Học tiếng anh giao tiếp cùng giáo viên ielts 8.0+, giáo viên bản xứ & phương pháp shadowing

100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Tư vấn kỹ thuật

Bài viết này cung cấp 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Tư vấn kỹ thuật, giúp bạn làm quen với thuật ngữ chuyên ngành. Từ đó, bạn sẽ có thêm kiến thức để giao tiếp hiệu quả hơn trong các lĩnh vực liên quan đến kỹ thuật và tư vấn kỹ thuật.

Từ vựng nghề Tư vấn kỹ thuật

  1. Technical consulting – Tư vấn kỹ thuật
  2. Technical advisor – Cố vấn kỹ thuật
  3. System integration – Tích hợp hệ thống
  4. Technical assessment – Đánh giá kỹ thuật
  5. Feasibility study – Nghiên cứu khả thi
  6. Project management – Quản lý dự án
  7. Solution architect – Kiến trúc sư giải pháp
  8. Requirements gathering – Thu thập yêu cầu
  9. Technical specification – Đặc tả kỹ thuật
  10. Risk analysis – Phân tích rủi ro
  11. Technology roadmap – Lộ trình công nghệ
  12. Performance optimization – Tối ưu hóa hiệu suất
  13. Technical support – Hỗ trợ kỹ thuật
  14. System design – Thiết kế hệ thống
  15. Implementation plan – Kế hoạch triển khai
  16. Configuration management – Quản lý cấu hình
  17. Troubleshooting – Khắc phục sự cố
  18. Software development – Phát triển phần mềm
  19. Infrastructure planning – Lập kế hoạch cơ sở hạ tầng
  20. Technical documentation – Tài liệu kỹ thuật
  21. Process improvement – Cải tiến quy trình
  22. Technology assessment – Đánh giá công nghệ
  23. Data migration – Di chuyển dữ liệu
  24. System upgrade – Nâng cấp hệ thống
  25. Network architecture – Kiến trúc mạng
  26. Business analysis – Phân tích kinh doanh
  27. Technical evaluation – Đánh giá kỹ thuật
  28. Software architecture – Kiến trúc phần mềm
  29. Project proposal – Đề xuất dự án
  30. Client consultation – Tư vấn khách hàng
  31. Technical audit – Kiểm toán kỹ thuật
  32. Custom development – Phát triển tùy chỉnh
  33. Knowledge transfer – Chuyển giao kiến thức
  34. System integration testing – Kiểm tra tích hợp hệ thống
  35. Product lifecycle management – Quản lý vòng đời sản phẩm
  36. IT strategy – Chiến lược CNTT
  37. Cost estimation – Ước lượng chi phí
  38. Change management – Quản lý thay đổi
  39. Vendor management – Quản lý nhà cung cấp
  40. Application support – Hỗ trợ ứng dụng
  41. Database management – Quản lý cơ sở dữ liệu
  42. Technical feasibility – Tính khả thi kỹ thuật
  43. System architecture – Kiến trúc hệ thống
  44. End-user training – Đào tạo người dùng cuối
  45. Consulting engagement – Tham gia tư vấn
  46. Service level agreement (SLA) – Thỏa thuận mức dịch vụ
  47. Technical roadmap – Lộ trình kỹ thuật
  48. Operational efficiency – Hiệu quả hoạt động
  49. IT infrastructure – Cơ sở hạ tầng CNTT
  50. Technical analysis – Phân tích kỹ thuật
  51. Software implementation – Triển khai phần mềm
  52. User experience (UX) – Trải nghiệm người dùng
  53. System performance – Hiệu suất hệ thống
  54. Automation solutions – Giải pháp tự động hóa
  55. Solution delivery – Cung cấp giải pháp
  56. Technical solution – Giải pháp kỹ thuật
  57. Consulting services – Dịch vụ tư vấn
  58. Quality assurance – Đảm bảo chất lượng
  59. IT governance – Quản trị CNTT
  60. Technical feasibility study – Nghiên cứu tính khả thi kỹ thuật
  61. Data analysis – Phân tích dữ liệu
  62. Infrastructure assessment – Đánh giá cơ sở hạ tầng
  63. Systems engineering – Kỹ thuật hệ thống
  64. Cloud computing – Điện toán đám mây
  65. Technical implementation – Triển khai kỹ thuật
  66. Solution design – Thiết kế giải pháp
  67. Business requirements – Yêu cầu kinh doanh
  68. Technical strategy – Chiến lược kỹ thuật
  69. Client requirements – Yêu cầu của khách hàng
  70. Disaster recovery – Khôi phục sau thảm họa
  71. IT consulting – Tư vấn CNTT
  72. Integration testing – Kiểm tra tích hợp
  73. Process automation – Tự động hóa quy trình
  74. Technical support services – Dịch vụ hỗ trợ kỹ thuật
  75. Project lifecycle – Vòng đời dự án
  76. Scalability – Khả năng mở rộng
  77. Technical review – Đánh giá kỹ thuật
  78. Application development – Phát triển ứng dụng
  79. Infrastructure design – Thiết kế cơ sở hạ tầng
  80. Technical analysis report – Báo cáo phân tích kỹ thuật
  81. Knowledge management – Quản lý kiến thức
  82. System deployment – Triển khai hệ thống
  83. User training – Đào tạo người dùng
  84. Solution evaluation – Đánh giá giải pháp
  85. Technical project management – Quản lý dự án kỹ thuật
  86. Software testing – Kiểm tra phần mềm
  87. Client needs assessment – Đánh giá nhu cầu của khách hàng
  88. Business case development – Phát triển trường hợp kinh doanh
  89. IT systems audit – Kiểm toán hệ thống CNTT
  90. Implementation strategy – Chiến lược triển khai
  91. IT consulting services – Dịch vụ tư vấn CNTT
  92. Application lifecycle management – Quản lý vòng đời ứng dụng
  93. Technical problem solving – Giải quyết vấn đề kỹ thuật
  94. System requirements – Yêu cầu hệ thống
  95. Consulting engagement process – Quy trình tham gia tư vấn
  96. Data security – Bảo mật dữ liệu
  97. Technology implementation – Triển khai công nghệ
  98. Solution implementation – Triển khai giải pháp
  99. Consulting methodology – Phương pháp tư vấn
  100. Technical documentation management – Quản lý tài liệu kỹ thuật

