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 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Tư vấn quản trị tài chính

Bài viết là danh sách 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh chuyên ngành Tư vấn Quản trị Tài chính. Những từ này sẽ giúp bạn nắm bắt các thuật ngữ quan trọng, hỗ trợ giao tiếp và làm việc hiệu quả trong môi trường quốc tế, đặc biệt khi làm việc với đối tác hoặc khách hàng nước ngoài.

Từ vựng nghề Tư vấn quản trị tài chính

  1. Financial Management – Quản lý tài chính
  2. Budget Planning – Lập kế hoạch ngân sách
  3. Cash Flow Analysis – Phân tích dòng tiền
  4. Investment Strategy – Chiến lược đầu tư
  5. Financial Forecasting – Dự báo tài chính
  6. Risk Assessment – Đánh giá rủi ro
  7. Capital Allocation – Phân bổ vốn
  8. Financial Reporting – Báo cáo tài chính
  9. Cost-Benefit Analysis – Phân tích chi phí-lợi ích
  10. Profit Margin – Biên lợi nhuận
  11. Asset Management – Quản lý tài sản
  12. Financial Planning – Lập kế hoạch tài chính
  13. Budgetary Control – Kiểm soát ngân sách
  14. Revenue Growth – Tăng trưởng doanh thu
  15. Financial Advisory – Tư vấn tài chính
  16. Equity Financing – Tài trợ vốn cổ phần
  17. Debt Financing – Tài trợ nợ
  18. Return on Investment (ROI) – Tỷ suất lợi nhuận trên vốn đầu tư
  19. Financial Statements – Báo cáo tài chính
  20. Working Capital – Vốn lưu động
  21. Financial Risk Management – Quản lý rủi ro tài chính
  22. Cost Management – Quản lý chi phí
  23. Budget Deficit – Thâm hụt ngân sách
  24. Revenue Streams – Các nguồn doanh thu
  25. Investment Portfolio – Danh mục đầu tư
  26. Financial Ratios – Tỷ số tài chính
  27. Liquidity Management – Quản lý thanh khoản
  28. Tax Planning – Lập kế hoạch thuế
  29. Strategic Financial Planning – Lập kế hoạch tài chính chiến lược
  30. Financial Performance – Hiệu quả tài chính
  31. Cash Flow Management – Quản lý dòng tiền
  32. Cost Allocation – Phân bổ chi phí
  33. Financial Modelling – Mô hình tài chính
  34. Capital Budgeting – Lập ngân sách vốn
  35. Financial Analysis – Phân tích tài chính
  36. Profit and Loss Statement – Báo cáo lãi và lỗ
  37. Financial Health – Tình trạng tài chính
  38. Credit Management – Quản lý tín dụng
  39. Financial Projections – Dự đoán tài chính
  40. Operational Efficiency – Hiệu quả hoạt động
  41. Financial Consulting – Tư vấn tài chính
  42. Risk Management – Quản lý rủi ro
  43. Wealth Management – Quản lý tài sản
  44. Financial Strategy – Chiến lược tài chính
  45. Debt Management – Quản lý nợ
  46. Investment Risk – Rủi ro đầu tư
  47. Revenue Forecasting – Dự báo doanh thu
  48. Capital Structure – Cơ cấu vốn
  49. Cost Reduction – Giảm chi phí
  50. Financial Governance – Quản trị tài chính
  51. Budget Review – Xem xét ngân sách
  52. Financial Efficiency – Hiệu quả tài chính
  53. Strategic Investment – Đầu tư chiến lược
  54. Operational Budget – Ngân sách hoạt động
  55. Financial Benchmarking – Đối chiếu tài chính
  56. Cash Reserve – Dự trữ tiền mặt
  57. Debt-to-Equity Ratio – Tỷ lệ nợ trên vốn chủ sở hữu
  58. Expense Management – Quản lý chi phí
  59. Financial KPIs – Các chỉ số hiệu suất tài chính
  60. Investment Appraisal – Đánh giá đầu tư
  61. Financial Audit – Kiểm toán tài chính
  62. Revenue Management – Quản lý doanh thu
  63. Cost Analysis – Phân tích chi phí
  64. Equity Valuation – Định giá vốn chủ sở hữu
  65. Risk Control – Kiểm soát rủi ro
  66. Financial Compliance – Tuân thủ tài chính
  67. Treasury Management – Quản lý ngân quỹ
  68. Capital Raising – Gọi vốn
  69. Return on Assets (ROA) – Tỷ suất lợi nhuận trên tài sản
