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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản trị quan hệ khách hàng

Quản trị quan hệ khách hàng (CRM) là một lĩnh vực quan trọng trong kinh doanh, giúp duy trì và phát triển mối quan hệ với khách hàng. Dưới đây là 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành CRM, giúp bạn nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp, xử lý thông tin và quản lý hiệu quả khách hàng.

Từ vựng nghề Quản trị quan hệ khách hàng

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.
  2. Customer Experience (CX): Trải nghiệm khách hàng.
  3. Customer Satisfaction: Sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  4. Customer Retention: Giữ chân khách hàng.
  5. Customer Loyalty: Sự trung thành của khách hàng.
  6. Client Engagement: Tương tác với khách hàng.
  7. Customer Feedback: Phản hồi của khách hàng.
  8. Customer Service: Dịch vụ khách hàng.
  9. Customer Data: Dữ liệu khách hàng.
  10. Customer Segmentation: Phân khúc khách hàng.
  11. Customer Journey: Hành trình của khách hàng.
  12. Lead Management: Quản lý khách hàng tiềm năng.
  13. Sales Pipeline: Quy trình bán hàng.
  14. Customer Insights: Thông tin chi tiết về khách hàng.
  15. Account Management: Quản lý tài khoản.
  16. Customer Support: Hỗ trợ khách hàng.
  17. Client Relations: Quan hệ với khách hàng.
  18. Service Quality: Chất lượng dịch vụ.
  19. Customer Touchpoint: Điểm tiếp xúc với khách hàng.
  20. Personalization: Cá nhân hóa.
  21. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): Giá trị trọn đời của khách hàng.
  22. CRM Software: Phần mềm CRM.
  23. Customer Satisfaction Survey: Khảo sát sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  24. Customer Onboarding: Hướng dẫn khách hàng mới.
  25. Customer Retention Strategy: Chiến lược giữ chân khách hàng.
  26. Customer Relationship Strategy: Chiến lược quan hệ khách hàng.
  27. Customer Relationship Manager: Người quản lý quan hệ khách hàng.
  28. Client Acquisition: Tiếp cận khách hàng.
  29. Customer Complaint Management: Quản lý khiếu nại của khách hàng.
  30. Client Feedback: Phản hồi của khách hàng.
  31. Customer Communication: Giao tiếp với khách hàng.
  32. Customer Service Excellence: Xuất sắc trong dịch vụ khách hàng.
  33. CRM Analytics: Phân tích CRM.
  34. Customer Needs Assessment: Đánh giá nhu cầu của khách hàng.
  35. Customer Relationship Strategy: Chiến lược quan hệ khách hàng.
  36. Client Satisfaction: Sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  37. Customer Relationship Building: Xây dựng mối quan hệ với khách hàng.
  38. Customer Relationship Optimization: Tối ưu hóa quan hệ khách hàng.
  39. Customer Data Management: Quản lý dữ liệu khách hàng.
  40. Customer Communication Plan: Kế hoạch giao tiếp với khách hàng.
  41. Customer Success Management: Quản lý thành công của khách hàng.
  42. CRM Integration: Tích hợp CRM.
  43. Customer Outreach: Tiếp cận khách hàng.
  44. Customer Interaction: Tương tác với khách hàng.
  45. Customer Satisfaction Metrics: Chỉ số sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  46. Customer Relationship Improvement: Cải thiện quan hệ khách hàng.
  47. Customer Feedback Loop: Vòng phản hồi của khách hàng.
  48. Client Support: Hỗ trợ khách hàng.
  49. Customer Experience Management: Quản lý trải nghiệm khách hàng.
  50. Customer Value Proposition: Đề xuất giá trị cho khách hàng.
  51. Customer Relationship Policies: Chính sách quan hệ khách hàng.
  52. Client Satisfaction Survey: Khảo sát sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  53. Customer Relationship Data: Dữ liệu quan hệ khách hàng.