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Technical consulting – Our firm specializes in technical consulting for complex IT systems.
  2. Technical advisor – A technical advisor was hired to help with the new software implementation.
  3. System integrationSystem integration was crucial for connecting the different departments’ databases.
  4. Technical assessment – The technical assessment revealed several areas needing improvement.
  5. Feasibility study – Before starting the project, we conducted a feasibility study to ensure its viability.
  6. Project managementProject management skills are essential for delivering projects on time and within budget.
  7. Solution architect – The solution architect designed a system that met all the client’s requirements.
  8. Requirements gatheringRequirements gathering is the first step in developing a new software application.
  9. Technical specification – The technical specification document outlined the performance standards for the new system.
  10. Risk analysisRisk analysis helps identify potential issues before they become major problems.
  11. Technology roadmap – The company developed a technology roadmap to guide its future IT investments.
  12. Performance optimizationPerformance optimization techniques improved the application’s response time significantly.
  13. Technical supportTechnical support is available 24/7 to assist with any issues that arise.
  14. System design – The system design includes detailed diagrams of the hardware and software components.
  15. Implementation plan – An implementation plan was created to ensure the smooth rollout of the new software.
  16. Configuration managementConfiguration management ensures that all system settings are correctly applied and maintained.
  17. Troubleshooting – The team focused on troubleshooting to resolve the network connectivity issues.
  18. Software developmentSoftware development involves writing code and testing new applications.
  19. Infrastructure planningInfrastructure planning is essential for supporting the growing needs of the business.
  20. Technical documentation – The technical documentation provided clear instructions on how to use the software.
  21. Process improvementProcess improvement initiatives helped streamline the workflow and increase efficiency.
  22. Technology assessment – A technology assessment was performed to evaluate the latest tools available.
  23. Data migration – The data migration process was completed without any loss of critical information.
  24. System upgrade – A system upgrade was necessary to incorporate the latest security features.
  25. Network architecture – The network architecture was designed to handle increased data traffic and ensure reliability.
  26. Business analysisBusiness analysis identified the need for new software to improve customer service.
  27. Technical evaluation – The technical evaluation confirmed that the hardware met all the performance requirements.
  28. Software architecture – The software architecture provides a blueprint for developing the application.
  29. Project proposal – The project proposal outlined the objectives and scope of the new initiative.
  30. Client consultation – The client consultation was crucial in understanding the specific needs of the project.
  31. Technical audit – A technical audit was conducted to assess the quality of the software development process.
  32. Custom developmentCustom development was required to tailor the software to the client’s unique requirements.
  33. Knowledge transferKnowledge transfer sessions were held to ensure the team understood the new system.
  34. System integration testingSystem integration testing ensured that all components worked together as expected.
  35. Product lifecycle managementProduct lifecycle management helps track the progress of a product from inception to retirement.
  36. IT strategy – The company’s IT strategy focuses on leveraging technology to drive business growth.
  37. Cost estimation – Accurate cost estimation is crucial for budgeting the IT project effectively.
  38. Change managementChange management processes help manage transitions and minimize disruptions during system updates.
  39. Vendor managementVendor management ensures that third-party services meet the required standards.
  40. Application supportApplication support teams provide assistance to users encountering issues with the software.
  41. Database managementDatabase management involves organizing and maintaining data to ensure its availability and integrity.
  42. Technical feasibility – The technical feasibility study assessed whether the proposed solution could be realistically implemented.
  43. System architecture – The system architecture defines the structure and components of the system.
  44. End-user trainingEnd-user training was conducted to familiarize employees with the new software.
  45. Consulting engagement – The consulting engagement involved several meetings to address the client’s needs.
  46. Service level agreement (SLA) – The service level agreement (SLA) defined the performance expectations and support levels.
  47. Technical roadmap – The technical roadmap outlined the future development milestones and goals.
  48. Operational efficiency – The project aimed to improve operational efficiency by automating manual processes.
  49. IT infrastructure – The company invested in upgrading its IT infrastructure to support new business applications.
  50. Technical analysis – The technical analysis identified potential issues in the system’s performance.
  51. Software implementation – The software implementation phase included deploying the software and training users.
