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8 cấu trúc ngữ pháp đáp lại lời khen trong tiếng Anh

Trong bài trước có trình bày về 10 cấu trúc lời khen trong tiếng Anh thì bài viết này trình bày 8 cấu trúc ngữ pháp đáp lại lời khen trong tiếng Anh. Trong bài viết này có trình bày ví dụ sử dụng các cấu trúc đó:

Cảm ơn đáp lại lời khen

  • Thank you so much for your kind words.
  • I really appreciate your praise.
  • That means a lot to me, thank you.

Ví dụ:

  1. Thank you so much for your kind words.
  2. I really appreciate your praise.
  3. That means a lot to me, thank you.
  4. Receiving your compliments is truly heartwarming.
  5. I am grateful for your generous feedback.
  6. Your kind remarks have brightened my day.
  7. Expressing my sincere gratitude for your encouraging words.
  8. I am touched by your thoughtful comments.
  9. Your positive feedback has uplifted my spirits.
  10. Acknowledging your thoughtfulness with heartfelt appreciation.
  11. I feel honored by your words of praise.
  12. Gratefully accepting your encouragement.
  13. Your compliments have truly boosted my confidence.
  14. I am deeply touched by your kind sentiments.
  15. Extending my warmest thanks for your supportive words.
  16. Feeling truly blessed by your words of kindness.
  17. Recognizing and appreciating your generous feedback.
  18. Your encouraging words have meant the world to me.
  19. I can’t thank you enough for your thoughtful words.
  20. Graciously accepting your words of appreciation.

Nhận lời khen một cách khiêm tốn

  • Oh, it was nothing, really.
  • I just try my best.
  • I’m just doing what I enjoy.

Ví dụ:

  1. Oh, it was nothing, really. I simply fixed the leaky faucet.
  2. I just try my best when it comes to cooking.
  3. I’m just doing what I enjoy, which is painting.
  4. Oh, it was nothing, really. I merely helped with the cleanup.
  5. I just gave some advice; anyone would have done the same.
  6. I’m just doing what I enjoy, like gardening on weekends.
  7. Oh, it was nothing, really. I only lent a hand with the move.
  8. I just baked some cookies for the event.
  9. I’m just doing what I enjoy, such as writing poetry.
  10. Oh, it was nothing, really. I only made a small contribution.
  11. I just offered some assistance with the project.
  12. I’m just doing what I enjoy, like playing guitar in my free time.
  13. Oh, it was nothing, really. I simply shared my notes.
  14. I just participated in the cleanup efforts.
  15. I’m just doing what I enjoy, such as hiking in nature.
  16. Oh, it was nothing, really. I just provided some feedback.
  17. I just volunteered for the community event.
  18. I’m just doing what I enjoy, like knitting for relaxation.
  19. Oh, it was nothing, really. I merely offered a listening ear.
  20. I just cooked dinner for the family.

Từ chối lời khen một cách lịch sự:

  • You’re too kind, but I still have a lot to learn.
  • I’m flattered, but there’s still room for improvement.
  • It’s very generous of you to say that, but I’m just getting started.

Ví dụ:

  1. You’re too modest, but I truly believe you have immense potential.
  2. I appreciate your encouragement, but I’m aware there’s much more to grasp.
  3. It’s flattering to hear that, but I’m mindful of the areas where I need growth.
  4. Your kindness is overwhelming, but I acknowledge there’s still a long journey ahead.
  5. I’m grateful for your praise, but I’m keen on honing my skills further.
  6. Your support means a lot, but I’m conscious of my ongoing development.
  7. I’m thankful for your compliments, but I recognize the need for continuous improvement.
  8. Your words are encouraging, but I’m striving to reach higher standards.
  9. Your belief in me is inspiring, but I know I have much more to achieve.
  10. I’m touched by your positivity, but I’m committed to pushing my boundaries.
  11. Your acknowledgment is appreciated, but I’m dedicated to refining my abilities.
  12. Your confidence in me is uplifting, but I’m aware there’s always room for growth.
  13. Your faith in my abilities is motivating, but I’m focused on mastering my craft.
  14. Your compliments are kind, but I’m mindful of the need for continuous learning.
  15. Your encouragement is invaluable, but I’m committed to advancing my skills.
  16. Your praise is heartwarming, but I’m determined to enhance my capabilities.
  17. Your compliments are generous, but I’m intent on pushing myself further.
  18. Your words of support are appreciated, but I’m driven to excel even more.
  19. Your positivity is infectious, but I’m striving for excellence.
  20. Your recognition means a lot to me, but I’m eager to keep improving.

