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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Tư vấn thuế

100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Tư vấn thuế” là một bộ sưu tập các thuật ngữ quan trọng, giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về lĩnh vực tư vấn thuế. Từ các khái niệm cơ bản đến chuyên sâu, bộ từ vựng này hỗ trợ bạn cải thiện kỹ năng giao tiếp chuyên ngành

  1. Tax Advisor: Cố vấn thuế
  2. Tax Consultant: Tư vấn viên thuế
  3. Tax Planning: Lập kế hoạch thuế
  4. Tax Compliance: Tuân thủ thuế
  5. Tax Return: Tờ khai thuế
  6. Tax Deduction: Khấu trừ thuế
  7. Tax Credit: Tín dụng thuế
  8. Income Tax: Thuế thu nhập
  9. Corporate Tax: Thuế doanh nghiệp
  10. Value Added Tax (VAT): Thuế giá trị gia tăng
  11. Sales Tax: Thuế doanh thu
  12. Capital Gains Tax: Thuế thu nhập vốn
  13. Inheritance Tax: Thuế thừa kế
  14. Property Tax: Thuế tài sản
  15. Excise Tax: Thuế tiêu thụ đặc biệt
  16. Tax Liability: Nghĩa vụ thuế
  17. Tax Refund: Hoàn thuế
  18. Taxable Income: Thu nhập chịu thuế
  19. Tax Jurisdiction: Thẩm quyền thuế
  20. Taxable Event: Sự kiện chịu thuế
  21. Tax Bracket: Khung thuế
  22. Tax Rate: Thuế suất
  23. Tax Code: Mã số thuế
  24. Tax Relief: Miễn giảm thuế
  25. Tax Law: Luật thuế
  26. Tax Regulation: Quy định thuế
  27. Tax Filing: Nộp tờ khai thuế
  28. Tax Audit: Kiểm toán thuế
  29. Tax Dispute: Tranh chấp thuế
  30. Tax Settlement: Giải quyết thuế
  31. Transfer Pricing: Chuyển giá
  32. Tax Shelter: Nơi trú thuế
  33. Tax Haven: Thiên đường thuế
  34. International Tax: Thuế quốc tế
  35. Tax Avoidance: Tránh thuế
  36. Tax Evasion: Trốn thuế
  37. Tax Penalty: Phạt thuế
  38. Tax Assessment: Đánh giá thuế
  39. Tax Return Preparation: Chuẩn bị tờ khai thuế
  40. Tax Strategy: Chiến lược thuế
  41. Tax Form: Biểu mẫu thuế
  42. Tax Identification Number (TIN): Mã số thuế
  43. Tax Exemption: Miễn thuế
  44. Tax Withholding: Khấu trừ thuế
  45. Tax Jurisprudence: Pháp lý thuế
  46. Customs Duties: Thuế hải quan
  47. Tax Treaties: Hiệp định thuế
  48. Tax Filing Deadline: Hạn nộp thuế
  49. Tax Obligation: Nghĩa vụ thuế
  50. Taxpayer: Người nộp thuế
  51. Gross Income: Thu nhập gộp
  52. Net Income: Thu nhập ròng
  53. Deductible Expenses: Chi phí được khấu trừ
  54. Amended Tax Return: Tờ khai thuế sửa đổi
  55. Estimated Tax: Thuế ước tính
  56. Quarterly Tax Payments: Thanh toán thuế hàng quý
  57. Tax Code Compliance: Tuân thủ mã số thuế
  58. Tax Consequences: Hệ quả thuế
  59. Audit Trail: Dấu vết kiểm toán
  60. Tax Research: Nghiên cứu thuế
  61. Tax Advice: Tư vấn thuế
  62. Tax Forecasting: Dự báo thuế
  63. Tax Provision: Dự phòng thuế
  64. Tax Reconciliation: Đối chiếu thuế
  65. Tax Base: Cơ sở tính thuế
  66. Advance Ruling: Phán quyết trước
  67. Tax Settlement Agreement: Thỏa thuận giải quyết thuế
  68. Tax Reporting: Báo cáo thuế
  69. Tax Documentation: Tài liệu thuế
  70. Tax Procedures: Thủ tục thuế
  71. Tax Services: Dịch vụ thuế
  72. Income Tax Return: Tờ khai thuế thu nhập
  73. Corporate Tax Return: Tờ khai thuế doanh nghiệp
  74. Tax Account: Tài khoản thuế
  75. Tax Adjustment: Điều chỉnh thuế
  76. Tax Consultation: Tư vấn thuế
  77. Tax Compliance Review: Kiểm tra tuân thủ thuế
  78. Income Tax Planning: Lập kế hoạch thuế thu nhập
  79. Corporate Tax Planning: Lập kế hoạch thuế doanh nghiệp
  80. Tax Filing System: Hệ thống nộp thuế
  81. Tax Rebate: Hoàn trả thuế
  82. Tax Research and Analysis: Nghiên cứu và phân tích thuế
  83. Tax Advisory Services: Dịch vụ tư vấn thuế
  84. Tax Risk Management: Quản lý rủi ro thuế
  85. Tax Avoidance Strategies: Chiến lược tránh thuế
