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Cụm từ chỉ điều kiện nâng cao: Sử dụng các cụm từ như “provided that”, “as long as”

Các cụm từ chỉ điều kiện như “provided that”, “as long as” được sử dụng để đưa ra một điều kiện cần thiết cho một hành động hoặc sự kiện.

1. Provided that

  • Ý nghĩa: “Provided that” có nghĩa là “với điều kiện là” hoặc “miễn là”.
  • Cấu trúc: Mệnh đề chính + provided that + mệnh đề phụ
  • Ví dụ:
    • You can borrow my car provided that you return it by tomorrow. (Bạn có thể mượn xe của tôi với điều kiện là bạn phải trả lại vào ngày mai.)
    • The project will succeed provided that everyone works hard. (Dự án sẽ thành công miễn là mọi người làm việc chăm chỉ.)

2. As long as

  • Ý nghĩa: “As long as” cũng có nghĩa tương tự như “provided that”, nghĩa là “miễn là” hoặc “chừng nào mà”.
  • Cấu trúc: Mệnh đề chính + as long as + mệnh đề phụ
  • Ví dụ:
    • You can stay here as long as you keep quiet. (Bạn có thể ở đây miễn là bạn giữ yên lặng.)
    • I’ll go to the party as long as you come with me. (Tôi sẽ đi dự tiệc chừng nào bạn đi cùng tôi.)

3. On condition that

  • Ý nghĩa: “On condition that” có nghĩa là “với điều kiện là”, dùng để nhấn mạnh điều kiện cần được thực hiện.
  • Cấu trúc: Mệnh đề chính + on condition that + mệnh đề phụ
  • Ví dụ:
    • You can use my laptop on condition that you don’t change any settings. (Bạn có thể sử dụng máy tính xách tay của tôi với điều kiện là bạn không thay đổi bất kỳ cài đặt nào.)
    • They agreed to join the team on condition that they would receive proper training. (Họ đồng ý tham gia vào đội với điều kiện là họ sẽ nhận được đào tạo đầy đủ.)

4. Provided (that) vs. As long as

  • “Provided that” thường mang tính trang trọng hơn so với “as long as.”
  • “As long as” thường được sử dụng trong các cuộc hội thoại hàng ngày, trong khi “provided that” có thể thấy trong các văn bản chính thức hoặc trang trọng hơn.

5. Các cụm từ khác tương tự:

  • “Only if”: Chỉ khi mà – Ví dụ: You can go out only if you finish your homework. (Bạn chỉ có thể ra ngoài nếu bạn hoàn thành bài tập về nhà.)
  • “So long as”: Chừng nào mà – Ví dụ: So long as you pay attention, you’ll understand the lesson. (Chừng nào bạn chú ý, bạn sẽ hiểu bài học.)

