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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lý dự án xây dựng đường cao tốc

Bài viết này tổng hợp 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành về Quản lý dự án xây dựng đường cao tốc. Các từ vựng này giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các khía cạnh như lập kế hoạch, thiết kế, thi công và quản lý dự án, từ đó nắm vững thuật ngữ cần thiết để giao tiếp và làm việc hiệu quả trong ngành.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lý dự án xây dựng đường cao tốc

Highway DesignThiết kế đường cao tốc
Road AlignmentCăn chỉnh đường
Pavement StructureCấu trúc mặt đường
Traffic Flow AnalysisPhân tích lưu lượng giao thông
Roadway Cross-SectionMặt cắt ngang đường
Grade SeparationTách tầng
Interchange DesignThiết kế nút giao
Shoulder ConstructionXây dựng vai đường
EarthworkCông tác đất
Subgrade PreparationChuẩn bị nền đường
Asphalt PavingLát nhựa đường
Concrete PavingLát bê tông
Drainage SystemHệ thống thoát nước
Road MarkingKẻ vạch đường
Signage InstallationLắp đặt biển báo
Traffic Control DevicesThiết bị điều khiển giao thông
Bridge EngineeringKỹ thuật cầu
Retaining WallsTường chắn
Tunnel ConstructionXây dựng hầm
SurveyingKhảo sát
Geotechnical AnalysisPhân tích địa kỹ thuật
Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)Đánh giá tác động môi trường (ĐTM)
Noise BarriersRào chắn tiếng ồn
Embankment ConstructionXây dựng đắp đất
Cut and FillĐào đắp
Stormwater ManagementQuản lý nước mưa
Roadway LightingChiếu sáng đường
Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)Duy trì lưu lượng giao thông (MOT)
Quality Assurance (QA)Đảm bảo chất lượng (QA)
Quality Control (QC)Kiểm soát chất lượng (QC)
Contract AdministrationQuản lý hợp đồng
Cost EstimationƯớc tính chi phí
Budget ManagementQuản lý ngân sách
Project SchedulingLập kế hoạch dự án
Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro
Project Feasibility StudyNghiên cứu khả thi dự án
Stakeholder CommunicationTruyền thông với các bên liên quan
Land AcquisitionGiải phóng mặt bằng
Construction PermitsGiấy phép xây dựng
Regulatory ComplianceTuân thủ quy định
Site PreparationChuẩn bị mặt bằng
Materials ProcurementMua sắm vật liệu
Construction PhasingGiai đoạn thi công
Project TenderingĐấu thầu dự án
Contractor SelectionLựa chọn nhà thầu
Construction SupervisionGiám sát xây dựng
Traffic Signal SystemsHệ thống đèn tín hiệu giao thông
Roadway Safety AuditĐánh giá an toàn đường bộ
Temporary Traffic ControlĐiều khiển giao thông tạm thời
Geotechnical TestingThử nghiệm địa kỹ thuật
Roadway InspectionKiểm tra đường bộ
Maintenance ScheduleLịch bảo trì
Emergency Response PlanKế hoạch ứng phó khẩn cấp
Public ConsultationTham vấn công chúng
Noise ControlKiểm soát tiếng ồn
Vibration MitigationGiảm thiểu rung động
Soil StabilizationỔn định đất
Utility RelocationDi dời tiện ích
Environmental MitigationGiảm thiểu tác động môi trường
LandscapingCảnh quan
Access ControlKiểm soát truy cập
Roadway ExpansionMở rộng đường
Roadway RehabilitationPhục hồi đường bộ
Bridge MaintenanceBảo trì cầu
Highway Lighting DesignThiết kế chiếu sáng đường cao tốc
Traffic Flow ManagementQuản lý lưu lượng giao thông
Pedestrian FacilitiesCơ sở hạ tầng cho người đi bộ
Cyclist FacilitiesCơ sở hạ tầng cho người đi xe đạp
Incident ManagementQuản lý sự cố
Construction Safety PlanKế hoạch an toàn xây dựng
Design-BuildThiết kế-Xây dựng
Public-Private Partnership (PPP)Đối tác công tư (PPP)
