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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí điều hành

Bài viết “100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí điều hành” cung cấp danh sách từ vựng và cụm từ quan trọng, giúp bạn mở rộng kiến thức tiếng Anh chuyên ngành. Từ đó, bạn sẽ tự tin hơn trong việc giao tiếp và xử lý công việc liên quan đến quản lí điều hành.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lí điều hành

LeadershipLãnh đạo
Strategic planningLập kế hoạch chiến lược
Decision-makingRa quyết định
ManagementQuản lý
OperationsHoạt động
Organizational structureCơ cấu tổ chức
Human resourcesNguồn nhân lực
Financial managementQuản lý tài chính
Performance metricsChỉ số hiệu suất
Project managementQuản lý dự án
Team buildingXây dựng đội nhóm
Goal settingĐặt mục tiêu
Risk managementQuản lý rủi ro
BudgetingLập ngân sách
Stakeholder engagementTham gia của các bên liên quan
Process improvementCải tiến quy trình
Resource allocationPhân bổ nguồn lực
Time managementQuản lý thời gian
Communication skillsKỹ năng giao tiếp
DelegationỦy quyền
NegotiationĐàm phán
Conflict resolutionGiải quyết xung đột
Change managementQuản lý thay đổi
Corporate governanceQuản trị doanh nghiệp
InnovationĐổi mới
ProductivityNăng suất
Customer satisfactionSự hài lòng của khách hàng
Market analysisPhân tích thị trường
Competitive advantageLợi thế cạnh tranh
SWOT analysisPhân tích SWOT
Vision statementTuyên bố tầm nhìn
Mission statementTuyên bố sứ mệnh
Business developmentPhát triển kinh doanh
Revenue growthTăng trưởng doanh thu
Cost controlKiểm soát chi phí
ProfitabilityKhả năng sinh lời
Supply chain managementQuản lý chuỗi cung ứng
Quality assuranceĐảm bảo chất lượng
ComplianceTuân thủ
Organizational cultureVăn hóa tổ chức
Employee retentionGiữ chân nhân viên
Talent acquisitionTuyển dụng nhân tài
Performance evaluationĐánh giá hiệu suất
Continuous improvementCải tiến liên tục
Operational efficiencyHiệu quả hoạt động
Leadership stylesPhong cách lãnh đạo
Motivational strategiesChiến lược tạo động lực
Business strategyChiến lược kinh doanh
BenchmarkingĐối chiếu hiệu suất
OutsourcingThuê ngoài
SustainabilityBền vững
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)Trách nhiệm xã hội của doanh nghiệp (CSR)
Decision treeCây quyết định
Business ethicsĐạo đức kinh doanh
Competitive strategyChiến lược cạnh tranh
Mergers and acquisitionsSáp nhập và mua lại
Organizational changeThay đổi tổ chức
Cross-functional teamsĐội nhóm đa chức năng
Data-driven decision-makingRa quyết định dựa trên dữ liệu
Executive summaryBản tóm tắt điều hành
Board of directorsHội đồng quản trị
Profit and loss statementBáo cáo lãi lỗ
Balance sheetBảng cân đối kế toán
Business intelligenceTình báo doanh nghiệp
Crisis managementQuản lý khủng hoảng
Leadership developmentPhát triển lãnh đạo
Operational planningLập kế hoạch hoạt động
Visionary leadershipLãnh đạo có tầm nhìn
Organizational alignmentSự đồng bộ của tổ chức
Entrepreneurial mindsetTư duy doanh nhân
Employee engagementSự gắn kết của nhân viên
Market positioningĐịnh vị thị trường
Business process reengineeringTái cấu trúc quy trình kinh doanh
Return on investment (ROI)Tỷ suất hoàn vốn (ROI)
Cost-benefit analysisPhân tích chi phí-lợi ích
Industry trendsXu hướng ngành
Digital transformationChuyển đổi số
Knowledge managementQuản lý tri thức
Business analyticsPhân tích kinh doanh
Agile managementQuản lý linh hoạt (Agile)
Lean managementQuản lý tinh gọn (Lean)
Supply chain optimizationTối ưu hóa chuỗi cung ứng
Value propositionĐề xuất giá trị
Executive leadershipLãnh đạo điều hành
Customer relationship management (CRM)Quản lý quan hệ khách hàng (CRM)
Stakeholder managementQuản lý các bên liên quan
Key performance indicators (KPIs)Chỉ số hiệu suất chính (KPIs)
Leadership communicationGiao tiếp lãnh đạo
Strategic initiativesSáng kiến chiến lược
Financial forecastingDự báo tài chính
Corporate strategyChiến lược công ty
Business continuity planningLập kế hoạch duy trì kinh doanh
Employee developmentPhát triển nhân viên
Market segmentationPhân đoạn thị trường
Competitive landscapeBối cảnh cạnh tranh
Organizational developmentPhát triển tổ chức
Innovation managementQuản lý đổi mới
Leadership effectivenessHiệu quả lãnh đạo
Organizational behaviorHành vi tổ chức
Process automationTự động hóa quy trình

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Leadership: Effective leadership is crucial for the success of any organization.