  70. Investment Diversification – Đa dạng hóa đầu tư
  71. Financial Ratios Analysis – Phân tích tỷ số tài chính
  72. Profitability Analysis – Phân tích khả năng sinh lời
  73. Budget Allocation – Phân bổ ngân sách
  74. Financial Reengineering – Tái cấu trúc tài chính
  75. Risk Assessment Framework – Khung đánh giá rủi ro
  76. Investment Risk Management – Quản lý rủi ro đầu tư
  77. Financial Modeling Techniques – Kỹ thuật mô hình tài chính
  78. Capital Planning – Lập kế hoạch vốn
  79. Budget Forecasting – Dự báo ngân sách
  80. Revenue Optimization – Tối ưu hóa doanh thu
  81. Cost-Benefit Ratio – Tỷ lệ chi phí-lợi ích
  82. Financial Impact Analysis – Phân tích tác động tài chính
  83. Operational Risk Management – Quản lý rủi ro hoạt động
  84. Performance Metrics – Chỉ số hiệu suất
  85. Financial Oversight – Giám sát tài chính
  86. Credit Analysis – Phân tích tín dụng
  87. Profitability Ratios – Tỷ số sinh lời
  88. Financial Plan Development – Phát triển kế hoạch tài chính
  89. Revenue Generation – Tạo doanh thu
  90. Cost Efficiency – Hiệu quả chi phí
  91. Financial Viability – Khả năng tài chính
  92. Asset Allocation – Phân bổ tài sản
  93. Operational Budgeting – Lập ngân sách hoạt động
  94. Strategic Financial Management – Quản lý tài chính chiến lược
  95. Profit Margin Analysis – Phân tích biên lợi nhuận
  96. Debt Restructuring – Cơ cấu lại nợ
  97. Financial Risk Assessment – Đánh giá rủi ro tài chính
  98. Investment Performance – Hiệu suất đầu tư
  99. Budget Efficiency – Hiệu quả ngân sách
  100. Financial Strategy Development – Phát triển chiến lược tài chính

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Financial Management is crucial for ensuring that a company remains profitable and sustainable.
  2. Effective budget planning can help a business allocate resources more efficiently.
  3. Cash flow analysis helps in understanding how well a company manages its cash inflows and outflows.
  4. Developing a solid investment strategy is key to achieving long-term financial goals.
  5. Financial forecasting provides predictions about future financial performance based on historical data.
  6. Conducting a thorough risk assessment allows businesses to identify potential financial threats.
  7. Capital allocation decisions determine how to distribute financial resources among various projects.
  8. Financial reporting ensures that stakeholders are informed about the company’s financial health.
  9. Cost-benefit analysis helps evaluate the financial advantages and disadvantages of a particular investment.
  10. Monitoring the profit margin helps assess the efficiency of a company’s production processes.
  11. Asset management involves handling investments to meet specific financial objectives.
  12. Financial planning involves creating strategies to manage income, expenses, and investments.
  13. Budgetary control ensures that expenditures remain within the limits of the approved budget.
  14. Revenue growth is a key indicator of a company’s ability to increase its sales over time.
  15. Financial advisory services help clients make informed decisions about their financial future.
  16. Equity financing involves raising capital by selling shares of the company.
  17. Debt financing provides funds through borrowing that must be repaid over time.
  18. Return on Investment (ROI) measures the profitability of an investment relative to its cost.
  19. Financial statements provide a summary of a company’s financial performance and position.
  20. Managing working capital effectively ensures that a company has sufficient resources to meet its short-term obligations.