  86. Cross-Border Taxation: Thuế xuyên biên giới
  87. Tax Efficiency: Hiệu quả thuế
  88. Tax Legal Advisory: Tư vấn pháp lý thuế
  89. Tax Practice: Thực hành thuế
  90. Tax Information Exchange: Trao đổi thông tin thuế
  91. Tax Minimization: Giảm thiểu thuế
  92. Indirect Taxes: Thuế gián thu
  93. Direct Taxes: Thuế trực thu
  94. Tax Law Compliance: Tuân thủ luật thuế
  95. Tax Advocacy: Vận động chính sách thuế
  96. Tax Settlement Negotiation: Đàm phán giải quyết thuế
  97. Tax Reporting Requirements: Yêu cầu báo cáo thuế
  98. Tax Payment Schedule: Lịch trình thanh toán thuế
  99. Tax Policy: Chính sách thuế
  100. Taxation Principles: Nguyên tắc đánh thuế

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Tax Advisor: A tax advisor can help you navigate complex tax regulations and optimize your tax strategy.
  2. Tax Consultant: Our company hired a tax consultant to ensure compliance with the latest tax laws.
  3. Tax Planning: Effective tax planning can significantly reduce your tax liability.
  4. Tax Compliance: Tax compliance is essential to avoid penalties and legal issues.
  5. Tax Return: You must file your tax return by the deadline to avoid late fees.
  6. Tax Deduction: Mortgage interest is a common tax deduction for homeowners.
  7. Tax Credit: You can claim a tax credit for educational expenses to reduce your overall tax bill.
  8. Income Tax: Income tax is calculated based on your total earnings for the year.
  9. Corporate Tax: Corporate tax rates vary depending on the size and type of business.
  10. Value Added Tax (VAT): Many countries implement a Value Added Tax (VAT) on goods and services.
  11. Sales Tax: Sales tax is added to the purchase price of goods at the point of sale.
  12. Capital Gains Tax: Capital gains tax applies to the profit from the sale of investments or property.
  13. Inheritance Tax: Inheritance tax is levied on the estate of a deceased person before distribution to heirs.
  14. Property Tax: Property tax is assessed based on the value of real estate property.
  15. Excise Tax: Excise tax is imposed on specific goods, such as alcohol and tobacco.
  16. Tax Liability: Your tax liability is the total amount of tax you owe to the government.
  17. Tax Refund: If you overpaid your taxes, you may be eligible for a tax refund.
  18. Taxable Income: Taxable income is the portion of your income that is subject to taxation.
  19. Tax Jurisdiction: Different tax jurisdictions may have varying rules and rates for taxation.
  20. Taxable Event: A taxable event occurs when a transaction triggers a tax obligation.
  21. Tax Bracket: Tax brackets determine the rate at which your income is taxed.
  22. Tax Rate: The tax rate is the percentage at which income or profits are taxed.
  23. Tax Code: The tax code outlines all the rules and regulations related to taxation.
  24. Tax Relief: Tax relief programs can reduce the amount of tax you owe under certain conditions.
  25. Tax Law: Tax law governs the legal obligations and rights related to taxation.
  26. Tax Regulation: Tax regulations provide detailed rules for implementing tax laws.
  27. Tax Filing: Timely tax filing is crucial for meeting legal obligations and avoiding penalties.
  28. Tax Audit: A tax audit involves a thorough examination of your financial records by the IRS.
  29. Tax Dispute: Tax disputes arise when there is a disagreement between the taxpayer and tax authorities.
  30. Tax Settlement: A tax settlement is an agreement to resolve a tax dispute or debt.
  31. Transfer Pricing: Transfer pricing refers to the rules for setting prices for transactions between subsidiaries of multinational corporations.