  52. User experience (UX) – Improving user experience (UX) was a priority to ensure the application was intuitive and easy to use.
  53. System performance – Monitoring system performance helps ensure that the system operates within acceptable parameters.
  54. Automation solutionsAutomation solutions were introduced to reduce manual work and increase productivity.
  55. Solution delivery – The solution delivery team ensured that the project was completed on time and met the requirements.
  56. Technical solution – A technical solution was proposed to address the client’s problem with network security.
  57. Consulting services – The company offers a range of consulting services to help businesses optimize their IT operations.
  58. Quality assuranceQuality assurance processes ensure that the software meets all specified standards and requirements.
  59. IT governanceIT governance frameworks help align IT practices with organizational goals.
  60. Technical feasibility study – A technical feasibility study was conducted to evaluate the viability of the proposed solution.
  61. Data analysisData analysis revealed trends that informed the decision-making process.
  62. Infrastructure assessment – The infrastructure assessment identified areas needing upgrades to support future growth.
  63. Systems engineeringSystems engineering integrates various components to create a functional and efficient system.
  64. Cloud computingCloud computing allows for scalable and flexible access to computing resources over the internet.
  65. Technical implementation – The technical implementation phase involved deploying and configuring the new software.
  66. Solution design – The solution design outlined how the new system would address the client’s needs.
  67. Business requirements – Gathering business requirements is essential for developing solutions that meet organizational goals.
  68. Technical strategy – A clear technical strategy helps guide the development and deployment of IT solutions.
  69. Client requirements – The project team focused on meeting the client requirements to ensure satisfaction.
  70. Disaster recoveryDisaster recovery plans are essential for maintaining business continuity during unforeseen events.
  71. IT consultingIT consulting services provide expert advice on optimizing technology investments.
  72. Integration testingIntegration testing was performed to verify that different system components worked together correctly.
  73. Process automationProcess automation tools streamlined repetitive tasks and improved overall efficiency.
  74. Technical support servicesTechnical support services are available to resolve any issues with the system.
  75. Project lifecycle – Managing the project lifecycle involves planning, executing, and closing the project.
  76. Scalability – The system’s scalability ensures it can handle increased load as the business grows.
  77. Technical review – A technical review was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the new system.
  78. Application developmentApplication development includes coding, testing, and deploying software applications.
  79. Infrastructure design – The infrastructure design included planning the network and server setup for the new office.
  80. Technical analysis report – The technical analysis report detailed the findings from the system evaluation.
  81. Knowledge managementKnowledge management practices help organize and share expertise within the organization.
  82. System deployment – The system deployment process included installing and configuring the new software.
  83. User trainingUser training sessions were held to ensure that employees could effectively use the new system.
  84. Solution evaluation – The solution evaluation assessed whether the implemented system met the project goals.
  85. Technical project managementTechnical project management involves overseeing the technical aspects of the project.
  86. Software testingSoftware testing was performed to ensure the application functioned as intended.
  87. Client needs assessment – A client needs assessment was conducted to tailor the solution to specific requirements.
  88. Business case developmentBusiness case development outlines the justification and benefits of the project.
  89. IT systems audit – An IT systems audit was carried out to assess compliance and performance.
  90. Implementation strategy – The implementation strategy detailed the steps for successfully rolling out the new technology.
  91. IT consulting servicesIT consulting services provide guidance on technology planning and implementation.
  92. Application lifecycle managementApplication lifecycle management includes overseeing the entire lifecycle of software applications.
  93. Technical problem solvingTechnical problem solving involves diagnosing and resolving issues with the system.
  94. System requirements – The system requirements document specifies the functional and non-functional requirements for the project.
  95. Consulting engagement process – The consulting engagement process outlines how consultants work with clients.
  96. Data securityData security measures are implemented to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  97. Technology implementation – The technology implementation phase involved deploying the new IT infrastructure.
  98. Solution implementationSolution implementation included configuring and launching the new software system.
  99. Consulting methodology – The consulting methodology provides a structured approach to delivering consulting services.
  100. Technical documentation managementTechnical documentation management ensures that all technical documents are organized and accessible.

