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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí rủi ro doanh nghiệp

Bài viết này thống kê 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành Quản lý rủi ro doanh nghiệp. Những thuật ngữ này không chỉ hữu ích trong việc hiểu các quy trình quản lý rủi ro mà còn giúp bạn giao tiếp chuyên nghiệp hơn trong môi trường quốc tế, nâng cao khả năng làm việc hiệu quả.

Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)Quản lý rủi ro doanh nghiệp (ERM)
Risk AssessmentĐánh giá rủi ro
Risk IdentificationNhận diện rủi ro
Risk AnalysisPhân tích rủi ro
Risk EvaluationĐánh giá rủi ro
Risk MitigationGiảm thiểu rủi ro
Risk ControlKiểm soát rủi ro
Risk TreatmentXử lý rủi ro
Risk MonitoringGiám sát rủi ro
Risk RegisterSổ đăng ký rủi ro
Risk AppetiteKhẩu vị rủi ro
Risk ToleranceKhả năng chấp nhận rủi ro
Risk ResponsePhản ứng rủi ro
Risk StrategyChiến lược rủi ro
Risk CommunicationTruyền thông rủi ro
Risk OwnerChủ sở hữu rủi ro
Risk FactorYếu tố rủi ro
Risk ExposurePhơi nhiễm rủi ro
Risk ImpactTác động rủi ro
Risk LikelihoodKhả năng xảy ra rủi ro
Risk MatrixMa trận rủi ro
Risk ScenarioKịch bản rủi ro
Risk PlanKế hoạch rủi ro
Operational RiskRủi ro vận hành
Financial RiskRủi ro tài chính
Strategic RiskRủi ro chiến lược
Compliance RiskRủi ro tuân thủ
Reputational RiskRủi ro danh tiếng
Legal RiskRủi ro pháp lý
Market RiskRủi ro thị trường
Credit RiskRủi ro tín dụng
Liquidity RiskRủi ro thanh khoản
Insurance RiskRủi ro bảo hiểm
Crisis ManagementQuản lý khủng hoảng
Business Continuity PlanningKế hoạch liên tục kinh doanh
Contingency PlanKế hoạch dự phòng
Vulnerability AssessmentĐánh giá tính dễ tổn thương
Incident ResponsePhản ứng sự cố
Loss PreventionNgăn ngừa mất mát
Risk FrameworkKhung quản lý rủi ro
Risk GovernanceQuản trị rủi ro
Risk CultureVăn hóa rủi ro
Risk PoliciesChính sách rủi ro
Risk ProceduresThủ tục rủi ro
Internal ControlsKiểm soát nội bộ
External AuditsKiểm toán bên ngoài
Risk ReportingBáo cáo rủi ro
Risk DashboardBảng điều khiển rủi ro
Risk Assessment ToolsCông cụ đánh giá rủi ro
Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)Chỉ số rủi ro chính (KRI)
Risk ScoringChấm điểm rủi ro
Quantitative Risk AnalysisPhân tích rủi ro định lượng
Qualitative Risk AnalysisPhân tích rủi ro định tính
Risk Scenario PlanningLập kế hoạch kịch bản rủi ro
Stress TestingKiểm tra sức chịu đựng
Threat AnalysisPhân tích mối đe dọa
Opportunity ManagementQuản lý cơ hội
Risk Tolerance LevelsMức độ chịu rủi ro
Risk PrioritizationƯu tiên rủi ro
Enterprise Risk FrameworkKhung quản lý rủi ro doanh nghiệp
Strategic Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro chiến lược
Operational Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro vận hành
Financial Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro tài chính
Compliance ManagementQuản lý tuân thủ
Risk Governance StructureCấu trúc quản trị rủi ro
Risk OwnershipSở hữu rủi ro
Risk Control MeasuresBiện pháp kiểm soát rủi ro
Residual RiskRủi ro còn lại
Risk TransferChuyển giao rủi ro
Risk AvoidanceTránh rủi ro
Risk SharingChia sẻ rủi ro
Risk ReductionGiảm thiểu rủi ro
Risk Tolerance ThresholdsNgưỡng chịu rủi ro
Scenario AnalysisPhân tích kịch bản
Risk Assessment MatrixMa trận đánh giá rủi ro
Risk Response PlanKế hoạch phản ứng rủi ro
Risk Appetite StatementTuyên bố khẩu vị rủi ro
Risk Impact AssessmentĐánh giá tác động rủi ro
Risk Evaluation CriteriaTiêu chí đánh giá rủi ro
Risk Action PlanKế hoạch hành động rủi ro
Risk Mitigation StrategiesChiến lược giảm thiểu rủi ro
Risk Awareness TrainingĐào tạo nhận thức về rủi ro
Risk Management FrameworkKhung quản lý rủi ro
Risk Review ProcessQuy trình xem xét rủi ro
Risk Management PolicyChính sách quản lý rủi ro
Enterprise Risk StrategyChiến lược rủi ro doanh nghiệp
Risk Management ProgramChương trình quản lý rủi ro
Risk-Based ApproachCách tiếp cận dựa trên rủi ro