  54. Customer Success Metrics: Chỉ số thành công của khách hàng.
  55. Customer Interaction Strategy: Chiến lược tương tác với khách hàng.
  56. Client Communication: Giao tiếp với khách hàng.
  57. Customer Relationship Management System: Hệ thống quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.
  58. Customer Account Management: Quản lý tài khoản khách hàng.
  59. Customer Problem Resolution: Giải quyết vấn đề của khách hàng.
  60. Client Retention Plan: Kế hoạch giữ chân khách hàng.
  61. Customer Satisfaction Program: Chương trình sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  62. Customer Interaction Metrics: Chỉ số tương tác với khách hàng.
  63. Client Feedback Mechanism: Cơ chế phản hồi của khách hàng.
  64. Customer Support Channels: Kênh hỗ trợ khách hàng.
  65. Customer Relationship Platform: Nền tảng quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.
  66. Client Relationship Building: Xây dựng mối quan hệ với khách hàng.
  67. Customer Engagement Plan: Kế hoạch tương tác với khách hàng.
  68. Customer Service Training: Đào tạo dịch vụ khách hàng.
  69. Customer Relationship Management Best Practices: Các phương pháp quản trị quan hệ khách hàng tốt nhất.
  70. Customer Satisfaction Index: Chỉ số sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  71. Client Account Management: Quản lý tài khoản khách hàng.
  72. Customer Feedback Analysis: Phân tích phản hồi của khách hàng.
  73. Client Needs Assessment: Đánh giá nhu cầu của khách hàng.
  74. Customer Relationship Optimization Strategy: Chiến lược tối ưu hóa quan hệ khách hàng.
  75. Customer Interaction Tools: Công cụ tương tác với khách hàng.
  76. Client Engagement Strategies: Chiến lược tương tác với khách hàng.
  77. Customer Relationship Management Training: Đào tạo quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.
  78. Customer Support Services: Dịch vụ hỗ trợ khách hàng.
  79. Customer Feedback Collection: Thu thập phản hồi của khách hàng.
  80. Customer Experience Strategy: Chiến lược trải nghiệm khách hàng.
  81. Client Retention Metrics: Chỉ số giữ chân khách hàng.
  82. Customer Relationship Management Process: Quy trình quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.
  83. Client Communication Strategy: Chiến lược giao tiếp với khách hàng.
  84. Customer Success Plan: Kế hoạch thành công của khách hàng.
  85. Customer Service Policies: Chính sách dịch vụ khách hàng.
  86. Customer Satisfaction Analysis: Phân tích sự hài lòng của khách hàng.
  87. Client Relationship Management Techniques: Kỹ thuật quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.
  88. Customer Service Tools: Công cụ dịch vụ khách hàng.
  89. Client Relationship Management Software: Phần mềm quản trị quan hệ khách hàng.
  90. Customer Retention Metrics: Chỉ số giữ chân khách hàng.
  91. Customer Feedback Systems: Hệ thống phản hồi của khách hàng.
  92. Customer Experience Improvement: Cải thiện trải nghiệm khách hàng.
  93. Client Relationship Development: Phát triển quan hệ khách hàng.
  94. Customer Success Strategies: Chiến lược thành công của khách hàng.
  95. Client Engagement Tools: Công cụ tương tác với khách hàng.
  96. Customer Support Best Practices: Các phương pháp hỗ trợ khách hàng tốt nhất.
  97. Customer Service Excellence Criteria: Tiêu chí xuất sắc trong dịch vụ khách hàng.
  98. Customer Loyalty Programs: Chương trình trung thành của khách hàng.
  99. Client Account Development: Phát triển tài khoản khách hàng.
  100. Customer Relationship Metrics: Chỉ số quan hệ khách hàng.

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): “Effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems help businesses maintain strong customer relationships.”
  2. Customer Experience (CX): “Improving Customer Experience (CX) is crucial for enhancing overall customer satisfaction.”
  3. Customer Satisfaction: “High levels of Customer Satisfaction can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.”
  4. Customer Retention: “Strategies for Customer Retention include offering personalized services and regular follow-ups.”