Bài viết

  1. Our firm specializes in ________ for complex IT systems.
  2. A ________ was hired to help with the new software implementation.
  3. ________ was crucial for connecting the different departments’ databases.
  4. The ________ revealed several areas needing improvement.
  5. Before starting the project, we conducted a ________ to ensure its viability.
  6. ________ skills are essential for delivering projects on time and within budget.
  7. The ________ designed a system that met all the client’s requirements.
  8. ________ is the first step in developing a new software application.
  9. The ________ document outlined the performance standards for the new system.
  10. ________ helps identify potential issues before they become major problems.
  11. The company developed a ________ to guide its future IT investments.
  12. ________ techniques improved the application’s response time significantly.
  13. ________ is available 24/7 to assist with any issues that arise.
  14. The ________ includes detailed diagrams of the hardware and software components.
  15. An ________ was created to ensure the smooth rollout of the new software.
  16. ________ ensures that all system settings are correctly applied and maintained.
  17. The team focused on ________ to resolve the network connectivity issues.
  18. ________ involves writing code and testing new applications.
  19. ________ is essential for supporting the growing needs of the business.
  20. The ________ provided clear instructions on how to use the software.
  21. ________ initiatives helped streamline the workflow and increase efficiency.
  22. A ________ was performed to evaluate the latest tools available.
  23. The ________ process was completed without any loss of critical information.
  24. A ________ was necessary to incorporate the latest security features.
  25. The ________ was designed to handle increased data traffic and ensure reliability.
  26. ________ identified the need for new software to improve customer service.
  27. The ________ confirmed that the hardware met all the performance requirements.
  28. The ________ provides a blueprint for developing the application.
  29. The ________ outlined the objectives and scope of the new initiative.
  30. The ________ was crucial in understanding the specific needs of the project.
  31. A ________ was conducted to assess the quality of the software development process.
  32. ________ was required to tailor the software to the client’s unique requirements.
  33. ________ sessions were held to ensure the team understood the new system.
  34. ________ ensured that all components worked together as expected.
  35. ________ helps track the progress of a product from inception to retirement.
  36. The company’s ________ focuses on leveraging technology to drive business growth.
  37. Accurate ________ is crucial for budgeting the IT project effectively.
  38. ________ processes help manage transitions and minimize disruptions during system updates.
  39. ________ ensures that third-party services meet the required standards.
  40. ________ teams provide assistance to users encountering issues with the software.
  41. ________ involves organizing and maintaining data to ensure its availability and integrity.
  42. The ________ study assessed whether the proposed solution could be realistically implemented.
  43. The ________ defines the structure and components of the system.
  44. ________ was conducted to familiarize employees with the new software.
  45. The ________ involved several meetings to address the client’s needs.
  46. The ________ defined the performance expectations and support levels.
  47. The ________ outlined the future development milestones and goals.
  48. The project aimed to improve ________ by automating manual processes.
  49. The company invested in upgrading its ________ to support new business applications.
  50. The ________ identified potential issues in the system’s performance.
  51. The ________ phase included deploying the software and training users.
  52. Improving ________ was a priority to ensure the application was intuitive and easy to use.
  53. Monitoring ________ helps ensure that the system operates within acceptable parameters.
  54. ________ were introduced to reduce manual work and increase productivity.
  55. The ________ team ensured that the project was completed on time and met the requirements.
  56. A ________ was proposed to address the client’s problem with network security.
  57. The company offers a range of ________ to help businesses optimize their IT operations.
  58. ________ processes ensure that the software meets all specified standards and requirements.
  59. ________ frameworks help align IT practices with organizational goals.
  60. A ________ was conducted to evaluate the viability of the proposed solution.
  61. ________ revealed trends that informed the decision-making process.
  62. The ________ identified areas needing upgrades to support future growth.
  63. ________ integrates various components to create a functional and efficient system.
  64. ________ allows for scalable and flexible access to computing resources over the internet.
  65. The ________ phase involved deploying and configuring the new software.
  66. The ________ outlined how the new system would address the client’s needs.
  67. Gathering ________ is essential for developing solutions that meet organizational goals.
  68. A clear ________ helps guide the development and deployment of IT solutions.
  69. The project team focused on meeting the ________ to ensure satisfaction.
  70. ________ plans are essential for maintaining business continuity during unforeseen events.
  71. ________ services provide expert advice on optimizing technology investments.
  72. ________ was performed to verify that different system components worked together correctly.
  73. ________ tools streamlined repetitive tasks and improved overall efficiency.
  74. ________ are available to resolve any issues with the system.
  75. Managing the ________ involves planning, executing, and closing the project.
  76. The system’s ________ ensures it can handle increased load as the business grows.
  77. A ________ was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the new system.
  78. ________ includes coding, testing, and deploying software applications.
  79. The ________ included planning the network and server setup for the new office.
  80. The ________ detailed the findings from the system evaluation.
  81. ________ practices help organize and share expertise within the organization.
  82. The ________ process included installing and configuring the new software.
  83. ________ sessions were held to ensure that employees could effectively use the new system.
  84. The ________ assessed whether the implemented system met the project goals.
  85. ________ involves overseeing the technical aspects of the project.
  86. ________ was performed to ensure the application functioned as intended.
  87. A ________ was conducted to tailor the solution to specific requirements.
  88. ________ outlines the justification and benefits of the project.
  89. An ________ was carried out to assess compliance and performance.
  90. The ________ detailed the steps for successfully rolling out the new technology.
  91. ________ provide guidance on technology planning and implementation.
  92. ________ includes overseeing the entire lifecycle of software applications.
  93. ________ involves diagnosing and resolving issues with the system.
  94. The ________ document specifies the functional and non-functional requirements for the project.
  95. The ________ outlines how consultants work with clients.
  96. ________ measures are implemented to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  97. The ________ phase involved deploying the new IT infrastructure.
  98. ________ included configuring and launching the new software system.
  99. The ________ provides a structured approach to delivering consulting services.
  100. ________ ensures that all technical documents are organized and accessible.

