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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản trị chuỗi cung ứng

Chủ đề “100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản trị chuỗi cung ứng” sẽ giúp bạn nắm vững các thuật ngữ quan trọng trong lĩnh vực này. Từ việc quản lý hàng tồn kho đến vận chuyển và phân phối, những từ vựng này sẽ hỗ trợ bạn trong giao tiếp và công việc hàng ngày.

Từ vựng nghề Quản trị chuỗi cung ứng

  1. Supply Chain Management (SCM) – Quản trị chuỗi cung ứng
  2. Logistics – Hậu cần
  3. Inventory Management – Quản lý tồn kho
  4. Procurement – Mua sắm
  5. Supplier – Nhà cung cấp
  6. Demand Forecasting – Dự đoán nhu cầu
  7. Supply Chain Optimization – Tối ưu hóa chuỗi cung ứng
  8. Warehouse Management – Quản lý kho
  9. Distribution – Phân phối
  10. Order Fulfillment – Hoàn thành đơn hàng
  11. Transportation Management – Quản lý vận chuyển
  12. Lead Time – Thời gian chờ
  13. Just-in-Time (JIT) – Just-in-Time (JIT)
  14. Supply Chain Visibility – Tầm nhìn chuỗi cung ứng
  15. Production Planning – Lập kế hoạch sản xuất
  16. Vendor Management – Quản lý nhà cung cấp
  17. Supply Chain Integration – Tích hợp chuỗi cung ứng
  18. Logistics Network – Mạng lưới hậu cần
  19. E-commerce Fulfillment – Hoàn thành đơn hàng thương mại điện tử
  20. Reverse Logistics – Hậu cần ngược
  21. Inventory Turnover – Doanh thu tồn kho
  22. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) – Đơn vị lưu kho
  23. Supply Chain Strategy – Chiến lược chuỗi cung ứng
  24. Global Sourcing – Tìm nguồn toàn cầu
  25. Freight Forwarding – Giao nhận hàng hóa
  26. Shipping – Vận chuyển
  27. Demand Planning – Lập kế hoạch nhu cầu
  28. Supply Chain Risk Management – Quản lý rủi ro chuỗi cung ứng
  29. Order Processing – Xử lý đơn hàng
  30. Cost Control – Kiểm soát chi phí
  31. Supplier Relationship Management – Quản lý mối quan hệ nhà cung cấp
  32. Product Lifecycle Management – Quản lý vòng đời sản phẩm
  33. Supply Chain Analytics – Phân tích chuỗi cung ứng
  34. Just-in-Case (JIC) – Just-in-Case (JIC)
  35. Material Requirements Planning (MRP) – Lập kế hoạch yêu cầu vật liệu
  36. Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) – Lập kế hoạch và lịch trình tiên tiến
  37. Order Management System (OMS) – Hệ thống quản lý đơn hàng
  38. Third-Party Logistics (3PL) – Logistics bên thứ ba
  39. Cross-Docking – Xếp hàng chéo
  40. Supply Chain Network Design – Thiết kế mạng lưới chuỗi cung ứng
  41. Inventory Control – Kiểm soát tồn kho
  42. Supply Chain Collaboration – Hợp tác chuỗi cung ứng
  43. Product Demand – Nhu cầu sản phẩm
  44. Capacity Planning – Lập kế hoạch năng lực
  45. Order Allocation – Phân bổ đơn hàng
  46. Performance Metrics – Chỉ số hiệu suất
  47. Supply Chain Coordination – Phối hợp chuỗi cung ứng
  48. Transport Optimization – Tối ưu hóa vận chuyển
  49. Supplier Evaluation – Đánh giá nhà cung cấp
  50. Logistics Strategy – Chiến lược hậu cần
  51. Demand and Supply Balancing – Cân bằng cung cầu
  52. Safety Stock – Tồn kho an toàn
  53. Distribution Center (DC) – Trung tâm phân phối
  54. Warehouse Optimization – Tối ưu hóa kho
  55. Procurement Process – Quy trình mua sắm
  56. Transportation Cost – Chi phí vận chuyển
  57. Order Fulfillment Rate – Tỷ lệ hoàn thành đơn hàng
  58. Supply Chain Cost – Chi phí chuỗi cung ứng
  59. Inventory Accuracy – Độ chính xác tồn kho
