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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí tài sản

Chủ đề “100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí tài sản” sẽ giúp người học nắm vững các thuật ngữ cơ bản và chuyên sâu trong lĩnh vực này. Việc hiểu rõ các từ vựng như “asset management,” “portfolio,” “risk assessment” sẽ hỗ trợ trong việc giao tiếp hiệu quả và thăng tiến trong sự nghiệp quản lý tài sản.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lí tài sản

  1. Asset Management: Quản lý tài sản.
  2. Portfolio: Danh mục đầu tư.
  3. Diversification: Đa dạng hóa.
  4. Risk Management: Quản lý rủi ro.
  5. Investment Strategy: Chiến lược đầu tư.
  6. Return on Investment (ROI): Lợi nhuận trên đầu tư.
  7. Asset Allocation: Phân bổ tài sản.
  8. Mutual Fund: Quỹ tương hỗ.
  9. Hedge Fund: Quỹ phòng hộ.
  10. Equity: Cổ phiếu.
  11. Bond: Trái phiếu.
  12. Real Estate: Bất động sản.
  13. Alternative Investments: Đầu tư thay thế.
  14. Performance Metrics: Các chỉ số hiệu suất.
  15. Capital Gain: Lợi nhuận vốn.
  16. Dividend: Cổ tức.
  17. Expense Ratio: Tỷ lệ chi phí.
  18. Net Asset Value (NAV): Giá trị tài sản ròng.
  19. Securities: Chứng khoán.
  20. Investment Horizon: Thời gian đầu tư.
  21. Market Capitalization: Vốn hóa thị trường.
  22. Yield: Lợi suất.
  23. Liquidity: Tính thanh khoản.
  24. Volatility: Biến động.
  25. Benchmark: Tiêu chuẩn so sánh.
  26. Asset Class: Loại tài sản.
  27. Financial Advisor: Cố vấn tài chính.
  28. Risk Tolerance: Khả năng chịu rủi ro.
  29. Fund Manager: Quản lý quỹ.
  30. Growth Stock: Cổ phiếu tăng trưởng.
  31. Value Stock: Cổ phiếu giá trị.
  32. Fixed Income: Thu nhập cố định.
  33. Private Equity: Cổ phần tư nhân.
  34. Public Equity: Cổ phần công khai.
  35. Investment Vehicle: Phương tiện đầu tư.
  36. Active Management: Quản lý chủ động.
  37. Passive Management: Quản lý bị động.
  38. Fund Performance: Hiệu suất quỹ.
  39. Investment Return: Lợi tức đầu tư.
  40. Capital Preservation: Bảo toàn vốn.
  41. Market Risk: Rủi ro thị trường.
  42. Credit Risk: Rủi ro tín dụng.
  43. Economic Indicator: Chỉ số kinh tế.
  44. Risk-Return Tradeoff: Trao đổi rủi ro-lợi nhuận.
  45. Rebalancing: Cân bằng lại danh mục đầu tư.
  46. Liquidity Risk: Rủi ro thanh khoản.
  47. Sharpe Ratio: Tỷ lệ Sharpe.
  48. Alpha: Alpha (hiệu suất vượt trội).
  49. Beta: Beta (biến động so với thị trường).
  50. Standard Deviation: Độ lệch chuẩn.
  51. Market Trend: Xu hướng thị trường.
  52. Economic Cycle: Chu kỳ kinh tế.
  53. Portfolio Management: Quản lý danh mục đầu tư.
  54. Investment Grade: Xếp hạng đầu tư.
  55. Speculative Investment: Đầu tư đầu cơ.
  56. Financial Planning: Lập kế hoạch tài chính.
  57. Asset Valuation: Định giá tài sản.
  58. Investment Policy Statement (IPS): Tuyên bố chính sách đầu tư.
  59. Sustainable Investment: Đầu tư bền vững.
  60. Socially Responsible Investment (SRI): Đầu tư có trách nhiệm xã hội.
  61. Ethical Investing: Đầu tư đạo đức.
  62. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): Môi trường, xã hội và quản trị.