  21. Financial risk management involves identifying and mitigating risks that could affect financial performance.
  22. Cost management helps control expenses and improve profitability.
  23. A budget deficit occurs when expenditures exceed revenues in a given period.
  24. Identifying revenue streams helps diversify income sources and reduce financial risk.
  25. An investment portfolio contains a collection of assets owned by an investor.
  26. Financial ratios analyze various aspects of a company’s performance and financial health.
  27. Liquidity management ensures that a company has enough cash to meet its short-term needs.
  28. Tax planning involves strategizing to minimize tax liabilities and maximize tax efficiency.
  29. Strategic financial planning aligns financial goals with overall business objectives.
  30. Financial performance is assessed through various metrics such as profitability and efficiency.
  31. Effective cash flow management helps maintain a healthy balance between incoming and outgoing funds.
  32. Cost allocation assigns costs to specific departments or projects for accurate financial analysis.
  33. Financial modelling uses mathematical representations to forecast financial outcomes.
  34. Capital budgeting involves planning and managing long-term investments in assets.
  35. Financial analysis assesses the viability, stability, and profitability of a business.
  36. The profit and loss statement summarizes revenues, costs, and expenses to show net profit or loss.
  37. Financial health reflects a company’s ability to manage its assets, liabilities, and equity effectively.
  38. Credit management ensures that a company’s credit policies are in line with its financial goals.
  39. Financial projections predict future financial performance based on historical data and assumptions.
  40. Operational efficiency measures how effectively a company uses its resources to achieve business objectives.
  41. Financial consulting provides expert advice on managing finances and investments.
  42. Risk management involves identifying, assessing, and addressing risks to minimize their impact.
  43. Wealth management focuses on growing and preserving a client’s wealth through strategic investments.
  44. A well-defined financial strategy guides a company’s decision-making processes and objectives.
  45. Debt management involves strategies for handling and repaying borrowed funds.
  46. Assessing investment risk helps determine the potential downsides of a financial investment.
  47. Revenue forecasting predicts future revenue streams based on market trends and historical data.
  48. Understanding capital structure helps in balancing debt and equity financing to optimize financial performance.
  49. Implementing cost reduction measures helps decrease expenses and improve profitability.
  50. Financial governance ensures that financial activities are conducted in accordance with regulatory requirements.
  51. A budget review evaluates the accuracy and effectiveness of the budget against actual performance.
  52. Financial efficiency measures how well resources are utilized to generate profits.
  53. Strategic investment involves placing capital in projects or assets that align with long-term business goals.
  54. An operational budget outlines the costs associated with the day-to-day running of a business.
  55. Financial benchmarking compares a company’s performance against industry standards or competitors.
  56. Maintaining an adequate cash reserve ensures liquidity to handle unexpected financial challenges.
  57. The debt-to-equity ratio measures the proportion of debt and equity used to finance a company’s assets.
  58. Expense management focuses on controlling and reducing operational costs.
  59. Financial KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) track progress toward achieving financial goals.
  60. Investment appraisal assesses the potential return on investment for various projects.
  61. A financial audit evaluates the accuracy and reliability of a company’s financial statements.
  62. Revenue management involves optimizing the income generated from sales and services.
  63. Cost analysis helps determine the cost-effectiveness of different business operations or projects.
  64. Equity valuation determines the value of a company’s shares or ownership interest.
  65. Risk control involves implementing measures to manage and mitigate identified risks.
  66. Financial compliance ensures adherence to financial regulations and standards.
  67. Treasury management oversees the company’s financial assets, liabilities, and liquidity.
  68. Capital raising involves obtaining funds through various methods such as issuing shares or borrowing.
  69. Return on Assets (ROA) measures the efficiency of using assets to generate profits.
  70. Investment diversification spreads investments across different assets to reduce risk.
  71. Financial ratios analysis examines ratios to assess a company’s financial health and performance.
  72. Profitability analysis evaluates how well a company generates profit relative to its revenues or assets.
  73. Budget allocation assigns financial resources to different departments or projects based on their needs.
  74. Financial reengineering involves restructuring financial processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  75. A risk assessment framework provides a structured approach to identifying and analyzing risks.