Chia sẻ cảm xúc của bạn về lời khen:

  • Your praise has really made my day!
  • I’m so glad to hear that you think so highly of my work.
  • Hearing that from you means a great deal to me.

Ví dụ:

  1. You’re too modest, but I truly believe you have immense potential.
  2. I appreciate your encouragement, but I’m aware there’s much more to grasp.
  3. It’s flattering to hear that, but I’m mindful of the areas where I need growth.
  4. Your kindness is overwhelming, but I acknowledge there’s still a long journey ahead.
  5. I’m grateful for your praise, but I’m keen on honing my skills further.
  6. Your support means a lot, but I’m conscious of my ongoing development.
  7. I’m thankful for your compliments, but I recognize the need for continuous improvement.
  8. Your words are encouraging, but I’m striving to reach higher standards.
  9. Your belief in me is inspiring, but I know I have much more to achieve.
  10. I’m touched by your positivity, but I’m committed to pushing my boundaries.
  11. Your acknowledgment is appreciated, but I’m dedicated to refining my abilities.
  12. Your confidence in me is uplifting, but I’m aware there’s always room for growth.
  13. Your faith in my abilities is motivating, but I’m focused on mastering my craft.
  14. Your compliments are kind, but I’m mindful of the need for continuous learning.
  15. Your encouragement is invaluable, but I’m committed to advancing my skills.
  16. Your praise is heartwarming, but I’m determined to enhance my capabilities.
  17. Your compliments are generous, but I’m intent on pushing myself further.
  18. Your words of support are appreciated, but I’m driven to excel even more.
  19. Your positivity is infectious, but I’m striving for excellence.
  20. Your recognition means a lot to me, but I’m eager to keep improving.

Tự nhận thức về nỗ lực của bản thân:

  • I’ve been working hard on improving, so it’s nice to hear that it’s paying off.
  • It’s reassuring to know that my efforts are being noticed.
  • Your encouragement motivates me to keep pushing myself.

Ví dụ:

  1. Despite facing numerous challenges, I’ve been consistently striving to overcome them.
  2. Having dedicated countless hours to mastering this skill, it’s gratifying to see progress.
  3. With each setback encountered, I’ve learned valuable lessons that contribute to growth.
  4. After investing significant time and energy into self-improvement, it’s encouraging to witness positive results.
  5. Through continuous practice and determination, I’ve managed to refine my abilities.
  6. By setting ambitious goals and diligently pursuing them, I’ve been able to elevate my performance.
  7. In my quest for self-improvement, I’ve embraced feedback as a tool for growth.
  8. As I reflect on my journey of improvement, I’m grateful for the support and encouragement I’ve received.
  9. Amidst the challenges, I’ve remained steadfast in my commitment to self-improvement.
  10. With every milestone achieved, I’m reminded of the importance of perseverance.
  11. Having recognized my weaknesses, I’ve made a conscious effort to address them.
  12. Despite occasional setbacks, I’ve remained focused on my goal of self-improvement.
  13. Through seeking constructive criticism, I’ve identified areas for growth and development.
  14. In my pursuit of excellence, I’ve embraced the idea that failure is a stepping stone to success.
  15. After acknowledging the need for change, I’ve taken proactive steps towards personal growth.
  16. With each new challenge encountered, I’ve viewed it as an opportunity for self-improvement.
  17. In my dedication to self-improvement, I’ve adopted a growth mindset that welcomes challenges.
  18. Despite initial doubts, I’ve persisted in my efforts to improve and have seen tangible results.
  19. Having committed myself to continuous learning, I’ve expanded my skill set and knowledge base.
  20. Through consistent effort and determination, I’ve experienced tangible progress in my journey of self-improvement.

Trả lời một cách cụ thể:

  • I’m glad you liked [specific aspect of work]. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  • Hearing you say that about [specific achievement] means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.
  • Thank you for recognizing the hard work I’ve been putting into [specific project/task].

