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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lý quan hệ với nhà đầu tư

Trong lĩnh vực quản lý quan hệ với nhà đầu tư, việc nắm vững từ vựng và cụm từ tiếng Anh là rất quan trọng. Bài viết này cung cấp danh sách 100 từ và cụm từ hữu ích, giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các khái niệm và kỹ năng cần thiết để xây dựng và duy trì mối quan hệ hiệu quả với các nhà đầu tư.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lý quan hệ với nhà đầu tư

  1. Investor relations – Quan hệ với nhà đầu tư
  2. Shareholder communication – Giao tiếp với cổ đông
  3. Investor engagement – Sự tham gia của nhà đầu tư
  4. Financial reporting – Báo cáo tài chính
  5. Annual report – Báo cáo thường niên
  6. Earnings release – Công bố thu nhập
  7. Investor presentation – Bài thuyết trình với nhà đầu tư
  8. Investor conference – Hội nghị nhà đầu tư
  9. Market analysis – Phân tích thị trường
  10. Corporate governance – Quản trị công ty
  11. Shareholder value – Giá trị cổ đông
  12. Investment strategy – Chiến lược đầu tư
  13. Equity research – Nghiên cứu cổ phiếu
  14. Financial disclosures – Công bố tài chính
  15. Quarterly earnings – Thu nhập hàng quý
  16. Investor update – Cập nhật cho nhà đầu tư
  17. Investor relations officer – Nhân viên quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  18. Proxy statement – Tài liệu ủy quyền
  19. Shareholder meeting – Cuộc họp cổ đông
  20. Debt issuance – Phát hành trái phiếu
  21. Capital allocation – Phân bổ vốn
  22. Dividend policy – Chính sách cổ tức
  23. Performance metrics – Chỉ số hiệu suất
  24. Financial outlook – Triển vọng tài chính
  25. Investor feedback – Phản hồi của nhà đầu tư
  26. Regulatory compliance – Tuân thủ quy định
  27. Strategic planning – Lập kế hoạch chiến lược
  28. Investor sentiment – Tâm lý nhà đầu tư
  29. Corporate strategy – Chiến lược doanh nghiệp
  30. Financial performance – Hiệu suất tài chính
  31. Market capitalization – Vốn hóa thị trường
  32. Valuation analysis – Phân tích định giá
  33. Capital structure – Cơ cấu vốn
  34. Stock performance – Hiệu suất cổ phiếu
  35. Investment portfolio – Danh mục đầu tư
  36. Investor relations strategy – Chiến lược quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  37. Risk management – Quản lý rủi ro
  38. Financial statements – Báo cáo tài chính
  39. Investor relations program – Chương trình quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  40. Market trends – Xu hướng thị trường
  41. Shareholder activism – Hoạt động của cổ đông
  42. Debt management – Quản lý nợ
  43. Share buyback – Mua lại cổ phiếu
  44. Investor outreach – Tiếp cận nhà đầu tư
  45. Company profile – Hồ sơ công ty
  46. Analyst coverage – Đánh giá của nhà phân tích
  47. Investor relations website – Trang web quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  48. Shareholder activism – Hoạt động của cổ đông
  49. Equity capital – Vốn cổ phần
  50. Investment banking – Ngân hàng đầu tư
  51. Public relations – Quan hệ công chúng
  52. Market positioning – Định vị thị trường
  53. Investor relations best practices – Các thực tiễn tốt nhất trong quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  54. Investor communication plan – Kế hoạch giao tiếp với nhà đầu tư
  55. Shareholder engagement – Sự tham gia của cổ đông
  56. Corporate disclosures – Công bố của doanh nghiệp
  57. Investment climate – Khí hậu đầu tư
  58. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) – Trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp
  59. Market research – Nghiên cứu thị trường
  60. Financial health – Tình hình tài chính
  61. Shareholder relations – Quan hệ cổ đông
  62. Investor relations policy – Chính sách quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  63. Investment thesis – Luận điểm đầu tư
  64. Stockholder report – Báo cáo cổ đông
  65. Institutional investors – Các nhà đầu tư tổ chức
  66. Retail investors – Các nhà đầu tư bán lẻ
  67. Equity financing – Tài trợ vốn cổ phần
  68. Financial strategy – Chiến lược tài chính
  69. Investor targeting – Định hướng nhà đầu tư
  70. Debt-equity ratio – Tỷ lệ nợ/vốn cổ phần
  71. Market feedback – Phản hồi của thị trường
  72. Investor relations metrics – Các chỉ số quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  73. Investor relations initiatives – Các sáng kiến quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  74. Strategic investor – Nhà đầu tư chiến lược
