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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lý dự án xây dựng khu dân cư

Bài viết này sẽ cung cấp cho bạn 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh quan trọng trong lĩnh vực Quản lý Dự án Xây dựng Khu dân cư. Các từ vựng này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các quy trình, vai trò và công việc trong ngành, từ giai đoạn lập kế hoạch đến hoàn thiện dự án.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lý dự án xây dựng khu dân cư

  1. Project management – Quản lý dự án
  2. Construction site – Công trường xây dựng
  3. Residential area – Khu dân cư
  4. Building permit – Giấy phép xây dựng
  5. Blueprint – Bản thiết kế
  6. Contractor – Nhà thầu
  7. Subcontractor – Nhà thầu phụ
  8. Budget estimation – Dự toán ngân sách
  9. Material cost – Chi phí vật liệu
  10. Labor cost – Chi phí nhân công
  11. Project timeline – Tiến độ dự án
  12. Project scope – Phạm vi dự án
  13. Stakeholder – Bên liên quan
  14. Risk assessment – Đánh giá rủi ro
  15. Quality assurance – Đảm bảo chất lượng
  16. Safety regulations – Quy định an toàn
  17. Environmental impact – Tác động môi trường
  18. Site inspection – Kiểm tra công trường
  19. Project milestones – Các cột mốc dự án
  20. Resource allocation – Phân bổ nguồn lực
  21. Building code – Mã xây dựng
  22. Zoning regulations – Quy định phân vùng
  23. Land acquisition – Thu hồi đất
  24. Permit application – Đơn xin cấp phép
  25. Design phase – Giai đoạn thiết kế
  26. Planning phase – Giai đoạn lập kế hoạch
  27. Construction phase – Giai đoạn xây dựng
  28. Final inspection – Kiểm tra cuối cùng
  29. Project completion – Hoàn thành dự án
  30. Site engineer – Kỹ sư công trường
  31. Project coordinator – Điều phối viên dự án
  32. Urban planning – Quy hoạch đô thị
  33. Infrastructure – Cơ sở hạ tầng
  34. Utility services – Dịch vụ tiện ích
  35. Waste management – Quản lý chất thải
  36. Water supply – Cung cấp nước
  37. Electricity grid – Lưới điện
  38. Drainage system – Hệ thống thoát nước
  39. Road network – Mạng lưới đường
  40. Landscaping – Cảnh quan
  41. Public amenities – Tiện ích công cộng
  42. Community development – Phát triển cộng đồng
  43. Residential building – Tòa nhà dân cư
  44. Apartment complex – Khu chung cư
  45. Townhouse – Nhà phố
  46. Single-family home – Nhà ở đơn lẻ
  47. Green building – Công trình xanh
  48. Energy efficiency – Hiệu quả năng lượng
  49. Renewable energy – Năng lượng tái tạo
  50. Sustainable design – Thiết kế bền vững
  51. Building materials – Vật liệu xây dựng
  52. Concrete – Bê tông
  53. Steel reinforcement – Cốt thép
  54. Foundation – Nền móng
  55. Structural integrity – Tính toàn vẹn kết cấu
  56. Roofing – Mái nhà
  57. Wall insulation – Cách nhiệt tường
  58. Window installation – Lắp đặt cửa sổ
  59. Door frame – Khung cửa
  60. Interior finish – Hoàn thiện nội thất
  61. Exterior finish – Hoàn thiện ngoại thất
  62. Plumbing system – Hệ thống ống nước
  63. Electrical wiring – Điện hệ thống dây điện
  64. HVAC system – Hệ thống sưởi, thông gió và điều hòa không khí
  65. Lighting design – Thiết kế chiếu sáng
  66. Fire safety – An toàn cháy nổ
  67. Emergency exit – Lối thoát hiểm
  68. Building inspector – Thanh tra xây dựng
  69. Code compliance – Tuân thủ quy định
  70. Occupancy permit – Giấy phép sử dụng
  71. Project delay – Trì hoãn dự án
  72. Cost overrun – Vượt chi phí
  73. Project audit – Kiểm toán dự án
  74. Project documentation – Tài liệu dự án
  75. Change order – Lệnh thay đổi
  76. Site survey – Khảo sát công trường
  77. Geotechnical study – Nghiên cứu địa kỹ thuật
  78. Soil testing – Thử nghiệm đất
  79. Foundation design – Thiết kế nền móng
  80. Structural engineering – Kỹ thuật kết cấu
  81. Architectural design – Thiết kế kiến trúc
  82. Construction management software – Phần mềm quản lý xây dựng
  83. Project tracking – Theo dõi dự án
  84. Resource management – Quản lý nguồn lực
  85. Client communication – Giao tiếp với khách hàng
  86. Project bidding – Đấu thầu dự án
  87. Tender document – Hồ sơ mời thầu
  88. Site logistics – Hậu cần công trường
  89. Supply chain management – Quản lý chuỗi cung ứng
  90. Material procurement – Mua sắm vật liệu
  91. Project financing – Tài trợ dự án
  92. Cost-benefit analysis – Phân tích chi phí-lợi ích
  93. Value engineering – Kỹ thuật giá trị
  94. Project handover – Bàn giao dự án
  95. Post-construction – Hậu xây dựng
  96. Maintenance plan – Kế hoạch bảo trì
  97. Warranty period – Thời gian bảo hành
  98. Defect liability – Trách nhiệm khuyết điểm
  99. Punch list – Danh sách công việc cuối cùng
  100. As-built drawings – Bản vẽ hoàn công

