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Động từ nối nâng cao: Sử dụng các động từ nối phức tạp

Động từ nối (linking verbs) là những động từ dùng để kết nối chủ ngữ với một trạng từ, tính từ, hoặc danh từ, giúp diễn tả trạng thái hoặc đặc điểm của chủ ngữ. Trong tiếng Anh, ngoài các động từ nối cơ bản như “be,” “seem,” “become,” có những động từ nối nâng cao và phức tạp hơn.

1. Các Động Từ Nối Nâng Cao

1.1. Các Động Từ Nối Thường Gặp:

  • Seem: to appear to be
    • Example: “She seems tired after the long journey.”
  • Become: to start to be
    • Example: “He became a successful entrepreneur.”
  • Appear: to seem or look
    • Example: “The solution appears straightforward.”
  • Grow: to develop into
    • Example: “The project grew more complex over time.”

1.2. Các Động Từ Nối Nâng Cao:

  • Turn out: to end up being
    • Example: “The event turned out to be a huge success.”
  • Prove: to show to be true
    • Example: “His theory proved correct after several experiments.”
  • Remain: to stay the same
    • Example: “She remains enthusiastic despite the challenges.”
  • Stay: to continue to be
    • Example: “The weather stayed sunny throughout the week.”
  • Come: to become or result in
    • Example: “Her efforts came to fruition with the successful launch.”
  • Feel: to perceive or experience
    • Example: “He feels exhausted after the marathon.”

2. Cách Sử Dụng Động Từ Nối Nâng Cao

2.1. Cấu Trúc Câu:

  • [Subject] + [Linking Verb] + [Subject Complement]

2.2. Ví Dụ:

  • Seem
    • “The task seems difficult at first.”
    • (Nhiệm vụ có vẻ khó khăn lúc đầu.)
  • Become
    • “She became more confident over time.”
    • (Cô ấy trở nên tự tin hơn theo thời gian.)
  • Appear
    • “He appears nervous about the presentation.”
    • (Anh ấy có vẻ lo lắng về buổi thuyết trình.)
  • Grow
    • “The situation grew tense as the deadline approached.”
    • (Tình hình trở nên căng thẳng khi hạn chót đến gần.)
  • Turn out
    • “The project turned out to be more complicated than we expected.”
    • (Dự án hóa ra phức tạp hơn chúng tôi dự đoán.)
  • Prove
    • “The new method proved effective in increasing productivity.”
    • (Phương pháp mới đã chứng minh hiệu quả trong việc tăng năng suất.)
  • Remain
    • “Her attitude remains positive despite the setbacks.”
    • (Thái độ của cô ấy vẫn tích cực bất chấp những trở ngại.)
  • Stay
    • “The company stayed profitable throughout the economic downturn.”
    • (Công ty vẫn duy trì được lợi nhuận trong suốt thời kỳ suy thoái kinh tế.)
  • Come
    • “His ideas came to prominence after the publication of his book.”
    • (Ý tưởng của anh ấy trở nên nổi bật sau khi cuốn sách của anh được xuất bản.)
  • Feel
    • “I feel confident about the upcoming exam.”
    • (Tôi cảm thấy tự tin về kỳ thi sắp tới.)
  • Động từ nối giúp kết nối chủ ngữ với một trạng từ, tính từ, hoặc danh từ để diễn tả trạng thái hoặc đặc điểm.
  • Các động từ nối nâng cao như “turn out,” “prove,” “remain,” “stay,” và “come” mang lại sắc thái và ý nghĩa phong phú hơn.
  • Cấu trúc câu với động từ nối thường là: [Subject] + [Linking Verb] + [Subject Complement].