  60. Supplier Lead Time – Thời gian chờ nhà cung cấp
  61. Order Lead Time – Thời gian chờ đơn hàng
  62. Logistics Provider – Nhà cung cấp dịch vụ hậu cần
  63. Product Availability – Sự sẵn có của sản phẩm
  64. Sourcing Strategy – Chiến lược tìm nguồn
  65. Supplier Audit – Kiểm toán nhà cung cấp
  66. Demand Forecast Accuracy – Độ chính xác dự đoán nhu cầu
  67. Order Picking – Chọn hàng đơn hàng
  68. Transportation Management System (TMS) – Hệ thống quản lý vận chuyển
  69. Product Replenishment – Bổ sung sản phẩm
  70. Packaging – Đóng gói
  71. Supply Chain Integration Technology – Công nghệ tích hợp chuỗi cung ứng
  72. Inventory Optimization – Tối ưu hóa tồn kho
  73. Lead Time Reduction – Giảm thời gian chờ
  74. Supplier Negotiation – Đàm phán nhà cung cấp
  75. Logistics Execution – Thực hiện hậu cần
  76. Forecasting Accuracy – Độ chính xác dự đoán
  77. End-to-End Supply Chain – Chuỗi cung ứng từ đầu đến cuối
  78. Transport Management – Quản lý vận chuyển
  79. Order Tracking – Theo dõi đơn hàng
  80. Product Traceability – Theo dõi sản phẩm
  81. Logistics Costs – Chi phí hậu cần
  82. Warehouse Automation – Tự động hóa kho
  83. Inventory Replenishment – Bổ sung tồn kho
  84. Supplier Collaboration – Hợp tác nhà cung cấp
  85. Product Distribution – Phân phối sản phẩm
  86. Order Management – Quản lý đơn hàng
  87. Supply Chain Efficiency – Hiệu quả chuỗi cung ứng
  88. Production Scheduling – Lịch trình sản xuất
  89. Demand Management – Quản lý nhu cầu
  90. Logistics Coordination – Phối hợp hậu cần
  91. Global Logistics – Hậu cần toàn cầu
  92. Strategic Sourcing – Tìm nguồn chiến lược
  93. Inventory Holding Costs – Chi phí giữ hàng tồn kho
  94. Supplier Capacity – Năng lực nhà cung cấp
  95. Supply Chain Performance – Hiệu suất chuỗi cung ứng
  96. Transportation Network – Mạng lưới vận chuyển
  97. Supply Chain Resilience – Khả năng phục hồi chuỗi cung ứng
  98. Operational Efficiency – Hiệu quả hoạt động
  99. Cost Efficiency – Hiệu quả chi phí
  100. Customer Service – Dịch vụ khách hàng

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Supply Chain Management (SCM) is crucial for coordinating activities across various stages of production and distribution.
  2. Effective logistics planning ensures that goods are delivered to customers on time and at the right cost.
  3. Inventory management helps companies keep track of stock levels and reduce carrying costs.
  4. Procurement involves acquiring the goods and services needed to run a business.
  5. A reliable supplier is essential for maintaining a smooth production process.
  6. Accurate demand forecasting helps companies predict customer needs and adjust their inventory levels accordingly.
  7. Supply chain optimization aims to improve efficiency and reduce costs throughout the supply chain.
  8. Warehouse management involves overseeing the storage and movement of goods within a warehouse.
  9. Distribution ensures that products are delivered from the manufacturer to the end consumer.
  10. Order fulfillment is the process of delivering products to customers after receiving their orders.
  11. Transportation management involves planning and overseeing the movement of goods between locations.
  12. Reducing lead time can improve overall efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  13. The company uses a Just-in-Time (JIT) system to minimize inventory costs by receiving goods only as needed.
