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Sử dụng cụm động từ với “have”

Cụm động từ với “have” là những cụm động từ được tạo thành bằng cách kết hợp động từ “have” với một từ khác, thường là một động từ chính hoặc một cụm từ. Các cụm động từ này có thể mang nhiều nghĩa khác nhau và thường được sử dụng trong cả văn nói và văn viết.

Cách sử dụng cụm động từ với “have”

  1. Have to (must): Diễn tả sự cần thiết hoặc bắt buộc phải làm gì đó.
    • Ví dụ: I have to finish this report by tomorrow.
    • (Tôi phải hoàn thành báo cáo này trước ngày mai.)
  2. Have got to (have to): Tương tự như “have to,” diễn tả sự cần thiết hoặc bắt buộc.
    • Ví dụ: We’ve got to leave now if we want to catch the train.
    • (Chúng ta phải đi ngay bây giờ nếu muốn bắt kịp tàu.)
  3. Have a look at (examine): Nghĩa là xem hoặc kiểm tra cái gì đó.
    • Ví dụ: Can you have a look at this document and tell me what you think?
    • (Bạn có thể xem xét tài liệu này và cho tôi biết ý kiến của bạn không?)
  4. Have a good time (enjoy oneself): Nghĩa là tận hưởng thời gian.
    • Ví dụ: I hope you have a good time at the party.
    • (Tôi hy vọng bạn sẽ có một khoảng thời gian vui vẻ ở bữa tiệc.)
  5. Have an idea (have a suggestion or plan): Nghĩa là có ý tưởng hoặc kế hoạch.
    • Ví dụ: Do you have any idea what time the meeting starts?
    • (Bạn có biết giờ cuộc họp bắt đầu không?)
  6. Have trouble (experience difficulty): Nghĩa là gặp khó khăn.
    • Ví dụ: She’s having trouble understanding the instructions.
    • (Cô ấy gặp khó khăn trong việc hiểu hướng dẫn.)
  7. Have a break (take a rest): Nghĩa là nghỉ ngơi một chút.
    • Ví dụ: Let’s have a break before we continue working.
    • (Chúng ta hãy nghỉ ngơi một chút trước khi tiếp tục làm việc.)
  8. Have a chat (talk informally): Nghĩa là trò chuyện không chính thức.
    • Ví dụ: We should have a chat about your plans for the future.
    • (Chúng ta nên trò chuyện về kế hoạch của bạn cho tương lai.)
  9. Have a seat (sit down): Nghĩa là ngồi xuống.
    • Ví dụ: Please have a seat while you wait for your appointment.
    • (Vui lòng ngồi xuống trong khi bạn chờ đợi cuộc hẹn của mình.)
  10. Have an argument (dispute): Nghĩa là tranh cãi.
    • Ví dụ: They had an argument about where to go on vacation.
    • (Họ đã có một cuộc tranh cãi về việc đi đâu vào kỳ nghỉ.)
  11. Have a drink (consume a beverage): Nghĩa là uống một loại đồ uống.
    • Ví dụ: Would you like to have a drink with me?
    • (Bạn có muốn uống một ly đồ uống với tôi không?)
  12. Have a headache (experience pain in the head): Nghĩa là bị đau đầu.
    • Ví dụ: I can’t concentrate because I have a headache.
    • (Tôi không thể tập trung vì tôi bị đau đầu.)
  13. Have a meal (eat): Nghĩa là ăn một bữa ăn.
    • Ví dụ: Let’s have a meal together sometime this week.
    • (Chúng ta hãy ăn một bữa cùng nhau vào tuần này nhé.)
  14. Have a feeling (experience an emotion): Nghĩa là có cảm giác hoặc cảm xúc.
    • Ví dụ: I have a feeling that something good is going to happen.
    • (Tôi có cảm giác rằng điều gì đó tốt đẹp sẽ xảy ra.)
  15. Have one’s hands full (be very busy): Nghĩa là rất bận rộn.
    • Ví dụ: She has her hands full with all the projects she’s working on.
    • (Cô ấy rất bận rộn với tất cả các dự án mà cô ấy đang làm.)

