Học tiếng anh giao tiếp cùng giáo viên ielts 8.0+, giáo viên bản xứ & phương pháp shadowing

100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí mạng

Bài viết này sẽ giới thiệu 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh quan trọng trong lĩnh vực Quản lý mạng. Những từ này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các khái niệm cơ bản, thuật ngữ chuyên môn và các công việc liên quan, từ đó nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp và làm việc trong ngành công nghệ thông tin.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lý mạng

Network administratorQuản trị mạng
Network engineerKỹ sư mạng
Network architectureKiến trúc mạng
Network securityBảo mật mạng
FirewallTường lửa
RouterBộ định tuyến (Router)
SwitchBộ chuyển mạch (Switch)
BandwidthBăng thông
IP addressĐịa chỉ IP
Subnet maskMặt nạ mạng con (Subnet mask)
Network topologyCấu trúc liên kết mạng (Network topology)
Virtual Private Network (VPN)Mạng riêng ảo (VPN)
Local Area Network (LAN)Mạng cục bộ (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)Mạng diện rộng (WAN)
Network protocolGiao thức mạng (Network protocol)
Data packetGói dữ liệu (Data packet)
Network switchBộ chuyển mạch mạng (Network switch)
Access pointĐiểm truy cập (Access point)
Network gatewayCổng mạng (Network gateway)
Bandwidth managementQuản lý băng thông
Network monitoringGiám sát mạng
Network trafficLưu lượng mạng
Network configurationCấu hình mạng
Network diagramSơ đồ mạng
Load balancingCân bằng tải (Load balancing)
Network latencyĐộ trễ mạng (Network latency)
Quality of Service (QoS)Chất lượng dịch vụ (QoS)
Network redundancyDự phòng mạng (Network redundancy)
Network troubleshootingKhắc phục sự cố mạng
IP routingĐịnh tuyến IP (IP routing)
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)Giao thức Cấu hình Động Máy chủ (DHCP)
Domain Name System (DNS)Hệ thống Tên Miền (DNS)
Network cablingCáp mạng
Network interface card (NIC)Thẻ giao diện mạng (NIC)
Wireless networkMạng không dây
Network segmentationPhân đoạn mạng
Intrusion Detection System (IDS)Hệ thống Phát hiện Xâm nhập (IDS)
Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)Hệ thống Ngăn chặn Xâm nhập (IPS)
Virtual LAN (VLAN)Mạng LAN ảo (VLAN)
Network management systemHệ thống quản lý mạng
Network access controlKiểm soát truy cập mạng
Network performanceHiệu suất mạng
Network upgradeNâng cấp mạng
Network administrationQuản trị mạng
Traffic shapingĐịnh hình lưu lượng (Traffic shaping)
Network policyChính sách mạng
Network servicesDịch vụ mạng
Network load balancerBộ cân bằng tải mạng
Network access pointĐiểm truy cập mạng
Network virtualizationẢo hóa mạng
Network failureSự cố mạng
Network optimizationTối ưu hóa mạng
Network diagnosticsChẩn đoán mạng
Network auditKiểm toán mạng
Network setupThiết lập mạng
Bandwidth allocationPhân bổ băng thông
Network switch configurationCấu hình bộ chuyển mạch mạng
IP address managementQuản lý địa chỉ IP
Network security policyChính sách bảo mật mạng
Network infrastructureCơ sở hạ tầng mạng
Network designThiết kế mạng
Network implementationTriển khai mạng
Network integrationTích hợp mạng
Network scalabilityKhả năng mở rộng của mạng
Network connectivityKết nối mạng
Network supportHỗ trợ mạng
Network analysishân tích mạng
Network backupSao lưu mạng
Network restorationKhôi phục mạng
Network engineeringKỹ thuật mạng
Network vulnerabilityLỗ hổng bảo mật mạng
Network authenticationXác thực mạng
Network encryptionMã hóa mạng
Network protocols suiteBộ giao thức mạng
Network hardwarePhần cứng mạng
Network softwarePhần mềm mạng
Network accessTruy cập mạng
Network troubleshooting toolsCông cụ khắc phục sự cố mạng
Network performance metricsChỉ số hiệu suất mạng
Network monitoring toolsCông cụ giám sát mạng
Network bandwidth usageSử dụng băng thông mạng
Network design principlesNguyên tắc thiết kế mạng
Network security threatsCác mối đe dọa bảo mật mạng
Network management best practicesThực hành tốt nhất về quản lý mạng
Network maintenanceBảo trì mạng
Network failure recoveryPhục hồi sự cố mạng