  14. Supply chain visibility provides real-time information about the status of products and shipments.
  15. Production planning helps in scheduling manufacturing activities and allocating resources effectively.
  16. Vendor management ensures that suppliers meet their obligations and deliver high-quality products.
  17. Supply chain integration involves connecting different segments of the supply chain to improve efficiency.
  18. A well-designed logistics network helps optimize transportation routes and reduce shipping costs.
  19. E-commerce fulfillment requires efficient processes to handle online orders and returns.
  20. Reverse logistics deals with the return and disposal of products from customers back to the manufacturer.
  21. Inventory turnover measures how quickly inventory is sold and replaced over a specific period.
  22. A Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) is a unique identifier used to track inventory items.
  23. Developing a supply chain strategy involves planning how to manage supply chain activities effectively.
  24. Global sourcing allows companies to find the best suppliers worldwide and reduce costs.
  25. Freight forwarding involves organizing the shipment of goods from one place to another.
  26. Shipping includes the process of transporting goods from the manufacturer to the end user.
  27. Demand planning helps predict future customer demand and adjust inventory levels accordingly.
  28. Supply chain risk management involves identifying and mitigating risks that could disrupt the supply chain.
  29. Order processing includes receiving and handling customer orders through to delivery.
  30. Effective cost control helps manage expenses and maintain profitability.
  31. Supplier relationship management focuses on building and maintaining strong partnerships with suppliers.
  32. Product lifecycle management involves overseeing the entire lifecycle of a product from inception to retirement.
  33. Supply chain analytics uses data analysis to improve decision-making and optimize supply chain performance.
  34. A Just-in-Case (JIC) approach maintains higher inventory levels to guard against potential disruptions.
  35. Material Requirements Planning (MRP) helps in scheduling production and purchasing materials.
  36. Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS) systems optimize production and resource planning.