Cost-Benefit AnalysisPhân tích chi phí-lợi ích
Project CharterĐề cương dự án
Change Order ManagementQuản lý lệnh thay đổi
Resource AllocationPhân bổ tài nguyên
Supply Chain ManagementQuản lý chuỗi cung ứng
Milestone TrackingTheo dõi các cột mốc
Progress ReportingBáo cáo tiến độ
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)Cấu trúc phân chia công việc (WBS)
Earned Value Management (EVM)Quản lý giá trị thu được (EVM)
Schedule CompressionNén tiến độ
Contingency PlanningLập kế hoạch dự phòng
Scope ManagementQuản lý phạm vi
Client CoordinationPhối hợp với khách hàng
Final InspectionKiểm tra cuối cùng
Project HandoverBàn giao dự án
CommissioningNghiệm thu và vận hành
Safety InspectionsKiểm tra an toàn
Contractual ObligationsNghĩa vụ hợp đồng
Operational TestingThử nghiệm vận hành
Performance MetricsChỉ số hiệu suất
Post-Construction ReviewĐánh giá sau thi công
Lessons LearnedBài học kinh nghiệm
Project DocumentationTài liệu dự án
Asset ManagementQuản lý tài sản
Traffic SimulationMô phỏng giao thông
Roadway Capacity AnalysisPhân tích năng lực đường
Design StandardsTiêu chuẩn thiết kế
Construction MethodologyPhương pháp thi công

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Highway Design: The highway design includes multiple lanes to accommodate increasing traffic volumes.
  2. Road Alignment: Proper road alignment is crucial for ensuring a smooth driving experience.
  3. Pavement Structure: The pavement structure was engineered to handle heavy truck loads.
  4. Traffic Flow Analysis: Traffic flow analysis was conducted to optimize the intersection layout.
  5. Roadway Cross-Section: The roadway cross-section includes lanes, shoulders, and drainage systems.
  6. Grade Separation: Grade separation is used to eliminate conflicts between vehicles and trains at crossings.
  7. Interchange Design: The interchange design aims to improve traffic efficiency and safety.
  8. Shoulder Construction: Shoulder construction provides additional space for emergency stops and breakdowns.
  9. Earthwork: Earthwork involves moving large quantities of soil to create the roadbed.
  10. Subgrade Preparation: Subgrade preparation is essential for providing a stable foundation for the roadway.
  11. Asphalt Paving: Asphalt paving was chosen for its durability and smooth surface.
  12. Concrete Paving: Concrete paving offers a long-lasting surface for high-traffic areas.
  13. Drainage System: A well-designed drainage system prevents water accumulation on the road.
  14. Road Marking: Road marking is used to delineate lanes and guide drivers.
  15. Signage Installation: Signage installation includes placing road signs for navigation and safety.
  16. Traffic Control Devices: Traffic control devices like signals and signs manage vehicle movement effectively.
  17. Bridge Engineering: Bridge engineering involves designing structures to span over obstacles like rivers.
  18. Retaining Walls: Retaining walls are used to support the roadbed and prevent soil erosion.
  19. Tunnel Construction: Tunnel construction requires specialized equipment and techniques.
  20. Surveying: Surveying is conducted to measure and map the land for accurate road placement.
  21. Geotechnical Analysis: Geotechnical analysis assesses soil conditions to ensure road stability.
  22. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA): An Environmental Impact Assessment was required to evaluate potential ecological effects.
