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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lý dự án xây dựng đường sắt

Danh sách 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Quản lý dự án xây dựng đường sắt. Tài liệu giúp bạn làm quen với các thuật ngữ liên quan đến quy trình quản lý, kỹ thuật, và các yếu tố an toàn trong xây dựng đường sắt, từ giai đoạn khởi đầu đến hoàn thành dự án.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lý dự án xây dựng đường sắt

Railway InfrastructureCơ sở hạ tầng đường sắt
Track AlignmentCăn chỉnh đường ray
Rail GaugeKhổ đường ray
Grade SeparationPhân tầng độ cao
Railroad Ties (Sleepers)Thanh tà vẹt (Sleeper)
BallastLớp đá ba lát
SubgradeNền đường ray
Rail WeldingHàn đường ray
Switches and CrossingsChuyển ray và giao cắt
Signaling SystemHệ thống tín hiệu
Overhead ElectrificationĐiện khí hóa trên cao
CatenaryDây cáp treo
Traction Power SupplyNguồn cung cấp điện kéo
Rolling StockPhương tiện đường sắt
Railway StationGa tàu
Platform Edge DoorsCửa rào mép sân ga
Track GeometryHình học đường ray
Cutting (Railway)Cắt đường sắt
EmbankmentĐắp đất
Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)Máy khoan hầm (TBM)
Bridge ConstructionXây dựng cầu
ViaductCầu cạn
Railway DepotKho đường sắt
Yard ManagementQuản lý bãi
Track InspectionKiểm tra đường ray
Safety StandardsTiêu chuẩn an toàn
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)Đánh giá tác động môi trường (ĐTM)
Noise MitigationGiảm thiểu tiếng ồn
Vibration ControlKiểm soát rung động
Project Feasibility StudyNghiên cứu tính khả thi dự án
Railway Project TimelineDòng thời gian dự án đường sắt
Stakeholder ManagementQuản lý các bên liên quan
Land AcquisitionThu hồi đất
Cost EstimationƯớc tính chi phí
Budget ControlKiểm soát ngân sách
Construction PhasingPhân đoạn thi công
Contract ManagementQuản lý hợp đồng
Quality Assurance (QA)Đảm bảo chất lượng (QA)
Health and Safety RegulationsQuy định về an toàn sức khỏe
Railway OperationsVận hành đường sắt
Maintenance ScheduleLịch trình bảo dưỡng
Emergency Response PlanKế hoạch ứng phó khẩn cấp
Procurement StrategyChiến lược mua sắm
Project TenderingĐấu thầu dự án
Site SurveyKhảo sát hiện trường
Geotechnical InvestigationĐiều tra địa kỹ thuật
Civil EngineeringKỹ thuật xây dựng
Structural EngineeringKỹ thuật kết cấu
Track LayingĐặt đường ray
Concrete Sleeper ManufacturingSản xuất thanh tà vẹt bê tông
Rail JointMối nối đường ray
Level CrossingĐường ngang
Signal Control RoomPhòng điều khiển tín hiệu
Traction SubstationTrạm biến áp kéo
Electrical EngineeringKỹ thuật điện
Mechanical EngineeringKỹ thuật cơ khí
Railway ElectrificationĐiện khí hóa đường sắt
Signal InterlockingKhóa tín hiệu
Communication SystemsHệ thống liên lạc
Automatic Train Control (ATC)Điều khiển tàu tự động (ATC)
Railway Signaling TechnicianKỹ thuật viên tín hiệu đường sắt
Bridge AbutmentMố cầu
Foundation EngineeringKỹ thuật móng
Slope StabilityỔn định dốc
Drainage SystemHệ thống thoát nước
Utilities RelocationDi dời tiện ích
Noise BarriersRào chắn tiếng ồn
Project SchedulingLập lịch dự án
Critical Path Method (CPM)Phương pháp đường găng (CPM)
Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro
Contingency PlanKế hoạch dự phòng
Project CharterĐiều lệ dự án
Change OrderThay đổi đơn hàng
Site ManagementQuản lý công trường
Construction PermitsGiấy phép xây dựng
Regulatory ComplianceTuân thủ quy định
Stakeholder CommunicationTruyền thông với các bên liên quan
Resource AllocationPhân bổ nguồn lực
Supply Chain ManagementQuản lý chuỗi cung ứng
Project MilestoneCột mốc dự án
Progress MonitoringGiám sát tiến độ
Quality Control (QC)Kiểm soát chất lượng (QC)