  63. Investment Fund: Quỹ đầu tư.
  64. Wealth Management: Quản lý tài sản.
  65. Asset Management Company: Công ty quản lý tài sản.
  66. Managed Account: Tài khoản quản lý.
  67. Custodian: Người lưu ký.
  68. Trust Fund: Quỹ tín thác.
  69. Endowment Fund: Quỹ tài trợ.
  70. Institutional Investor: Nhà đầu tư tổ chức.
  71. Retail Investor: Nhà đầu tư cá nhân.
  72. Income Statement: Báo cáo thu nhập.
  73. Balance Sheet: Bảng cân đối kế toán.
  74. Cash Flow Statement: Báo cáo lưu chuyển tiền tệ.
  75. Portfolio Rebalancing: Cân bằng lại danh mục đầu tư.
  76. Asset Management Fee: Phí quản lý tài sản.
  77. Financial Report: Báo cáo tài chính.
  78. Due Diligence: Thẩm định.
  79. Investor Relations: Quan hệ nhà đầu tư.
  80. Regulatory Compliance: Tuân thủ quy định.
  81. Market Analysis: Phân tích thị trường.
  82. Fund Allocation: Phân bổ quỹ.
  83. Return on Assets (ROA): Lợi nhuận trên tài sản.
  84. Return on Equity (ROE): Lợi nhuận trên vốn cổ phần.
  85. Expense Management: Quản lý chi phí.
  86. Financial Forecasting: Dự đoán tài chính.
  87. Risk Assessment: Đánh giá rủi ro.
  88. Value at Risk (VaR): Giá trị rủi ro.
  89. Capital Allocation: Phân bổ vốn.
  90. Market Analysis: Phân tích thị trường.
  91. Investment Risk: Rủi ro đầu tư.
  92. Pension Fund: Quỹ hưu trí.
  93. Asset Management Strategy: Chiến lược quản lý tài sản.
  94. Investment Research: Nghiên cứu đầu tư.
  95. Equity Research: Nghiên cứu cổ phiếu.
  96. Credit Analysis: Phân tích tín dụng.
  97. Financial Modeling: Mô hình hóa tài chính.
  98. Quantitative Analysis: Phân tích định lượng.
  99. Qualitative Analysis: Phân tích định tính.
  100. Economic Value Added (EVA): Giá trị kinh tế gia tăng.

Bài viết có sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Asset Management: “Effective asset management requires a deep understanding of both market trends and client needs.”
  2. Portfolio: “She decided to diversify her portfolio to minimize risks and maximize returns.”
  3. Diversification: “Diversification helps reduce the risk of significant losses by spreading investments across various asset classes.”
  4. Risk Management: “Risk management strategies are crucial in protecting investments from market volatility.”
  5. Investment Strategy: “Our investment strategy focuses on long-term growth and stability.”
  6. Return on Investment (ROI): “The return on investment for the new marketing campaign was higher than expected.”
  7. Asset Allocation: “Proper asset allocation can help achieve a balanced portfolio that aligns with your financial goals.”
  8. Mutual Fund: “Investing in a mutual fund allows you to benefit from professional management and diversification.”
  9. Hedge Fund: “Hedge funds often use complex strategies to achieve higher returns, but they also come with higher risks.”
  10. Equity: “Equity investments can offer high returns, but they also come with greater risk compared to bonds.”
  11. Bond: “He decided to invest in government bonds for a stable and predictable income stream.”
  12. Real Estate: “Investing in real estate can be a lucrative way to build long-term wealth.”
  13. Alternative Investments: “Alternative investments, such as private equity and commodities, can provide diversification beyond traditional stocks and bonds.”
  14. Performance Metrics: “Performance metrics are used to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment strategy.”
  15. Capital Gain: “She realized a significant capital gain when she sold her shares at a higher price than she purchased them.”
  16. Dividend: “Many investors appreciate stocks that pay regular dividends as a steady source of income.”
  17. Expense Ratio: “The expense ratio of a mutual fund indicates how much it costs to manage the fund annually.”
  18. Net Asset Value (NAV): “The net asset value of the fund is calculated daily and reflects the value of the underlying assets.”
  19. Securities: “Securities such as stocks and bonds are essential components of most investment portfolios.”
  20. Investment Horizon: “Your investment horizon will influence the types of assets you choose for your portfolio.”
  21. Market Capitalization: “Companies are often categorized by their market capitalization, such as small-cap, mid-cap, or large-cap.”
  22. Yield: “The yield on a bond can provide investors with a steady income stream.”
  23. Liquidity: “High liquidity in an asset means it can be quickly bought or sold without significantly affecting its price.”
  24. Volatility: “Market volatility can affect the performance of your investments, leading to fluctuating prices.”
  25. Benchmark: “Comparing a fund’s performance to a benchmark helps determine how well it is performing relative to the market.”