Network service qualityChất lượng dịch vụ mạng
Network performance tuningTối ưu hóa hiệu suất mạng
Network risk assessmentĐánh giá rủi ro mạng
Network traffic analysisPhân tích lưu lượng mạng
Network traffic monitoringGiám sát lưu lượng mạng
Network topology designThiết kế cấu trúc liên kết mạng
Network configuration managementQuản lý cấu hình mạng
Network upgrade planningLập kế hoạch nâng cấp mạng
Network security assessmentĐánh giá bảo mật mạng
Network access controlsKiểm soát truy cập mạng
Network deploymentTriển khai mạng
Network service managementQuản lý dịch vụ mạng
Network performance analysisPhân tích hiệu suất mạng
Network infrastructure managementQuản lý cơ sở hạ tầng mạng

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Network administrator: The network administrator is responsible for managing and maintaining the company’s network infrastructure.
  2. Network engineer: A network engineer designs and implements network solutions to meet organizational needs.
  3. Network architecture: The network architecture defines the structure and design of the network components and their interactions.
  4. Network security: Implementing network security measures is crucial to protect data from unauthorized access.
  5. Firewall: A firewall is used to block or allow traffic based on predefined security rules.
  6. Router: The router directs data packets between different networks to ensure they reach their destination.
  7. Switch: A network switch connects devices within a network and manages data traffic efficiently.
  8. Bandwidth: The amount of bandwidth available determines how much data can be transmitted over the network at one time.
  9. IP address: Every device on a network is assigned a unique IP address for identification and communication.
  10. Subnet mask: The subnet mask helps in dividing an IP address into network and host portions for routing purposes.
  11. Network topology: The network topology defines the physical and logical arrangement of network devices and connections.
  12. Virtual Private Network (VPN): A VPN allows users to securely access a private network over the internet.
  13. Local Area Network (LAN): A LAN connects devices within a limited area, such as an office or a building.
  14. Wide Area Network (WAN): A WAN connects multiple LANs across larger geographic distances.
  15. Network protocol: Network protocols define the rules and conventions for communication between network devices.
  16. Data packet: Data packets are small units of data sent over a network to be reassembled at the destination.
  17. Network switch: The network switch manages data traffic by forwarding packets to the correct destination within the network.
  18. Access point: An access point allows wireless devices to connect to a wired network.
  19. Network gateway: The network gateway acts as a bridge between different networks, such as a local network and the internet.
  20. Bandwidth management: Bandwidth management techniques are used to ensure efficient use of network resources and prevent congestion.
  21. Network monitoring: Network monitoring involves tracking network performance and identifying issues to ensure optimal operation.
  22. Network traffic: Managing network traffic helps in maintaining performance and preventing bottlenecks.
  23. Network configuration: Proper network configuration ensures that devices are set up correctly and can communicate effectively.
  24. Network diagram: A network diagram visually represents the layout and connections of network components.
  25. Load balancing: Load balancing distributes network traffic evenly across multiple servers to improve performance and reliability.
  26. Network latency: Network latency refers to the delay experienced in data transmission across the network.
  27. Quality of Service (QoS): QoS ensures that critical network traffic receives priority over less important traffic.
  28. Network redundancy: Network redundancy involves implementing backup systems to ensure network availability in case of failure.