  23. Noise Barriers: Noise barriers were installed to reduce traffic noise for nearby residents.
  24. Embankment Construction: Embankment construction supports the roadbed and maintains its elevation.
  25. Cut and Fill: The cut and fill process balanced the excavation and fill required for the road.
  26. Stormwater Management: Stormwater management systems were designed to handle runoff and prevent flooding.
  27. Roadway Lighting: Roadway lighting improves visibility and safety during night driving.
  28. Maintenance of Traffic (MOT): Maintenance of Traffic plans ensure smooth traffic flow during construction.
  29. Quality Assurance (QA): Quality Assurance processes were implemented to ensure construction standards.
  30. Quality Control (QC): Quality Control checks were conducted to maintain high construction quality.
  31. Contract Administration: Contract Administration involves managing agreements with contractors.
  32. Cost Estimation: Accurate cost estimation was crucial for budgeting the highway project.
  33. Budget Management: Budget management ensures that the project stays within financial constraints.
  34. Project Scheduling: Project scheduling outlines the timeline and deadlines for construction activities.
  35. Risk Management: Risk management strategies were developed to mitigate potential issues during construction.
  36. Project Feasibility Study: A Project Feasibility Study assessed whether the highway project was viable.
  37. Stakeholder Communication: Effective stakeholder communication helps keep all parties informed and engaged.
  38. Land Acquisition: Land acquisition was necessary to secure the property required for the highway.
  39. Construction Permits: Obtaining construction permits was a critical step before starting the project.
  40. Regulatory Compliance: Regulatory compliance ensures that all construction activities meet legal requirements.
  41. Site Preparation: Site preparation involved clearing and grading the land before construction began.
  42. Materials Procurement: Materials procurement ensures that all necessary supplies are available for construction.
  43. Construction Phasing: Construction phasing divided the project into manageable stages to ensure timely completion.
  44. Project Tendering: The project tendering process attracted bids from various contractors.
  45. Contractor Selection: Contractor selection was based on experience, cost, and project requirements.
  46. Construction Supervision: Construction supervision ensured that work was performed according to specifications.
  47. Traffic Signal Systems: Traffic signal systems were upgraded to improve traffic flow at intersections.
  48. Roadway Safety Audit: A roadway safety audit identified potential hazards and recommended improvements.
  49. Temporary Traffic Control: Temporary traffic control measures were implemented to manage traffic during construction.
  50. Geotechnical Testing: Geotechnical testing provided data on soil stability for the road foundation.
  51. Roadway Inspection: Roadway inspection is conducted to identify maintenance needs and ensure safety.
  52. Maintenance Schedule: A maintenance schedule was developed to regularly inspect and repair the road.
  53. Emergency Response Plan: An emergency response plan was created to address accidents and other incidents.
  54. Public Consultation: Public consultation was held to gather feedback and address community concerns.
  55. Noise Control: Noise control measures were introduced to minimize disturbances from construction activities.
  56. Vibration Mitigation: Vibration mitigation techniques were used to protect nearby structures during construction.
  57. Soil Stabilization: Soil stabilization methods were applied to prevent erosion and maintain road stability.
  58. Utility Relocation: Utility relocation was required to accommodate the new roadway alignment.
  59. Environmental Mitigation: Environmental mitigation strategies were employed to reduce the project’s ecological impact.
  60. Landscaping: Landscaping was incorporated to enhance the visual appeal of the highway corridor.
  61. Access Control: Access control measures regulate entry points to maintain traffic flow and security.
  62. Roadway Expansion: Roadway expansion was necessary to accommodate increased traffic volumes.
  63. Roadway Rehabilitation: Roadway rehabilitation involved resurfacing and repairing existing roads.
  64. Bridge Maintenance: Bridge maintenance ensures the structural integrity and safety of highway bridges.
  65. Highway Lighting Design: Highway lighting design improves visibility and safety on the road at night.
  66. Traffic Flow Management: Traffic flow management techniques were applied to reduce congestion and delays.
  67. Pedestrian Facilities: Pedestrian facilities were included to ensure safe crossing points for walkers.
  68. Cyclist Facilities: Cyclist facilities such as bike lanes were added to support non-motorized transportation.
  69. Incident Management: Incident management protocols were established to quickly address accidents and disruptions.
  70. Construction Safety Plan: The construction safety plan outlined procedures to protect workers on site.
  71. Design-Build: The design-build approach streamlined the project by combining design and construction phases.
  72. Public-Private Partnership (PPP): The project utilized a Public-Private Partnership to share risks and resources.
  73. Cost-Benefit Analysis: A cost-benefit analysis evaluated the economic advantages of the highway project.
  74. Project Charter: The project charter defined the scope, objectives, and stakeholders of the highway project.
  75. Change Order Management: Change order management tracked and documented modifications to the project scope.
  76. Resource Allocation: Resource allocation ensured that the necessary materials and personnel were available.
  77. Supply Chain Management: Supply chain management optimized the delivery of construction materials and equipment.
  78. Milestone Tracking: Milestone tracking monitored the progress and completion of key project stages.
  79. Progress Reporting: Regular progress reporting provided updates on project status and achievements.
  80. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): The Work Breakdown Structure organized the project into manageable components.