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. The project management team is responsible for overseeing the entire construction process.
  2. The construction site was busy with workers and machinery.
  3. The new residential area is designed to accommodate 500 families.
  4. Before starting the project, we need to obtain a building permit.
  5. The architect reviewed the blueprint for any necessary changes.
  6. The contractor promised to complete the work within the specified time.
  7. We hired a subcontractor to handle the electrical installations.
  8. Accurate budget estimation is crucial to avoid cost overruns.
  9. The material cost has increased due to the scarcity of resources.
  10. We must consider the labor cost when planning the project budget.
  11. The project timeline includes key milestones and deadlines.
  12. The project scope defines the specific goals and tasks to be completed.
  13. It’s important to communicate with all stakeholders regularly.
  14. We conducted a risk assessment to identify potential hazards.
  15. Quality assurance ensures that the construction meets all standards.
  16. The workers must follow strict safety regulations on-site.
  17. We evaluated the environmental impact of the construction.
  18. The inspector conducted a site inspection to check for compliance.
  19. The project milestones help track progress and keep the project on schedule.
  20. Effective resource allocation is essential for completing the project on time.
  21. The building must adhere to the local building code.
  22. Zoning regulations determine the type of buildings allowed in the area.
  23. The land acquisition process was lengthy but necessary.
  24. We submitted the permit application to the local authorities.
  25. The design phase is critical for ensuring that the project meets client expectations.
  26. During the planning phase, we outlined all necessary steps and resources.
  27. The construction phase will begin next month.
  28. A final inspection will be conducted before handing over the property.
  29. The project completion is scheduled for December.
  30. The site engineer is responsible for managing the day-to-day operations.
  31. The project coordinator ensures smooth communication between all teams.
  32. Urban planning plays a crucial role in developing sustainable communities.
  33. The infrastructure of the area includes roads, water, and electricity.
  34. Utility services like water and electricity are essential for the residents.
  35. The waste management plan includes recycling and disposal methods.
  36. The water supply system is designed to meet the needs of the community.
  37. The electricity grid will be expanded to serve the new residential area.
  38. The drainage system prevents flooding during heavy rains.
  39. A well-connected road network is essential for easy transportation.
  40. Landscaping will enhance the aesthetic appeal of the residential area.
  41. The developer will provide public amenities like parks and playgrounds.
  42. Community development projects are focused on improving living standards.
  43. The residential building will have 10 floors with modern amenities.
  44. The apartment complex offers various housing options to residents.
  45. Each townhouse in the project has a private garden.
  46. The single-family home is designed for comfortable living.
  47. The green building features energy-efficient systems.
  48. The design focuses on energy efficiency to reduce utility costs.
  49. The project incorporates renewable energy sources like solar panels.
  50. Sustainable design is a priority for this residential development.
  51. We selected building materials that are durable and eco-friendly.
  52. The foundation was poured with high-strength concrete.
  53. Steel reinforcement is used to ensure the building’s strength.
  54. The foundation of the building is crucial for its stability.
  55. Structural integrity is essential for the safety of the building.
  56. The roofing materials were chosen for their durability and insulation properties.
  57. Wall insulation helps maintain a comfortable indoor temperature.
  58. The window installation was completed last week.
  59. The door frame was reinforced for added security.
  60. The interior finish includes modern designs and high-quality materials.
  61. The exterior finish features a combination of stone and wood.
  62. The plumbing system was tested for leaks and functionality.
  63. The electrical wiring must meet all safety standards.
  64. The HVAC system ensures proper ventilation and climate control.
  65. The lighting design enhances the ambiance of the living spaces.
  66. Fire safety measures include smoke detectors and sprinkler systems.
  67. The building has a clearly marked emergency exit on each floor.
  68. The building inspector approved the construction for occupancy.
  69. We ensured code compliance throughout the construction process.
  70. An occupancy permit is required before residents can move in.
  71. The project faced a project delay due to unexpected weather conditions.
  72. Cost overrun occurred because of the increase in material prices.
  73. A project audit was conducted to ensure financial transparency.
  74. All project documentation must be kept for future reference.
  75. A change order was issued to modify the original design.
  76. The site survey provided valuable information for the design phase.
  77. A geotechnical study was conducted to assess soil stability.
  78. Soil testing is essential for determining the foundation design.
  79. The foundation design was adjusted based on the soil analysis.
  80. Structural engineering ensures that the building can withstand various forces.
  81. The architectural design reflects modern aesthetics and functionality.
  82. We use construction management software to track progress and resources.
  83. Project tracking helps us stay on schedule and within budget.
  84. Resource management is key to completing the project efficiently.
  85. Effective client communication ensures that their needs are met.
  86. The project bidding process was competitive and transparent.
  87. The tender document outlines all project requirements and specifications.
  88. Site logistics planning is crucial for efficient material delivery.
  89. Supply chain management ensures that materials arrive on time.
  90. Material procurement must be handled carefully to avoid delays.
  91. Project financing was secured through a combination of loans and investments.
  92. A cost-benefit analysis was conducted to evaluate the project’s viability.
  93. Value engineering helped us reduce costs without compromising quality.
  94. The project handover will occur after the final inspection is completed.
  95. Post-construction activities include landscaping and final touches.
  96. The maintenance plan includes regular inspections and repairs.
  97. The warranty period covers any defects that may arise after construction.
  98. The contractor is responsible for addressing any issues during the defect liability period.
  99. The punch list includes minor tasks that need to be completed before final acceptance.
  100. The as-built drawings reflect all changes made during construction.

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