Bài tập

  1. I ______ to finish this report by tomorrow.
  2. She’s ______ a headache after the long meeting.
  3. They ______ a look at the new policy before making a decision.
  4. We ______ to leave now if we want to catch the bus.
  5. Can you ______ a drink with me later?
  6. He ______ a good time at the concert last night.
  7. She ______ an idea for the new project.
  8. He ______ trouble finding his keys this morning.
  9. Let’s ______ a break and come back later.
  10. I ______ a chat with my friend about our plans for the weekend.
  11. They ______ an argument over the best way to approach the problem.
  12. She ______ a seat while she waits for her appointment.
  13. We ______ to meet after work to discuss the details.
  14. He ______ his lunch before starting the meeting.
  15. I ______ a feeling that this project will be successful.
  16. She ______ a problem with her computer last night.
  17. They ______ to review the document before signing it.
  18. I ______ a little time to relax after the workout.
  19. He ______ a meeting with the client this afternoon.
  20. She ______ a problem understanding the instructions.
  21. They ______ a meal together every Sunday.
  22. He ______ an idea about how to improve the process.
  23. We ______ a drink to celebrate our success.
  24. I ______ a chat with my colleague about the new policy.
  25. She ______ a headache after working all day.
  26. They ______ to make a decision by the end of the day.
  27. We ______ a break during the long flight.
  28. He ______ an argument with his neighbor last night.
  29. She ______ a feeling that something exciting is going to happen.
  30. They ______ a look at the new design before finalizing it.
  31. I ______ trouble finding a parking spot.
  32. We ______ to leave early to avoid the traffic.
  33. He ______ a good time at the party last weekend.
  34. She ______ a meal with her family every Friday.
  35. They ______ an idea to increase productivity.
  36. I ______ a chat with my manager about the upcoming project.
  37. He ______ a headache after working on the computer for too long.
  38. We ______ a drink at the new café in town.
  39. She ______ a problem with her internet connection.
  40. They ______ to meet with the team tomorrow morning.
  41. I ______ a feeling that we are on the right track.
  42. He ______ a seat while waiting for his friend.
  43. She ______ an argument with her roommate about the rent.
  44. We ______ to review the proposal before the meeting.
  45. They ______ a good time at the amusement park.
  46. I ______ a chat with my neighbor about the neighborhood event.
  47. He ______ trouble understanding the new software.
  48. We ______ a break after the long hike.
  49. She ______ a feeling that the project will succeed.
  50. They ______ a look at the new product before its release.
  51. I ______ to finish the report by next week.
  52. He ______ an idea for a new business venture.
  53. She ______ a headache from the loud music.
  54. They ______ to meet the deadline for the project.
  55. We ______ a meal together at the restaurant.
  56. He ______ trouble with his car last night.
  57. She ______ a drink with her friends after work.
  58. They ______ a chat about the changes in the schedule.
  59. I ______ a feeling of excitement about the trip.
  60. He ______ a break after finishing his assignment.
  61. We ______ to leave early to catch the train.
  62. She ______ a good time at the workshop.
  63. They ______ an argument over the best strategy.
  64. I ______ a chat with my supervisor about my performance.
  65. He ______ a problem with his phone.
  66. We ______ to finish the task by Friday.
  67. She ______ a feeling of relief after the exam.
  68. They ______ a look at the new book before buying it.
  69. I ______ a headache after a long day at work.
  70. He ______ a meal at the new restaurant in town.
  71. She ______ to review the document before the presentation.
  72. They ______ a drink to celebrate their anniversary.
  73. We ______ a chat about the upcoming event.
  74. He ______ an idea to improve the workflow.
  75. I ______ trouble with the new software update.
  76. She ______ a break from studying to relax.
  77. They ______ a good time on their vacation.
  78. He ______ a feeling that the meeting will be productive.
  79. We ______ to meet with the client tomorrow.
  80. She ______ a seat while waiting for her appointment.
  81. They ______ an argument about the budget.
  82. I ______ a chat with my friend about her new job.
  83. He ______ a headache from the bright lights.
  84. We ______ a meal at the café before heading to the movie.
  85. She ______ trouble understanding the new guidelines.
  86. They ______ a drink to unwind after a busy week.
  87. I ______ a feeling that the project will be challenging.
  88. He ______ a look at the new design before approval.
  89. She ______ a break after working on the report.
  90. We ______ to leave the house before noon.
  91. They ______ a chat about the latest news.
  92. I ______ an idea for improving our marketing strategy.
  93. She ______ a meal with her colleagues after work.
  94. He ______ trouble finding the right document.
  95. We ______ a drink to celebrate the promotion.
  96. They ______ a headache after the long journey.
  97. I ______ a feeling of satisfaction after completing the project.
  98. She ______ a look at the draft before submitting it.
  99. He ______ an argument with his partner about the plans.
  100. We ______ to finish the work before the deadline.

Đáp án

  1. need
  2. had
  3. took
  4. need
  5. have
  6. had
  7. had
  8. had
  9. take
  10. had
  11. had
  12. took
  13. need
  14. had
  15. have
  16. had
  17. need
  18. need
  19. have
  20. had
  21. have
  22. had
  23. had
  24. had
  25. had
  26. need
  27. took
  28. had
  29. had
  30. took
  31. had
  32. need
  33. had
  34. had
  35. had
  36. had
  37. had
  38. had
  39. had
  40. need
  41. have
  42. took
  43. had
  44. need
  45. had
  46. had
  47. had
  48. took
  49. have
  50. took
  51. need
  52. had
  53. had
  54. need
  55. had
  56. had
  57. had
  58. had
  59. have
  60. took
  61. need
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  69. had
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  73. had
  74. had
  75. had
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  77. had
  78. have
  79. need
  80. took
  81. had
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  84. had
  85. had
  86. had
  87. have
  88. took
  89. took
  90. need
  91. had
  92. had
  93. had
  94. had
  95. had
  96. had
  97. have
  98. took
  99. had
  100. need

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