  2. Strategic planning: The company’s strategic planning ensures long-term growth.
  3. Decision-making: Good decision-making requires accurate data and analysis.
  4. Management: Her management style fosters a positive work environment.
  5. Operations: Streamlining operations can significantly reduce costs.
  6. Organizational structure: The organizational structure needs to support our strategic goals.
  7. Human resources: Human resources play a vital role in employee satisfaction.
  8. Financial management: Sound financial management is key to maintaining profitability.
  9. Performance metrics: Performance metrics help us track progress and achieve our targets.
  10. Project management: Successful project management involves careful planning and execution.
  11. Team building: Team building activities improve collaboration and communication.
  12. Goal setting: Effective goal setting motivates employees to achieve higher performance.
  13. Risk management: Risk management strategies help mitigate potential losses.
  14. Budgeting: Proper budgeting ensures that resources are allocated efficiently.
  15. Stakeholder engagement: Stakeholder engagement is essential for project success.
  16. Process improvement: Continuous process improvement leads to operational excellence.
  17. Resource allocation: Efficient resource allocation maximizes productivity.
  18. Time management: Good time management skills are essential for meeting deadlines.
  19. Communication skills: Strong communication skills are important for leadership roles.
  20. Delegation: Delegation of tasks is necessary to manage workloads effectively.
  21. Negotiation: Effective negotiation can lead to mutually beneficial agreements.
  22. Conflict resolution: Conflict resolution is crucial for maintaining a harmonious work environment.
  23. Change management: Change management helps organizations adapt to new challenges.
  24. Corporate governance: Corporate governance ensures that the company operates ethically.
  25. Innovation: Innovation drives growth and keeps the company competitive.
  26. Productivity: Increasing productivity can boost overall company performance.
  27. Customer satisfaction: High customer satisfaction leads to repeat business and loyalty.
  28. Market analysis: Market analysis helps in understanding industry trends and consumer needs.
  29. Competitive advantage: A strong brand can provide a significant competitive advantage.
  30. SWOT analysis: SWOT analysis helps identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  31. Vision statement: The company’s vision statement outlines its long-term goals.