  32. Tax Shelter: A tax shelter is a legal strategy to minimize tax liability.
  33. Tax Haven: Tax havens are countries with low or no tax rates used to avoid paying higher taxes elsewhere.
  34. International Tax: International tax deals with tax issues arising from cross-border transactions and investments.
  35. Tax Avoidance: Tax avoidance involves legally minimizing tax liabilities through planning and strategy.
  36. Tax Evasion: Tax evasion is the illegal act of not paying taxes owed.
  37. Tax Penalty: Tax penalties are fines imposed for failure to comply with tax laws.
  38. Tax Assessment: A tax assessment is an evaluation of the amount of tax owed based on financial records.
  39. Tax Return Preparation: Tax return preparation involves gathering and organizing financial information to file a tax return.
  40. Tax Strategy: Developing a tax strategy helps to optimize tax savings and compliance.
  41. Tax Form: Completing the correct tax form is necessary for accurate tax reporting.
  42. Tax Identification Number (TIN): A Tax Identification Number (TIN) is used to identify taxpayers.
  43. Tax Exemption: Tax exemptions reduce the amount of income subject to taxation.
  44. Tax Withholding: Tax withholding involves deducting tax from income before it is paid to the taxpayer.
  45. Tax Jurisprudence: Tax jurisprudence refers to the legal principles and judicial decisions related to taxation.
  46. Customs Duties: Customs duties are taxes imposed on imported goods.
  47. Tax Treaties: Tax treaties are agreements between countries to avoid double taxation and prevent tax evasion.
  48. Tax Filing Deadline: The tax filing deadline is the last day to submit your tax return without incurring penalties.
  49. Tax Obligation: Every taxpayer has a tax obligation to report and pay taxes as required by law.
  50. Taxpayer: A taxpayer is an individual or entity required to pay taxes to the government.
  51. Gross Income: Gross income is the total earnings before any deductions or taxes are applied.
  52. Net Income: Net income is the amount of money left after taxes and other deductions are taken out.
  53. Deductible Expenses: Deductible expenses are costs that can be subtracted from gross income to reduce taxable income.
  54. Amended Tax Return: An amended tax return is filed to correct errors or update information from a previously filed return.
  55. Estimated Tax: Estimated tax payments are made quarterly to cover tax liabilities for income not subject to withholding.
  56. Quarterly Tax Payments: Quarterly tax payments are made every three months to pay estimated taxes.
  57. Tax Code Compliance: Tax code compliance ensures adherence to all applicable tax laws and regulations.
  58. Tax Consequences: Understanding tax consequences helps in making informed financial decisions.
  59. Audit Trail: An audit trail is a record of financial transactions that supports accurate tax reporting.
  60. Tax Research: Tax research involves analyzing tax laws and regulations to provide accurate advice.
  61. Tax Advice: Professional tax advice helps individuals and businesses navigate complex tax issues.
  62. Tax Forecasting: Tax forecasting involves predicting future tax liabilities based on current financial data.
  63. Tax Provision: Tax provision is the process of estimating and recording tax expenses in financial statements.
  64. Tax Reconciliation: Tax reconciliation ensures that reported tax figures match with actual tax liabilities.
  65. Tax Base: The tax base is the amount of income, assets, or transactions subject to tax.
  66. Advance Ruling: An advance ruling is a formal determination of the tax treatment of a specific transaction.
  67. Tax Settlement Agreement: A tax settlement agreement resolves disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities.
