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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí rủi ro thương mại

Khám phá 100 từ vựng và cụm từ quan trọng trong ngành Quản lý rủi ro thương mại. Bộ từ vựng này giúp nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp và hiểu biết sâu rộng về các yếu tố, chiến lược và công cụ quản lý rủi ro trong môi trường kinh doanh toàn cầu.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lý rủi ro thương mại

  1. Risk management – Quản lý rủi ro
  2. Risk assessment – Đánh giá rủi ro
  3. Risk mitigation – Giảm thiểu rủi ro
  4. Risk identification – Nhận diện rủi ro
  5. Risk analysis – Phân tích rủi ro
  6. Risk appetite – Khẩu vị rủi ro
  7. Risk tolerance – Khả năng chịu đựng rủi ro
  8. Credit risk – Rủi ro tín dụng
  9. Operational risk – Rủi ro vận hành
  10. Market risk – Rủi ro thị trường
  11. Liquidity risk – Rủi ro thanh khoản
  12. Compliance risk – Rủi ro tuân thủ
  13. Strategic risk – Rủi ro chiến lược
  14. Reputation risk – Rủi ro danh tiếng
  15. Legal risk – Rủi ro pháp lý
  16. Fraud risk – Rủi ro gian lận
  17. Financial risk – Rủi ro tài chính
  18. Insurance risk – Rủi ro bảo hiểm
  19. Interest rate risk – Rủi ro lãi suất
  20. Currency risk – Rủi ro tiền tệ
  21. Cyber risk – Rủi ro mạng
  22. Enterprise risk management (ERM) – Quản lý rủi ro doanh nghiệp
  23. Contingency planning – Kế hoạch dự phòng
  24. Crisis management – Quản lý khủng hoảng
  25. Internal control – Kiểm soát nội bộ
  26. Audit – Kiểm toán
  27. Risk factor – Yếu tố rủi ro
  28. Risk control – Kiểm soát rủi ro
  29. Business continuity – Sự liên tục trong kinh doanh
  30. Disaster recovery – Phục hồi sau thảm họa
  31. Hedge – Bảo hiểm rủi ro
  32. Exposure – Phơi bày rủi ro
  33. Scenario analysis – Phân tích kịch bản
  34. Stress testing – Kiểm tra sức ép
  35. Loss prevention – Ngăn ngừa tổn thất
  36. Vulnerability – Điểm yếu
  37. Risk register – Sổ rủi ro
  38. Insurance policy – Chính sách bảo hiểm
  39. Regulatory compliance – Tuân thủ quy định pháp luật
  40. Risk transfer – Chuyển giao rủi ro
  41. Risk retention – Giữ lại rủi ro
  42. Risk avoidance – Tránh rủi ro
  43. Third-party risk – Rủi ro bên thứ ba
  44. Contractual risk – Rủi ro hợp đồng
  45. Supply chain risk – Rủi ro chuỗi cung ứng
  46. Vendor risk – Rủi ro nhà cung cấp
  47. Operational resilience – Sức bền vận hành
  48. Business impact analysis (BIA) – Phân tích tác động kinh doanh
  49. Quantitative risk analysis – Phân tích rủi ro định lượng
  50. Qualitative risk analysis – Phân tích rủi ro định tính
  51. Residual risk – Rủi ro còn lại
  52. Inherent risk – Rủi ro vốn có
  53. Risk dashboard – Bảng điều khiển rủi ro
  54. Key risk indicators (KRIs) – Chỉ số rủi ro chính
  55. Risk culture – Văn hóa rủi ro
  56. Risk framework – Khung quản lý rủi ro
  57. Risk reporting – Báo cáo rủi ro
  58. Risk governance – Quản trị rủi ro
  59. Risk communication – Truyền thông rủi ro
  60. Risk mapping – Lập bản đồ rủi ro
  61. Risk-adjusted return – Lợi nhuận điều chỉnh rủi ro
  62. Capital adequacy – Đủ vốn
  63. Scenario planning – Lập kế hoạch kịch bản
  64. Contingent liability – Nợ phải trả dự phòng
  65. Risk escalation – Nâng cao rủi ro
  66. Due diligence – Thẩm định kỹ lưỡng
  67. Ethical risk – Rủi ro đạo đức
  68. Risk portfolio – Danh mục rủi ro
  69. Risk benchmarking – Đối chiếu rủi ro
  70. Risk maturity model – Mô hình trưởng thành rủi ro
  71. Incident management – Quản lý sự cố
  72. Event risk – Rủi ro sự kiện
  73. Black swan event – Sự kiện thiên nga đen
  74. Systemic risk – Rủi ro hệ thống