  5. Customer Loyalty: “Customer Loyalty programs reward frequent buyers and encourage repeat purchases.”
  6. Client Engagement: “Increasing Client Engagement through interactive content can boost brand affinity.”
  7. Customer Feedback: “Collecting Customer Feedback helps businesses understand their customers’ needs and preferences.”
  8. Customer Service: “Providing excellent Customer Service is essential for building a positive brand reputation.”
  9. Customer Data: “Analyzing Customer Data can provide valuable insights into buying patterns and preferences.”
  10. Customer Segmentation: “Customer Segmentation allows businesses to tailor their marketing efforts to different customer groups.”
  11. Customer Journey: “Mapping the Customer Journey helps identify key touchpoints and areas for improvement.”
  12. Lead Management: “Effective Lead Management ensures that potential customers are nurtured and converted into sales.”
  13. Sales Pipeline: “Managing the Sales Pipeline effectively can help streamline the sales process and increase conversions.”
  14. Customer Insights: “Gaining Customer Insights helps in developing targeted marketing strategies and improving products.”
  15. Account Management: “Account Management involves maintaining relationships with key clients and addressing their needs.”
  16. Customer Support: “Providing prompt and effective Customer Support can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.”
  17. Client Relations: “Strong Client Relations are built on trust and consistent communication.”
  18. Service Quality: “Maintaining high Service Quality is crucial for retaining customers and achieving business success.”
  19. Customer Touchpoint: “Every Customer Touchpoint is an opportunity to make a positive impression and strengthen the relationship.”
  20. Personalization: “Personalization in marketing efforts can significantly improve customer engagement and satisfaction.”
  21. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): “Calculating Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) helps businesses understand the long-term worth of each customer.”
  22. CRM Software: “CRM Software helps businesses manage customer interactions and streamline processes.”
  23. Customer Satisfaction Survey: “Conducting a Customer Satisfaction Survey can provide valuable feedback on your services.”
  24. Customer Onboarding: “A smooth Customer Onboarding process sets the stage for a positive long-term relationship.”
  25. Customer Retention Strategy: “Developing a strong Customer Retention Strategy can reduce churn and increase customer loyalty.”
  26. Customer Relationship Strategy: “A well-defined Customer Relationship Strategy helps guide interactions and engagements with clients.”
  27. Customer Relationship Manager: “The Customer Relationship Manager is responsible for overseeing client accounts and ensuring satisfaction.”
  28. Client Acquisition: “Effective Client Acquisition strategies involve targeted marketing and sales techniques.”
  29. Customer Complaint Management: “Implementing an efficient Customer Complaint Management system can resolve issues quickly and effectively.”
  30. Client Feedback: “Gathering Client Feedback is essential for improving services and addressing concerns.”
  31. Customer Communication: “Clear and consistent Customer Communication helps build trust and resolve issues promptly.”
  32. Customer Service Excellence: “Striving for Customer Service Excellence can differentiate your business from competitors.”
  33. CRM Analytics: “CRM Analytics provides insights into customer behavior and helps optimize marketing strategies.”
  34. Customer Needs Assessment: “Conducting a Customer Needs Assessment ensures that your offerings meet the demands of your target audience.”
  35. Customer Relationship Strategy: “A solid Customer Relationship Strategy is vital for nurturing and managing client interactions.”
  36. Client Satisfaction: “Client Satisfaction is often measured through surveys and feedback to ensure service quality.”
  37. Customer Relationship Building: “Effective Customer Relationship Building involves regular communication and personalized interactions.”
  38. Customer Relationship Optimization: “Customer Relationship Optimization focuses on enhancing engagement and improving service delivery.”
  39. Customer Data Management: “Proper Customer Data Management ensures that customer information is accurate and accessible.”
  40. Customer Communication Plan: “A well-structured Customer Communication Plan helps ensure consistent and effective messaging.”
  41. Customer Success Management: “Customer Success Management aims to ensure that customers achieve their desired outcomes with your product.”
  42. CRM Integration: “CRM Integration allows businesses to synchronize customer data across various platforms.”
  43. Customer Outreach: “Customer Outreach involves proactive efforts to connect with and engage existing and potential clients.”
  44. Customer Interaction: “Optimizing Customer Interaction points can enhance the overall customer experience.”
  45. Customer Satisfaction Metrics: “Tracking Customer Satisfaction Metrics helps measure the effectiveness of your service and identify areas for improvement.”