  76. Investment risk management involves strategies to minimize the risks associated with investments.
  77. Financial modeling techniques are used to create representations of a company’s financial performance.
  78. Capital planning involves forecasting and managing future capital requirements.
  79. Budget forecasting estimates future financial performance and resource needs.
  80. Revenue optimization focuses on maximizing income through strategic pricing and sales techniques.
  81. The cost-benefit ratio compares the costs of a project or decision with its potential benefits.
  82. Financial impact analysis assesses the effects of financial decisions on a company’s overall performance.
  83. Operational risk management involves identifying and mitigating risks related to daily business operations.
  84. Performance metrics track and measure the effectiveness of financial and operational activities.
  85. Financial oversight ensures that financial activities are conducted in a responsible and compliant manner.
  86. Credit analysis evaluates a borrower’s ability to repay debt and manage credit risk.
  87. Profitability ratios measure a company’s ability to generate profit relative to its revenues or assets.
  88. Financial plan development involves creating a comprehensive strategy for managing financial resources.
  89. Revenue generation focuses on increasing income through sales, investments, and other activities.
  90. Cost efficiency measures how effectively a company manages and reduces its costs.
  91. Financial viability assesses whether a company’s financial condition supports its long-term success.
  92. Asset allocation involves distributing investments among various asset classes to optimize returns.
  93. Operational budgeting focuses on allocating resources to support ongoing business activities.
  94. Strategic financial management involves making financial decisions that align with long-term business goals.
  95. Profit margin analysis evaluates the percentage of revenue that represents profit.
  96. Debt restructuring involves modifying the terms of existing debt to improve financial stability.
  97. Financial risk assessment evaluates potential risks that could impact a company’s financial health.
  98. Investment performance measures the returns generated by an investment relative to its cost.
  99. Budget efficiency evaluates how well financial resources are used in relation to budgeted amounts.
  100. Financial strategy development involves creating a plan to achieve long-term financial objectives.

Bài tập

  1. Effective __________ is crucial for managing a company’s resources and ensuring profitability.
  2. __________ helps in allocating financial resources efficiently to various departments.
  3. Regular __________ helps in understanding how well a company manages its cash flow.
  4. Developing a solid __________ is key to achieving long-term financial goals.
  5. Accurate __________ provides predictions about future financial performance.
  6. Conducting a thorough __________ allows businesses to identify potential financial threats.
  7. __________ decisions determine how to distribute financial resources among various projects.
  8. Comprehensive __________ ensures that stakeholders are informed about the company’s financial health.
  9. __________ helps evaluate the financial advantages and disadvantages of an investment.
  10. Monitoring the __________ helps assess the efficiency of a company’s production processes.
  11. Effective __________ involves handling investments to meet specific financial objectives.
  12. Strategic __________ involves creating plans to manage income, expenses, and investments.
  13. __________ ensures that expenditures remain within the limits of the approved budget.
  14. Increasing __________ is a key indicator of a company’s ability to grow its sales.
  15. __________ services help clients make informed decisions about their financial future.
  16. __________ involves raising capital by selling shares of the company.
  17. __________ provides funds through borrowing that must be repaid over time.
  18. __________ measures the profitability of an investment relative to its cost.
  19. Detailed __________ provide a summary of a company’s financial performance and position.
  20. Managing __________ effectively ensures that a company has sufficient resources for short-term needs.
  21. __________ involves identifying and mitigating risks that could affect financial performance.
  22. __________ helps control expenses and improve overall profitability.