  29. Network troubleshooting: Network troubleshooting involves diagnosing and resolving network issues to restore normal operation.
  30. IP routing: IP routing determines the path that data packets take to reach their destination across different networks.
  31. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP): DHCP automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on a network.
  32. Domain Name System (DNS): DNS translates domain names into IP addresses to facilitate internet navigation.
  33. Network cabling: Network cabling involves installing and maintaining physical cables that connect network devices.
  34. Network interface card (NIC): A NIC allows a computer to connect to a network and communicate with other devices.
  35. Wireless network: A wireless network uses radio waves to connect devices without physical cables.
  36. Network segmentation: Network segmentation involves dividing a network into smaller segments to improve performance and security.
  37. Intrusion Detection System (IDS): An IDS monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and potential security breaches.
  38. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS): An IPS takes proactive measures to prevent detected threats from affecting the network.
  39. Virtual LAN (VLAN): VLANs create isolated network segments within a larger network to enhance security and management.
  40. Network management system: A network management system provides tools for monitoring and managing network performance and security.
  41. Network access control: Network access control policies regulate who can access network resources and under what conditions.
  42. Network performance: Monitoring network performance helps ensure that the network operates efficiently and meets user needs.
  43. Network upgrade: Network upgrades involve improving or expanding network infrastructure to enhance capabilities and performance.
  44. Network administration: Network administration includes tasks related to configuring, managing, and maintaining network systems.
  45. Traffic shaping: Traffic shaping controls the flow of network traffic to prevent congestion and ensure fair distribution of resources.
  46. Network policy: Network policies define rules and guidelines for network usage, security, and management.
  47. Network services: Network services include various functions provided by the network, such as file sharing and internet access.
  48. Network load balancer: A network load balancer distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers to optimize performance.
  49. Network access point: The network access point allows users to connect to the network, either wired or wirelessly.
  50. Network virtualization: Network virtualization creates virtual versions of network resources to improve flexibility and efficiency.
  51. Network failure: Network failure refers to situations where the network becomes unavailable or experiences significant issues.
  52. Network optimization: Network optimization involves improving network performance and efficiency through various techniques.
  53. Network diagnostics: Network diagnostics tools help identify and troubleshoot issues affecting network performance.
  54. Network audit: A network audit assesses the network’s security, performance, and compliance with policies and standards.
  55. Network setup: Network setup includes the process of installing and configuring network hardware and software.
  56. Bandwidth allocation: Bandwidth allocation determines how much bandwidth is assigned to different network users or applications.
  57. Network switch configuration: Network switch configuration involves setting up and managing network switches to ensure proper operation.
  58. IP address management: IP address management involves tracking and assigning IP addresses within a network.
  59. Network security policy: A network security policy outlines the measures and procedures for protecting the network from threats.
  60. Network infrastructure: Network infrastructure includes all the physical and logical components required for network operation.
  61. Network design: Network design involves planning and creating a network architecture that meets organizational requirements.
  62. Network implementation: Network implementation includes deploying and configuring network components according to the design.
  63. Network integration: Network integration involves connecting and coordinating various network systems and devices to work together.
  64. Network scalability: Network scalability ensures that the network can grow and adapt to increasing demands.
  65. Network connectivity: Network connectivity refers to the ability of devices to communicate and exchange data over the network.
  66. Network support: Network support provides assistance with network-related issues and helps maintain network functionality.
  67. Network analysis: Network analysis involves examining network performance and traffic to identify and resolve issues.
  68. Network backup: Network backup involves creating copies of network data to protect against loss or corruption.
  69. Network restoration: Network restoration includes recovering network systems and data after a failure or disaster.
  70. Network engineering: Network engineering focuses on designing, implementing, and managing network solutions.
  71. Network vulnerability: Network vulnerability refers to weaknesses in the network that can be exploited by attackers.
  72. Network authentication: Network authentication verifies the identity of users or devices accessing the network.
  73. Network encryption: Network encryption protects data transmitted over the network by converting it into a secure format.