  68. Tax Reporting: Tax reporting involves disclosing financial information and tax liabilities to the tax authorities.
  69. Tax Documentation: Proper tax documentation is essential for supporting tax returns and claims.
  70. Tax Procedures: Tax procedures outline the steps and requirements for filing and paying taxes.
  71. Tax Services: Tax services include assistance with tax planning, compliance, and filing.
  72. Income Tax Return: An income tax return reports your earnings and calculates your tax liability.
  73. Corporate Tax Return: A corporate tax return is filed by businesses to report income and calculate corporate taxes.
  74. Tax Account: A tax account tracks all tax-related transactions and liabilities.
  75. Tax Adjustment: A tax adjustment corrects errors or changes in reported tax information.
  76. Tax Consultation: Tax consultation provides expert advice on tax-related issues and planning.
  77. Tax Compliance Review: A tax compliance review evaluates adherence to tax laws and regulations.
  78. Income Tax Planning: Income tax planning helps minimize tax liability by strategically managing income and deductions.
  79. Corporate Tax Planning: Corporate tax planning involves strategies to optimize tax outcomes for businesses.
  80. Tax Filing System: A tax filing system manages and organizes tax documents and submissions.
  81. Tax Rebate: A tax rebate is a refund given to taxpayers who have overpaid their taxes.
  82. Tax Research and Analysis: Tax research and analysis help in understanding complex tax issues and regulations.
  83. Tax Advisory Services: Tax advisory services offer guidance on tax strategy and compliance.
  84. Tax Risk Management: Tax risk management identifies and mitigates potential tax-related risks.
  85. Tax Avoidance Strategies: Tax avoidance strategies legally reduce tax liabilities through planning.
  86. Cross-Border Taxation: Cross-border taxation addresses tax issues related to international transactions and investments.
  87. Tax Efficiency: Tax efficiency involves optimizing tax outcomes to minimize liabilities and maximize savings.
  88. Tax Legal Advisory: Tax legal advisory provides guidance on legal aspects of tax planning and compliance.
  89. Tax Practice: Tax practice encompasses the professional activities related to tax consultation and compliance.
  90. Tax Information Exchange: Tax information exchange involves sharing tax-related data between jurisdictions to prevent evasion.
  91. Tax Minimization: Tax minimization aims to reduce tax liabilities through various legal methods.
  92. Indirect Taxes: Indirect taxes are taxes imposed on goods and services rather than on income.
  93. Direct Taxes: Direct taxes are taxes imposed directly on individuals or businesses, such as income tax.
  94. Tax Law Compliance: Tax law compliance ensures adherence to all relevant tax regulations and requirements.
  95. Tax Advocacy: Tax advocacy involves representing clients’ interests in tax disputes and negotiations.
  96. Tax Settlement Negotiation: Tax settlement negotiation aims to reach an agreement on resolving tax disputes.
  97. Tax Reporting Requirements: Tax reporting requirements outline the obligations for disclosing tax information.
  98. Tax Payment Schedule: A tax payment schedule details when and how taxes should be paid.
  99. Tax Policy: Tax policy sets the guidelines and principles for tax administration and reform.
  100. Taxation Principles: Taxation principles guide the application and interpretation of tax laws and regulations.

Bài tập

  1. A __________ helps you navigate complex tax regulations and optimize your tax strategy.
  2. Our company hired a __________ to ensure compliance with the latest tax laws.
  3. Effective __________ can significantly reduce your tax liability.
  4. __________ is essential to avoid penalties and legal issues.
  5. You must file your __________ by the deadline to avoid late fees.
  6. Mortgage interest is a common __________ for homeowners.
  7. You can claim a __________ for educational expenses to reduce your overall tax bill.
  8. __________ is calculated based on your total earnings for the year.
  9. __________ rates vary depending on the size and type of business.
  10. Many countries implement a __________ on goods and services.
  11. __________ is added to the purchase price of goods at the point of sale.
  12. __________ tax applies to the profit from the sale of investments or property.
  13. __________ tax is levied on the estate of a deceased person before distribution to heirs.
  14. __________ tax is assessed based on the value of real estate property.
  15. __________ tax is imposed on specific goods, such as alcohol and tobacco.
  16. Your __________ is the total amount of tax you owe to the government.
  17. If you overpaid your taxes, you may be eligible for a __________.
  18. __________ is the portion of your income that is subject to taxation.