Bài tập

  1. You can have dessert ___ you finish your vegetables.
  2. The concert will be held ___ it doesn’t rain.
  3. She will pass the exam ___ she studies hard.
  4. ___ you agree to the terms, we can proceed with the contract.
  5. The dog will stay calm ___ you don’t make sudden movements.
  6. I’ll lend you my car ___ you return it by tomorrow.
  7. They can participate in the trip ___ they get their parents’ permission.
  8. ___ you are careful, the experiment will be successful.
  9. We’ll go to the beach ___ the weather is good.
  10. ___ you keep quiet, the baby won’t wake up.
  11. The project will succeed ___ everyone contributes.
  12. ___ we leave early, we’ll avoid the traffic.
  13. The teacher will give you extra credit ___ you complete the assignment.
  14. You can attend the meeting ___ you have the necessary documents.
  15. ___ she apologizes, he won’t forgive her.
  16. The event will take place ___ the weather conditions are favorable.
  17. ___ you follow the instructions, you won’t have any problems.
  18. You will get a promotion ___ you meet your targets.
  19. The loan will be approved ___ your credit score is high enough.
  20. ___ you bring your ID, you can enter the building.
  21. They’ll win the game ___ they play well.
  22. The package will arrive on time ___ there are no delays.
  23. You can use the computer ___ you don’t install any new programs.
  24. ___ you complete the form, you can join the club.
  25. The job is yours ___ you accept the offer.
  26. You can have a break ___ you finish your work.
  27. ___ you wear a helmet, you can ride the bike.
  28. The plan will work ___ everyone does their part.
  29. ___ you arrive on time, you can attend the meeting.
  30. The house will be yours ___ you make the payment.
  31. ___ you practice regularly, you will improve.
  32. The party will be fun ___ everyone participates.
  33. ___ he passes the test, he can graduate.
  34. You can go to the movies ___ you finish your homework.
  35. ___ the weather is bad, we’ll stay indoors.
  36. The machine will operate ___ it is properly maintained.
  37. ___ you follow the recipe, the dish will turn out well.
  38. You can stay at the hotel ___ you pay in advance.
  39. ___ she is careful, she won’t break the vase.
  40. The team will win ___ they work together.
  41. ___ you complete the report, you can go home.
  42. The flight will take off ___ the weather is clear.
  43. ___ they arrive early, they can get good seats.
  44. You can have a pet ___ you take care of it.
  45. ___ you water the plants regularly, they will grow.
  46. The car will run smoothly ___ it is serviced regularly.
  47. ___ you read the book, you’ll understand the movie better.
  48. You can go on the trip ___ you save enough money.
  49. ___ you set a goal, you can achieve it.
  50. The project will be completed ___ everyone cooperates.
  51. ___ you study hard, you will pass the exam.
  52. You can stay out late ___ you tell your parents where you are.
  53. ___ it doesn’t rain, we’ll go hiking.
  54. The meeting will be held ___ everyone is available.
  55. ___ you apply sunscreen, you won’t get sunburned.
  56. You can join the team ___ you pass the tryouts.
  57. ___ you lock the door, your belongings will be safe.
  58. The event will be successful ___ everything is organized.
  59. ___ you make an effort, you can succeed.
  60. You can use the equipment ___ you follow the safety guidelines.
  61. ___ you respect others, you will be respected.
  62. The cake will rise ___ you follow the recipe exactly.
  63. ___ you arrive early, you can get a good seat.
  64. You can go to the party ___ you finish your chores.
  65. ___ the weather is nice, we’ll have a picnic.
  66. The business will grow ___ we invest wisely.
  67. ___ you are honest, people will trust you.
  68. You can have ice cream ___ you eat your dinner.
  69. ___ the traffic is light, we’ll be there on time.
  70. The project will be successful ___ we plan carefully.
  71. ___ you listen carefully, you’ll understand the instructions.
  72. You can visit the museum ___ it is open.
  73. ___ you exercise regularly, you’ll stay healthy.
  74. The plan will succeed ___ everyone agrees on it.
  75. ___ you prepare well, the presentation will go smoothly.
  76. You can enter the contest ___ you meet the requirements.
  77. ___ we save money, we can go on vacation.
  78. The garden will flourish ___ we take care of it.
  79. ___ you follow the rules, you’ll be safe.
  80. The software will work ___ it is installed correctly.
  81. ___ you bring snacks, we’ll have a picnic.
  82. The meeting will be productive ___ everyone contributes.
  83. ___ you arrive on time, you won’t miss the bus.
  84. The book will be published ___ the author finishes writing it.
  85. ___ you wear a coat, you’ll stay warm.
  86. The concert will be held ___ enough tickets are sold.
  87. ___ you study the material, you’ll pass the test.
  88. The job will be done ___ we work together.
  89. ___ you have a ticket, you can enter the concert.
  90. The trip will be enjoyable ___ the weather is good.
  91. ___ you bring your ID, you can vote.
  92. The house will be built ___ we get the permits.
  93. ___ you practice, you’ll become better.
  94. The event will go as planned ___ everyone does their part.
  95. ___ you take the medicine, you’ll feel better.
  96. The team will succeed ___ they stay focused.
  97. ___ you save money, you can buy a car.
  98. The project will be on time ___ we meet the deadlines.
  99. ___ you work hard, you’ll achieve your goals.
  100. The presentation will be great ___ we prepare well.

Đáp án

  1. if
  2. if
  3. if
  4. If
  5. as long as
  6. if
  7. provided that
  8. As long as
  9. if
  10. as long as
  11. provided that
  12. if
  13. if
  14. as long as
  15. unless
  16. provided that
  17. As long as
  18. if
  19. if
  20. if
  21. if
  22. if
  23. as long as
  24. if
  25. if
  26. if
  27. as long as
  28. if
  29. if
  30. if
  31. if
  32. if
  33. if
  34. if
  35. if
  36. as long as
  37. if
  38. if
  39. as long as
  40. if
  41. if
  42. if
  43. if
  44. if
  45. if
  46. as long as
  47. if
  48. if
  49. if
  50. if
  51. if
  52. as long as
  53. if
  54. if
  55. if
  56. if
  57. if
  58. if
  59. if
  60. if
  61. if
  62. if
  63. if
  64. if
  65. if
  66. if
  67. if
  68. if
  69. if
  70. if
  71. if
  72. if
  73. if
  74. if
  75. if
  76. if
  77. if
  78. if
  79. if
  80. if
  81. if
  82. if
  83. if
  84. if
  85. if
  86. if
  87. if
  88. if
  89. if
  90. if
  91. if
  92. if
  93. if
  94. if
  95. if
  96. if
  97. if
  98. if
  99. if
  100. if

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