  75. Investment return – Lợi nhuận đầu tư
  76. Investor relations framework – Khung quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  77. Shareholder meeting minutes – Biên bản cuộc họp cổ đông
  78. Investor advocacy – Tuyên truyền nhà đầu tư
  79. Investment outlook – Triển vọng đầu tư
  80. Capital markets – Thị trường vốn
  81. Financial analysis – Phân tích tài chính
  82. Annual general meeting (AGM) – Đại hội đồng cổ đông thường niên
  83. Investor relations team – Đội ngũ quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  84. Corporate communication – Giao tiếp doanh nghiệp
  85. Investment risk – Rủi ro đầu tư
  86. Shareholder letter – Thư gửi cổ đông
  87. Investor relations channel – Kênh quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  88. Equity research report – Báo cáo nghiên cứu cổ phiếu
  89. Investment value – Giá trị đầu tư
  90. Market reaction – Phản ứng của thị trường
  91. Shareholder analysis – Phân tích cổ đông
  92. Investment policy – Chính sách đầu tư
  93. Financial guidance – Hướng dẫn tài chính
  94. Investor relations toolkit – Bộ công cụ quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư
  95. Shareholder disclosure – Công bố của cổ đông
  96. Capital investment – Đầu tư vốn
  97. Investor engagement strategy – Chiến lược tham gia nhà đầu tư
  98. Equity performance – Hiệu suất vốn cổ phần
  99. Shareholder satisfaction – Sự hài lòng của cổ đông
  100. Investor relations management – Quản lý quan hệ nhà đầu tư

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Investor relations – Our company’s investor relations team is responsible for maintaining communication with our shareholders.
  2. Shareholder communication – Effective shareholder communication is crucial for building trust and transparency.
  3. Investor engagementInvestor engagement activities include regular updates and face-to-face meetings with key stakeholders.
  4. Financial reporting – Accurate financial reporting is essential for providing a clear picture of our company’s performance.
  5. Annual report – The annual report provides a comprehensive overview of our financial results and strategic direction.
  6. Earnings release – The company scheduled the earnings release for next Tuesday to announce its quarterly performance.
  7. Investor presentation – During the investor presentation, the CEO highlighted the company’s growth strategies and future outlook.
  8. Investor conference – We will be attending the investor conference to discuss our recent achievements and market trends.
  9. Market analysis – Detailed market analysis helps us understand current trends and make informed investment decisions.
  10. Corporate governance – Strong corporate governance practices ensure that our company is managed in the best interests of shareholders.
  11. Shareholder value – Our primary goal is to increase shareholder value through strategic investments and operational efficiencies.
  12. Investment strategy – The board is reviewing our investment strategy to align it with long-term growth objectives.
  13. Equity researchEquity research reports provide valuable insights into the stock performance and potential investment opportunities.
  14. Financial disclosuresFinancial disclosures are made regularly to keep investors informed about the company’s financial health.
  15. Quarterly earnings – The quarterly earnings report showed a significant increase in net profit compared to the previous quarter.
  16. Investor update – We send out an investor update every quarter to keep our stakeholders informed about key developments.
  17. Investor relations officer – The investor relations officer handles all inquiries from analysts and investors.
  18. Proxy statement – The proxy statement outlines the items to be voted on during the annual general meeting.
  19. Shareholder meeting – The shareholder meeting will be held next month to vote on the new board members.
  20. Debt issuance – The company plans a debt issuance to raise capital for expansion projects.
  21. Capital allocation – Effective capital allocation ensures that funds are invested in the most promising areas of the business.
  22. Dividend policy – Our dividend policy aims to provide consistent returns to shareholders while supporting growth initiatives.