  32. Mission statement: The mission statement reflects the organization’s core purpose and values.
  33. Business development: Business development focuses on expanding market reach.
  34. Revenue growth: Revenue growth is a primary indicator of a company’s success.
  35. Cost control: Effective cost control is essential for maintaining profitability.
  36. Profitability: The company must focus on profitability to sustain its operations.
  37. Supply chain management: Efficient supply chain management reduces operational costs.
  38. Quality assurance: Quality assurance processes ensure that products meet customer expectations.
  39. Compliance: Compliance with regulations is mandatory for all companies.
  40. Organizational culture: A positive organizational culture attracts top talent.
  41. Employee retention: Employee retention is critical for maintaining a skilled workforce.
  42. Talent acquisition: Talent acquisition strategies should align with the company’s goals.
  43. Performance evaluation: Regular performance evaluation helps identify areas for improvement.
  44. Continuous improvement: Continuous improvement is key to staying competitive.
  45. Operational efficiency: Improving operational efficiency can reduce waste and increase profits.
  46. Leadership styles: Different leadership styles suit different organizational needs.
  47. Motivational strategies: Motivational strategies can enhance employee performance.
  48. Business strategy: The business strategy must be aligned with market trends.
  49. Benchmarking: Benchmarking against industry standards helps measure performance.
  50. Outsourcing: Outsourcing non-core activities can help focus on key business areas.
  51. Sustainability: Sustainability practices are becoming increasingly important in business.
  52. Corporate social responsibility (CSR): CSR initiatives can enhance a company’s reputation.
  53. Decision tree: A decision tree is a useful tool for making complex decisions.
  54. Business ethics: Business ethics guide how a company operates within legal and moral boundaries.
  55. Competitive strategy: The company’s competitive strategy involves differentiation from its rivals.
  56. Mergers and acquisitions: Mergers and acquisitions can expand a company’s market presence.
  57. Organizational change: Organizational change is necessary for adapting to market shifts.
  58. Cross-functional teams: Cross-functional teams bring diverse perspectives to problem-solving.
  59. Data-driven decision-making: Data-driven decision-making ensures that strategies are based on facts.
  60. Executive summary: The executive summary provides a brief overview of the business plan.
  61. Board of directors: The board of directors sets the strategic direction of the company.
  62. Profit and loss statement: The profit and loss statement summarizes the company’s revenues and expenses.
  63. Balance sheet: A balance sheet provides a snapshot of the company’s financial health.
  64. Business intelligence: Business intelligence tools help analyze data for better decision-making.
  65. Crisis management: Effective crisis management can protect a company’s reputation.
  66. Leadership development: Leadership development programs help cultivate future leaders.
  67. Operational planning: Operational planning ensures that resources are used effectively.
  68. Visionary leadership: Visionary leadership inspires others to achieve long-term goals.
  69. Organizational alignment: Organizational alignment ensures that all departments work towards common objectives.
  70. Entrepreneurial mindset: An entrepreneurial mindset is crucial for innovation and growth.
  71. Employee engagement: High levels of employee engagement lead to better performance.
  72. Market positioning: Market positioning determines how customers perceive a brand.
  73. Business process reengineering: Business process reengineering can lead to significant efficiency gains.
  74. Return on investment (ROI): High ROI indicates a successful investment strategy.
  75. Cost-benefit analysis: Cost-benefit analysis helps determine the feasibility of a project.
  76. Industry trends: Staying informed about industry trends is essential for maintaining competitiveness.
  77. Digital transformation: Digital transformation is changing the way businesses operate.
  78. Knowledge management: Knowledge management systems capture and share organizational knowledge.
  79. Business analytics: Business analytics provide insights that drive strategic decisions.
  80. Agile management: Agile management allows for quick adaptation to changes.
  81. Lean management: Lean management focuses on minimizing waste while maximizing value.
  82. Supply chain optimization: Supply chain optimization reduces costs and improves efficiency.
  83. Value proposition: A strong value proposition attracts and retains customers.
  84. Executive leadership: Executive leadership is responsible for setting the overall direction of the company.
  85. Customer relationship management (CRM): CRM systems help manage interactions with customers.
  86. Stakeholder management: Effective stakeholder management is crucial for project success.
  87. Key performance indicators (KPIs): KPIs help measure progress towards strategic goals.
  88. Leadership communication: Leadership communication is vital for aligning the team with the company’s vision.
  89. Strategic initiatives: Strategic initiatives drive the company’s long-term goals.
  90. Financial forecasting: Financial forecasting helps predict future revenue and expenses.
  91. Corporate strategy: The corporate strategy defines the overall direction of the organization.
  92. Business continuity planning: Business continuity planning ensures operations during disruptions.
  93. Employee development: Employee development programs improve skills and career progression.
  94. Market segmentation: Market segmentation divides the market into distinct customer groups.
  95. Competitive landscape: Understanding the competitive landscape helps in strategic planning.
  96. Organizational development: Organizational development focuses on improving effectiveness.
  97. Innovation management: Innovation management drives new product development.
  98. Leadership effectiveness: Leadership effectiveness is measured by the team’s performance and morale.
  99. Organizational behavior: Organizational behavior studies how individuals interact within a company.
  100. Process automation: Process automation increases efficiency by reducing manual tasks.

Bài tập

  1. Effective ________ is crucial for guiding the team towards success.
  2. Our company’s ________ helps ensure we stay on track for long-term growth.
  3. Good ________ requires weighing all available options carefully.
  4. Her ________ style is very supportive, fostering a positive work environment.
  5. Streamlining ________ can lead to significant cost savings.
  6. The ________ needs to support our strategic goals and objectives.
  7. ________ plays a vital role in recruiting and retaining talent.