  19. Different __________ may have varying rules and rates for taxation.
  20. A __________ occurs when a transaction triggers a tax obligation.
  21. __________ determine the rate at which your income is taxed.
  22. The __________ is the percentage at which income or profits are taxed.
  23. The __________ outlines all the rules and regulations related to taxation.
  24. __________ programs can reduce the amount of tax you owe under certain conditions.
  25. __________ governs the legal obligations and rights related to taxation.
  26. __________ provide detailed rules for implementing tax laws.
  27. Timely __________ is crucial for meeting legal obligations and avoiding penalties.
  28. A __________ involves a thorough examination of your financial records by the IRS.
  29. __________ arise when there is a disagreement between the taxpayer and tax authorities.
  30. A __________ is an agreement to resolve a tax dispute or debt.
  31. __________ refers to the rules for setting prices for transactions between subsidiaries of multinational corporations.
  32. A __________ is a legal strategy to minimize tax liability.
  33. __________ are countries with low or no tax rates used to avoid paying higher taxes elsewhere.
  34. __________ deals with tax issues arising from cross-border transactions and investments.
  35. __________ involves legally minimizing tax liabilities through planning and strategy.
  36. __________ is the illegal act of not paying taxes owed.
  37. __________ are fines imposed for failure to comply with tax laws.
  38. A __________ is an evaluation of the amount of tax owed based on financial records.
  39. __________ involves gathering and organizing financial information to file a tax return.
  40. Developing a __________ helps to optimize tax savings and compliance.
  41. Completing the correct __________ is necessary for accurate tax reporting.
  42. A __________ is used to identify taxpayers.
  43. __________ reduce the amount of income subject to taxation.
  44. __________ involves deducting tax from income before it is paid to the taxpayer.
  45. __________ refers to the legal principles and judicial decisions related to taxation.
  46. __________ are taxes imposed on imported goods.
  47. __________ are agreements between countries to avoid double taxation and prevent tax evasion.
  48. The __________ is the last day to submit your tax return without incurring penalties.
  49. Every taxpayer has a __________ to report and pay taxes as required by law.
  50. A __________ is an individual or entity required to pay taxes to the government.
  51. __________ is the total earnings before any deductions or taxes are applied.
  52. __________ is the amount of money left after taxes and other deductions are taken out.
  53. __________ are costs that can be subtracted from gross income to reduce taxable income.
  54. An __________ is filed to correct errors or update information from a previously filed return.
  55. __________ payments are made quarterly to cover tax liabilities for income not subject to withholding.
  56. __________ are made every three months to pay estimated taxes.
  57. __________ ensures adherence to all applicable tax laws and regulations.
  58. Understanding __________ helps in making informed financial decisions.
  59. An __________ is a record of financial transactions that supports accurate tax reporting.
  60. __________ involves analyzing tax laws and regulations to provide accurate advice.
  61. Professional __________ helps individuals and businesses navigate complex tax issues.
  62. __________ involves predicting future tax liabilities based on current financial data.
  63. __________ is the process of estimating and recording tax expenses in financial statements.
  64. __________ ensures that reported tax figures match with actual tax liabilities.
  65. The __________ is the amount of income, assets, or transactions subject to tax.
  66. An __________ is a formal determination of the tax treatment of a specific transaction.
  67. A __________ resolves disputes between taxpayers and tax authorities.
  68. __________ involves disclosing financial information and tax liabilities to the tax authorities.
  69. Proper __________ is essential for supporting tax returns and claims.
  70. __________ outline the steps and requirements for filing and paying taxes.
  71. __________ include assistance with tax planning, compliance, and filing.
  72. An __________ reports your earnings and calculates your tax liability.
  73. A __________ is filed by businesses to report income and calculate corporate taxes.
  74. A __________ tracks all tax-related transactions and liabilities.
  75. A __________ corrects errors or changes in reported tax information.
  76. __________ provides expert advice on tax-related issues and planning.
  77. A __________ evaluates adherence to tax laws and regulations.
  78. __________ helps minimize tax liability by strategically managing income and deductions.
  79. __________ involves strategies to optimize tax outcomes for businesses.