  23. Performance metrics – We use various performance metrics to measure the success of our investment strategies.
  24. Financial outlook – The financial outlook for the next fiscal year appears strong based on current market conditions.
  25. Investor feedback – We regularly solicit investor feedback to improve our reporting and engagement practices.
  26. Regulatory compliance – Ensuring regulatory compliance is essential to avoid legal issues and maintain investor confidence.
  27. Strategic planningStrategic planning involves setting long-term goals to enhance shareholder value and business growth.
  28. Investor sentimentInvestor sentiment can greatly influence market trends and stock prices.
  29. Corporate strategy – Our corporate strategy focuses on expanding into new markets and increasing market share.
  30. Financial performance – The company’s financial performance exceeded expectations, leading to a positive reaction from the market.
  31. Market capitalization – The company’s market capitalization reflects the total value of its outstanding shares.
  32. Valuation analysisValuation analysis helps determine the fair value of our company’s stock.
  33. Capital structure – The capital structure of a company involves the mix of debt and equity financing.
  34. Stock performanceStock performance can be influenced by various factors, including market conditions and company news.
  35. Investment portfolio – Diversifying our investment portfolio helps manage risk and maximize returns.
  36. Investor relations strategy – Developing a solid investor relations strategy is crucial for maintaining investor confidence.
  37. Risk management – Effective risk management strategies help protect the company’s assets and ensure financial stability.
  38. Financial statements – The financial statements provide a detailed account of the company’s financial activities and position.
  39. Investor relations program – The investor relations program includes regular reports, meetings, and communications with shareholders.
  40. Market trends – Keeping track of market trends allows us to make informed decisions about future investments.
  41. Shareholder activismShareholder activism can influence company policies and management decisions.
  42. Debt management – Proper debt management ensures that the company maintains a healthy balance between borrowing and equity.
  43. Share buyback – The company announced a share buyback program to reduce the number of outstanding shares and increase value.
  44. Investor outreachInvestor outreach efforts include roadshows and one-on-one meetings to build relationships with key investors.
  45. Company profile – The company profile provides an overview of our business operations and financial performance.
  46. Analyst coverageAnalyst coverage helps investors understand the potential of our stock through expert analysis.
  47. Investor relations website – The investor relations website offers detailed information about our financial performance and upcoming events.
  48. Shareholder activismShareholder activism often drives changes in corporate governance and business strategy.
  49. Equity capital – Raising equity capital provides the company with additional funds to support growth initiatives.
  50. Investment bankingInvestment banking services assist in raising capital, mergers, and acquisitions.
  51. Public relationsPublic relations efforts help maintain a positive image of the company among investors and the public.
  52. Market positioning – Effective market positioning differentiates our company from competitors and attracts investors.
  53. Investor relations best practices – Following investor relations best practices ensures transparency and builds trust with stakeholders.
  54. Investor communication plan – An investor communication plan outlines how we will engage with investors and handle inquiries.
  55. Shareholder engagementShareholder engagement involves regular interactions and updates to keep investors informed and involved.
  56. Corporate disclosuresCorporate disclosures include all information required by regulators and investors to assess company performance.
  57. Investment climate – The current investment climate affects investor confidence and market performance.
  58. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)Corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives enhance our reputation and attract socially-conscious investors.
  59. Market research – Conducting market research provides insights into investor preferences and market conditions.
  60. Financial health – Assessing the company’s financial health is critical for making sound investment decisions.
  61. Shareholder relations – Maintaining positive shareholder relations is essential for long-term success and stability.
  62. Investor relations policy – The investor relations policy outlines how we manage communications and interactions with investors.
  63. Investment thesis – The investment thesis provides a rationale for investing in our company based on growth potential and market conditions.
  64. Stockholder report – The stockholder report details recent developments and future plans to our equity holders.
  65. Institutional investorsInstitutional investors include entities like pension funds and mutual funds that hold significant shares.
  66. Retail investorsRetail investors are individual investors who buy and sell securities for their personal accounts.
  67. Equity financingEquity financing involves raising capital by selling shares of the company.
  68. Financial strategy – Developing a solid financial strategy helps us achieve long-term business objectives and maximize returns.