Risk Tolerance AssessmentĐánh giá khả năng chịu rủi ro
Risk Exposure AnalysisPhân tích phơi nhiễm rủi ro
Risk Control FrameworkKhung kiểm soát rủi ro
Risk Management ToolsCông cụ quản lý rủi ro
Risk Response FrameworkKhung phản ứng rủi ro
Crisis Response PlanKế hoạch phản ứng khủng hoảng
Incident Management SystemHệ thống quản lý sự cố
Risk Management ProceduresQuy trình quản lý rủi ro
Risk Culture DevelopmentPhát triển văn hóa rủi ro
Enterprise Risk AssessmentĐánh giá rủi ro doanh nghiệp
Strategic Risk FrameworkKhung quản lý rủi ro chiến lược

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Risk Management: Effective risk management is essential for protecting a company’s assets and reputation.
  2. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM): Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) integrates risk management practices into the overall strategy of the organization.
  3. Risk Assessment: Conducting a risk assessment helps identify potential threats to the project’s success.
  4. Risk Identification: The first step in the risk management process is risk identification.
  5. Risk Analysis: Risk analysis involves evaluating the potential impact and likelihood of identified risks.
  6. Risk Evaluation: Risk evaluation helps prioritize risks based on their severity and probability.
  7. Risk Mitigation: Developing a risk mitigation plan can reduce the likelihood and impact of potential risks.
  8. Risk Control: Implementing risk control measures ensures that identified risks are managed effectively.
  9. Risk Treatment: Risk treatment involves selecting the appropriate strategies to address identified risks.
  10. Risk Monitoring: Continuous risk monitoring is crucial to detect any changes in the risk environment.
  11. Risk Register: A risk register is a tool used to document and track all identified risks.
  12. Risk Appetite: Determining the organization’s risk appetite helps set the boundaries for acceptable risk levels.
  13. Risk Tolerance: Risk tolerance defines the amount of risk an organization is willing to accept.
  14. Risk Response: Developing a risk response plan ensures that there are strategies in place to address potential risks.
  15. Risk Strategy: The risk strategy outlines the approach for managing and mitigating risks.
  16. Risk Communication: Effective risk communication ensures that all stakeholders are aware of potential risks and mitigation strategies.
  17. Risk Owner: Each risk should have a designated risk owner responsible for managing and monitoring it.
  18. Risk Factor: Identifying risk factors helps in assessing potential threats to the project or organization.
  19. Risk Exposure: Risk exposure refers to the potential impact and likelihood of a risk event occurring.
  20. Risk Impact: Assessing the risk impact helps determine the severity of a potential risk on the organization.
  21. Risk Likelihood: The risk likelihood evaluates the probability of a risk occurring.
  22. Risk Matrix: A risk matrix helps visualize and prioritize risks based on their impact and likelihood.
  23. Risk Scenario: Developing risk scenarios can help prepare for potential adverse events.
  24. Risk Plan: A comprehensive risk plan outlines how to manage and mitigate identified risks.
  25. Operational Risk: Operational risk involves risks arising from day-to-day business operations.
  26. Financial Risk: Financial risk pertains to the potential for financial loss due to market fluctuations or mismanagement.
  27. Strategic Risk: Strategic risk involves potential threats to the long-term goals and objectives of the organization.
  28. Compliance Risk: Compliance risk refers to the potential for legal or regulatory penalties due to non-compliance.
  29. Reputational Risk: Reputational risk involves the potential damage to an organization’s reputation due to negative events.