Đáp án

  1. technical consulting
  2. technical advisor
  3. System integration
  4. technical assessment
  5. Feasibility study
  6. Project management
  7. Solution architect
  8. Requirements gathering
  9. Technical specification
  10. Risk analysis
  11. Technology roadmap
  12. Performance optimization
  13. Technical support
  14. System design
  15. Implementation plan
  16. Configuration management
  17. Troubleshooting
  18. Software development
  19. Infrastructure planning
  20. Technical documentation
  21. Process improvement
  22. Technology assessment
  23. Data migration
  24. System upgrade
  25. Network architecture
  26. Business analysis
  27. Technical evaluation
  28. Software architecture
  29. Project proposal
  30. Client consultation
  31. Technical audit
  32. Custom development
  33. Knowledge transfer
  34. System integration testing
  35. Product lifecycle management
  36. IT strategy
  37. Cost estimation
  38. Change management
  39. Vendor management
  40. Application support
  41. Database management
  42. Technical feasibility
  43. System architecture
  44. End-user training
  45. Consulting engagement
  46. Service level agreement (SLA)
  47. Technical roadmap
  48. Operational efficiency
  49. IT infrastructure
  50. Technical analysis
  51. Software implementation
  52. User experience (UX)
  53. System performance
  54. Automation solutions
  55. Solution delivery
  56. Technical solution
  57. Consulting services
  58. Quality assurance
  59. IT governance
  60. Technical feasibility study
  61. Data analysis
  62. Infrastructure assessment
  63. Systems engineering
  64. Cloud computing
  65. Technical implementation
  66. Solution design
  67. Business requirements
  68. Technical strategy
  69. Client requirements
  70. Disaster recovery
  71. IT consulting
  72. Integration testing
  73. Process automation
  74. Technical support services
  75. Project lifecycle
  76. Scalability
  77. Technical review
  78. Application development
  79. Infrastructure design
  80. Technical analysis report
  81. Knowledge management
  82. System deployment
  83. User training
  84. Solution evaluation
  85. Technical project management
  86. Software testing
  87. Client needs assessment
  88. Business case development
  89. IT systems audit
  90. Implementation strategy
  91. IT consulting services
  92. Application lifecycle management
  93. Technical problem solving
  94. System requirements
  95. Consulting engagement process
  96. Data security
  97. Technology implementation
  98. Solution implementation
  99. Consulting methodology
  100. Technical documentation management

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