  46. Customer Relationship Improvement: “Continuous Customer Relationship Improvement ensures that your business adapts to changing customer needs.”
  47. Customer Feedback Loop: “Establishing a Customer Feedback Loop helps address issues and make necessary adjustments promptly.”
  48. Client Support: “Offering comprehensive Client Support is essential for resolving issues and maintaining positive relationships.”
  49. Customer Experience Management: “Customer Experience Management focuses on creating a seamless and positive experience for clients.”
  50. Customer Value Proposition: “A strong Customer Value Proposition clearly communicates the benefits and value of your product or service.”
  51. Customer Relationship Policies: “Implementing clear Customer Relationship Policies helps manage expectations and guide interactions.”
  52. Client Satisfaction Survey: “A Client Satisfaction Survey helps gather insights on customer perceptions and service quality.”
  53. Customer Relationship Data: “Analyzing Customer Relationship Data provides insights into customer behavior and preferences.”
  54. Customer Success Metrics: “Measuring Customer Success Metrics helps evaluate the effectiveness of your customer support and success initiatives.”
  55. Customer Interaction Strategy: “Developing a Customer Interaction Strategy ensures that all touchpoints are effectively managed.”
  56. Client Communication: “Effective Client Communication is key to maintaining strong relationships and resolving issues.”
  57. Customer Relationship Management System: “A Customer Relationship Management System streamlines customer interactions and data management.”
  58. Customer Account Management: “Customer Account Management involves overseeing and nurturing key client accounts.”
  59. Customer Problem Resolution: “Effective Customer Problem Resolution involves addressing issues promptly and satisfactorily.”
  60. Client Retention Plan: “A comprehensive Client Retention Plan includes strategies to keep customers engaged and satisfied.”
  61. Customer Satisfaction Program: “Implementing a Customer Satisfaction Program helps monitor and enhance customer satisfaction levels.”
  62. Customer Interaction Metrics: “Tracking Customer Interaction Metrics helps measure the effectiveness of engagement strategies.”
  63. Client Feedback Mechanism: “A robust Client Feedback Mechanism ensures that customer opinions are collected and acted upon.”
  64. Customer Support Channels: “Providing multiple Customer Support Channels allows clients to seek help through their preferred medium.”
  65. Customer Relationship Platform: “A Customer Relationship Platform integrates various tools to manage and analyze customer interactions.”
  66. Client Relationship Building: “Effective Client Relationship Building involves personalized service and regular engagement.”
  67. Customer Engagement Plan: “A well-developed Customer Engagement Plan focuses on maintaining active and meaningful interactions with clients.”
  68. Customer Service Training: “Customer Service Training ensures that employees are equipped to provide exceptional service.”
  69. Customer Relationship Management Best Practices: “Following Customer Relationship Management Best Practices helps maintain strong and positive client relationships.”
  70. Customer Satisfaction Index: “The Customer Satisfaction Index measures overall customer satisfaction with products or services.”
  71. Client Account Management: “Client Account Management involves managing and growing relationships with key accounts.”
  72. Customer Feedback Analysis: “Customer Feedback Analysis provides insights into customer preferences and areas for improvement.”
  73. Client Needs Assessment: “Conducting a Client Needs Assessment helps tailor services to meet specific client requirements.”
  74. Customer Relationship Optimization Strategy: “A Customer Relationship Optimization Strategy focuses on enhancing client interactions and service delivery.”
  75. Customer Interaction Tools: “Utilizing Customer Interaction Tools helps manage and improve client communications.”
  76. Client Engagement Strategies: “Developing Client Engagement Strategies involves creating plans to maintain and strengthen customer relationships.”
  77. Customer Relationship Management Training: “Customer Relationship Management Training equips staff with the skills needed to manage client relationships effectively.”
  78. Customer Support Services: “Offering comprehensive Customer Support Services helps address client needs and resolve issues.”
  79. Customer Feedback Collection: “Efficient Customer Feedback Collection methods provide valuable insights into customer experiences.”
  80. Customer Experience Strategy: “A Customer Experience Strategy aims to enhance every aspect of the customer’s interaction with your brand.”
  81. Client Retention Metrics: “Monitoring Client Retention Metrics helps assess the effectiveness of retention strategies.”
