.
  62. Customer Retention Strategy: A robust customer retention strategy focuses on keeping existing customers and enhancing their loyalty.
  63. Client Engagement: Client engagement strategies aim to foster meaningful interactions and build strong relationships.
  64. CRM Customization: CRM customization allows us to tailor the system to meet the specific needs of our business.
  65. Customer Data Management: Effective customer data management ensures that information is accurate and accessible for decision-making.
  66. Lead Nurturing: Lead nurturing involves maintaining contact with potential customers to guide them through the buying process.
  67. Customer Relationship Metrics: Customer relationship metrics track various aspects of customer interactions and satisfaction.
  68. Customer Profiling Tools: Customer profiling tools help segment customers and personalize marketing efforts based on their profiles.
  69. CRM Dashboard: The CRM dashboard provides a comprehensive view of customer data and key performance indicators.
  70. Customer Service Tools: Customer service tools support efficient handling of customer inquiries and issues.
  71. Customer Support Metrics: Customer support metrics measure the effectiveness of support activities and response times.
  72. Sales Pipeline: The sales pipeline tracks the progress of deals from initial contact to final sale.
  73. Client Feedback: Gathering client feedback helps us understand their needs and improve our offerings.
  74. Customer Relationship Value: Measuring customer relationship value helps assess the long-term worth of customer interactions.
  75. Sales Analytics: Sales analytics provide insights into sales performance and help identify trends and opportunities.
  76. Customer Data Integration: Customer data integration consolidates information from various sources for a unified view.
  77. Customer Journey Analytics: Customer journey analytics track and analyze each stage of the customer journey to optimize experiences.
  78. CRM Implementation: CRM implementation involves setting up and configuring the CRM system to meet business needs.
  79. Customer Interaction History: Maintaining a detailed customer interaction history helps personalize future interactions.
  80. Customer Relationship Best Practices: Following customer relationship best practices ensures effective management and positive interactions.
  81. Customer Segmentation Strategy: Developing a customer segmentation strategy helps target specific groups with tailored marketing approaches.
  82. CRM Strategy Development: CRM strategy development involves creating a plan to effectively manage customer relationships and achieve business goals.
  83. Customer Experience Management (CEM): Customer Experience Management (CEM) focuses on improving the overall customer experience with the brand.
  84. Lead Management System: The lead management system tracks and manages potential customers through the sales process.
  85. Customer Relationship Analytics: Customer relationship analytics analyze interactions to enhance customer engagement and loyalty.
  86. CRM Strategy Execution: CRM strategy execution involves implementing and monitoring strategies to manage customer relationships effectively.
  87. Customer Service Platform: The customer service platform supports interactions with customers and helps resolve issues efficiently.
  88. Client Acquisition: Client acquisition strategies focus on attracting and converting new customers to grow the business.
  89. Customer Relationship Tools: Customer relationship tools assist in managing and enhancing interactions with clients.
  90. Customer Engagement Strategy: A customer engagement strategy aims to build strong connections and maintain ongoing communication with clients.
  91. CRM Optimization: CRM optimization involves improving the use of the CRM system to maximize its effectiveness.
  92. Customer Experience Metrics: Customer experience metrics measure various aspects of the customer journey to assess and improve satisfaction.
  93. Customer Relationship Tracking: Customer relationship tracking monitors interactions and engagement to strengthen relationships.
  94. Sales Performance Metrics: Sales performance metrics evaluate the effectiveness of sales efforts and identify areas for improvement.
  95. Customer Data Security: Ensuring customer data security is crucial for protecting sensitive information and maintaining trust.
  96. Client Retention Metrics: Client retention metrics track the success of efforts to keep existing customers and reduce churn.
  97. CRM Process Improvement: CRM process improvement focuses on enhancing workflows and practices related to customer relationship management.
  98. Customer Relationship Building: Customer relationship building involves establishing and nurturing positive connections with clients.
  99. Customer Journey Optimization: Customer journey optimization aims to enhance the overall experience by improving each stage of the customer journey.
  100. CRM Best Practices: Following CRM best practices ensures that we effectively manage customer relationships and drive business success.

Bài tập

  1. Our ________ system helps manage and analyze customer interactions to improve relationships and drive sales.
  2. The ________ integrates data from various sources to provide a unified view of customer behavior.
  3. Effective ________ ensures that potential customers are nurtured through the sales funnel.
  4. Understanding the ________ helps us optimize our approach at each stage of the customer journey.
  5. ________ allows us to tailor our marketing efforts to different groups based on their preferences.
  6. ________ tools streamline repetitive tasks and enhance personalized communication with customers.
  7. ________ helps visualize the entire experience of a customer with our brand.