As-Built DocumentationTài liệu hoàn công
Track RenewalĐổi mới đường ray
Railway ExpansionMở rộng đường sắt
Double-TrackingĐường sắt đôi
High-Speed RailĐường sắt cao tốc
Metro SystemHệ thống tàu điện ngầm
Light Rail Transit (LRT)Hệ thống tàu điện nhẹ (LRT)
Freight CorridorHành lang vận chuyển hàng hóa
Passenger TrafficLưu lượng hành khách
Railway Operations CenterTrung tâm vận hành đường sắt
Inspection ReportBáo cáo kiểm tra
Accident InvestigationĐiều tra tai nạn
Train SchedulingLịch trình tàu
Track MaintenanceBảo trì đường ray
Railway Safety AuditKiểm toán an toàn đường sắt
Contractor ManagementQuản lý nhà thầu
Construction SupervisionGiám sát thi công
Railway Project CommissioningKhởi công dự án đường sắt

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Railway Infrastructure: The development of railway infrastructure is crucial for improving national transportation.
  2. Track Alignment: Engineers must ensure accurate track alignment to avoid derailments.
  3. Rail Gauge: The railway’s rail gauge determines the width between the inner sides of the tracks.
  4. Grade Separation: Grade separation was implemented to eliminate traffic conflicts at the railway crossing.
  5. Railroad Ties (Sleepers): Railroad ties provide support and stability for the railway tracks.
  6. Ballast: Ballast is essential for maintaining track stability and drainage.
  7. Subgrade: The subgrade must be properly compacted to support the weight of the trains.
  8. Rail Welding: Rail welding creates a continuous track, reducing the risk of rail fractures.
  9. Switches and Crossings: The project includes the installation of new switches and crossings to enhance train routing.
  10. Signaling System: The signaling system ensures the safe movement of trains on the network.
  11. Overhead Electrification: Overhead electrification provides power to the trains through the catenary system.
  12. Catenary: The catenary wires must be regularly inspected to ensure reliable power delivery.
  13. Traction Power Supply: The traction power supply is critical for the operation of electric trains.
  14. Rolling Stock: The rolling stock for the new railway line includes modern high-speed trains.
  15. Railway Station: The new railway station is designed to handle both passenger and freight services.
  16. Platform Edge Doors: Platform edge doors enhance safety by preventing passengers from falling onto the tracks.
  17. Track Geometry: Maintaining proper track geometry is essential for the smooth operation of trains.
  18. Cutting (Railway): The cutting through the hill was necessary to create a level track bed.
  19. Embankment: The embankment was reinforced to prevent erosion and ensure track stability.
  20. Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM): The Tunnel Boring Machine was used to excavate the underground rail tunnel.
  21. Bridge Construction: The railway project includes the construction of several bridges over rivers and roads.
  22. Viaduct: The viaduct will span the valley, allowing the railway to maintain a consistent elevation.
  23. Railway Depot: The railway depot will house and maintain the trains used on the network.
  24. Yard Management: Effective yard management ensures efficient train movements and storage.
  25. Track Inspection: Regular track inspection is necessary to detect and address any potential issues.
  26. Safety Standards: Adhering to safety standards is critical for the safe operation of the railway.
  27. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): An Environmental Impact Assessment was conducted before starting construction.