Bài tập

  1. The project _____ to be a huge success.
  2. She seems _____ happy with the results.
  3. The new strategy _____ effective in improving sales.
  4. His solution _____ to be the right one.
  5. The team remains _____ focused despite the challenges.
  6. Their company _____ to be a leading player in the market.
  7. Her performance _____ to be the best of all the participants.
  8. The new policy _____ to have positive effects on employee morale.
  9. The book _____ influential in shaping modern thought.
  10. The results _____ to be exactly what we hoped for.
  11. The outcome _____ to be better than expected.
  12. The experiment _____ to be a turning point in the research.
  13. He appeared _____ excited about the new project.
  14. The manager is concerned that the project _____ delayed.
  15. Their new product _____ to be more successful than previous ones.
  16. She felt _____ confident about the presentation.
  17. The research _____ to confirm our previous findings.
  18. The new technology _____ to be a breakthrough in the industry.
  19. He remained _____ calm under pressure.
  20. The company _____ to be a strong competitor in the field.
  21. The solution _____ to be simpler than anticipated.
  22. The team _____ to be well-prepared for the upcoming challenge.
  23. The product _____ to exceed customer expectations.
  24. The report _____ to be comprehensive and well-organized.
  25. She wondered whether the plan _____ to be feasible.
  26. The new system _____ to improve overall efficiency.
  27. The presentation _____ to be engaging and informative.
  28. He asked whether the results _____ as expected.
  29. The feedback _____ to be overwhelmingly positive.
  30. The data _____ to support our hypothesis.
  31. The training _____ to be beneficial for all employees.
  32. The development _____ to take longer than initially planned.
  33. The proposal _____ to be well-received by the board.
  34. The review _____ to highlight several key issues.
  35. The workshop _____ to be a valuable learning experience.
  36. The candidate _____ to be a great fit for the position.
  37. The experiment _____ to yield promising results.
  38. The new policy _____ to address several key concerns.
  39. The event _____ to be a major success.
  40. The strategy _____ to yield significant improvements.
  41. The results _____ to be consistent with our expectations.
  42. The product _____ to be highly effective in solving the problem.
  43. The feedback _____ to be useful for future improvements.
  44. The plan _____ to be more effective than previous ones.
  45. The system _____ to be user-friendly and efficient.
  46. The approach _____ to enhance team collaboration.
  47. The update _____ to be necessary for the project’s success.
  48. The solution _____ to be innovative and practical.
  49. The proposal _____ to address all the concerns raised.
  50. The outcome _____ to be favorable for the team.
  51. The experiment _____ to reveal new insights.
  52. The policy _____ to create a more inclusive work environment.
  53. The product _____ to have a positive impact on the market.
  54. The strategy _____ to be aligned with company goals.
  55. The candidate _____ to have the right qualifications for the job.
  56. The report _____ to include all relevant information.
  57. The training _____ to equip employees with necessary skills.
  58. The feedback _____ to indicate a high level of satisfaction.
  59. The process _____ to be streamlined and efficient.
  60. The results _____ to validate our research findings.
  61. The project _____ to be completed ahead of schedule.
  62. The approach _____ to foster greater innovation.
  63. The proposal _____ to meet all project requirements.
  64. The system _____ to function smoothly and reliably.
  65. The review _____ to provide actionable recommendations.
  66. The development _____ to progress according to plan.
  67. The workshop _____ to offer practical insights and skills.
  68. The new method _____ to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  69. The outcome _____ to demonstrate the effectiveness of the strategy.
  70. The product _____ to be well-received by customers.
  71. The experiment _____ to provide valuable data.
  72. The plan _____ to address the identified issues.
  73. The report _____ to reflect the latest industry trends.
  74. The approach _____ to enhance overall performance.
  75. The feedback _____ to highlight areas for improvement.
  76. The update _____ to include several important changes.
  77. The solution _____ to be cost-effective and efficient.
  78. The review _____ to cover all aspects of the project.
  79. The strategy _____ to align with market demands.
  80. The system _____ to offer enhanced functionality.
  81. The proposal _____ to cover all essential aspects.
  82. The development _____ to show significant progress.
  83. The workshop _____ to provide hands-on experience.
  84. The results _____ to support our initial assumptions.
  85. The product _____ to stand out in the competitive market.
  86. The policy _____ to encourage greater participation.
  87. The plan _____ to involve all relevant stakeholders.
  88. The training _____ to be tailored to specific needs.
  89. The experiment _____ to produce insightful results.
  90. The review _____ to suggest further improvements.
  91. The approach _____ to address key challenges.
  92. The feedback _____ to be crucial for refining the product.
  93. The system _____ to be robust and reliable.
  94. The proposal _____ to address all major concerns.
  95. The outcome _____ to align with project objectives.
  96. The method _____ to be effective in achieving goals.
  97. The product _____ to receive positive reviews.
  98. The plan _____ to incorporate recent developments.
  99. The results _____ to reflect the success of the intervention.
  100. The workshop _____ to deliver practical solutions.

Đáp án

  1. turns out
  2. so
  3. is
  4. seems
  5. still
  6. appears
  7. is
  8. seems
  9. was
  10. turned out
  11. appears
  12. proved
  13. very
  14. might be
  15. seems
  16. quite
  17. seems
  18. is
  19. remained
  20. seems
  21. turned out
  22. appears
  23. seems
  24. is
  25. whether
  26. is expected
  27. is
  28. were
  29. turned out
  30. appears
  31. is
  32. seems
  33. seems
  34. is
  35. was
  36. seems
  37. is
  38. seems
  39. appears
  40. is expected
  41. seem
  42. seems
  43. is
  44. turns out
  45. is
  46. seems
  47. seems
  48. turned out
  49. is
  50. seems
  51. is expected
  52. is
  53. seems
  54. is
  55. appears
  56. seems
  57. is
  58. seems
  59. turns out
  60. seem
  61. is expected
  62. is
  63. seems
  64. is
  65. turns out
  66. is
  67. is expected
  68. is
  69. is expected
  70. is
  71. is expected
  72. is
  73. is
  74. is
  75. is
  76. is expected
  77. is
  78. turns out
  79. seems
  80. is
  81. is
  82. is
  83. is
  84. is
  85. seems
  86. is expected
  87. is
  88. is
  89. is expected
  90. is
  91. is
  92. is
  93. turns out
  94. is
  95. is
  96. is
  97. is
  98. is
  99. seem
  100. is expected

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