  26. Asset Class: “Different asset classes, like equities, bonds, and real estate, can be used to diversify an investment portfolio.”
  27. Financial Advisor: “A financial advisor can help you develop a personalized investment plan based on your goals and risk tolerance.”
  28. Risk Tolerance: “Understanding your risk tolerance is essential when creating an investment strategy that fits your financial goals.”
  29. Fund Manager: “The fund manager’s role is to make investment decisions that align with the fund’s objectives.”
  30. Growth Stock: “Growth stocks are expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies.”
  31. Value Stock: “Value stocks are those that are considered undervalued based on fundamental analysis.”
  32. Fixed Income: “Fixed income investments provide regular interest payments and are generally considered safer than equities.”
  33. Private Equity: “Private equity investments involve buying and restructuring private companies.”
  34. Public Equity: “Public equity refers to shares of companies that are traded on stock exchanges.”
  35. Investment Vehicle: “An investment vehicle can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other financial instruments.”
  36. Active Management: “Active management involves frequently buying and selling assets to outperform the market.”
  37. Passive Management: “Passive management aims to match market returns by investing in index funds or ETFs.”
  38. Fund Performance: “Analyzing fund performance helps investors determine if their investment goals are being met.”
  39. Investment Return: “The investment return is the gain or loss made on an investment relative to its initial cost.”
  40. Capital Preservation: “Capital preservation strategies are used to protect your initial investment from loss.”
  41. Market Risk: “Market risk is the possibility of an investor losing money due to market fluctuations.”
  42. Credit Risk: “Credit risk refers to the chance that a borrower will default on their debt obligations.”
  43. Economic Indicator: “Economic indicators, such as GDP and unemployment rates, can influence investment decisions.”
  44. Risk-Return Tradeoff: “The risk-return tradeoff suggests that higher potential returns are associated with higher risks.”
  45. Rebalancing: “Rebalancing your portfolio involves adjusting your asset allocation to maintain your desired risk level.”
  46. Liquidity Risk: “Liquidity risk occurs when an asset cannot be sold quickly enough to prevent a loss.”
  47. Sharpe Ratio: “The Sharpe ratio measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment.”
  48. Alpha: “Alpha represents the excess return of an investment relative to its benchmark.”
  49. Beta: “Beta measures an investment’s volatility in relation to the overall market.”
  50. Standard Deviation: “Standard deviation is used to measure the dispersion of investment returns from the average.”
  51. Market Trend: “Identifying market trends can help investors make informed decisions about buying or selling assets.”
  52. Economic Cycle: “The economic cycle refers to the fluctuations in economic activity over time, including expansion and contraction.”
  53. Portfolio Management: “Effective portfolio management involves selecting and overseeing a collection of investments to achieve financial goals.”
  54. Investment Grade: “Investment grade bonds are those rated as having low risk of default.”
  55. Speculative Investment: “Speculative investments are high-risk assets that offer the potential for high returns.”
  56. Financial Planning: “Financial planning involves creating a strategy to manage your finances and achieve your long-term goals.”
  57. Asset Valuation: “Asset valuation is the process of determining the current worth of an asset.”
  58. Investment Policy Statement (IPS): “An investment policy statement outlines the investment strategy and guidelines for managing a portfolio.”
  59. Sustainable Investment: “Sustainable investments focus on generating positive environmental and social impact alongside financial returns.”
  60. Socially Responsible Investment (SRI): “Socially responsible investments consider ethical and social factors in addition to financial performance.”
  61. Ethical Investing: “Ethical investing involves choosing investments based on moral or ethical considerations.”
  62. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG): “ESG criteria are used to evaluate a company’s commitment to environmental protection, social responsibility, and governance practices.”
  63. Investment Fund: “An investment fund pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets.”
  64. Wealth Management: “Wealth management provides comprehensive financial planning and investment services for high-net-worth individuals.”
  65. Asset Management Company: “An asset management company oversees the investment of funds on behalf of its clients.”
  66. Managed Account: “A managed account is a portfolio of investments managed by a professional advisor or fund manager.”
  67. Custodian: “A custodian is responsible for safeguarding and managing the assets of an investment portfolio.”
  68. Trust Fund: “A trust fund is a legal arrangement where assets are held and managed by a trustee for the benefit of the beneficiaries.”
  69. Endowment Fund: “An endowment fund is a permanent fund set up to provide ongoing support for a specific purpose or organization.”
  70. Institutional Investor: “Institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies, invest large sums of money on behalf of their clients.”