  69. Investor targetingInvestor targeting involves identifying and reaching out to potential investors who align with our goals.
  70. Debt-equity ratio – The debt-equity ratio measures the company’s financial leverage and risk.
  71. Market feedback – Analyzing market feedback helps us understand investor perceptions and adjust our strategies.
  72. Investor relations metricsInvestor relations metrics track the effectiveness of our communication and engagement efforts.
  73. Investor relations initiatives – Recent investor relations initiatives have focused on enhancing transparency and building stronger relationships.
  74. Strategic investor – A strategic investor provides not just capital but also strategic support and industry expertise.
  75. Investment return – Monitoring investment return is crucial for evaluating the success of our investment strategies.
  76. Investor relations framework – The investor relations framework provides guidelines for managing interactions with stakeholders.
  77. Shareholder meeting minutes – The shareholder meeting minutes document the discussions and decisions made during the meeting.
  78. Investor advocacyInvestor advocacy involves representing the interests of investors in corporate decisions and policies.
  79. Investment outlook – The investment outlook for the sector looks promising due to emerging market opportunities.
  80. Capital markets – The capital markets play a crucial role in providing financing options for businesses.
  81. Financial analysisFinancial analysis helps assess the company’s performance and investment potential.
  82. Annual general meeting (AGM) – The annual general meeting (AGM) is an opportunity for shareholders to discuss the company’s performance and strategy.
  83. Investor relations team – The investor relations team works to build and maintain strong relationships with our investors.
  84. Corporate communication – Effective corporate communication ensures that all stakeholders are informed and engaged.
  85. Investment risk – Understanding investment risk helps investors make informed decisions and manage potential losses.
  86. Shareholder letter – The shareholder letter provides an update on the company’s performance and strategic direction.
  87. Investor relations channel – The investor relations channel includes various methods of communication, such as reports and meetings.
  88. Equity research report – The equity research report provides detailed analysis and recommendations on our stock.
  89. Investment value – Assessing the investment value helps determine the attractiveness of potential investment opportunities.
  90. Market reaction – The market reaction to recent news significantly impacted the company’s stock price.
  91. Shareholder analysisShareholder analysis involves examining the demographics and preferences of our investors.
  92. Investment policy – The investment policy outlines the guidelines and strategies for managing the company’s investments.
  93. Financial guidance – Providing financial guidance helps investors set expectations for future performance.
  94. Investor relations toolkit – The investor relations toolkit includes resources and materials for effective communication with investors.
  95. Shareholder disclosureShareholder disclosure ensures that investors receive timely and accurate information about the company.
  96. Capital investmentCapital investment involves allocating funds to projects that are expected to generate long-term returns.
  97. Investor engagement strategy – The investor engagement strategy focuses on improving interactions and maintaining investor satisfaction.
  98. Equity performance – Monitoring equity performance helps us understand how our stock is performing relative to the market.
  99. Shareholder satisfaction – Ensuring shareholder satisfaction is key to fostering long-term support and loyalty.
  100. Investor relations management – Effective investor relations management is essential for maintaining investor confidence and enhancing company value.

Bài viết

  1. Our company’s ________ team is responsible for maintaining communication with our shareholders.
  2. Effective ________ is crucial for building trust and transparency.
  3. ________ activities include regular updates and face-to-face meetings with key stakeholders.
  4. Accurate ________ is essential for providing a clear picture of our company’s performance.
  5. The ________ provides a comprehensive overview of our financial results and strategic direction.
  6. The company scheduled the ________ for next Tuesday to announce its quarterly performance.
  7. During the ________, the CEO highlighted the company’s growth strategies and future outlook.
  8. We will be attending the ________ to discuss our recent achievements and market trends.
  9. Detailed ________ helps us understand current trends and make informed investment decisions.
  10. Strong ________ practices ensure that our company is managed in the best interests of shareholders.
  11. Our primary goal is to increase ________ through strategic investments and operational efficiencies.
  12. The board is reviewing our ________ to align it with long-term growth objectives.
  13. ________ reports provide valuable insights into the stock performance and potential investment opportunities.