  37. An Order Management System (OMS) tracks and manages customer orders through to fulfillment.
  38. Third-Party Logistics (3PL) providers offer outsourced logistics services to manage shipping and warehousing.
  39. Cross-docking reduces storage time by transferring products directly from inbound to outbound transportation.
  40. Supply chain network design involves planning the structure and flow of supply chain operations.
  41. Inventory control ensures that stock levels are maintained at optimal levels to meet demand.
  42. Supply chain collaboration involves working closely with partners to improve overall supply chain performance.
  43. Product demand is the quantity of a product that consumers are willing to purchase at a given price.
  44. Capacity planning determines the production capacity needed to meet changing demands.
  45. Order allocation involves distributing orders to appropriate warehouses or production facilities.
  46. Performance metrics are used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain processes.
  47. Supply chain coordination ensures that different parts of the supply chain work together smoothly.
  48. Transport optimization improves the efficiency of transportation routes and reduces costs.
  49. Supplier evaluation assesses the performance and reliability of suppliers to ensure quality.
  50. Logistics strategy involves planning how to manage the flow of goods and services effectively.
  51. Demand and supply balancing ensures that supply matches customer demand to avoid excess inventory.
  52. Maintaining a safety stock helps prevent stockouts and ensures product availability.
  53. A distribution center (DC) is a warehouse that stores goods before they are shipped to retailers or customers.
  54. Warehouse optimization aims to improve the efficiency of warehouse operations and space utilization.
  55. Procurement process involves steps from identifying needs to purchasing goods and services.
  56. Transportation cost is the expense associated with moving goods from one location to another.
  57. Order fulfillment rate measures the percentage of orders delivered on time and accurately.
  58. Supply chain cost includes all expenses related to the management and movement of goods through the supply chain.
  59. Inventory accuracy ensures that inventory records match the actual stock levels.
  60. Reducing supplier lead time improves the speed at which goods are delivered from suppliers.
  61. Order lead time is the time taken from receiving an order to delivering it to the customer.
  62. A reliable logistics provider ensures efficient and timely delivery of goods.
  63. Product availability ensures that items are in stock and ready for sale when customers need them.
  64. A well-defined sourcing strategy identifies the best suppliers and methods for obtaining goods.
  65. A supplier audit evaluates the performance and compliance of suppliers.
  66. Demand forecast accuracy measures how closely actual demand matches predicted demand.
  67. Order picking involves selecting items from inventory to fulfill customer orders.
  68. A Transportation Management System (TMS) helps manage and optimize transportation operations.
  69. Product replenishment ensures that inventory levels are maintained to meet customer demand.
  70. Packaging involves preparing goods for shipping, including labeling and protecting items.
  71. Supply chain integration technology connects different systems and processes within the supply chain.
  72. Inventory optimization aims to balance inventory levels to meet demand while minimizing costs.
  73. Lead time reduction focuses on decreasing the time required to complete production and delivery processes.
  74. Effective supplier negotiation ensures favorable terms and conditions for purchasing goods.
  75. Logistics execution involves implementing plans to move goods efficiently through the supply chain.
  76. Forecasting accuracy measures how well forecasts predict actual demand or supply needs.
  77. An end-to-end supply chain manages all stages from raw materials to final product delivery.
  78. Transport management oversees the planning and execution of transportation activities.
  79. Order tracking allows customers to monitor the status and location of their orders.
  80. Product traceability involves tracking the origin and movement of products through the supply chain.
  81. Logistics costs include expenses related to transportation, warehousing, and handling of goods.
  82. Warehouse automation uses technology to improve the efficiency of warehouse operations.
  83. Inventory replenishment ensures that stock levels are updated to prevent shortages.
  84. Supplier collaboration involves working closely with suppliers to improve overall supply chain performance.
  85. Product distribution ensures that products reach retailers or customers efficiently.
  86. Order management involves handling all aspects of order processing, from receipt to fulfillment.
  87. Supply chain efficiency measures how effectively the supply chain operates to meet customer needs.
  88. Production scheduling coordinates the timing of manufacturing processes to meet demand.
  89. Demand management involves planning and controlling demand to align with supply capabilities.
  90. Logistics coordination ensures that different logistics activities are managed effectively.
  91. Global logistics involves managing the movement of goods across international borders.
  92. Strategic sourcing identifies and develops suppliers that provide the best value for the company.
  93. Inventory holding costs are expenses related to storing and maintaining inventory.
  94. Supplier capacity refers to a supplier’s ability to meet production and delivery requirements.
  95. Supply chain performance evaluates how well the supply chain meets its goals and objectives.
  96. Transportation network includes the routes and modes used to move goods between locations.
  97. Supply chain resilience ensures that the supply chain can adapt to disruptions and continue operations.
  98. Operational efficiency focuses on improving the performance and productivity of supply chain operations.
  99. Cost efficiency measures how effectively resources are used to achieve cost savings.
  100. Customer service in supply chain management involves meeting customer needs and addressing issues promptly.

Bài tập

  1. Effective ____________ helps companies manage and streamline their entire supply chain.
  2. ____________ involves planning and controlling the movement and storage of goods.
  3. ____________ is crucial for ensuring that inventory levels meet customer demand without excess.
  4. Proper ____________ ensures that the company acquires the necessary goods and services efficiently.
  5. A reliable ____________ is essential for maintaining smooth operations in production.
  6. Accurate ____________ helps predict future customer needs and adjust inventory levels.
  7. ____________ aims to improve the efficiency and reduce costs across the entire supply chain.
  8. ____________ involves managing the storage and handling of goods within a warehouse.
  9. ____________ ensures that products reach customers from manufacturers in a timely manner.
  10. ____________ is the process of completing and delivering customer orders.
  11. ____________ manages the planning and execution of the transportation of goods.
  12. Reducing ____________ can improve overall supply chain efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  13. The company uses a ____________ system to reduce inventory costs by receiving goods only as needed.
  14. ____________ provides real-time information about the status of shipments and products.
  15. ____________ helps schedule production activities and allocate resources effectively.
  16. ____________ ensures that suppliers meet their obligations and deliver quality products.
  17. ____________ involves connecting different parts of the supply chain to enhance efficiency.
  18. An optimized ____________ network helps reduce shipping costs and improve delivery times.
  19. ____________ requires efficient processes to handle online orders and returns effectively.
  20. ____________ deals with managing the return of products from customers to manufacturers.
  21. ____________ measures how quickly inventory is sold and replaced over a given period.