  23. A __________ occurs when expenditures exceed revenues during a financial period.
  24. Identifying __________ helps diversify income sources and reduce financial risk.
  25. An __________ contains a collection of assets owned by an investor.
  26. Various __________ analyze different aspects of a company’s performance and financial health.
  27. Effective __________ ensures that a company has enough cash to meet its short-term obligations.
  28. Strategic __________ involves planning to minimize tax liabilities and maximize efficiency.
  29. Aligning financial goals with business objectives is part of __________.
  30. Assessing __________ involves evaluating profitability and efficiency through various metrics.
  31. Proper __________ helps maintain a balance between incoming and outgoing funds.
  32. Accurate __________ assigns costs to specific departments or projects for better financial analysis.
  33. Creating __________ involves using mathematical representations to forecast financial outcomes.
  34. __________ involves planning and managing long-term investments in assets.
  35. Comprehensive __________ assesses the viability, stability, and profitability of a business.
  36. The __________ summarizes revenues, costs, and expenses to show net profit or loss.
  37. Understanding __________ reflects a company’s ability to manage its financial resources effectively.
  38. Effective __________ ensures that credit policies align with the company’s financial goals.
  39. Accurate __________ predicts future financial performance based on historical data.
  40. Improving __________ measures how effectively a company uses its resources to achieve objectives.
  41. __________ provides expert advice on managing finances and making investment decisions.
  42. Implementing __________ involves identifying, assessing, and addressing risks to minimize their impact.
  43. __________ focuses on growing and preserving a client’s wealth through strategic investments.
  44. A well-defined __________ guides a company’s decision-making processes and financial objectives.
  45. Managing __________ involves strategies for handling and repaying borrowed funds.
  46. Assessing __________ helps determine the potential downsides of a financial investment.
  47. __________ predicts future revenue streams based on market trends and past performance.
  48. Understanding __________ helps in balancing debt and equity financing to optimize performance.
  49. Implementing __________ measures helps decrease expenses and improve overall profitability.
  50. __________ ensures that financial activities are conducted according to regulatory requirements.
  51. A __________ evaluates the accuracy and effectiveness of the budget against actual performance.
  52. Improving __________ measures how well resources are utilized to generate profits.
  53. __________ involves placing capital in projects or assets that align with long-term goals.
  54. An __________ outlines the costs associated with running the day-to-day operations of a business.
  55. __________ compares a company’s performance against industry standards or competitors.
  56. Maintaining an adequate __________ ensures liquidity to handle unexpected financial challenges.
  57. The __________ measures the proportion of debt and equity used to finance a company’s assets.
  58. Implementing __________ focuses on controlling and reducing operational costs.
  59. Tracking __________ helps monitor progress towards achieving financial goals.
  60. Evaluating __________ assesses the potential return on investment for various projects.
  61. A __________ evaluates the accuracy and reliability of a company’s financial statements.
  62. __________ involves optimizing the income generated from sales and services.
  63. Detailed __________ helps determine the cost-effectiveness of different business operations or projects.
  64. __________ determines the value of a company’s shares or ownership interest.
  65. Implementing __________ involves measures to manage and mitigate identified risks.
  66. Ensuring __________ involves adhering to financial regulations and standards.
  67. Effective __________ oversees the company’s financial assets, liabilities, and liquidity.
  68. __________ involves obtaining funds through methods such as issuing shares or borrowing.
  69. Measuring __________ assesses the efficiency of using assets to generate profits.
  70. __________ spreads investments across different assets to reduce overall risk.
  71. Analyzing __________ examines ratios to assess a company’s financial health and performance.
  72. Evaluating __________ determines how well a company generates profit relative to its revenues or assets.
  73. Effective __________ assigns financial resources to different departments or projects based on their needs.
  74. __________ involves restructuring financial processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  75. A __________ provides a structured approach to identifying and analyzing risks.
  76. Implementing __________ involves strategies to minimize the risks associated with investments.
  77. Using __________ involves creating representations of a company’s financial performance.
  78. Effective __________ involves forecasting and managing future capital requirements.
  79. __________ estimates future financial performance and resource needs.
  80. __________ focuses on maximizing income through strategic pricing and sales techniques.