  82. Customer Relationship Management Process: “The Customer Relationship Management Process involves steps to manage and improve client interactions.”
  83. Client Communication Strategy: “A Client Communication Strategy outlines how to effectively communicate with clients to build and maintain relationships.”
  84. Customer Success Plan: “A Customer Success Plan includes strategies to ensure clients achieve their goals with your products or services.”
  85. Customer Service Policies: “Clear Customer Service Policies help guide interactions and maintain consistent service standards.”
  86. Customer Satisfaction Analysis: “Conducting a Customer Satisfaction Analysis helps identify areas for service improvement and client needs.”
  87. Client Relationship Management Techniques: “Effective Client Relationship Management Techniques include personalized service and regular follow-ups.”
  88. Customer Service Tools: “Customer Service Tools help streamline support processes and enhance service delivery.”
  89. Client Relationship Management Software: “Client Relationship Management Software integrates various functions to manage client interactions and data.”
  90. Customer Retention Metrics: “Tracking Customer Retention Metrics helps evaluate the success of strategies designed to keep customers.”
  91. Customer Feedback Systems: “Implementing Customer Feedback Systems allows for systematic collection and analysis of client opinions.”
  92. Customer Experience Improvement: “Continuous Customer Experience Improvement focuses on refining processes to enhance client satisfaction.”
  93. Client Relationship Development: “Client Relationship Development involves strategies to build and maintain strong client connections.”
  94. Customer Success Strategies: “Effective Customer Success Strategies aim to ensure that clients derive maximum value from your offerings.”
  95. Client Engagement Tools: “Utilizing Client Engagement Tools helps facilitate and manage interactions with customers.”
  96. Customer Support Best Practices: “Adhering to Customer Support Best Practices ensures high-quality service and client satisfaction.”
  97. Customer Service Excellence Criteria: “Setting Customer Service Excellence Criteria helps maintain high standards in service delivery.”
  98. Customer Loyalty Programs: “Customer Loyalty Programs incentivize repeat business and reward long-term customers.”
  99. Client Account Development: “Client Account Development focuses on expanding and enhancing relationships with key accounts.”
  100. Customer Relationship Metrics: “Analyzing Customer Relationship Metrics helps gauge the effectiveness of your CRM efforts.”

Bài tập

  1. Effective ________ helps businesses maintain strong customer relationships.
  2. Improving ________ is crucial for enhancing overall customer satisfaction.
  3. High levels of ________ can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business.
  4. Strategies for ________ include offering personalized services and regular follow-ups.
  5. ________ programs reward frequent buyers and encourage repeat purchases.
  6. Increasing ________ through interactive content can boost brand affinity.
  7. Collecting ________ helps businesses understand their customers’ needs and preferences.
  8. Providing excellent ________ is essential for building a positive brand reputation.
  9. Analyzing ________ can provide valuable insights into buying patterns and preferences.
  10. ________ allows businesses to tailor their marketing efforts to different customer groups.
  11. Mapping the ________ helps identify key touchpoints and areas for improvement.
  12. Effective ________ ensures that potential customers are nurtured and converted into sales.
  13. Managing the ________ effectively can help streamline the sales process and increase conversions.
  14. Gaining ________ helps in developing targeted marketing strategies and improving products.
  15. ________ involves maintaining relationships with key clients and addressing their needs.
  16. Providing prompt and effective ________ can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty.
  17. Strong ________ are built on trust and consistent communication.
  18. Maintaining high ________ is crucial for retaining customers and achieving business success.
  19. Every ________ is an opportunity to make a positive impression and strengthen the relationship.
  20. ________ in marketing efforts can significantly improve customer engagement and satisfaction.
  21. Calculating ________ helps businesses understand the long-term worth of each customer.
  22. ________ helps businesses manage customer interactions and streamline processes.