  75. Risk pooling – Gộp rủi ro
  76. Economic capital – Vốn kinh tế
  77. Operational loss – Tổn thất vận hành
  78. Risk oversight – Giám sát rủi ro
  79. Risk-based pricing – Định giá dựa trên rủi ro
  80. Risk sensitivity – Độ nhạy rủi ro
  81. Security risk – Rủi ro an ninh
  82. Technology risk – Rủi ro công nghệ
  83. Environmental risk – Rủi ro môi trường
  84. Political risk – Rủi ro chính trị
  85. Risk capital – Vốn rủi ro
  86. Risk-neutral – Trung lập rủi ro
  87. Stochastic modeling – Mô hình hóa ngẫu nhiên
  88. Risk mitigation strategy – Chiến lược giảm thiểu rủi ro
  89. Risk aversion – Ngại rủi ro
  90. Residual impact – Tác động còn lại
  91. Volatility – Biến động
  92. Monte Carlo simulation – Mô phỏng Monte Carlo
  93. Scenario testing – Thử nghiệm kịch bản
  94. Sensitivity analysis – Phân tích độ nhạy
  95. Risk inventory – Danh mục rủi ro
  96. Risk appetite statement – Tuyên bố khẩu vị rủi ro
  97. Risk aggregation – Tập hợp rủi ro
  98. Scenario development – Phát triển kịch bản
  99. Risk optimization – Tối ưu hóa rủi ro
  100. Control environment – Môi trường kiểm soát

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Risk management – Effective risk management is crucial for any business to survive in a competitive market.
  2. Risk assessment – The company conducted a thorough risk assessment before launching the new product.
  3. Risk mitigation – Implementing proper safety protocols is a key part of risk mitigation in construction projects.
  4. Risk identification – Risk identification is the first step in developing a comprehensive risk management strategy.
  5. Risk analysis – The risk analysis revealed several potential threats to the project’s success.
  6. Risk appetite – The board has a low risk appetite when it comes to investing in volatile markets.
  7. Risk tolerance – Understanding your company’s risk tolerance is essential for making informed investment decisions.
  8. Credit risk – Banks must carefully evaluate credit risk before approving loans to new customers.
  9. Operational risk – Operational risk includes any failures in internal processes, people, or systems.
  10. Market risk – The company is exposed to significant market risk due to fluctuations in currency exchange rates.
  11. Liquidity risk – Liquidity risk is a concern for businesses that rely heavily on short-term financing.
  12. Compliance risk – Compliance risk arises when companies fail to adhere to industry regulations and standards.
  13. Strategic risk – Strategic risk can occur if a company’s long-term goals are not aligned with its market conditions.
  14. Reputation risk – Poor customer service can lead to reputation risk, damaging the company’s brand image.
  15. Legal risk – Legal risk is an important consideration when entering into new contracts or partnerships.
  16. Fraud risk – Implementing strong internal controls can help mitigate fraud risk within the organization.
  17. Financial risk – The company’s financial risk increased after taking on a large amount of debt.
  18. Insurance risk – Underwriting is the process insurers use to assess insurance risk before issuing policies.
  19. Interest rate risk – Interest rate risk affects businesses with variable-rate loans or bonds.
  20. Currency risk – Exporters face currency risk when dealing with fluctuating exchange rates.
  21. Cyber risk – Companies must invest in cybersecurity to protect against cyber risk and data breaches.
  22. Enterprise risk management (ERM) – Enterprise risk management (ERM) integrates risk management practices across the entire organization.