Ví dụ:

  1. I’m glad you liked the design concept. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  2. Hearing you say that about the marketing campaign means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.
  3. Thank you for recognizing the hard work I’ve been putting into organizing the event.
  4. I’m glad you liked the new website layout. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  5. Hearing you say that about the quarterly report means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.
  6. Thank you for recognizing the hard work I’ve been putting into streamlining the process.
  7. I’m glad you liked the presentation slides. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  8. Hearing you say that about the budget proposal means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.
  9. Thank you for recognizing the hard work I’ve been putting into developing the new software.
  10. I’m glad you liked the product packaging design. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  11. Hearing you say that about the sales pitch means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.
  12. Thank you for recognizing the hard work I’ve been putting into improving customer service.
  13. I’m glad you liked the research findings. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  14. Hearing you say that about the project proposal means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.
  15. Thank you for recognizing the hard work I’ve been putting into training new employees.
  16. I’m glad you liked the social media strategy. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  17. Hearing you say that about the market analysis means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.
  18. Thank you for recognizing the hard work I’ve been putting into expanding our client base.
  19. I’m glad you liked the customer feedback system. I really put a lot of effort into that.
  20. Hearing you say that about the quality assurance process means a lot because I faced some challenges along the way.

Gửi lời khen lại:

  • And I must say, your support and guidance have been instrumental in my progress.
  • Coming from someone as skilled as you, that means a great deal to me.
  • Your positive attitude and encouragement inspire me to do even better.

Ví dụ:

  1. Having been a mentor to me, your support and guidance have been instrumental in my progress.
  2. Given your expertise, your words mean a great deal to me.
  3. Your expertise and encouragement inspire me to do even better.
  4. Being the experienced individual you are, your support has been crucial for my progress.
  5. Coming from such a skilled individual, your guidance holds immense value for me.
  6. With your positive attitude, you’ve been a driving force behind my progress.
  7. Your continuous support has played a vital role in my development.
  8. Given your encouragement, I feel motivated to excel even further.
  9. Your guidance and positivity serve as a constant source of inspiration for me.
  10. With your mentorship, I’ve made significant strides forward.
  11. Having you as a mentor has been pivotal in my growth.
  12. Your expertise and positive reinforcement propel me to strive for excellence.
  13. Given your expertise, your feedback is invaluable to me.
  14. Your guidance has been indispensable for my progress.
  15. With your unwavering support, I’ve been able to achieve more than I thought possible.
  16. Having your support means a lot to me.
  17. Your encouragement has been a driving force in my journey.
  18. Given your experience, your advice carries significant weight with me.
  19. With your guidance, I’ve been able to overcome obstacles and grow.
  20. Your support and encouragement have been pivotal in my development.

Kết thúc bằng một lời cảm ơn một lần nữa:

  • Thanks again for your kind words.
  • I truly appreciate your encouragement.
  • It was really nice of you to say that. Thank you.

Ví dụ:

  1. Thanks again for your kind words about my presentation.
  2. I truly appreciate your encouragement during this challenging time.
  3. It was really nice of you to say that. Thank you for your support.
  4. Thanks again for your kind words regarding my achievements.
  5. I truly appreciate your encouragement throughout my career journey.
  6. It was really nice of you to offer assistance. Thank you for your help.
  7. Thanks again for your kind words about my artwork.
  8. I truly appreciate your encouragement as I pursue my passions.
  9. It was really nice of you to recognize my efforts. Thank you for acknowledging my work.
  10. Thanks again for your kind words about my cooking.
  11. I truly appreciate your encouragement in trying new recipes.
  12. It was really nice of you to compliment my skills. Thank you for enjoying my food.
  13. Thanks again for your kind words about my writing.
  14. I truly appreciate your encouragement as I work on my novel.
  15. It was really nice of you to praise my storytelling. Thank you for appreciating my words.
  16. Thanks again for your kind words about my gardening.
  17. I truly appreciate your encouragement in cultivating beautiful plants.
  18. It was really nice of you to admire my green thumb. Thank you for appreciating nature’s beauty with me.
  19. Thanks again for your kind words about my singing.
  20. I truly appreciate your encouragement as I hone my musical talents.

Như vậy, đối với việc trả lời, hoặc đáp lại lời khen trong tiếng Anh, chúng ta đã thấy được sự đa dạng trong ngôn ngữ Anh. Tuy nhiên nếu chỉ quanh quẩn ở 10 cấu trúc ngữ pháp trong bài này thì cũng chỉ đáp ứng được phần nào trong việc giao tiếp mà thôi. Để có thể giao tiếp thành thạo và chuyên hơn nữa vẫn phải chuyên cần và chăm chỉ là yếu tố hàng đầu nhắm vào việc luyện tập.

Đọc thêm: 10 cấu trúc ngữ pháp lời khen trong tiếng Anh.

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