  81. The __________ compares the costs of a project or decision with its potential benefits.
  82. Assessing __________ involves evaluating the effects of financial decisions on overall performance.
  83. Managing __________ involves identifying and mitigating risks related to daily business operations.
  84. Tracking __________ measures the effectiveness of financial and operational activities.
  85. Ensuring __________ ensures that financial activities are conducted responsibly and compliantly.
  86. Analyzing __________ evaluates a borrower’s ability to repay debt and manage credit risk.
  87. Evaluating __________ measures a company’s ability to generate profit relative to its revenues or assets.
  88. Developing a __________ involves creating a comprehensive strategy for managing financial resources.
  89. __________ focuses on increasing income through sales, investments, and other activities.
  90. Improving __________ measures how effectively a company manages and reduces its costs.
  91. Assessing __________ determines whether a company’s financial condition supports its long-term success.
  92. Effective __________ involves distributing investments among various asset classes to optimize returns.
  93. Implementing __________ focuses on allocating resources to support ongoing business activities.
  94. Effective __________ involves making financial decisions that align with long-term business goals.
  95. Analyzing __________ evaluates the percentage of revenue that represents profit.
  96. __________ involves modifying the terms of existing debt to improve financial stability.
  97. Conducting a __________ evaluates potential risks that could impact a company’s financial health.
  98. Measuring __________ assesses the returns generated by an investment relative to its cost.
  99. Evaluating __________ measures how well financial resources are used in relation to budgeted amounts.
  100. Developing a __________ involves creating a plan to achieve long-term financial objectives.

Đáp án

  1. Financial Management
  2. Budget planning
  3. Cash flow analysis
  4. Investment strategy
  5. Financial forecasting
  6. Risk assessment
  7. Capital allocation
  8. Financial reporting
  9. Cost-benefit analysis
  10. Profit margin
  11. Asset management
  12. Financial planning
  13. Budgetary control
  14. Revenue growth
  15. Financial advisory
  16. Equity financing
  17. Debt financing
  18. Return on Investment (ROI)
  19. Financial statements
  20. Working capital
  21. Financial risk management
  22. Cost management
  23. Budget deficit
  24. Revenue streams
  25. Investment portfolio
  26. Financial ratios
  27. Liquidity management
  28. Tax planning
  29. Strategic financial planning
  30. Financial performance
  31. Cash flow management
  32. Cost allocation
  33. Financial modelling
  34. Capital budgeting
  35. Financial analysis
  36. Profit and loss statement
  37. Financial health
  38. Credit management
  39. Financial projections
  40. Operational efficiency
  41. Financial consulting
  42. Risk management
  43. Wealth management
  44. Financial strategy
  45. Debt management
  46. Investment risk
  47. Revenue forecasting
  48. Capital structure
  49. Cost reduction
  50. Financial governance
  51. Budget review
  52. Financial efficiency
  53. Strategic investment
  54. Operational budget
  55. Financial benchmarking
  56. Cash reserve
  57. Debt-to-equity ratio
  58. Expense management
  59. Financial KPIs
  60. Investment appraisal
  61. Financial audit
  62. Revenue management
  63. Cost analysis
  64. Equity valuation
  65. Risk control
  66. Financial compliance
  67. Treasury management
  68. Capital raising
  69. Return on Assets (ROA)
  70. Investment diversification
  71. Financial ratios analysis
  72. Profitability analysis
  73. Budget allocation
  74. Financial reengineering
  75. Risk assessment framework
  76. Investment risk management
  77. Financial modeling techniques
  78. Capital planning
  79. Budget forecasting
  80. Revenue optimization
  81. Cost-benefit ratio
  82. Financial impact analysis
  83. Operational risk management
  84. Performance metrics
  85. Financial oversight
  86. Credit analysis
  87. Profitability ratios
  88. Financial plan development
  89. Revenue generation
  90. Cost efficiency
  91. Financial viability
  92. Asset allocation
  93. Operational budgeting
  94. Strategic financial management
  95. Profit margin analysis
  96. Debt restructuring
  97. Financial risk assessment
  98. Investment performance
  99. Budget efficiency
  100. Financial strategy development

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