  30. Legal Risk: Legal risk pertains to the potential for legal action or litigation against the organization.
  31. Market Risk: Market risk involves the potential for financial loss due to changes in market conditions.
  32. Credit Risk: Credit risk refers to the potential for loss due to the inability of a borrower to repay a loan.
  33. Liquidity Risk: Liquidity risk involves the potential for financial loss due to the inability to meet short-term obligations.
  34. Insurance Risk: Insurance risk refers to the potential for loss due to inadequate insurance coverage.
  35. Crisis Management: Crisis management involves developing strategies to handle unexpected and potentially damaging events.
  36. Business Continuity Planning: Business continuity planning ensures that critical operations can continue during and after a crisis.
  37. Contingency Plan: A contingency plan outlines the steps to take in response to unforeseen events.
  38. Vulnerability Assessment: Vulnerability assessment identifies weaknesses that could be exploited by risks.
  39. Incident Response: An incident response plan details the actions to take when a risk event occurs.
  40. Loss Prevention: Loss prevention strategies aim to minimize the impact of potential risks on the organization.
  41. Risk Framework: A risk framework provides a structured approach to identifying, assessing, and managing risks.
  42. Risk Governance: Risk governance ensures that risk management practices are aligned with the organization’s objectives.
  43. Risk Culture: Promoting a strong risk culture helps ensure that all employees understand and adhere to risk management practices.
  44. Risk Policies: Risk policies outline the rules and guidelines for managing and mitigating risks.
  45. Risk Procedures: Risk procedures provide detailed instructions for implementing risk management practices.
  46. Internal Controls: Internal controls are measures implemented to ensure accurate financial reporting and safeguard assets.
  47. External Audits: External audits assess the effectiveness of risk management practices and internal controls.
  48. Risk Reporting: Risk reporting involves communicating the status and impact of risks to stakeholders.
  49. Risk Dashboard: A risk dashboard provides a visual representation of the organization’s risk status and trends.
  50. Risk Assessment Tools: Risk assessment tools help evaluate and prioritize risks based on their impact and likelihood.
  51. Key Risk Indicators (KRIs): Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) are metrics used to monitor and predict potential risks.
  52. Risk Scoring: Risk scoring involves assigning numerical values to risks based on their severity and likelihood.
  53. Quantitative Risk Analysis: Quantitative risk analysis uses statistical methods to evaluate the impact of risks.
  54. Qualitative Risk Analysis: Qualitative risk analysis assesses risks based on their characteristics and potential impact.
  55. Risk Scenario Planning: Risk scenario planning involves creating different scenarios to prepare for potential risk events.
  56. Stress Testing: Stress testing evaluates how the organization would perform under extreme conditions.
  57. Threat Analysis: Threat analysis identifies and evaluates potential threats to the organization’s objectives.
  58. Opportunity Management: Opportunity management involves identifying and capitalizing on potential positive risks or opportunities.
  59. Risk Tolerance Levels: Risk tolerance levels define the maximum amount of risk an organization is willing to accept.
  60. Risk Prioritization: Risk prioritization involves ranking risks based on their significance and potential impact.
  61. Enterprise Risk Framework: The enterprise risk framework provides a comprehensive approach to managing risks across the organization.
  62. Strategic Risk Management: Strategic risk management focuses on identifying and managing risks that affect long-term business goals.
  63. Operational Risk Management: Operational risk management addresses risks associated with daily business operations.
  64. Financial Risk Management: Financial risk management involves managing risks related to financial transactions and investments.
  65. Compliance Management: Compliance management ensures that the organization adheres to laws, regulations, and internal policies.
  66. Risk Governance Structure: The risk governance structure defines the roles and responsibilities for managing risks within the organization.
  67. Risk Ownership: Risk ownership assigns responsibility for managing specific risks to designated individuals.
  68. Risk Control Measures: Risk control measures are actions taken to mitigate or eliminate identified risks.
  69. Residual Risk: Residual risk refers to the remaining risk after implementing control measures.
  70. Risk Transfer: Risk transfer involves shifting the risk to another party, such as through insurance or outsourcing.
  71. Risk Avoidance: Risk avoidance involves altering plans or strategies to eliminate the risk entirely.
  72. Risk Sharing: Risk sharing involves distributing the risk among multiple parties to reduce its impact on any single entity.