  28. Noise Mitigation: Noise mitigation measures were implemented to reduce the impact on nearby communities.
  29. Vibration Control: Vibration control is necessary to protect nearby structures from the effects of passing trains.
  30. Project Feasibility Study: The project feasibility study confirmed the viability of the new railway line.
  31. Railway Project Timeline: The railway project timeline outlines the key milestones and deadlines.
  32. Stakeholder Management: Effective stakeholder management ensures that all parties are informed and engaged.
  33. Land Acquisition: Land acquisition was a significant challenge for the railway construction project.
  34. Cost Estimation: Accurate cost estimation is essential for budget planning and control.
  35. Budget Control: Budget control measures were implemented to prevent cost overruns.
  36. Construction Phasing: The project was divided into multiple phases to manage construction more effectively.
  37. Contract Management: Contract management is crucial for ensuring that all work is completed as agreed.
  38. Quality Assurance (QA): Quality assurance processes ensure that the construction meets the required standards.
  39. Health and Safety Regulations: Compliance with health and safety regulations is mandatory on the construction site.
  40. Railway Operations: The railway operations team is responsible for managing train schedules and maintenance.
  41. Maintenance Schedule: The maintenance schedule outlines when inspections and repairs will take place.
  42. Emergency Response Plan: An emergency response plan was developed to address potential accidents.
  43. Procurement Strategy: The procurement strategy was designed to source materials and services efficiently.
  44. Project Tendering: The project tendering process attracted bids from several international contractors.
  45. Site Survey: A site survey was conducted to assess the terrain and plan the track layout.
  46. Geotechnical Investigation: The geotechnical investigation revealed the soil conditions along the proposed railway route.
  47. Civil Engineering: Civil engineering is a key component of railway construction, involving earthworks and structures.
  48. Structural Engineering: Structural engineering ensures that bridges and tunnels can withstand the loads they will carry.
  49. Track Laying: Track laying began after the completion of the earthworks and subgrade preparation.
  50. Concrete Sleeper Manufacturing: Concrete sleeper manufacturing was outsourced to a specialized company.
  51. Rail Joint: Rail joints must be properly aligned and secured to prevent track misalignment.
  52. Level Crossing: The level crossing was upgraded with new safety barriers and warning lights.
  53. Signal Control Room: The signal control room monitors and controls train movements across the network.
  54. Traction Substation: The traction substation provides the necessary electrical power to the railway system.
  55. Electrical Engineering: Electrical engineering is involved in designing and installing the railway’s power systems.
  56. Mechanical Engineering: Mechanical engineering is crucial for the maintenance of rolling stock and other machinery.
  57. Railway Electrification: Railway electrification is part of the project to reduce carbon emissions from trains.
  58. Signal Interlocking: Signal interlocking prevents conflicting train movements by controlling the signals and switches.
  59. Communication Systems: Reliable communication systems are essential for the safe operation of the railway.
  60. Automatic Train Control (ATC): Automatic Train Control systems improve the efficiency and safety of train operations.
  61. Railway Signaling Technician: The railway signaling technician is responsible for maintaining the signaling equipment.
  62. Bridge Abutment: The bridge abutment was reinforced to support the weight of the new rail bridge.
  63. Foundation Engineering: Foundation engineering is critical for ensuring the stability of railway structures.
  64. Slope Stability: Slope stability analysis was conducted to prevent landslides near the railway.
  65. Drainage System: The drainage system was designed to prevent water accumulation on the tracks.
  66. Utilities Relocation: Utilities relocation was necessary to clear the way for the new railway line.
  67. Noise Barriers: Noise barriers were installed along the railway to protect residential areas from train noise.
  68. Project Scheduling: Project scheduling ensures that all construction activities are completed on time.
  69. Critical Path Method (CPM): The Critical Path Method was used to identify the most time-sensitive tasks.
  70. Risk Management: Risk management processes were put in place to address potential project delays.
  71. Contingency Plan: A contingency plan was developed to handle any unforeseen issues during construction.
  72. Project Charter: The project charter outlines the scope, objectives, and stakeholders of the railway project.
  73. Change Order: A change order was issued to modify the design of the railway station.
  74. Site Management: Site management ensures that construction activities are carried out efficiently and safely.
  75. Construction Permits: Obtaining construction permits was a critical step before starting the railway project.
  76. Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory compliance is essential for avoiding legal issues during construction.