  71. Retail Investor: “Retail investors are individual investors who purchase securities for their personal accounts.”
  72. Income Statement: “The income statement provides a summary of a company’s revenues and expenses over a specific period.”
  73. Balance Sheet: “The balance sheet shows a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.”
  74. Cash Flow Statement: “The cash flow statement details the inflow and outflow of cash in a company’s operations, investing, and financing activities.”
  75. Portfolio Rebalancing: “Portfolio rebalancing is the process of adjusting the weights of assets in a portfolio to maintain the desired level of risk.”
  76. Asset Management Fee: “The asset management fee is the charge levied by a management company for overseeing and managing a client’s investments.”
  77. Financial Report: “A financial report provides detailed information about a company’s financial performance and position.”
  78. Due Diligence: “Due diligence involves thoroughly investigating an investment opportunity before making a commitment.”
  79. Investor Relations: “Investor relations involve managing communication and relationships between a company and its shareholders.”
  80. Regulatory Compliance: “Regulatory compliance ensures that financial activities adhere to relevant laws and regulations.”
  81. Market Analysis: “Market analysis involves examining market trends and conditions to inform investment decisions.”
  82. Fund Allocation: “Fund allocation is the process of distributing assets among different investment categories.”
  83. Return on Assets (ROA): “Return on assets measures how efficiently a company is using its assets to generate profit.”
  84. Return on Equity (ROE): “Return on equity indicates how well a company is using shareholders’ equity to generate profits.”
  85. Expense Management: “Expense management involves monitoring and controlling spending to maintain financial health.”
  86. Financial Forecasting: “Financial forecasting predicts future financial performance based on historical data and market trends.”
  87. Risk Assessment: “Risk assessment evaluates the potential risks associated with an investment to make informed decisions.”
  88. Value at Risk (VaR): “Value at Risk measures the potential loss in value of a portfolio over a defined period for a given confidence interval.”
  89. Capital Allocation: “Capital allocation refers to the process of distributing financial resources among various investment opportunities.”
  90. Market Analysis: “Market analysis helps investors understand market conditions and make better investment choices.”
  91. Investment Risk: “Investment risk is the possibility of losing money or not achieving the expected returns on an investment.”
  92. Pension Fund: “A pension fund is a type of investment fund that provides retirement benefits to employees.”
  93. Asset Management Strategy: “An asset management strategy outlines how to invest and manage assets to achieve financial objectives.”
  94. Investment Research: “Investment research involves analyzing market data and financial statements to identify investment opportunities.”
  95. Equity Research: “Equity research focuses on analyzing stocks to assess their potential for investment.”
  96. Credit Analysis: “Credit analysis evaluates the creditworthiness of borrowers to determine the risk of lending.”
  97. Financial Modeling: “Financial modeling involves creating representations of a company’s financial performance to assist with decision-making.”
  98. Quantitative Analysis: “Quantitative analysis uses mathematical and statistical techniques to evaluate investment opportunities.”
  99. Qualitative Analysis: “Qualitative analysis assesses non-numeric factors, such as management quality and market conditions, to make investment decisions.”
  100. Economic Value Added (EVA): “Economic value added measures a company’s financial performance based on residual wealth after deducting the cost of capital.”

Bài viết

  1. Effective __________ requires a deep understanding of both market trends and client needs.
  2. She decided to diversify her __________ to minimize risks and maximize returns.
  3. __________ helps reduce the risk of significant losses by spreading investments across various asset classes.
  4. __________ strategies are crucial in protecting investments from market volatility.
  5. Our __________ focuses on long-term growth and stability.
  6. The __________ for the new marketing campaign was higher than expected.
  7. Proper __________ can help achieve a balanced portfolio that aligns with your financial goals.
  8. Investing in a __________ allows you to benefit from professional management and diversification.
  9. __________ often use complex strategies to achieve higher returns, but they also come with higher risks.
  10. __________ investments can offer high returns, but they also come with greater risk compared to bonds.
  11. He decided to invest in government __________ for a stable and predictable income stream.
  12. Investing in __________ can be a lucrative way to build long-term wealth.
  13. __________, such as private equity and commodities, can provide diversification beyond traditional stocks and bonds.
  14. __________ are used to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment strategy.