  8. Strong ________ is key to ensuring the company’s financial health.
  9. ________ help us monitor progress toward our objectives.
  10. Successful ________ involves careful planning and execution.
  11. ________ activities help improve team collaboration and communication.
  12. Effective ________ is essential for achieving high performance.
  13. ________ strategies help reduce potential business risks.
  14. Proper ________ allows for efficient use of resources.
  15. ________ with key stakeholders is critical to the project’s success.
  16. Continuous ________ helps maintain a competitive edge.
  17. Efficient ________ maximizes productivity and minimizes waste.
  18. Good ________ skills are necessary for meeting tight deadlines.
  19. Strong ________ are crucial for effectively leading a team.
  20. ________ is necessary to distribute tasks effectively among team members.
  21. Effective ________ can lead to successful agreements that benefit both parties.
  22. ________ helps maintain a harmonious work environment.
  23. ________ processes help organizations adapt to new market conditions.
  24. ________ ensures that the company operates according to ethical standards.
  25. ________ drives growth and keeps the business competitive.
  26. Increasing ________ can help the company achieve its goals more quickly.
  27. High ________ is essential for retaining loyal customers.
  28. Conducting thorough ________ is crucial for understanding market trends.
  29. A strong ________ can set the company apart from its competitors.
  30. A ________ helps identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  31. The ________ outlines the company’s long-term aspirations.
  32. The ________ defines the core purpose and values of the organization.
  33. ________ efforts focus on expanding the company’s market reach.
  34. Consistent ________ is a key indicator of a company’s health.
  35. Effective ________ helps keep expenses within budget.
  36. The company’s ________ must be maintained to sustain its operations.
  37. Efficient ________ helps reduce costs and improve service levels.
  38. ________ ensures that the products meet or exceed customer expectations.
  39. Companies must adhere to ________ to avoid legal issues.
  40. A positive ________ helps attract and retain top talent.
  41. High ________ is essential for maintaining a skilled and motivated workforce.
  42. Effective ________ strategies align with the company’s long-term goals.
  43. Regular ________ helps identify strengths and areas for improvement.
  44. ________ is key to achieving long-term success and staying competitive.
  45. Improving ________ can significantly enhance the company’s bottom line.
  46. Different ________ suit different types of organizational needs.
  47. ________ can enhance employee motivation and productivity.
  48. The company’s ________ must align with its market positioning.
  49. ________ helps measure performance against industry standards.
  50. ________ non-core functions can allow the company to focus on its strengths.
  51. Emphasizing ________ practices can enhance the company’s reputation.
  52. ________ initiatives can improve the company’s public image.
  53. A ________ is a helpful tool for making complex decisions.
  54. Adhering to ________ ensures that the company operates within legal and moral boundaries.
  55. The company’s ________ involves differentiating itself from its competitors.
  56. ________ can significantly alter a company’s market presence.
  57. ________ is necessary to adapt to changing market conditions.
  58. ________ bring together different perspectives to solve problems.
  59. ________ ensures that decisions are based on accurate information.
  60. The ________ provides a brief overview of the business plan.
  61. The ________ is responsible for setting the overall direction of the company.
  62. The ________ summarizes the company’s financial performance over a period.
  63. A ________ offers a snapshot of the company’s financial health at a specific point in time.
  64. ________ tools help analyze data and inform better business decisions.
  65. Effective ________ can protect a company’s reputation during difficult times.
  66. ________ programs help identify and cultivate future leaders.
  67. Proper ________ ensures that resources are used effectively to achieve goals.
  68. ________ inspires and motivates others to achieve long-term objectives.
  69. Ensuring ________ is essential for all departments to work towards common goals.
  70. An ________ is essential for driving innovation and growth within the company.
  71. High ________ leads to better performance and lower turnover.
  72. Effective ________ helps position the brand uniquely in the market.
  73. ________ can lead to significant efficiency improvements in business operations.