  77. Stakeholder Communication: Effective stakeholder communication helps keep the project on track and within budget.
  78. Resource Allocation: Resource allocation must be carefully managed to avoid project delays.
  79. Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management ensures that all materials are delivered on time and within budget.
  80. Project Milestone: Reaching the first project milestone was a significant achievement for the construction team.
  81. Progress Monitoring: Progress monitoring allows the project manager to track the completion of tasks.
  82. Quality Control (QC): Quality control ensures that all construction work meets the required specifications.
  83. As-Built Documentation: As-built documentation was completed to reflect the final state of the construction.
  84. Track Renewal: Track renewal was scheduled to replace worn-out rails and sleepers.
  85. Railway Expansion: The railway expansion project will increase the capacity of the network.
  86. Double-Tracking: Double-tracking the line will allow for more frequent train services.
  87. High-Speed Rail: The new high-speed rail line will significantly reduce travel times between major cities.
  88. Metro System: The metro system is being upgraded to accommodate the growing urban population.
  89. Light Rail Transit (LRT): The Light Rail Transit system connects the suburbs to the city center.
  90. Freight Corridor: The dedicated freight corridor will improve the efficiency of goods transportation.
  91. Passenger Traffic: Passenger traffic is expected to increase with the introduction of the new rail services.
  92. Railway Operations Center: The Railway Operations Center coordinates train movements across the network.
  93. Inspection Report: The inspection report highlighted several areas that required immediate attention.
  94. Accident Investigation: An accident investigation was launched to determine the cause of the derailment.
  95. Train Scheduling: Train scheduling is optimized to reduce waiting times at stations.
  96. Track Maintenance: Regular track maintenance is essential for ensuring the safety of the railway.
  97. Railway Safety Audit: A railway safety audit was conducted to identify potential risks and hazards.
  98. Contractor Management: Contractor management is key to ensuring that all work is completed on time and to specification.
  99. Construction Supervision: Construction supervision ensures that all work is carried out according to the project plan.
  100. Railway Project Commissioning: The railway project commissioning will mark the official start of operations.

Bài tập

  1. The development of ________ is crucial for improving national transportation.
  2. Engineers must ensure accurate ________ to avoid derailments.
  3. The railway’s ________ determines the width between the inner sides of the tracks.
  4. ________ was implemented to eliminate traffic conflicts at the railway crossing.
  5. ________ provide support and stability for the railway tracks.
  6. ________ is essential for maintaining track stability and drainage.
  7. The ________ must be properly compacted to support the weight of the trains.
  8. ________ creates a continuous track, reducing the risk of rail fractures.
  9. The project includes the installation of new ________ to enhance train routing.
  10. The ________ ensures the safe movement of trains on the network.
  11. ________ provides power to the trains through the catenary system.
  12. The ________ wires must be regularly inspected to ensure reliable power delivery.
  13. The ________ is critical for the operation of electric trains.
  14. The ________ for the new railway line includes modern high-speed trains.
  15. The new ________ is designed to handle both passenger and freight services.
  16. ________ enhance safety by preventing passengers from falling onto the tracks.