  8. Our primary goal is to improve ________ through personalized service and targeted offers.
  9. Increasing ________ through regular interaction can lead to higher satisfaction and loyalty.
  10. The ________ team focuses on maintaining strong relationships with our key clients.
  11. ________ features in CRM systems help organize and track interactions with customers.
  12. ________ is crucial for tracking sales progress and forecasting future revenue.
  13. Effective ________ strategies attract potential customers and drive interest in our products.
  14. Gathering and analyzing ________ helps us identify areas for improvement in our services.
  15. ________ tools reduce manual tasks and improve the efficiency of the sales process.
  16. We use ________ to keep track of customer interactions and sales activities.
  17. High ________ is a key indicator of successful service and product delivery.
  18. Providing excellent ________ is essential for maintaining a positive brand image.
  19. The ________ defines the expected level of service and performance criteria for customer support.
  20. ________ tools help plan, execute, and track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns.
  21. ________ involves offering additional products to existing customers to increase overall sales.
  22. ________ encourages customers to purchase a more expensive version of a product or service.
  23. Implementing ________ can increase repeat purchases and brand advocacy.
  24. Building a strong ________ involves understanding their needs and providing personalized solutions.
  25. Improving the ________ enhances overall satisfaction and encourages repeat business.
  26. Analyzing ________ helps us identify all the ways customers interact with our brand.
  27. ________ provides valuable insights into customer behavior and helps refine marketing strategies.
  28. ________ derived from data analysis guide our product development and marketing efforts.
  29. Effective ________ strategies attract potential customers and drive interest in our products.
  30. ________ tools monitor performance and help manage sales goals and objectives.
  31. Successful ________ target specific customer segments with tailored messages.
  32. ________ involves customizing interactions and offers based on individual customer preferences.
  33. Providing reliable ________ is essential for resolving issues and maintaining satisfaction.
  34. Understanding the ________ helps tailor strategies for each stage of the customer journey.
  35. A smooth ________ process ensures a positive start to the business relationship.
  36. Tracking ________ helps in understanding their past interactions and preferences.
  37. ________ involves gathering detailed information to better understand and serve clients.
  38. ________ prioritizes leads based on their likelihood to convert into paying customers.
  39. Monitoring the ________ helps identify issues that cause customers to leave and improve retention strategies.
  40. The ________ measures customer loyalty and likelihood to recommend our brand.
  41. The ________ team works to ensure that clients achieve their desired outcomes with our products.
  42. A well-defined ________ guides our approach to managing interactions and building loyalty.
  43. Focused efforts on ________ help maintain long-term relationships and reduce customer turnover.
  44. ________ connects different systems and tools to provide a seamless view of customer interactions.
  45. ________ campaigns are used to reach customers directly with targeted offers and updates.
  46. Encouraging ________ turns satisfied clients into advocates who promote our brand to others.
  47. ________ streamlines repetitive support tasks and enhances response times.
  48. Maintaining an accurate ________ is crucial for effective CRM and targeted marketing efforts.
  49. ________ focuses on optimizing support processes and improving service quality.
  50. The ________ involves continuously collecting and acting on feedback to improve services.
  51. ________ help gauge how well we meet client expectations and identify areas for improvement.
  52. The ________ provides a visual representation of key metrics and trends.
  53. ________ tools analyze customer data to uncover trends and drive strategic decisions.
  54. Tracking ________ helps understand their needs and tailor our approach accordingly.
  55. Effective ________ ensures that we stay informed about their needs and preferences.
  56. ________ metrics track the success of sales activities and identify areas for improvement.
  57. Proper ________ ensures that new clients are successfully integrated and satisfied with our services.
  58. The ________ measures how satisfied customers are with specific interactions or services.
  59. ________ predicts future sales based on historical data and current trends.
  60. ________ efforts involve proactive communication to engage and build relationships with clients.
  61. ________ tools generate reports that provide insights into sales performance and customer interactions.
  62. A robust ________ focuses on keeping existing customers and enhancing their loyalty.
  63. ________ strategies aim to foster meaningful interactions and build strong relationships.
  64. ________ allows us to tailor the system to meet the specific needs of our business.
  65. Effective ________ ensures that information is accurate and accessible for decision-making.
  66. ________ involves maintaining contact with potential customers to guide them through the buying process.
  67. ________ track various aspects of customer interactions and satisfaction.
  68. ________ help segment customers and personalize marketing efforts based on their profiles.
  69. The ________ provides a comprehensive view of customer data and key performance indicators.
  70. ________ support efficient handling of customer inquiries and issues.
  71. ________ measure the effectiveness of support activities and response times.
  72. The ________ tracks the progress of deals from initial contact to final sale.
  73. Gathering ________ helps us understand their needs and improve our offerings.
  74. Measuring ________ helps assess the long-term worth of customer interactions.
  75. ________ provide insights into sales performance and help identify trends and opportunities.