  15. She realized a significant __________ when she sold her shares at a higher price than she purchased them.
  16. Many investors appreciate stocks that pay regular __________ as a steady source of income.
  17. The __________ of a mutual fund indicates how much it costs to manage the fund annually.
  18. The __________ of the fund is calculated daily and reflects the value of the underlying assets.
  19. __________ such as stocks and bonds are essential components of most investment portfolios.
  20. Your __________ will influence the types of assets you choose for your portfolio.
  21. Companies are often categorized by their __________, such as small-cap, mid-cap, or large-cap.
  22. The __________ on a bond can provide investors with a steady income stream.
  23. High __________ in an asset means it can be quickly bought or sold without significantly affecting its price.
  24. Market __________ can affect the performance of your investments, leading to fluctuating prices.
  25. Comparing a fund’s performance to a __________ helps determine how well it is performing relative to the market.
  26. Different __________, like equities, bonds, and real estate, can be used to diversify an investment portfolio.
  27. A __________ can help you develop a personalized investment plan based on your goals and risk tolerance.
  28. Understanding your __________ is essential when creating an investment strategy that fits your financial goals.
  29. The __________’s role is to make investment decisions that align with the fund’s objectives.
  30. __________ stocks are expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies.
  31. __________ stocks are those that are considered undervalued based on fundamental analysis.
  32. __________ investments provide regular interest payments and are generally considered safer than equities.
  33. __________ investments involve buying and restructuring private companies.
  34. __________ refers to shares of companies that are traded on stock exchanges.
  35. An __________ can include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other financial instruments.
  36. __________ involves frequently buying and selling assets to outperform the market.
  37. __________ aims to match market returns by investing in index funds or ETFs.
  38. Analyzing __________ helps investors determine if their investment goals are being met.
  39. The __________ is the gain or loss made on an investment relative to its initial cost.
  40. __________ strategies are used to protect your initial investment from loss.
  41. __________ is the possibility of an investor losing money due to market fluctuations.
  42. __________ refers to the chance that a borrower will default on their debt obligations.
  43. __________, such as GDP and unemployment rates, can influence investment decisions.
  44. The __________ suggests that higher potential returns are associated with higher risks.
  45. __________ your portfolio involves adjusting your asset allocation to maintain your desired level of risk.
  46. __________ occurs when an asset cannot be sold quickly enough to prevent a loss.
  47. The __________ measures the risk-adjusted return of an investment.
  48. __________ represents the excess return of an investment relative to its benchmark.
  49. __________ measures an investment’s volatility in relation to the overall market.
  50. __________ is used to measure the dispersion of investment returns from the average.
  51. Identifying __________ can help investors make informed decisions about buying or selling assets.
  52. The __________ refers to the fluctuations in economic activity over time, including expansion and contraction.
  53. Effective __________ involves selecting and overseeing a collection of investments to achieve financial goals.
  54. __________ bonds are those rated as having low risk of default.
  55. __________ investments are high-risk assets that offer the potential for high returns.
  56. __________ involves creating a strategy to manage your finances and achieve your long-term goals.
  57. __________ is the process of determining the current worth of an asset.
  58. An __________ outlines the investment strategy and guidelines for managing a portfolio.
  59. __________ focus on generating positive environmental and social impact alongside financial returns.
  60. __________ consider ethical and social factors in addition to financial performance.
  61. __________ involves choosing investments based on moral or ethical considerations.
  62. __________ criteria are used to evaluate a company’s commitment to environmental protection, social responsibility, and governance practices.
  63. An __________ pools money from multiple investors to invest in a diversified portfolio of assets.
  64. __________ provides comprehensive financial planning and investment services for high-net-worth individuals.
  65. An __________ oversees the investment of funds on behalf of its clients.
  66. A __________ is a portfolio of investments managed by a professional advisor or fund manager.
  67. A __________ is responsible for safeguarding and managing the assets of an investment portfolio.
  68. A __________ is a legal arrangement where assets are held and managed by a trustee for the benefit of the beneficiaries.
  69. An __________ is a permanent fund set up to provide ongoing support for a specific purpose or organization.
  70. __________, such as pension funds and insurance companies, invest large sums of money on behalf of their clients.
  71. __________ are individual investors who purchase securities for their personal accounts.
  72. The __________ provides a summary of a company’s revenues and expenses over a specific period.
  73. The __________ shows a company’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a specific point in time.
  74. The __________ details the inflow and outflow of cash in a company’s operations, investing, and financing activities.
  75. __________ is the process of adjusting the weights of assets in a portfolio to maintain the desired level of risk.