  73. Risk Reduction: Risk reduction involves implementing measures to decrease the likelihood or impact of a risk.
  74. Risk Tolerance Thresholds: Risk tolerance thresholds define the limits beyond which risks are deemed unacceptable.
  75. Scenario Analysis: Scenario analysis evaluates the potential impact of different risk scenarios on the organization.
  76. Risk Assessment Matrix: The risk assessment matrix helps visualize and prioritize risks based on their impact and likelihood.
  77. Risk Response Plan: The risk response plan outlines strategies for addressing and managing identified risks.
  78. Risk Appetite Statement: The risk appetite statement defines the level of risk the organization is willing to take on.
  79. Risk Impact Assessment: Risk impact assessment evaluates the potential effects of risks on the organization’s objectives.
  80. Risk Evaluation Criteria: Risk evaluation criteria are used to assess and prioritize risks based on their significance.
  81. Risk Action Plan: The risk action plan details the steps required to manage and mitigate identified risks.
  82. Risk Mitigation Strategies: Risk mitigation strategies outline how to reduce or eliminate the impact of potential risks.
  83. Risk Awareness Training: Risk awareness training helps employees understand and identify potential risks.
  84. Risk Management Framework: The risk management framework provides a structured approach to managing risks across the organization.
  85. Risk Review Process: The risk review process involves regularly assessing and updating the risk management plan.
  86. Risk Management Policy: The risk management policy establishes the guidelines and principles for managing risks.
  87. Enterprise Risk Strategy: The enterprise risk strategy outlines the approach for managing risks across the entire organization.
  88. Risk Management Program: The risk management program includes all activities and initiatives related to managing risks.
  89. Risk-Based Approach: The risk-based approach prioritizes risk management efforts based on the potential impact of risks.
  90. Risk Tolerance Assessment: Risk tolerance assessment evaluates the organization’s capacity to handle and accept risks.
  91. Risk Exposure Analysis: Risk exposure analysis examines the potential impact of identified risks on the organization.
  92. Risk Control Framework: The risk control framework provides guidelines for implementing and monitoring risk control measures.
  93. Risk Management Tools: Risk management tools assist in identifying, assessing, and managing risks.
  94. Risk Response Framework: The risk response framework outlines the methods and procedures for addressing risks.
  95. Crisis Response Plan: The crisis response plan details how to manage and respond to critical incidents.
  96. Incident Management System: The incident management system helps track and manage incidents and their impact.
  97. Risk Management Procedures: Risk management procedures provide step-by-step instructions for managing risks.
  98. Risk Culture Development: Risk culture development involves fostering an organizational culture that prioritizes risk awareness and management.
  99. Enterprise Risk Assessment: Enterprise risk assessment evaluates risks that could affect the organization’s overall objectives.
  100. Strategic Risk Framework: The strategic risk framework guides the management of risks that impact long-term strategic goals.

Bài tập

  1. Effective _________ is crucial for minimizing potential threats to an organization.
  2. The _________ provides a structured approach to identifying and managing risks across the organization.
  3. _________ involves evaluating potential risks to determine their impact and likelihood.
  4. The first step in the risk management process is _________.
  5. _________ helps determine the potential severity of identified risks.
  6. Risk _________ involves prioritizing risks based on their severity and likelihood.
  7. To reduce the impact of risks, organizations develop risk _________ plans.
  8. Implementing _________ measures helps ensure risks are managed effectively.
  9. _________ involves selecting the strategies for addressing identified risks.
  10. Continuous _________ is essential to detect any changes in the risk environment.
  11. A _________ is a tool used to document and track all identified risks.
  12. Understanding an organization’s _________ helps set the boundaries for acceptable risk levels.
  13. _________ defines the maximum amount of risk an organization is willing to accept.
  14. Developing a _________ plan ensures strategies are in place to address potential risks.
  15. The _________ outlines the approach for managing and mitigating risks.
  16. Effective _________ ensures all stakeholders are aware of potential risks and mitigation strategies.
  17. Each risk should have a designated _________ responsible for managing it.
  18. Identifying _________ helps in assessing potential threats to the project.
  19. _________ refers to the potential impact and likelihood of a risk event occurring.