  81. Earned Value Management (EVM): Earned Value Management was used to assess project performance and progress.
  82. Schedule Compression: Schedule compression techniques were applied to accelerate project completion.
  83. Contingency Planning: Contingency planning addressed potential risks and prepared for unexpected issues.
  84. Scope Management: Scope management defined and controlled the project’s deliverables and boundaries.
  85. Client Coordination: Client coordination ensured that the project’s objectives and requirements were met.
  86. Final Inspection: A final inspection was conducted to verify that all project specifications were fulfilled.
  87. Project Handover: The project handover marked the formal transfer of the completed highway to the client.
  88. Commissioning: Commissioning involved testing and validating the highway’s systems and components.
  89. Safety Inspections: Safety inspections identified and addressed potential hazards on the construction site.
  90. Contractual Obligations: Contractual obligations outlined the responsibilities and deliverables of each party.
  91. Operational Testing: Operational testing assessed the functionality and performance of the highway infrastructure.
  92. Performance Metrics: Performance metrics were used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the project.
  93. Post-Construction Review: A post-construction review analyzed the project’s outcomes and identified lessons learned.
  94. Lessons Learned: Lessons learned from the project were documented to improve future construction practices.
  95. Project Documentation: Project documentation included all records and reports related to the construction process.
  96. Asset Management: Asset management strategies were implemented to maintain and optimize highway assets.
  97. Traffic Simulation: Traffic simulation models helped predict and manage traffic flow on the new highway.
  98. Roadway Capacity Analysis: Roadway capacity analysis evaluated the road’s ability to handle traffic volumes.
  99. Design Standards: Design standards provided guidelines for ensuring the quality and safety of the highway.
  100. Construction Methodology: The construction methodology outlined the techniques and processes used in building the highway.

Bài tập

  1. The ________ includes multiple lanes and interchanges to accommodate high traffic volumes.
  2. Proper ________ ensures that the road curves and straight sections are optimally aligned.
  3. The ________ is designed to handle heavy truck loads and high traffic.
  4. ________ was performed to understand the patterns of vehicle movement and optimize traffic signals.
  5. The ________ of the road includes lanes, shoulders, and drainage systems.
  6. ________ helps to separate different levels of traffic, such as highways and local roads.
  7. The ________ is crucial for managing the transition between different roads and highways.
  8. ________ provides additional space for emergency stops and breakdowns.
  9. The ________ involves moving large amounts of soil to create a stable roadbed.
  10. ________ is essential for creating a stable foundation for the highway.
  11. ________ was chosen for its durability and smooth surface finish.
  12. ________ provides a long-lasting surface and is suitable for high-traffic areas.
  13. A well-designed ________ prevents water from accumulating on the road surface.
  14. ________ are used to guide drivers and ensure safe navigation on the highway.
  15. ________ includes the installation of road signs and signals to improve safety.
  16. Effective ________ helps manage vehicle movement and reduce accidents.
  17. ________ focuses on designing structures to span over rivers and valleys.
  18. ________ are used to support the roadbed and prevent soil erosion.
  19. ________ requires special techniques and equipment to dig tunnels under obstacles.
  20. ________ provides accurate measurements and mapping for road construction.
  21. ________ assesses soil conditions to ensure the road’s stability and safety.
  22. An ________ was required to evaluate the environmental impact of the highway project.
  23. ________ were installed to reduce the impact of traffic noise on surrounding areas.
  24. ________ supports the roadbed and helps maintain its elevation.