  76. The __________ is the charge levied by a management company for overseeing and managing a client’s investments.
  77. A __________ provides detailed information about a company’s financial performance and position.
  78. __________ involves thoroughly investigating an investment opportunity before making a commitment.
  79. __________ involve managing communication and relationships between a company and its shareholders.
  80. __________ ensures that financial activities adhere to relevant laws and regulations.
  81. __________ involves examining market trends and conditions to inform investment decisions.
  82. __________ is the process of distributing assets among different investment categories.
  83. __________ measures how efficiently a company is using its assets to generate profit.
  84. __________ indicates how well a company is using shareholders’ equity to generate profits.
  85. __________ involves monitoring and controlling spending to maintain financial health.
  86. __________ predicts future financial performance based on historical data and market trends.
  87. __________ evaluates the potential risks associated with an investment to make informed decisions.
  88. __________ measures the potential loss in value of a portfolio over a defined period for a given confidence interval.
  89. __________ refers to the process of distributing financial resources among various investment opportunities.
  90. __________ helps investors understand market conditions and make better investment choices.
  91. __________ is the possibility of losing money or not achieving the expected returns on an investment.
  92. A __________ is a type of investment fund that provides retirement benefits to employees.
  93. An __________ outlines how to invest and manage assets to achieve financial objectives.
  94. __________ involves analyzing market data and financial statements to identify investment opportunities.
  95. __________ focuses on analyzing stocks to assess their potential for investment.
  96. __________ evaluates the creditworthiness of borrowers to determine the risk of lending.
  97. __________ involves creating representations of a company’s financial performance to assist with decision-making.
  98. __________ uses mathematical and statistical techniques to evaluate investment opportunities.
  99. __________ assesses non-numeric factors, such as management quality and market conditions, to make investment decisions.
  100. __________ measures a company’s financial performance based on residual wealth after deducting the cost of capital.

Đáp án

  1. Asset Management
  2. Portfolio
  3. Diversification
  4. Risk Management
  5. Investment Strategy
  6. Return on Investment (ROI)
  7. Asset Allocation
  8. Mutual Fund
  9. Hedge Fund
  10. Equity
  11. Bond
  12. Real Estate
  13. Alternative Investments
  14. Performance Metrics
  15. Capital Gain
  16. Dividend
  17. Expense Ratio
  18. Net Asset Value (NAV)
  19. Securities
  20. Investment Horizon
  21. Market Capitalization
  22. Yield
  23. Liquidity
  24. Volatility
  25. Benchmark
  26. Asset Class
  27. Financial Advisor
  28. Risk Tolerance
  29. Fund Manager
  30. Growth Stock
  31. Value Stock
  32. Fixed Income
  33. Private Equity
  34. Public Equity
  35. Investment Vehicle
  36. Active Management
  37. Passive Management
  38. Fund Performance
  39. Investment Return
  40. Capital Preservation
  41. Market Risk
  42. Credit Risk
  43. Economic Indicator
  44. Risk-Return Tradeoff
  45. Rebalancing
  46. Liquidity Risk
  47. Sharpe Ratio
  48. Alpha
  49. Beta
  50. Standard Deviation
  51. Market Trend
  52. Economic Cycle
  53. Portfolio Management
  54. Investment Grade
  55. Speculative Investment
  56. Financial Planning
  57. Asset Valuation
  58. Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
  59. Sustainable Investment
  60. Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
  61. Ethical Investing
  62. Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG)
  63. Investment Fund
  64. Wealth Management
  65. Asset Management Company
  66. Managed Account
  67. Custodian
  68. Trust Fund
  69. Endowment Fund
  70. Institutional Investor
  71. Retail Investor
  72. Income Statement
  73. Balance Sheet
  74. Cash Flow Statement
  75. Portfolio Rebalancing
  76. Asset Management Fee
  77. Financial Report
  78. Due Diligence
  79. Investor Relations
  80. Regulatory Compliance
  81. Market Analysis
  82. Fund Allocation
  83. Return on Assets (ROA)
  84. Return on Equity (ROE)
  85. Expense Management
  86. Financial Forecasting
  87. Risk Assessment
  88. Value at Risk (VaR)
  89. Capital Allocation
  90. Market Analysis
  91. Investment Risk
  92. Pension Fund
  93. Asset Management Strategy
  94. Investment Research
  95. Equity Research
  96. Credit Analysis
  97. Financial Modeling
  98. Quantitative Analysis
  99. Qualitative Analysis
  100. Economic Value Added (EVA)

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