  74. Network protocols suite: The network protocols suite includes the set of rules governing network communication and data exchange.
  75. Network hardware: Network hardware includes physical devices such as routers, switches, and servers used in the network.
  76. Network software: Network software includes applications and tools used to manage and operate the network.
  77. Network access: Network access controls who can connect to and use network resources.
  78. Network troubleshooting tools: Network troubleshooting tools help diagnose and resolve network issues.
  79. Network performance metrics: Network performance metrics measure various aspects of network efficiency and effectiveness.
  80. Network monitoring tools: Network monitoring tools track network activity and performance to identify potential problems.
  81. Network bandwidth usage: Monitoring network bandwidth usage helps ensure that resources are allocated efficiently.
  82. Network design principles: Network design principles guide the creation of a network architecture that is efficient and effective.
  83. Network security threats: Identifying network security threats helps in implementing measures to protect the network.
  84. Network management best practices: Network management best practices include strategies for maintaining and optimizing network performance.
  85. Network maintenance: Network maintenance involves regular updates and repairs to keep the network running smoothly.
  86. Network failure recovery: Network failure recovery includes procedures for restoring network functionality after a disruption.
  87. Network service quality: Network service quality measures the reliability and performance of network services provided to users.
  88. Network performance tuning: Network performance tuning involves adjusting network settings to improve efficiency and speed.
  89. Network risk assessment: Network risk assessment evaluates potential risks to the network and determines appropriate mitigation strategies.
  90. Network traffic analysis: Network traffic analysis examines data flow within the network to optimize performance and security.
  91. Network traffic monitoring: Network traffic monitoring tracks data movement to detect and address issues in real time.
  92. Network topology design: Network topology design determines how network devices are arranged and connected.
  93. Network configuration management: Network configuration management involves controlling and maintaining network settings and parameters.
  94. Network upgrade planning: Network upgrade planning includes developing strategies for enhancing network capabilities and performance.
  95. Network security assessment: A network security assessment evaluates the effectiveness of security measures and identifies areas for improvement.
  96. Network access controls: Network access controls regulate who can access network resources and under what conditions.
  97. Network deployment: Network deployment involves installing and configuring network components in a live environment.
  98. Network service management: Network service management ensures that network services meet performance and reliability standards.
  99. Network performance analysis: Network performance analysis reviews network data to assess and enhance overall performance.
  100. Network infrastructure management: Network infrastructure management involves overseeing and maintaining the physical and logical components of the network.

Bài tập

  1. The __________ is responsible for maintaining and configuring the company’s network systems.
  2. A __________ designs and deploys complex network solutions for businesses.
  3. __________ involves the design and layout of network components and their connections.
  4. Implementing __________ measures is essential to safeguard network data from unauthorized access.
  5. A __________ monitors and filters incoming and outgoing network traffic based on security rules.
  6. The __________ directs data packets to their destination between different networks.
  7. A __________ connects multiple devices within a network and manages data traffic.
  8. __________ determines the amount of data that can be transmitted over a network in a given period.
  9. Each device on the network is assigned a unique __________ for identification and communication.
  10. The __________ helps in determining the network and host portions of an IP address.
  11. __________ defines how network devices and connections are arranged and organized.
  12. A __________ allows users to securely access a private network over the internet.
  13. A __________ connects devices within a limited area, such as an office or a building.
  14. A __________ connects multiple LANs over large geographic distances.
  15. __________ define the rules and conventions for communication between network devices.
  16. Data is sent in small units called __________ across the network.
  17. The __________ manages the flow of data packets to the correct destination within the network.
  18. An __________ enables wireless devices to connect to a wired network.
  19. The __________ acts as a bridge between different networks, such as a local network and the internet.
  20. __________ techniques ensure efficient use of network resources and prevent congestion.