  76. ________ consolidates information from various sources for a unified view.
  77. ________ track and analyze each stage of the customer journey to optimize experiences.
  78. ________ involves setting up and configuring the CRM system to meet business needs.
  79. Maintaining a detailed ________ helps personalize future interactions.
  80. Following ________ ensures effective management and positive interactions.
  81. Developing a ________ helps target specific groups with tailored marketing approaches.
  82. ________ involves creating a plan to effectively manage customer relationships and achieve business goals.
  83. ________ focuses on improving the overall customer experience with the brand.
  84. The ________ tracks and manages potential customers through the sales process.
  85. ________ analyze interactions to enhance customer engagement and loyalty.
  86. ________ involves implementing and monitoring strategies to manage customer relationships effectively.
  87. The ________ supports interactions with customers and helps resolve issues efficiently.
  88. ________ strategies focus on attracting and converting new customers to grow the business.
  89. ________ assist in managing and enhancing interactions with clients.
  90. A ________ aims to build strong connections and maintain ongoing communication with clients.
  91. ________ involves improving the use of the CRM system to maximize its effectiveness.
  92. ________ measure various aspects of the customer journey to assess and improve satisfaction.
  93. ________ monitors interactions and engagement to strengthen relationships.
  94. ________ evaluate the effectiveness of sales efforts and identify areas for improvement.
  95. Ensuring ________ is crucial for protecting sensitive information and maintaining trust.
  96. ________ track the success of efforts to keep existing customers and reduce churn.
  97. ________ focuses on enhancing workflows and practices related to customer relationship management.
  98. ________ involves establishing and nurturing positive connections with clients.
  99. ________ aims to enhance the overall experience by improving each stage of the customer journey.
  100. Following ________ ensures that we effectively manage customer relationships and drive business success.

Đáp án

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  2. Customer Data Platform (CDP)
  3. Lead Management
  4. Sales Funnel
  5. Customer Segmentation
  6. Marketing Automation
  7. Customer Journey Mapping
  8. Customer Retention
  9. Customer Engagement
  10. Account Management
  11. Contact Management
  12. Pipeline Management
  13. Customer Acquisition
  14. Customer Feedback
  15. Salesforce Automation
  16. CRM Software
  17. Customer Satisfaction
  18. Customer Service
  19. Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  20. Campaign Management
  21. Cross-Selling
  22. Upselling
  23. Customer Loyalty Programs
  24. Client Relationship
  25. Customer Experience (CX)
  26. Customer Touchpoints
  27. Data Analytics
  28. Customer Insights
  29. Lead Generation
  30. Sales Tracking
  31. Marketing Campaigns
  32. Personalization
  33. Customer Support
  34. Customer Lifecycle
  35. Client Onboarding
  36. Customer History
  37. Customer Profiling
  38. Lead Scoring
  39. Churn Rate
  40. Net Promoter Score (NPS)
  41. Customer Success
  42. Customer Relationship Strategy
  43. Client Retention
  44. CRM Integration
  45. Email Marketing
  46. Customer Advocacy
  47. Service Automation
  48. Customer Database
  49. Customer Service Management (CSM)
  50. Customer Feedback Loop
  51. Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  52. Customer Insights Dashboard
  53. CRM Analytics
  54. Customer Interaction
  55. Client Communication
  56. Sales Performance
  57. Customer Onboarding
  58. Customer Satisfaction Score (CSAT)
  59. Sales Forecasting
  60. Customer Outreach
  61. CRM Reporting
  62. Customer Retention Strategy
  63. Client Engagement
  64. CRM Customization
  65. Customer Data Management
  66. Lead Nurturing
  67. Customer Relationship Metrics
  68. Customer Profiling Tools
  69. CRM Dashboard
  70. Customer Service Tools
  71. Customer Support Metrics
  72. Sales Pipeline
  73. Client Feedback
  74. Customer Relationship Value
  75. Sales Analytics
  76. Customer Data Integration
  77. Customer Journey Analytics
  78. CRM Implementation
  79. Customer Interaction History
  80. Customer Relationship Best Practices
  81. Customer Segmentation Strategy
  82. CRM Strategy Development
  83. Customer Experience Management (CEM)
  84. Lead Management System
  85. Customer Relationship Analytics
  86. CRM Strategy Execution
  87. Customer Service Platform
  88. Client Acquisition
  89. Customer Relationship Tools
  90. Customer Engagement Strategy
  91. CRM Optimization
  92. Customer Experience Metrics
  93. Customer Relationship Tracking
  94. Sales Performance Metrics
  95. Customer Data Security
  96. Client Retention Metrics
  97. CRM Process Improvement
  98. Customer Relationship Building
  99. Customer Journey Optimization
  100. CRM Best Practices
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