  17. Maintaining proper ________ is essential for the smooth operation of trains.
  18. The ________ through the hill was necessary to create a level track bed.
  19. The ________ was reinforced to prevent erosion and ensure track stability.
  20. The ________ was used to excavate the underground rail tunnel.
  21. The railway project includes the construction of several ________ over rivers and roads.
  22. The ________ will span the valley, allowing the railway to maintain a consistent elevation.
  23. The ________ will house and maintain the trains used on the network.
  24. Effective ________ ensures efficient train movements and storage.
  25. Regular ________ is necessary to detect and address any potential issues.
  26. Adhering to ________ is critical for the safe operation of the railway.
  27. An ________ was conducted before starting construction.
  28. ________ measures were implemented to reduce the impact on nearby communities.
  29. ________ is necessary to protect nearby structures from the effects of passing trains.
  30. The project ________ confirmed the viability of the new railway line.
  31. The ________ outlines the key milestones and deadlines.
  32. Effective ________ ensures that all parties are informed and engaged.
  33. ________ was a significant challenge for the railway construction project.
  34. Accurate ________ is essential for budget planning and control.
  35. ________ measures were implemented to prevent cost overruns.
  36. The project was divided into multiple phases to manage ________ more effectively.
  37. ________ is crucial for ensuring that all work is completed as agreed.
  38. ________ processes ensure that the construction meets the required standards.
  39. Compliance with ________ is mandatory on the construction site.
  40. The ________ team is responsible for managing train schedules and maintenance.
  41. The ________ outlines when inspections and repairs will take place.
  42. An ________ was developed to address potential accidents.
  43. The ________ was designed to source materials and services efficiently.
  44. The project ________ process attracted bids from several international contractors.
  45. A ________ was conducted to assess the terrain and plan the track layout.
  46. The ________ revealed the soil conditions along the proposed railway route.
  47. ________ is a key component of railway construction, involving earthworks and structures.
  48. ________ ensures that bridges and tunnels can withstand the loads they will carry.
  49. ________ began after the completion of the earthworks and subgrade preparation.
  50. ________ was outsourced to a specialized company.
  51. ________ must be properly aligned and secured to prevent track misalignment.
  52. The ________ was upgraded with new safety barriers and warning lights.
  53. The ________ monitors and controls train movements across the network.
  54. The ________ provides the necessary electrical power to the railway system.
  55. ________ is involved in designing and installing the railway’s power systems.
  56. ________ is crucial for the maintenance of rolling stock and other machinery.
  57. ________ is part of the project to reduce carbon emissions from trains.
  58. ________ prevents conflicting train movements by controlling the signals and switches.
  59. Reliable ________ are essential for the safe operation of the railway.
  60. ________ systems improve the efficiency and safety of train operations.
  61. The ________ is responsible for maintaining the signaling equipment.
  62. The ________ was reinforced to support the weight of the new rail bridge.
  63. ________ is critical for ensuring the stability of railway structures.
  64. ________ analysis was conducted to prevent landslides near the railway.
  65. The ________ was designed to prevent water accumulation on the tracks.
  66. ________ was necessary to clear the way for the new railway line.
  67. ________ were installed along the railway to protect residential areas from train noise.
  68. ________ ensures that all construction activities are completed on time.
  69. The ________ was used to identify the most time-sensitive tasks.
  70. ________ processes were put in place to address potential project delays.
  71. A ________ was developed to handle any unforeseen issues during construction.
  72. The ________ outlines the scope, objectives, and stakeholders of the railway project.
  73. A ________ was issued to modify the design of the railway station.
  74. ________ ensures that construction activities are carried out efficiently and safely.
  75. Obtaining ________ was a critical step before starting the railway project.
  76. ________ is essential for avoiding legal issues during construction.
  77. Effective ________ helps keep the project on track and within budget.
  78. ________ must be carefully managed to avoid project delays.
  79. ________ ensures that all materials are delivered on time and within budget.
  80. Reaching the first ________ was a significant achievement for the construction team.
  81. ________ allows the project manager to track the completion of tasks.
  82. ________ ensures that all construction work meets the required specifications.
  83. ________ was completed to reflect the final state of the construction.