  14. ________ are made regularly to keep investors informed about the company’s financial health.
  15. The ________ report showed a significant increase in net profit compared to the previous quarter.
  16. We send out an ________ every quarter to keep our stakeholders informed about key developments.
  17. The ________ handles all inquiries from analysts and investors.
  18. The ________ outlines the items to be voted on during the annual general meeting.
  19. The ________ will be held next month to vote on the new board members.
  20. The company plans a ________ to raise capital for expansion projects.
  21. Effective ________ ensures that funds are invested in the most promising areas of the business.
  22. Our ________ aims to provide consistent returns to shareholders while supporting growth initiatives.
  23. We use various ________ to measure the success of our investment strategies.
  24. The ________ for the next fiscal year appears strong based on current market conditions.
  25. We regularly solicit ________ to improve our reporting and engagement practices.
  26. Ensuring ________ is essential to avoid legal issues and maintain investor confidence.
  27. ________ involves setting long-term goals to enhance shareholder value and business growth.
  28. ________ can greatly influence market trends and stock prices.
  29. Our ________ focuses on expanding into new markets and increasing market share.
  30. The company’s ________ exceeded expectations, leading to a positive reaction from the market.
  31. The company’s ________ reflects the total value of its outstanding shares.
  32. ________ helps determine the fair value of our company’s stock.
  33. The ________ of a company involves the mix of debt and equity financing.
  34. ________ can be influenced by various factors, including market conditions and company news.
  35. Diversifying our ________ helps manage risk and maximize returns.
  36. Developing a solid ________ is crucial for maintaining investor confidence.
  37. Effective ________ strategies help protect the company’s assets and ensure financial stability.
  38. The ________ provide a detailed account of the company’s financial activities and position.
  39. The ________ includes regular reports, meetings, and communications with shareholders.
  40. Keeping track of ________ allows us to make informed decisions about future investments.
  41. ________ can influence company policies and management decisions.
  42. Proper ________ ensures that the company maintains a healthy balance between borrowing and equity.
  43. The company announced a ________ program to reduce the number of outstanding shares and increase value.
  44. ________ efforts include roadshows and one-on-one meetings to build relationships with key investors.
  45. The ________ provides an overview of our business operations and financial performance.
  46. ________ provide valuable insights into the stock performance and potential investment opportunities.
  47. The ________ offers detailed information about our financial performance and upcoming events.
  48. ________ often drives changes in corporate governance and business strategy.
  49. Raising ________ provides the company with additional funds to support growth initiatives.
  50. ________ services assist in raising capital, mergers, and acquisitions.
  51. ________ efforts help maintain a positive image of the company among investors and the public.
  52. Effective ________ differentiates our company from competitors and attracts investors.
  53. Following ________ ensures transparency and builds trust with stakeholders.
  54. An ________ outlines how we will engage with investors and handle inquiries.
  55. ________ involves regular interactions and updates to keep investors informed and involved.
  56. ________ include all information required by regulators and investors to assess company performance.
  57. The current ________ affects investor confidence and market performance.
  58. ________ initiatives enhance our reputation and attract socially-conscious investors.
  59. Conducting ________ provides insights into investor preferences and market conditions.
  60. Assessing the company’s ________ is critical for making sound investment decisions.
  61. Maintaining positive ________ is essential for long-term success and stability.
  62. The ________ outlines how we manage communications and interactions with investors.
  63. The ________ provides a rationale for investing in our company based on growth potential and market conditions.
  64. The ________ details recent developments and future plans to our equity holders.
  65. ________ include entities like pension funds and mutual funds that hold significant shares.
  66. ________ are individual investors who buy and sell securities for their personal accounts.
  67. Raising ________ involves selling shares of the company.
  68. Developing a solid ________ helps us achieve long-term business objectives and maximize returns.
  69. ________ involves identifying and reaching out to potential investors who align with our goals.
  70. The ________ measures the company’s financial leverage and risk.
  71. Analyzing ________ helps us understand investor perceptions and adjust our strategies.
  72. ________ track the effectiveness of our communication and engagement efforts.