  20. Assessing the _________ helps determine the severity of a potential risk on the organization.
  21. The _________ evaluates the probability of a risk occurring.
  22. A _________ helps visualize and prioritize risks based on their impact and likelihood.
  23. Developing _________ helps prepare for potential adverse events.
  24. A comprehensive _________ outlines how to manage and mitigate identified risks.
  25. _________ involves risks arising from day-to-day business operations.
  26. _________ pertains to the potential for financial loss due to market fluctuations.
  27. _________ involves potential threats to long-term goals and objectives.
  28. _________ refers to the potential for legal or regulatory penalties due to non-compliance.
  29. _________ involves potential damage to an organization’s reputation.
  30. _________ pertains to the potential for legal action or litigation against the organization.
  31. _________ involves the potential for financial loss due to changes in market conditions.
  32. _________ refers to the potential for loss due to the inability of a borrower to repay a loan.
  33. _________ involves the potential for financial loss due to the inability to meet short-term obligations.
  34. _________ refers to the potential for loss due to inadequate insurance coverage.
  35. _________ involves developing strategies to handle unexpected and potentially damaging events.
  36. _________ ensures that critical operations can continue during and after a crisis.
  37. A _________ outlines the steps to take in response to unforeseen events.
  38. _________ identifies weaknesses that could be exploited by risks.
  39. An _________ plan details the actions to take when a risk event occurs.
  40. _________ strategies aim to minimize the impact of potential risks on the organization.
  41. A _________ provides a structured approach to managing risks across the organization.
  42. _________ ensures that risk management practices are aligned with the organization’s objectives.
  43. Promoting a strong _________ helps ensure that all employees understand risk management practices.
  44. _________ outline the rules and guidelines for managing and mitigating risks.
  45. _________ provide detailed instructions for implementing risk management practices.
  46. _________ are measures implemented to ensure accurate financial reporting and safeguard assets.
  47. _________ assess the effectiveness of risk management practices and internal controls.
  48. _________ involves communicating the status and impact of risks to stakeholders.
  49. A _________ provides a visual representation of the organization’s risk status and trends.
  50. _________ help evaluate and prioritize risks based on their impact and likelihood.
  51. _________ are metrics used to monitor and predict potential risks.
  52. _________ involves assigning numerical values to risks based on their severity and likelihood.
  53. _________ uses statistical methods to evaluate the impact of risks.
  54. _________ assesses risks based on their characteristics and potential impact.
  55. _________ involves creating different scenarios to prepare for potential risk events.
  56. _________ evaluates how the organization would perform under extreme conditions.
  57. _________ identifies and evaluates potential threats to the organization’s objectives.
  58. _________ involves identifying and capitalizing on potential positive risks or opportunities.
  59. _________ define the limits beyond which risks are deemed unacceptable.
  60. _________ involves ranking risks based on their significance and potential impact.
  61. The _________ provides a comprehensive approach to managing risks across the organization.
  62. _________ focuses on identifying and managing risks that affect long-term business goals.
  63. _________ addresses risks associated with daily business operations.
  64. _________ involves managing risks related to financial transactions and investments.
  65. _________ ensures that the organization adheres to laws, regulations, and internal policies.
  66. The _________ defines the roles and responsibilities for managing risks within the organization.
  67. Each risk should have a designated _________ responsible for managing it.
  68. _________ are actions taken to mitigate or eliminate identified risks.
  69. _________ refers to the remaining risk after implementing control measures.
  70. _________ involves shifting the risk to another party, such as through insurance or outsourcing.
  71. _________ involves altering plans or strategies to eliminate the risk entirely.
  72. _________ involves distributing the risk among multiple parties to reduce its impact on any single entity.
  73. _________ involves implementing measures to decrease the likelihood or impact of a risk.
  74. _________ define the maximum amount of risk an organization is willing to accept.
  75. _________ evaluates the potential impact of different risk scenarios on the organization.
  76. The _________ helps visualize and prioritize risks based on their impact and likelihood.
  77. The _________ outlines strategies for addressing and managing identified risks.
  78. The _________ defines the level of risk the organization is willing to take on.
  79. _________ evaluates the potential effects of risks on the organization’s objectives.
  80. _________ are used to assess and prioritize risks based on their significance.