  23. Contingency planning – Contingency planning helps businesses prepare for unexpected disruptions.
  24. Crisis management – Effective crisis management is essential for minimizing the impact of unforeseen events.
  25. Internal control – Strong internal controls are necessary to prevent errors and fraud within the company.
  26. Audit – The annual audit revealed some discrepancies in the company’s financial statements.
  27. Risk factor – The risk factor associated with this investment is higher than originally anticipated.
  28. Risk control – Risk control measures were put in place to reduce the likelihood of accidents in the workplace.
  29. Business continuity – Business continuity planning ensures that operations can continue during a crisis.
  30. Disaster recovery – The IT department developed a disaster recovery plan to protect data in case of a system failure.
  31. Hedge – The company used futures contracts to hedge against potential losses from price fluctuations.
  32. Exposure – The company’s exposure to market risk was limited due to its diversified investment portfolio.
  33. Scenario analysis – Scenario analysis was conducted to explore different outcomes based on varying market conditions.
  34. Stress testing – Banks are required to perform stress testing to assess their resilience under extreme economic conditions.
  35. Loss prevention – Loss prevention strategies include regular maintenance and employee training.
  36. Vulnerability – Identifying vulnerabilities in the system is crucial for developing effective risk management strategies.
  37. Risk register – The risk register is updated regularly to reflect new and emerging risks.
  38. Insurance policy – The insurance policy covers damages caused by natural disasters.
  39. Regulatory compliance – Regulatory compliance is mandatory for companies operating in highly regulated industries.
  40. Risk transfer – Risk transfer can be achieved through insurance or outsourcing certain business functions.
  41. Risk retention – The company decided to retain some level of risk rather than transferring it to an insurer.
  42. Risk avoidance – Risk avoidance involves choosing not to engage in activities that could lead to potential losses.
  43. Third-party risk – Managing third-party risk is important for companies that rely on external suppliers or partners.
  44. Contractual risk – Contractual risk can arise from unclear or unfavorable terms in business agreements.
  45. Supply chain risk – Supply chain risk has increased due to global disruptions and geopolitical tensions.
  46. Vendor risk – Conducting due diligence is essential for managing vendor risk in procurement processes.
  47. Operational resilience – Operational resilience is the ability of a company to continue functioning during and after a crisis.
  48. Business impact analysis (BIA) – A business impact analysis (BIA) helps identify the critical functions that must be maintained during a disruption.
  49. Quantitative risk analysis – Quantitative risk analysis uses statistical methods to estimate the probability and impact of risks.
  50. Qualitative risk analysis – Qualitative risk analysis focuses on identifying and prioritizing risks based on their potential impact.
  51. Residual risk – Residual risk is the level of risk that remains after implementing all mitigation measures.
  52. Inherent risk – Inherent risk is the natural level of risk present in a process or activity before any controls are applied.
  53. Risk dashboard – The risk dashboard provides a visual representation of the company’s current risk exposure.
  54. Key risk indicators (KRIs) – Key risk indicators (KRIs) are used to monitor the likelihood and impact of potential risks.
  55. Risk culture – Developing a strong risk culture within the organization is key to effective risk management.
  56. Risk framework – A risk framework provides the structure and guidelines for managing risks across the organization.
  57. Risk reporting – Regular risk reporting ensures that management is aware of emerging risks and their potential impact.
  58. Risk governance – Risk governance involves establishing policies and procedures to guide risk management activities.
  59. Risk communication – Effective risk communication ensures that all stakeholders are informed about potential risks and mitigation plans.