  23. Conducting a ________ can provide valuable feedback on your services.
  24. A smooth ________ process sets the stage for a positive long-term relationship.
  25. Developing a strong ________ can reduce churn and increase customer loyalty.
  26. A well-defined ________ helps guide interactions and engagements with clients.
  27. The ________ is responsible for overseeing client accounts and ensuring satisfaction.
  28. Effective ________ strategies involve targeted marketing and sales techniques.
  29. Implementing an efficient ________ system can resolve issues quickly and effectively.
  30. Gathering ________ is essential for improving services and addressing concerns.
  31. Clear and consistent ________ helps build trust and resolve issues promptly.
  32. Striving for ________ can differentiate your business from competitors.
  33. ________ provides insights into customer behavior and helps optimize marketing strategies.
  34. Conducting a ________ ensures that your offerings meet the demands of your target audience.
  35. A solid ________ is vital for nurturing and managing client interactions.
  36. ________ is often measured through surveys and feedback to ensure service quality.
  37. Effective ________ involves regular communication and personalized interactions.
  38. ________ focuses on enhancing engagement and improving service delivery.
  39. Proper ________ ensures that customer information is accurate and accessible.
  40. A well-structured ________ helps ensure consistent and effective messaging.
  41. ________ aims to ensure that customers achieve their desired outcomes with your product.
  42. ________ allows businesses to synchronize customer data across various platforms.
  43. ________ involves proactive efforts to connect with and engage existing and potential clients.
  44. Optimizing ________ points can enhance the overall customer experience.
  45. Tracking ________ helps measure the effectiveness of your service and identify areas for improvement.
  46. Continuous ________ ensures that your business adapts to changing customer needs.
  47. Establishing a ________ helps address issues and make necessary adjustments promptly.
  48. Offering comprehensive ________ is essential for resolving issues and maintaining positive relationships.
  49. ________ focuses on creating a seamless and positive experience for clients.
  50. A strong ________ clearly communicates the benefits and value of your product or service.
  51. Implementing clear ________ helps manage expectations and guide interactions.
  52. A ________ helps gather insights on customer perceptions and service quality.
  53. Analyzing ________ provides insights into customer behavior and preferences.
  54. Measuring ________ helps evaluate the effectiveness of your customer support and success initiatives.
  55. Developing a ________ ensures that all touchpoints are effectively managed.
  56. Effective ________ is key to maintaining strong relationships and resolving issues.
  57. A ________ streamlines customer interactions and data management.
  58. ________ involves overseeing and nurturing key client accounts.
  59. Effective ________ involves addressing issues promptly and satisfactorily.
  60. A comprehensive ________ includes strategies to keep customers engaged and satisfied.
  61. Implementing a ________ helps monitor and enhance customer satisfaction levels.
  62. Tracking ________ helps measure the effectiveness of engagement strategies.
  63. A robust ________ ensures that customer opinions are collected and acted upon.
  64. Providing multiple ________ allows clients to seek help through their preferred medium.
  65. A ________ integrates various tools to manage and analyze customer interactions.
  66. Effective ________ involves personalized service and regular engagement.
  67. A well-developed ________ focuses on maintaining active and meaningful interactions with clients.
  68. ________ ensures that employees are equipped to provide exceptional service.
  69. Following ________ helps maintain strong and positive client relationships.
  70. The ________ measures overall customer satisfaction with products or services.
  71. ________ involves managing and growing relationships with key accounts.
  72. ________ provides insights into customer preferences and areas for improvement.
  73. Conducting a ________ helps tailor services to meet specific client requirements.
  74. A ________ focuses on enhancing client interactions and service delivery.
  75. Utilizing ________ helps manage and improve client communications.
  76. Developing ________ involves creating plans to maintain and strengthen customer relationships.
  77. ________ equips staff with the skills needed to manage client relationships effectively.
  78. Offering comprehensive ________ helps address client needs and resolve issues.
  79. Efficient ________ methods provide valuable insights into customer experiences.
  80. A ________ aims to enhance every aspect of the customer’s interaction with your brand.
  81. Monitoring ________ helps assess the effectiveness of strategies designed to keep customers.
  82. The ________ involves steps to manage and improve client interactions.
  83. A ________ outlines how to effectively communicate with clients to build and maintain relationships.
  84. A ________ includes strategies to ensure clients achieve their goals with your products or services.
  85. Clear ________ help guide interactions and maintain consistent service standards.
  86. Conducting a ________ helps identify areas for service improvement and client needs.
  87. Effective ________ include personalized service and regular follow-ups.
  88. ________ help streamline support processes and enhance service delivery.