  80. A __________ manages and organizes tax documents and submissions.
  81. A __________ is a refund given to taxpayers who have overpaid their taxes.
  82. __________ help in understanding complex tax issues and regulations.
  83. __________ offer guidance on tax strategy and compliance.
  84. __________ identifies and mitigates potential tax-related risks.
  85. __________ legally reduce tax liabilities through planning.
  86. __________ addresses tax issues related to international transactions and investments.
  87. __________ involves optimizing tax outcomes to minimize liabilities and maximize savings.
  88. __________ provides guidance on legal aspects of tax planning and compliance.
  89. __________ encompasses the professional activities related to tax consultation and compliance.
  90. __________ involves sharing tax-related data between jurisdictions to prevent evasion.
  91. __________ aims to reduce tax liabilities through various legal methods.
  92. __________ are taxes imposed on goods and services rather than on income.
  93. __________ are taxes imposed directly on individuals or businesses, such as income tax.
  94. __________ ensures adherence to all relevant tax regulations and requirements.
  95. __________ involves representing clients’ interests in tax disputes and negotiations.
  96. __________ aims to reach an agreement on resolving tax disputes.
  97. __________ outline the obligations for disclosing tax information.
  98. A __________ details when and how taxes should be paid.
  99. __________ sets the guidelines and principles for tax administration and reform.
  100. __________ guide the application and interpretation of tax laws and regulations.

Đáp án

  1. Tax Advisor
  2. Tax Consultant
  3. Tax Planning
  4. Tax Compliance
  5. Tax Return
  6. Tax Deduction
  7. Tax Credit
  8. Income Tax
  9. Corporate Tax
  10. Value Added Tax (VAT)
  11. Sales Tax
  12. Capital Gains Tax
  13. Inheritance Tax
  14. Property Tax
  15. Excise Tax
  16. Tax Liability
  17. Tax Refund
  18. Taxable Income
  19. Tax Jurisdiction
  20. Taxable Event
  21. Tax Bracket
  22. Tax Rate
  23. Tax Code
  24. Tax Relief
  25. Tax Law
  26. Tax Regulation
  27. Tax Filing
  28. Tax Audit
  29. Tax Dispute
  30. Tax Settlement
  31. Transfer Pricing
  32. Tax Shelter
  33. Tax Haven
  34. International Tax
  35. Tax Avoidance
  36. Tax Evasion
  37. Tax Penalty
  38. Tax Assessment
  39. Tax Return Preparation
  40. Tax Strategy
  41. Tax Form
  42. Tax Identification Number (TIN)
  43. Tax Exemption
  44. Tax Withholding
  45. Tax Jurisprudence
  46. Customs Duties
  47. Tax Treaties
  48. Tax Filing Deadline
  49. Tax Obligation
  50. Taxpayer
  51. Gross Income
  52. Net Income
  53. Deductible Expenses
  54. Amended Tax Return
  55. Estimated Tax
  56. Quarterly Tax Payments
  57. Tax Code Compliance
  58. Tax Consequences
  59. Audit Trail
  60. Tax Research
  61. Tax Advice
  62. Tax Forecasting
  63. Tax Provision
  64. Tax Reconciliation
  65. Tax Base
  66. Advance Ruling
  67. Tax Settlement Agreement
  68. Tax Reporting
  69. Tax Documentation
  70. Tax Procedures
  71. Tax Services
  72. Income Tax Return
  73. Corporate Tax Return
  74. Tax Account
  75. Tax Adjustment
  76. Tax Consultation
  77. Tax Compliance Review
  78. Income Tax Planning
  79. Corporate Tax Planning
  80. Tax Filing System
  81. Tax Rebate
  82. Tax Research and Analysis
  83. Tax Advisory Services
  84. Tax Risk Management
  85. Tax Avoidance Strategies
  86. Cross-Border Taxation
  87. Tax Efficiency
  88. Tax Legal Advisory
  89. Tax Practice
  90. Tax Information Exchange
  91. Tax Minimization
  92. Indirect Taxes
  93. Direct Taxes
  94. Tax Law Compliance
  95. Tax Advocacy
  96. Tax Settlement Negotiation
  97. Tax Reporting Requirements
  98. Tax Payment Schedule
  99. Tax Policy
  100. Taxation Principles

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