  25. The ________ process involves balancing excavation and fill to create a stable roadbed.
  26. Proper ________ is essential for handling runoff and preventing flooding on the road.
  27. ________ improves visibility and safety on the road during nighttime driving.
  28. The ________ plan ensures that traffic flow is maintained during construction activities.
  29. ________ processes were implemented to ensure construction quality and adherence to standards.
  30. Regular ________ checks were conducted to maintain high-quality construction.
  31. ________ involves managing agreements and performance with contractors.
  32. Accurate ________ is crucial for planning and managing the project’s finances.
  33. ________ ensures that the project remains within the financial limits set by the budget.
  34. The ________ outlines all the tasks and deadlines for the highway construction project.
  35. ________ strategies were developed to address and mitigate potential project risks.
  36. The ________ assessed whether the highway project was viable and feasible.
  37. Effective ________ helps to keep all stakeholders informed and involved throughout the project.
  38. ________ was necessary to acquire the land required for the construction of the highway.
  39. Securing ________ was a crucial step before any construction work could commence.
  40. Ensuring ________ involves meeting all the legal and regulatory requirements for construction.
  41. ________ involved clearing and preparing the site before beginning road construction.
  42. Proper ________ ensures that all materials needed for construction are sourced and delivered.
  43. ________ divides the project into manageable stages to ensure timely completion.
  44. The ________ attracted bids from several contractors interested in working on the highway project.
  45. ________ provided detailed measurements and data needed for accurate road placement.
  46. The ________ examined soil conditions and their suitability for the road construction.
  47. ________ focuses on the engineering aspects of building the road and its components.
  48. ________ ensures that structures like bridges and retaining walls are strong and durable.
  49. ________ involves laying down the track or road surface to complete the construction.
  50. ________ was tasked with producing and delivering concrete sleepers for the roadbed.
  51. The ________ ensures that the joints between rail sections are properly aligned and secured.
  52. The new ________ was equipped with safety barriers and enhanced visibility features.
  53. The ________ manages and controls the movement of vehicles and trains across the network.
  54. The ________ supplies electrical power to the lighting and signaling systems along the road.
  55. ________ focuses on the design and installation of the road’s electrical systems.
  56. The ________ team handles the maintenance and repair of machinery and equipment.
  57. The ________ project aimed to reduce carbon emissions by incorporating green technologies.
  58. The ________ system controls the signals and switches to prevent train conflicts.
  59. Reliable ________ are essential for ensuring the safety and smooth operation of the road.
  60. ________ systems enhance the efficiency and safety of vehicle movements on the road.
  61. The ________ is responsible for maintaining and repairing the signaling equipment.
  62. The new ________ was designed to handle the weight of heavy vehicles and prevent damage.
  63. Proper ________ ensures that the road’s foundation remains stable and secure.
  64. The ________ addressed concerns about potential landslides and road stability.
  65. A well-designed ________ prevents water from accumulating on and around the road.
  66. ________ was required to relocate utilities that were in the path of the new highway.
  67. ________ were installed to shield residential areas from the noise produced by the highway.
  68. The ________ outlined the schedule for construction activities and milestones.
  69. ________ monitored the project’s progress and ensured timely completion of tasks.
  70. Effective ________ strategies helped to address and resolve issues that arose during construction.
  71. The ________ prepared for potential problems by developing contingency plans.
  72. The ________ defined the project’s objectives, scope, and key stakeholders.
  73. A ________ was issued to modify aspects of the road design based on new requirements.
  74. Efficient ________ ensured that construction activities were performed safely and effectively.
  75. Obtaining ________ was essential before commencing work on the highway project.
  76. Adhering to ________ was necessary to avoid legal issues and ensure compliance.
  77. Effective ________ kept the project on schedule and within budget.
  78. Proper ________ ensured that resources, including labor and materials, were allocated efficiently.
  79. ________ ensured timely and cost-effective delivery of materials and equipment.
  80. Reaching the project ________ was a significant achievement in the construction timeline.
  81. ________ tracked the completion of key stages and provided updates on progress.
  82. ________ ensured that construction work met the required quality and safety standards.