  84. ________ was scheduled to replace worn-out rails and sleepers.
  85. The ________ project will increase the capacity of the network.
  86. ________ the line will allow for more frequent train services.
  87. The new ________ line will significantly reduce travel times between major cities.
  88. The ________ is being upgraded to accommodate the growing urban population.
  89. The ________ system connects the suburbs to the city center.
  90. The dedicated ________ will improve the efficiency of goods transportation.
  91. ________ is expected to increase with the introduction of the new rail services.
  92. The ________ coordinates train movements across the network.
  93. The ________ highlighted several areas that required immediate attention.
  94. An ________ was launched to determine the cause of the derailment.
  95. ________ is optimized to reduce waiting times at stations.
  96. Regular ________ is essential for ensuring the safety of the railway.
  97. A ________ was conducted to identify potential risks and hazards.
  98. ________ is key to ensuring that all work is completed on time and to specification.
  99. ________ ensures that all work is carried out according to the project plan.
  100. The railway project ________ will mark the official start of operations.

Đáp án

  1. Railway Infrastructure
  2. Track Alignment
  3. Rail Gauge
  4. Grade Separation
  5. Railroad Ties (Sleepers)
  6. Ballast
  7. Subgrade
  8. Rail Welding
  9. Switches and Crossings
  10. Signaling System
  11. Overhead Electrification
  12. Catenary
  13. Traction Power Supply
  14. Rolling Stock
  15. Railway Station
  16. Platform Edge Doors
  17. Track Geometry
  18. Cutting (Railway)
  19. Embankment
  20. Tunnel Boring Machine (TBM)
  21. Bridges
  22. Viaduct
  23. Railway Depot
  24. Yard Management
  25. Track Inspection
  26. Safety Standards
  27. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  28. Noise Mitigation
  29. Vibration Control
  30. Project Feasibility Study
  31. Railway Project Timeline
  32. Stakeholder Management
  33. Land Acquisition
  34. Cost Estimation
  35. Budget Control
  36. Construction Phasing
  37. Contract Management
  38. Quality Assurance (QA)
  39. Health and Safety Regulations
  40. Railway Operations
  41. Maintenance Schedule
  42. Emergency Response Plan
  43. Procurement Strategy
  44. Project Tendering
  45. Site Survey
  46. Geotechnical Investigation
  47. Civil Engineering
  48. Structural Engineering
  49. Track Laying
  50. Concrete Sleeper Manufacturing
  51. Rail Joint
  52. Level Crossing
  53. Signal Control Room
  54. Traction Substation
  55. Electrical Engineering
  56. Mechanical Engineering
  57. Railway Electrification
  58. Signal Interlocking
  59. Communication Systems
  60. Automatic Train Control (ATC)
  61. Railway Signaling Technician
  62. Bridge Abutment
  63. Foundation Engineering
  64. Slope Stability
  65. Drainage System
  66. Utilities Relocation
  67. Noise Barriers
  68. Project Scheduling
  69. Critical Path Method (CPM)
  70. Risk Management
  71. Contingency Plan
  72. Project Charter
  73. Change Order
  74. Site Management
  75. Construction Permits
  76. Regulatory Compliance
  77. Stakeholder Communication
  78. Resource Allocation
  79. Supply Chain Management
  80. Project Milestone
  81. Progress Monitoring
  82. Quality Control (QC)
  83. As-Built Documentation
  84. Track Renewal
  85. Railway Expansion
  86. Double-Tracking
  87. High-Speed Rail
  88. Metro System
  89. Light Rail Transit (LRT)
  90. Freight Corridor
  91. Passenger Traffic
  92. Railway Operations Center
  93. Inspection Report
  94. Accident Investigation
  95. Train Scheduling
  96. Track Maintenance
  97. Railway Safety Audit
  98. Contractor Management
  99. Construction Supervision
  100. Railway Project Commissioning
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