  21. __________ involves tracking network performance and identifying issues for optimal operation.
  22. Managing __________ helps maintain performance and prevent network congestion.
  23. Proper __________ ensures devices are configured correctly and can communicate effectively.
  24. A __________ visually represents the layout and connections of network components.
  25. __________ distributes network traffic evenly across multiple servers to improve performance.
  26. __________ refers to the delay experienced in data transmission across the network.
  27. __________ ensures that critical network traffic is prioritized over less important traffic.
  28. __________ involves implementing backup systems to maintain network availability in case of failure.
  29. __________ involves diagnosing and resolving network issues to restore normal operation.
  30. __________ determines the path data packets take to reach their destination across networks.
  31. __________ automatically assigns IP addresses to devices on the network.
  32. __________ translates domain names into IP addresses to facilitate internet navigation.
  33. __________ involves installing and maintaining physical cables that connect network devices.
  34. A __________ allows a computer to connect to a network and communicate with other devices.
  35. A __________ uses radio waves to connect devices without physical cables.
  36. __________ divides a network into smaller segments to improve performance and security.
  37. An __________ monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and potential security breaches.
  38. An __________ takes proactive measures to prevent detected threats from affecting the network.
  39. __________ creates isolated network segments within a larger network to enhance security.
  40. A __________ provides tools for monitoring and managing network performance and security.
  41. __________ regulates who can access network resources and under what conditions.
  42. Monitoring __________ helps ensure the network operates efficiently and meets user needs.
  43. A __________ involves improving or expanding network infrastructure to enhance capabilities.
  44. __________ includes configuring, managing, and maintaining network systems.
  45. __________ controls the flow of network traffic to prevent congestion and ensure fair resource distribution.
  46. __________ defines rules and guidelines for network usage, security, and management.
  47. __________ include functions provided by the network, such as file sharing and internet access.
  48. A __________ distributes incoming network traffic across multiple servers to optimize performance.
  49. The __________ allows users to connect to the network, either wired or wirelessly.
  50. __________ creates virtual versions of network resources to improve flexibility and efficiency.
  51. __________ refers to situations where the network becomes unavailable or experiences significant issues.
  52. __________ involves improving network performance and efficiency through various techniques.
  53. __________ tools help identify and troubleshoot issues affecting network performance.
  54. A __________ assesses the network’s security, performance, and compliance with policies and standards.
  55. __________ includes the process of installing and configuring network hardware and software.
  56. __________ determines how much bandwidth is assigned to different network users or applications.
  57. __________ involves setting up and managing network switches to ensure proper operation.
  58. __________ involves tracking and assigning IP addresses within a network.
  59. A __________ outlines the measures and procedures for protecting the network from threats.
  60. __________ includes all the physical and logical components required for network operation.
  61. __________ involves planning and creating a network architecture that meets organizational needs.
  62. __________ includes deploying and configuring network components according to the design.
  63. __________ involves connecting and coordinating various network systems and devices to work together.
  64. __________ ensures that the network can grow and adapt to increasing demands.
  65. __________ refers to the ability of devices to communicate and exchange data over the network.
  66. __________ provides assistance with network-related issues and helps maintain network functionality.
  67. __________ involves examining network performance and traffic to identify and resolve issues.
  68. __________ involves creating copies of network data to protect against loss or corruption.
  69. __________ includes recovering network systems and data after a failure or disaster.
  70. __________ focuses on designing, implementing, and managing network solutions.
  71. __________ refers to weaknesses in the network that can be exploited by attackers.
  72. __________ verifies the identity of users or devices accessing the network.
  73. __________ protects data transmitted over the network by converting it into a secure format.
  74. The __________ includes the set of rules governing network communication and data exchange.
  75. __________ includes physical devices such as routers, switches, and servers used in the network.
  76. __________ includes applications and tools used to manage and operate the network.
  77. __________ controls who can connect to and use network resources.
  78. __________ help diagnose and resolve network issues.