  83. The ________ documented the final state of the highway after construction was completed.
  84. ________ involved replacing worn-out sections of the road to maintain safety and functionality.
  85. The ________ project aimed to increase the road network’s capacity to accommodate more traffic.
  86. ________ allowed for the addition of more lanes and improved traffic flow.
  87. The new ________ line reduced travel time between major cities significantly.
  88. The ________ system was upgraded to support the city’s growing population and transportation needs.
  89. The ________ connected different areas of the city and provided efficient public transportation.
  90. The new ________ improved the efficiency of transporting goods across regions.
  91. ________ is expected to rise with the introduction of additional rail services.
  92. The ________ managed the coordination of train and vehicle movements throughout the network.
  93. The ________ identified areas needing immediate attention to address safety concerns.
  94. An ________ was conducted to investigate the cause of a recent road accident.
  95. ________ was optimized to reduce the waiting time for vehicles at traffic signals.
  96. Regular ________ is necessary to keep the road in good condition and safe for use.
  97. A ________ evaluated the potential risks and hazards associated with the road project.
  98. Effective ________ ensured that all project tasks were completed on time and to specification.
  99. ________ supervised the construction work to ensure it adhered to the project plan.
  100. The ________ marked the official beginning of the road’s operation and usage.

Đáp án

  1. Highway Design
  2. Road Alignment
  3. Pavement Structure
  4. Traffic Flow Analysis
  5. Roadway Cross-Section
  6. Grade Separation
  7. Interchange Design
  8. Shoulder Construction
  9. Earthwork
  10. Subgrade Preparation
  11. Asphalt Paving
  12. Concrete Paving
  13. Drainage System
  14. Road Marking
  15. Signage Installation
  16. Traffic Control Devices
  17. Bridge Engineering
  18. Retaining Walls
  19. Tunnel Construction
  20. Surveying
  21. Geotechnical Analysis
  22. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  23. Noise Barriers
  24. Embankment Construction
  25. Cut and Fill
  26. Stormwater Management
  27. Roadway Lighting
  28. Maintenance of Traffic (MOT)
  29. Quality Assurance (QA)
  30. Quality Control (QC)
  31. Contract Administration
  32. Cost Estimation
  33. Budget Management
  34. Project Scheduling
  35. Risk Management
  36. Project Feasibility Study
  37. Stakeholder Communication
  38. Land Acquisition
  39. Construction Permits
  40. Regulatory Compliance
  41. Site Preparation
  42. Materials Procurement
  43. Construction Phasing
  44. Project Tendering
  45. Contractor Selection
  46. Construction Supervision
  47. Traffic Signal Systems
  48. Roadway Safety Audit
  49. Temporary Traffic Control
  50. Geotechnical Testing
  51. Roadway Inspection
  52. Maintenance Schedule
  53. Emergency Response Plan
  54. Public Consultation
  55. Noise Control
  56. Vibration Mitigation
  57. Soil Stabilization
  58. Utility Relocation
  59. Environmental Mitigation
  60. Landscaping
  61. Access Control
  62. Roadway Expansion
  63. Roadway Rehabilitation
  64. Bridge Maintenance
  65. Highway Lighting Design
  66. Traffic Flow Management
  67. Pedestrian Facilities
  68. Cyclist Facilities
  69. Incident Management
  70. Construction Safety Plan
  71. Design-Build
  72. Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
  73. Cost-Benefit Analysis
  74. Project Charter
  75. Change Order Management
  76. Resource Allocation
  77. Supply Chain Management
  78. Milestone Tracking
  79. Progress Reporting
  80. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  81. Earned Value Management (EVM)
  82. Schedule Compression
  83. Contingency Planning
  84. Scope Management
  85. Client Coordination
  86. Final Inspection
  87. Project Handover
  88. Commissioning
  89. Safety Inspections
  90. Contractual Obligations
  91. Operational Testing
  92. Performance Metrics
  93. Post-Construction Review
  94. Lessons Learned
  95. Project Documentation
  96. Asset Management
  97. Traffic Simulation
  98. Roadway Capacity Analysis
  99. Design Standards
  100. Construction Methodology

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