  60. Risk mapping – Risk mapping helps identify and visualize the relationship between different risks.
  61. Risk-adjusted return – Investors look for a risk-adjusted return that compensates them for the level of risk taken.
  62. Capital adequacy – Capital adequacy ensures that a company has enough capital to absorb potential losses.
  63. Scenario planning – Scenario planning allows organizations to prepare for different future outcomes.
  64. Contingent liability – Contingent liabilities are potential obligations that may arise based on future events.
  65. Risk escalation – Risk escalation involves reporting risks to higher management when they exceed acceptable levels.
  66. Due diligence – Conducting due diligence is a critical step before entering into any significant business transaction.
  67. Ethical risk – Ethical risk can arise when business practices conflict with societal norms or expectations.
  68. Risk portfolio – The risk portfolio includes all identified risks and their respective management strategies.
  69. Risk benchmarking – Risk benchmarking helps companies compare their risk management practices against industry standards.
  70. Risk maturity model – The risk maturity model assesses the level of development of an organization’s risk management processes.
  71. Incident management – Effective incident management minimizes the impact of unexpected events on business operations.
  72. Event risk – Event risk refers to the possibility of a major event causing significant disruption to operations.
  73. Black swan event – A black swan event is an unpredictable event with severe consequences.
  74. Systemic risk – Systemic risk is the risk of collapse in an entire system, such as the financial system, due to the failure of a single entity.
  75. Risk pooling – Risk pooling involves combining multiple risks to reduce the overall impact of any single risk.
  76. Economic capital – Economic capital is the amount of capital that a company needs to absorb unexpected losses.
  77. Operational loss – The operational loss was caused by a failure in the company’s IT system.
  78. Risk oversight – The board of directors is responsible for risk oversight to ensure effective risk management across the organization.
  79. Risk-based pricing – Risk-based pricing involves setting prices based on the level of risk associated with a product or service.
  80. Risk sensitivity – The risk sensitivity of the project was analyzed to determine its vulnerability to external factors.
  81. Security risk – Implementing strong access controls can reduce security risk within the organization.
  82. Technology risk – Technology risk arises from the potential failure or obsolescence of critical IT systems.
  83. Environmental risk – Environmental risk includes the potential for damage to natural resources or ecosystems.
  84. Political risk – Political risk can impact international investments due to changes in government policies or regulations.
  85. Risk capital – Risk capital is allocated to absorb potential losses from high-risk investments.
  86. Risk-neutral – A risk-neutral investor is indifferent to risk and focuses solely on potential returns.
  87. Stochastic modeling – Stochastic modeling is used to simulate different outcomes in risk analysis.
  88. Risk mitigation strategy – Developing a risk mitigation strategy is essential for reducing the impact of identified risks.
  89. Risk aversion – Risk aversion is the tendency to avoid taking risks in decision-making.
  90. Residual impact – The residual impact of the risk was minimal after implementing the mitigation measures.
  91. Volatility – High market volatility can increase the uncertainty and risk associated with investments.
  92. Monte Carlo simulation – Monte Carlo simulation is used to model the probability of different outcomes in a risk scenario.
  93. Scenario testing – Scenario testing helps organizations evaluate how different situations could affect their operations.
  94. Sensitivity analysis – Sensitivity analysis determines how changes in key variables impact the overall risk.
  95. Risk inventory – The risk inventory lists all the potential risks the company faces, along with their mitigation plans.
  96. Risk appetite statement – The risk appetite statement outlines the level of risk the organization is willing to accept.
  97. Risk aggregation – Risk aggregation involves combining various risks to assess their cumulative impact.
  98. Scenario development – Scenario development is crucial for preparing for potential risks in the future.
  99. Risk optimization – Risk optimization seeks to balance risk and reward by minimizing potential losses while maximizing gains.
  100. Control environment – A strong control environment is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of risk management processes.

Bài tập

  1. Effective ________ is essential for the long-term success of any organization.
  2. Before proceeding with the project, the team conducted a thorough ________.
  3. Implementing safety measures is part of our ________ strategy.
  4. The first step in managing risks is ________.
  5. Our ________ revealed several potential challenges.
  6. The company has a high ________ when it comes to new investments.
  7. Understanding ________ is critical to making sound financial decisions.
  8. Banks must carefully assess ________ before approving loans.
  9. ________ includes failures in internal processes and systems.