  22. A ____________ is used to track and manage individual inventory items.
  23. Developing a ____________ involves creating plans to manage supply chain activities effectively.
  24. ____________ allows companies to find the best suppliers globally and reduce costs.
  25. ____________ involves organizing and managing the shipment of goods between locations.
  26. ____________ includes the process of transporting products from manufacturers to end users.
  27. ____________ helps predict customer demand and adjust inventory levels accordingly.
  28. ____________ involves identifying and mitigating risks that could disrupt the supply chain.
  29. ____________ includes receiving, processing, and fulfilling customer orders.
  30. Effective ____________ helps control expenses and maintain profitability.
  31. ____________ focuses on building and maintaining strong partnerships with suppliers.
  32. ____________ involves managing a product from its creation to its end of life.
  33. ____________ uses data analysis to improve supply chain decision-making and performance.
  34. A ____________ approach maintains higher inventory levels to guard against potential disruptions.
  35. ____________ helps in scheduling production and purchasing necessary materials.
  36. ____________ systems are used to optimize production and resource planning.
  37. An ____________ tracks and manages customer orders from receipt through fulfillment.
  38. ____________ providers offer outsourced logistics services for shipping and warehousing.
  39. ____________ reduces storage time by transferring products directly from inbound to outbound transportation.
  40. ____________ involves planning the structure and flow of supply chain operations.
  41. ____________ ensures that stock levels are maintained at optimal levels to meet demand.
  42. ____________ involves working closely with supply chain partners to improve performance.
  43. ____________ is the quantity of a product that consumers are willing to purchase at a given price.
  44. ____________ determines the production capacity needed to meet varying demands.
  45. ____________ involves distributing orders to the appropriate warehouses or production facilities.
  46. ____________ are used to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chain processes.
  47. ____________ ensures that different parts of the supply chain work together smoothly.
  48. ____________ improves the efficiency of transportation routes and reduces costs.
  49. ____________ assesses the performance and reliability of suppliers.
  50. A well-developed ____________ involves planning how to manage the flow of goods and services.
  51. ____________ ensures that supply matches customer demand to avoid excess inventory.
  52. Maintaining a ____________ helps prevent stockouts and ensures product availability.
  53. A ____________ is a facility where goods are stored before they are shipped to customers.
  54. ____________ aims to improve the efficiency of warehouse operations and space utilization.
  55. The ____________ involves all steps from identifying needs to purchasing goods and services.
  56. ____________ refers to the expenses associated with moving goods from one place to another.
  57. ____________ measures the percentage of orders that are delivered on time and accurately.
  58. ____________ includes all expenses related to managing and moving goods through the supply chain.
  59. ____________ ensures that inventory records accurately reflect the actual stock levels.
  60. Reducing ____________ improves the speed at which goods are delivered from suppliers.
  61. ____________ is the time taken from receiving an order to delivering it to the customer.
  62. A reliable ____________ ensures efficient and timely delivery of goods.
  63. ____________ ensures that products are available for sale when customers need them.
  64. A well-defined ____________ identifies the best suppliers and methods for obtaining goods.
  65. A ____________ evaluates the performance and compliance of suppliers.
  66. ____________ measures how closely actual demand matches the predicted demand.
  67. ____________ involves selecting items from inventory to fulfill customer orders.
  68. A ____________ helps manage and optimize transportation operations.
  69. ____________ ensures that inventory levels are maintained to meet customer demand.
  70. ____________ involves preparing goods for shipment, including labeling and protecting items.
  71. ____________ connects different systems and processes within the supply chain.
  72. ____________ aims to balance inventory levels to meet demand while minimizing costs.
  73. ____________ focuses on decreasing the time required to complete production and delivery processes.
  74. Effective ____________ ensures favorable terms and conditions for purchasing goods.
  75. ____________ involves implementing plans to move goods efficiently through the supply chain.
  76. ____________ measures how well forecasts predict actual demand or supply needs.
  77. An ____________ manages all stages from raw materials to final product delivery.
  78. ____________ oversees the planning and execution of transportation activities.
  79. ____________ allows customers to monitor the status and location of their orders.
  80. ____________ involves tracking the origin and movement of products through the supply chain.