  73. Recent ________ have focused on enhancing transparency and building stronger relationships.
  74. A ________ provides not just capital but also strategic support and industry expertise.
  75. Monitoring ________ is crucial for evaluating the success of our investment strategies.
  76. The ________ provides guidelines for managing interactions with stakeholders.
  77. The ________ document the discussions and decisions made during the meeting.
  78. ________ involves representing the interests of investors in corporate decisions and policies.
  79. The ________ for the sector looks promising due to emerging market opportunities.
  80. The ________ play a crucial role in providing financing options for businesses.
  81. ________ helps assess the company’s performance and investment potential.
  82. The ________ is an opportunity for shareholders to discuss the company’s performance and strategy.
  83. The ________ works to build and maintain strong relationships with our investors.
  84. Effective ________ ensures that all stakeholders are informed and engaged.
  85. Understanding ________ helps investors make informed decisions and manage potential losses.
  86. The ________ provides an update on the company’s performance and strategic direction.
  87. The ________ includes various methods of communication, such as reports and meetings.
  88. The ________ provides detailed analysis and recommendations on our stock.
  89. Assessing the ________ helps determine the attractiveness of potential investment opportunities.
  90. The ________ to recent news significantly impacted the company’s stock price.
  91. ________ involves examining the demographics and preferences of our investors.
  92. The ________ outlines the guidelines and strategies for managing the company’s investments.
  93. Providing ________ helps investors set expectations for future performance.
  94. The ________ includes resources and materials for effective communication with investors.
  95. ________ ensures that investors receive timely and accurate information about the company.
  96. Capital investment involves allocating funds to projects that are expected to generate long-term returns.
  97. The ________ focuses on improving interactions and maintaining investor satisfaction.
  98. Monitoring ________ helps us understand how our stock is performing relative to the market.
  99. Ensuring ________ is key to fostering long-term support and loyalty.
  100. Effective ________ is essential for maintaining investor confidence and enhancing company value.

Đáp án

  1. investor relations
  2. shareholder communication
  3. investor engagement
  4. financial reporting
  5. annual report
  6. earnings release
  7. investor presentation
  8. investor conference
  9. market analysis
  10. corporate governance
  11. shareholder value
  12. investment strategy
  13. equity research
  14. financial disclosures
  15. quarterly earnings
  16. investor update
  17. investor relations officer
  18. proxy statement
  19. shareholder meeting
  20. debt issuance
  21. capital allocation
  22. dividend policy
  23. performance metrics
  24. financial outlook
  25. investor feedback
  26. regulatory compliance
  27. strategic planning
  28. investor sentiment
  29. corporate strategy
  30. financial performance
  31. market capitalization
  32. valuation analysis
  33. capital structure
  34. stock performance
  35. investment portfolio
  36. investor relations strategy
  37. risk management
  38. financial statements
  39. investor relations program
  40. market trends
  41. shareholder activism
  42. debt management
  43. share buyback
  44. investor outreach
  45. company profile
  46. analyst coverage
  47. investor relations website
  48. shareholder activism
  49. equity capital
  50. investment banking
  51. public relations
  52. market positioning
  53. investor relations best practices
  54. investor communication plan
  55. shareholder engagement
  56. corporate disclosures
  57. investment climate
  58. corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  59. market research
  60. financial health
  61. shareholder relations
  62. investor relations policy
  63. investment thesis
  64. stockholder report
  65. institutional investors
  66. retail investors
  67. equity financing
  68. financial strategy
  69. investor targeting
  70. debt-equity ratio
  71. market feedback
  72. investor relations metrics
  73. investor relations initiatives
  74. strategic investor
  75. investment return
  76. investor relations framework
  77. shareholder meeting minutes
  78. investor advocacy
  79. investment outlook
  80. capital markets
  81. financial analysis
  82. annual general meeting (AGM)
  83. investor relations team
  84. corporate communication
  85. investment risk
  86. shareholder letter
  87. investor relations channel
  88. equity research report
  89. investment value
  90. market reaction
  91. shareholder analysis
  92. investment policy
  93. financial guidance
  94. investor relations toolkit
  95. shareholder disclosure
  96. capital investment
  97. investor engagement strategy
  98. equity performance
  99. shareholder satisfaction
  100. investor relations management

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