  10. Due to currency fluctuations, the company faces significant ________.
  11. To manage ________, the company maintains a strong cash reserve.
  12. Failing to adhere to regulations can lead to ________.
  13. If long-term goals are not aligned with market conditions, ________ increases.
  14. Poor service can lead to ________, damaging a company’s brand.
  15. Entering into contracts without legal review can expose the company to ________.
  16. To prevent ________, strong internal controls are necessary.
  17. Taking on too much debt can increase ________.
  18. Before issuing policies, insurers assess the ________.
  19. ________ affects businesses with variable-rate loans.
  20. Exporters must consider ________ when dealing with foreign currencies.
  21. To protect against ________, companies invest heavily in cybersecurity.
  22. ________ integrates risk management across all departments.
  23. Developing a ________ helps prepare for unexpected disruptions.
  24. Effective ________ minimizes the impact of unforeseen events.
  25. Strong ________ prevents errors and fraud within the company.
  26. The annual ________ uncovered some discrepancies in the financial records.
  27. The higher ________ of this investment was not anticipated.
  28. ________ measures were implemented to reduce workplace accidents.
  29. ________ planning ensures that operations continue during a crisis.
  30. The IT team created a ________ plan for system failures.
  31. Futures contracts are used to ________ against price fluctuations.
  32. Diversification can limit a company’s ________ to market risks.
  33. ________ was conducted to explore different outcomes.
  34. Banks must perform ________ to assess their resilience under extreme conditions.
  35. Regular maintenance is part of our ________ strategy.
  36. Identifying ________ in the system is crucial for risk management.
  37. The ________ is regularly updated to reflect emerging risks.
  38. The ________ covers damages caused by natural disasters.
  39. Adhering to ________ is mandatory for regulated industries.
  40. ________ can be achieved by outsourcing certain functions.
  41. Some companies choose to ________ rather than transfer it.
  42. ________ involves avoiding activities that could lead to potential losses.
  43. Managing ________ is important for companies relying on external suppliers.
  44. Unclear contract terms can lead to ________.
  45. Global disruptions have increased ________ for many companies.
  46. Due diligence is essential for managing ________ in procurement.
  47. ________ is the ability to continue functioning during a crisis.
  48. A ________ helps identify the critical functions that must be maintained.
  49. ________ uses statistical methods to estimate the probability of risks.
  50. ________ focuses on prioritizing risks based on their potential impact.
  51. ________ is the level of risk remaining after mitigation measures.
  52. ________ is the natural level of risk before controls are applied.
  53. The ________ provides a visual representation of risk exposure.
  54. ________ are used to monitor the likelihood and impact of risks.
  55. A strong ________ is key to effective risk management.
  56. A ________ provides the structure for managing risks.
  57. Regular ________ ensures management is aware of emerging risks.
  58. ________ involves establishing policies to guide risk activities.
  59. Effective ________ ensures all stakeholders are informed about risks.
  60. ________ helps identify the relationship between different risks.
  61. Investors look for a ________ that compensates for the level of risk.
  62. ________ ensures that a company has enough capital to absorb losses.
  63. ________ allows organizations to prepare for different future outcomes.
  64. ________ are potential obligations that may arise from future events.
  65. ________ involves reporting risks to higher management.
  66. Conducting ________ is a critical step before entering significant transactions.
  67. ________ can arise when business practices conflict with societal norms.
  68. The ________ includes all identified risks and management strategies.
  69. ________ helps companies compare their practices against standards.
  70. The ________ assesses the development level of risk management processes.
  71. Effective ________ minimizes the impact of unexpected events.
  72. ________ refers to the possibility of major events causing disruptions.
  73. A ________ event is an unpredictable event with severe consequences.
  74. ________ is the risk of collapse in an entire system due to one entity’s failure.
  75. ________ involves combining multiple risks to reduce their impact.
  76. ________ is the amount of capital needed to absorb unexpected losses.