  89. ________ integrates various functions to manage client interactions and data.
  90. Tracking ________ helps evaluate the success of strategies designed to keep customers.
  91. Implementing ________ allows for systematic collection and analysis of client opinions.
  92. Continuous ________ focuses on refining processes to enhance client satisfaction.
  93. ________ involves strategies to build and maintain strong client connections.
  94. Effective ________ aim to ensure that clients derive maximum value from your offerings.
  95. Utilizing ________ helps facilitate and manage interactions with customers.
  96. Adhering to ________ ensures high-quality service and client satisfaction.
  97. Setting ________ helps maintain high standards in service delivery.
  98. ________ incentivize repeat business and reward long-term customers.
  99. ________ focuses on expanding and enhancing relationships with key accounts.
  100. Analyzing ________ helps gauge the effectiveness of your CRM efforts.

Đáp án

  1. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  2. Customer Experience (CX)
  3. Customer Satisfaction
  4. Customer Retention
  5. Customer Loyalty
  6. Client Engagement
  7. Customer Feedback
  8. Customer Service
  9. Customer Data
  10. Customer Segmentation
  11. Customer Journey
  12. Lead Management
  13. Sales Pipeline
  14. Customer Insights
  15. Account Management
  16. Customer Support
  17. Client Relations
  18. Service Quality
  19. Customer Touchpoint
  20. Personalization
  21. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  22. CRM Software
  23. Customer Satisfaction Survey
  24. Customer Onboarding
  25. Customer Retention Strategy
  26. Customer Relationship Strategy
  27. Customer Relationship Manager
  28. Client Acquisition
  29. Customer Complaint Management
  30. Client Feedback
  31. Customer Communication
  32. Customer Service Excellence
  33. CRM Analytics
  34. Customer Needs Assessment
  35. Customer Relationship Strategy
  36. Client Satisfaction
  37. Customer Relationship Building
  38. Customer Relationship Optimization
  39. Customer Data Management
  40. Customer Communication Plan
  41. Customer Success Management
  42. CRM Integration
  43. Customer Outreach
  44. Customer Interaction
  45. Customer Satisfaction Metrics
  46. Customer Relationship Improvement
  47. Customer Feedback Loop
  48. Client Support
  49. Customer Experience Management
  50. Customer Value Proposition
  51. Customer Relationship Policies
  52. Client Satisfaction Survey
  53. Customer Relationship Data
  54. Customer Success Metrics
  55. Customer Interaction Strategy
  56. Client Communication
  57. Customer Relationship Management System
  58. Customer Account Management
  59. Customer Problem Resolution
  60. Client Retention Plan
  61. Customer Satisfaction Program
  62. Customer Interaction Metrics
  63. Client Feedback Mechanism
  64. Customer Support Channels
  65. Customer Relationship Platform
  66. Client Relationship Building
  67. Customer Engagement Plan
  68. Customer Service Training
  69. Customer Relationship Management Best Practices
  70. Customer Satisfaction Index
  71. Client Account Management
  72. Customer Feedback Analysis
  73. Client Needs Assessment
  74. Customer Relationship Optimization Strategy
  75. Customer Interaction Tools
  76. Client Engagement Strategies
  77. Customer Relationship Management Training
  78. Customer Support Services
  79. Customer Feedback Collection
  80. Customer Experience Strategy
  81. Client Retention Metrics
  82. Customer Relationship Management Process
  83. Client Communication Strategy
  84. Customer Success Plan
  85. Customer Service Policies
  86. Customer Satisfaction Analysis
  87. Client Relationship Management Techniques
  88. Customer Service Tools
  89. Client Relationship Management Software
  90. Customer Retention Metrics
  91. Customer Feedback Systems
  92. Customer Experience Improvement
  93. Client Relationship Development
  94. Customer Success Strategies
  95. Client Engagement Tools
  96. Customer Support Best Practices
  97. Customer Service Excellence Criteria
  98. Customer Loyalty Programs
  99. Client Account Development
  100. Customer Relationship Metrics
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