  81. ____________ includes expenses related to transportation, warehousing, and handling of goods.
  82. ____________ uses technology to improve the efficiency of warehouse operations.
  83. ____________ ensures that stock levels are updated to prevent shortages.
  84. ____________ involves working closely with suppliers to enhance overall supply chain performance.
  85. ____________ ensures that products reach retailers or customers efficiently.
  86. ____________ involves handling all aspects of order processing, from receipt to fulfillment.
  87. ____________ measures how effectively the supply chain operates to meet customer needs.
  88. ____________ coordinates the timing of manufacturing processes to meet demand.
  89. ____________ involves planning and controlling demand to align with supply capabilities.
  90. ____________ ensures that different logistics activities are managed effectively.
  91. ____________ involves managing the movement of goods across international borders.
  92. ____________ identifies and develops suppliers that provide the best value for the company.
  93. ____________ are expenses related to storing and maintaining inventory.
  94. ____________ refers to a supplier’s ability to meet production and delivery requirements.
  95. ____________ evaluates how well the supply chain meets its goals and objectives.
  96. The ____________ includes the routes and modes used to move goods between locations.
  97. ____________ ensures that the supply chain can adapt to disruptions and continue operations.
  98. ____________ focuses on improving the performance and productivity of supply chain operations.
  99. ____________ measures how effectively resources are used to achieve cost savings.
  100. ____________ involves meeting customer needs and addressing issues promptly.

Đáp án

  1. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  2. Logistics
  3. Inventory management
  4. Procurement
  5. Supplier
  6. Demand forecasting
  7. Supply chain optimization
  8. Warehouse management
  9. Distribution
  10. Order fulfillment
  11. Transportation management
  12. Lead time
  13. Just-in-Time (JIT)
  14. Supply chain visibility
  15. Production planning
  16. Vendor management
  17. Supply chain integration
  18. Logistics network
  19. E-commerce fulfillment
  20. Reverse logistics
  21. Inventory turnover
  22. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
  23. Supply chain strategy
  24. Global sourcing
  25. Freight forwarding
  26. Shipping
  27. Demand planning
  28. Supply chain risk management
  29. Order processing
  30. Cost control
  31. Supplier relationship management
  32. Product lifecycle management
  33. Supply chain analytics
  34. Just-in-Case (JIC)
  35. Material Requirements Planning (MRP)
  36. Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS)
  37. Order Management System (OMS)
  38. Third-Party Logistics (3PL)
  39. Cross-docking
  40. Supply chain network design
  41. Inventory control
  42. Supply chain collaboration
  43. Product demand
  44. Capacity planning
  45. Order allocation
  46. Performance metrics
  47. Supply chain coordination
  48. Transport optimization
  49. Supplier evaluation
  50. Logistics strategy
  51. Demand and supply balancing
  52. Safety stock
  53. Distribution center (DC)
  54. Warehouse optimization
  55. Procurement process
  56. Transportation cost
  57. Order fulfillment rate
  58. Supply chain cost
  59. Inventory accuracy
  60. Supplier lead time
  61. Order lead time
  62. Logistics provider
  63. Product availability
  64. Sourcing strategy
  65. Supplier audit
  66. Demand forecast accuracy
  67. Order picking
  68. Transportation Management System (TMS)
  69. Product replenishment
  70. Packaging
  71. Supply chain integration technology
  72. Inventory optimization
  73. Lead time reduction
  74. Supplier negotiation
  75. Logistics execution
  76. Forecasting accuracy
  77. End-to-end supply chain
  78. Transport management
  79. Order tracking
  80. Product traceability
  81. Logistics costs
  82. Warehouse automation
  83. Inventory replenishment
  84. Supplier collaboration
  85. Product distribution
  86. Order management
  87. Supply chain efficiency
  88. Production scheduling
  89. Demand management
  90. Logistics coordination
  91. Global logistics
  92. Strategic sourcing
  93. Inventory holding costs
  94. Supplier capacity
  95. Supply chain performance
  96. Transportation network
  97. Supply chain resilience
  98. Operational efficiency
  99. Cost efficiency
  100. Customer service

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