  77. The ________ was caused by a failure in the IT system.
  78. The board is responsible for ________ to ensure effective risk management.
  79. ________ involves setting prices based on the level of associated risks.
  80. The project’s ________ was analyzed to determine its vulnerability.
  81. Implementing strong access controls can reduce ________.
  82. ________ arises from the potential failure of critical IT systems.
  83. ________ includes the potential for damage to natural resources.
  84. ________ can impact investments due to changes in government policies.
  85. ________ is allocated to absorb potential losses from high-risk investments.
  86. A ________ investor focuses solely on potential returns, indifferent to risk.
  87. ________ is used to simulate different outcomes in risk analysis.
  88. Developing a ________ is essential for reducing the impact of risks.
  89. ________ is the tendency to avoid taking risks in decision-making.
  90. The ________ of the risk was minimal after implementing measures.
  91. High market ________ can increase the uncertainty of investments.
  92. ________ is used to model the probability of different outcomes.
  93. ________ helps evaluate how different situations could affect operations.
  94. ________ determines how changes in key variables impact overall risk.
  95. The ________ lists all the potential risks the company faces.
  96. The ________ outlines the level of risk the organization is willing to accept.
  97. ________ involves combining various risks to assess their cumulative impact.
  98. ________ is crucial for preparing for potential future risks.
  99. ________ seeks to balance risk and reward by minimizing potential losses.
  100. A strong ________ is necessary to ensure effective risk management processes.

Đáp án

  1. Risk management
  2. Risk assessment
  3. Risk mitigation
  4. Risk identification
  5. Risk analysis
  6. Risk appetite
  7. Risk tolerance
  8. Credit risk
  9. Operational risk
  10. Market risk
  11. Liquidity risk
  12. Compliance risk
  13. Strategic risk
  14. Reputation risk
  15. Legal risk
  16. Fraud risk
  17. Financial risk
  18. Insurance risk
  19. Interest rate risk
  20. Currency risk
  21. Cyber risk
  22. Enterprise risk management (ERM)
  23. Contingency planning
  24. Crisis management
  25. Internal control
  26. Audit
  27. Risk factor
  28. Risk control
  29. Business continuity
  30. Disaster recovery
  31. Hedge
  32. Exposure
  33. Scenario analysis
  34. Stress testing
  35. Loss prevention
  36. Vulnerabilities
  37. Risk register
  38. Insurance policy
  39. Regulatory compliance
  40. Risk transfer
  41. Risk retention
  42. Risk avoidance
  43. Third-party risk
  44. Contractual risk
  45. Supply chain risk
  46. Vendor risk
  47. Operational resilience
  48. Business impact analysis (BIA)
  49. Quantitative risk analysis
  50. Qualitative risk analysis
  51. Residual risk
  52. Inherent risk
  53. Risk dashboard
  54. Key risk indicators (KRIs)
  55. Risk culture
  56. Risk framework
  57. Risk reporting
  58. Risk governance
  59. Risk communication
  60. Risk mapping
  61. Risk-adjusted return
  62. Capital adequacy
  63. Scenario planning
  64. Contingent liability
  65. Risk escalation
  66. Due diligence
  67. Ethical risk
  68. Risk portfolio
  69. Risk benchmarking
  70. Risk maturity model
  71. Incident management
  72. Event risk
  73. Black swan event
  74. Systemic risk
  75. Risk pooling
  76. Economic capital
  77. Operational loss
  78. Risk oversight
  79. Risk-based pricing
  80. Risk sensitivity
  81. Security risk
  82. Technology risk
  83. Environmental risk
  84. Political risk
  85. Risk capital
  86. Risk-neutral
  87. Stochastic modeling
  88. Risk mitigation strategy
  89. Risk aversion
  90. Residual impact
  91. Volatility
  92. Monte Carlo simulation
  93. Scenario testing
  94. Sensitivity analysis
  95. Risk inventory
  96. Risk appetite statement
  97. Risk aggregation
  98. Scenario development
  99. Risk optimization
  100. Control environment
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