  81. The _________ details the steps required to manage and mitigate identified risks.
  82. _________ outline how to reduce or eliminate the impact of potential risks.
  83. _________ helps employees understand and identify potential risks.
  84. The _________ provides a structured approach to managing risks across the organization.
  85. The _________ involves regularly assessing and updating the risk management plan.
  86. The _________ establishes the guidelines and principles for managing risks.
  87. The _________ outlines the approach for managing risks across the entire organization.
  88. The _________ includes all activities and initiatives related to managing risks.
  89. The _________ prioritizes risk management efforts based on the potential impact of risks.
  90. _________ evaluates the organization’s capacity to handle and accept risks.
  91. _________ examines the potential impact of identified risks on the organization.
  92. The _________ provides guidelines for implementing and monitoring risk control measures.
  93. _________ assist in identifying, assessing, and managing risks.
  94. The _________ outlines the methods and procedures for addressing risks.
  95. The _________ details how to manage and respond to critical incidents.
  96. The _________ helps track and manage incidents and their impact.
  97. _________ provide step-by-step instructions for managing risks.
  98. _________ involves fostering an organizational culture that prioritizes risk awareness and management.
  99. _________ evaluates risks that could affect the organization’s overall objectives.
  100. The _________ guides the management of risks that impact long-term strategic goals.

Đáp án

  1. Risk Management
  2. Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
  3. Risk Assessment
  4. Risk Identification
  5. Risk Analysis
  6. Risk Evaluation
  7. Risk Mitigation
  8. Risk Control
  9. Risk Treatment
  10. Risk Monitoring
  11. Risk Register
  12. Risk Appetite
  13. Risk Tolerance
  14. Risk Response
  15. Risk Strategy
  16. Risk Communication
  17. Risk Owner
  18. Risk Factor
  19. Risk Exposure
  20. Risk Impact
  21. Risk Likelihood
  22. Risk Matrix
  23. Risk Scenario
  24. Risk Plan
  25. Operational Risk
  26. Financial Risk
  27. Strategic Risk
  28. Compliance Risk
  29. Reputational Risk
  30. Legal Risk
  31. Market Risk
  32. Credit Risk
  33. Liquidity Risk
  34. Insurance Risk
  35. Crisis Management
  36. Business Continuity Planning
  37. Contingency Plan
  38. Vulnerability Assessment
  39. Incident Response
  40. Loss Prevention
  41. Risk Framework
  42. Risk Governance
  43. Risk Culture
  44. Risk Policies
  45. Risk Procedures
  46. Internal Controls
  47. External Audits
  48. Risk Reporting
  49. Risk Dashboard
  50. Risk Assessment Tools
  51. Key Risk Indicators (KRIs)
  52. Risk Scoring
  53. Quantitative Risk Analysis
  54. Qualitative Risk Analysis
  55. Risk Scenario Planning
  56. Stress Testing
  57. Threat Analysis
  58. Opportunity Management
  59. Risk Tolerance Levels
  60. Risk Prioritization
  61. Enterprise Risk Framework
  62. Strategic Risk Management
  63. Operational Risk Management
  64. Financial Risk Management
  65. Compliance Management
  66. Risk Governance Structure
  67. Risk Ownership
  68. Risk Control Measures
  69. Residual Risk
  70. Risk Transfer
  71. Risk Avoidance
  72. Risk Sharing
  73. Risk Reduction
  74. Risk Tolerance Thresholds
  75. Scenario Analysis
  76. Risk Assessment Matrix
  77. Risk Response Plan
  78. Risk Appetite Statement
  79. Risk Impact Assessment
  80. Risk Evaluation Criteria
  81. Risk Action Plan
  82. Risk Mitigation Strategies
  83. Risk Awareness Training
  84. Risk Management Framework
  85. Risk Review Process
  86. Risk Management Policy
  87. Enterprise Risk Strategy
  88. Risk Management Program
  89. Risk-Based Approach
  90. Risk Tolerance Assessment
  91. Risk Exposure Analysis
  92. Risk Control Framework
  93. Risk Management Tools
  94. Risk Response Framework
  95. Crisis Response Plan
  96. Incident Management System
  97. Risk Management Procedures
  98. Risk Culture Development
  99. Enterprise Risk Assessment
  100. Strategic Risk Framework
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