  74. A strong ________ is essential for attracting and retaining customers.
  75. ________ is a critical tool for determining the feasibility of a project.
  76. Staying updated on ________ is important for maintaining competitiveness.
  77. ________ is transforming how businesses operate in the modern world.
  78. ________ systems capture and share knowledge within the organization.
  79. ________ provides insights that help drive strategic decisions.
  80. ________ allows for quick adaptation to changes in the business environment.
  81. ________ focuses on minimizing waste while maximizing value.
  82. ________ can significantly reduce costs and improve service quality.
  83. A compelling ________ is key to attracting and retaining customers.
  84. ________ is responsible for setting and guiding the company’s overall direction.
  85. ________ systems help manage customer interactions and improve relationships.
  86. Effective ________ is critical to the success of any major project.
  87. ________ help track progress towards the company’s strategic objectives.
  88. ________ is vital for ensuring that the team understands and supports the company’s vision.
  89. ________ are essential for driving the company’s long-term strategic goals.
  90. ________ helps predict future financial performance based on current data.
  91. A well-defined ________ guides the overall direction of the organization.
  92. ________ ensures that operations continue during unexpected disruptions.
  93. ________ programs enhance employee skills and career progression.
  94. ________ helps divide the market into distinct customer groups for targeted marketing.
  95. Understanding the ________ is essential for effective strategic planning.
  96. ________ focuses on improving overall organizational effectiveness.
  97. Effective ________ is essential for developing new products and services.
  98. ________ is measured by the team’s performance and overall morale.
  99. ________ examines how individuals and groups interact within the organization.
  100. ________ can significantly increase efficiency by reducing manual tasks.

Đáp án

  1. Leadership
  2. Strategic planning
  3. Decision-making
  4. Management
  5. Operations
  6. Organizational structure
  7. Human resources
  8. Financial management
  9. Performance metrics
  10. Project management
  11. Team building
  12. Goal setting
  13. Risk management
  14. Budgeting
  15. Stakeholder engagement
  16. Process improvement
  17. Resource allocation
  18. Time management
  19. Communication skills
  20. Delegation
  21. Negotiation
  22. Conflict resolution
  23. Change management
  24. Corporate governance
  25. Innovation
  26. Productivity
  27. Customer satisfaction
  28. Market analysis
  29. Competitive advantage
  30. SWOT analysis
  31. Vision statement
  32. Mission statement
  33. Business development
  34. Revenue growth
  35. Cost control
  36. Profitability
  37. Supply chain management
  38. Quality assurance
  39. Compliance
  40. Organizational culture
  41. Employee retention
  42. Talent acquisition
  43. Performance evaluation
  44. Continuous improvement
  45. Operational efficiency
  46. Leadership styles
  47. Motivational strategies
  48. Business strategy
  49. Benchmarking
  50. Outsourcing
  51. Sustainability
  52. Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
  53. Decision tree
  54. Business ethics
  55. Competitive strategy
  56. Mergers and acquisitions
  57. Organizational change
  58. Cross-functional teams
  59. Data-driven decision-making
  60. Executive summary
  61. Board of directors
  62. Profit and loss statement
  63. Balance sheet
  64. Business intelligence
  65. Crisis management
  66. Leadership development
  67. Operational planning
  68. Visionary leadership
  69. Organizational alignment
  70. Entrepreneurial mindset
  71. Employee engagement
  72. Market positioning
  73. Business process reengineering
  74. Return on investment (ROI)
  75. Cost-benefit analysis
  76. Industry trends
  77. Digital transformation
  78. Knowledge management
  79. Business analytics
  80. Agile management
  81. Lean management
  82. Supply chain optimization
  83. Value proposition
  84. Executive leadership
  85. Customer relationship management (CRM)
  86. Stakeholder management
  87. Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  88. Leadership communication
  89. Strategic initiatives
  90. Financial forecasting
  91. Corporate strategy
  92. Business continuity planning
  93. Employee development
  94. Market segmentation
  95. Competitive landscape
  96. Organizational development
  97. Innovation management
  98. Leadership effectiveness
  99. Organizational behavior
  100. Process automation

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