  79. __________ measure various aspects of network efficiency and effectiveness.
  80. __________ track network activity and performance to identify potential problems.
  81. Monitoring __________ helps ensure that resources are allocated efficiently.
  82. __________ guide the creation of a network architecture that is efficient and effective.
  83. Identifying __________ helps in implementing measures to protect the network.
  84. __________ include strategies for maintaining and optimizing network performance.
  85. __________ involves regular updates and repairs to keep the network running smoothly.
  86. __________ includes procedures for restoring network functionality after a disruption.
  87. __________ measures the reliability and performance of network services provided to users.
  88. __________ involves adjusting network settings to improve efficiency and speed.
  89. __________ evaluates potential risks to the network and determines appropriate mitigation strategies.
  90. __________ examines data flow within the network to optimize performance and security.
  91. __________ tracks data movement to detect and address issues in real time.
  92. __________ determines how network devices are arranged and connected.
  93. __________ involves controlling and maintaining network settings and parameters.
  94. __________ includes developing strategies for enhancing network capabilities and performance.
  95. A __________ evaluates the effectiveness of security measures and identifies areas for improvement.
  96. __________ regulate who can access network resources and under what conditions.
  97. __________ involves installing and configuring network components in a live environment.
  98. __________ ensures that network services meet performance and reliability standards.
  99. __________ reviews network data to assess and enhance overall performance.
  100. __________ involves overseeing and maintaining the physical and logical components of the network.

Đáp án

  1. Network administrator
  2. Network engineer
  3. Network architecture
  4. Network security
  5. Firewall
  6. Router
  7. Switch
  8. Bandwidth
  9. IP address
  10. Subnet mask
  11. Network topology
  12. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  13. Local Area Network (LAN)
  14. Wide Area Network (WAN)
  15. Network protocol
  16. Data packet
  17. Network switch
  18. Access point
  19. Network gateway
  20. Bandwidth management
  21. Network monitoring
  22. Network traffic
  23. Network configuration
  24. Network diagram
  25. Load balancing
  26. Network latency
  27. Quality of Service (QoS)
  28. Network redundancy
  29. Network troubleshooting
  30. IP routing
  31. Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  32. Domain Name System (DNS)
  33. Network cabling
  34. Network interface card (NIC)
  35. Wireless network
  36. Network segmentation
  37. Intrusion Detection System (IDS)
  38. Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)
  39. Virtual LAN (VLAN)
  40. Network management system
  41. Network access control
  42. Network performance
  43. Network upgrade
  44. Network administration
  45. Traffic shaping
  46. Network policy
  47. Network services
  48. Network load balancer
  49. Network access point
  50. Network virtualization
  51. Network failure
  52. Network optimization
  53. Network diagnostics
  54. Network audit
  55. Network setup
  56. Bandwidth allocation
  57. Network switch configuration
  58. IP address management
  59. Network security policy
  60. Network infrastructure
  61. Network design
  62. Network implementation
  63. Network integration
  64. Network scalability
  65. Network connectivity
  66. Network support
  67. Network analysis
  68. Network backup
  69. Network restoration
  70. Network engineering
  71. Network vulnerability
  72. Network authentication
  73. Network encryption
  74. Network protocols suite
  75. Network hardware
  76. Network software
  77. Network access
  78. Network troubleshooting tools
  79. Network performance metrics
  80. Network monitoring tools
  81. Network bandwidth usage
  82. Network design principles
  83. Network security threats
  84. Network management best practices
  85. Network maintenance
  86. Network failure recovery
  87. Network service quality
  88. Network performance tuning
  89. Network risk assessment
  90. Network traffic analysis
  91. Network traffic monitoring
  92. Network topology design
  93. Network configuration management
  94. Network upgrade planning
  95. Network security assessment
  96. Network access controls
  97. Network deployment
  98. Network service management
  99. Network performance analysis
  100. Network infrastructure management

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