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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Phát triển thị trường

Bài viết “100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Phát triển thị trường” cung cấp danh sách từ ngữ và cụm từ chuyên ngành quan trọng. Những từ vựng này giúp người học nâng cao kỹ năng giao tiếp và hiểu rõ hơn về lĩnh vực phát triển thị trường, hỗ trợ trong công việc và giao dịch quốc tế.

Từ vựng nghề Phát triển thị trường

  1. Market Expansion – Mở rộng thị trường
  2. Target Market – Thị trường mục tiêu
  3. Market Penetration – Thâm nhập thị trường
  4. Market Segmentation – Phân khúc thị trường
  5. Competitive Advantage – Lợi thế cạnh tranh
  6. Brand Positioning – Định vị thương hiệu
  7. Product Differentiation – Sự khác biệt hóa sản phẩm
  8. Customer Retention – Giữ chân khách hàng
  9. Sales Funnel – Phễu bán hàng
  10. Lead Generation – Tạo khách hàng tiềm năng
  11. Consumer Behavior – Hành vi người tiêu dùng
  12. Market Research – Nghiên cứu thị trường
  13. Sales Forecasting – Dự báo doanh số
  14. Pricing Strategy – Chiến lược giá
  15. Distribution Channel – Kênh phân phối
  16. Brand Equity – Giá trị thương hiệu
  17. Market Share – Thị phần
  18. Go-to-Market Strategy – Chiến lược ra thị trường
  19. Product Launch – Ra mắt sản phẩm
  20. Marketing Mix – Hỗn hợp tiếp thị (4Ps)
  21. Customer Acquisition – Thu hút khách hàng
  22. Brand Awareness – Nhận diện thương hiệu
  23. Value Proposition – Đề xuất giá trị
  24. Customer Journey – Hành trình khách hàng
  25. Customer Feedback – Phản hồi của khách hàng
  26. Customer Experience – Trải nghiệm khách hàng
  27. Sales Pipeline – Dòng chảy bán hàng
  28. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – Chỉ số hiệu suất chính
  29. Market Entry – Thâm nhập thị trường
  30. Growth Strategy – Chiến lược phát triển
  31. Product Portfolio – Danh mục sản phẩm
  32. Brand Loyalty – Lòng trung thành với thương hiệu
  33. Sales Territory – Khu vực bán hàng
  34. Consumer Insights – Hiểu biết về người tiêu dùng
  35. Promotional Campaign – Chiến dịch quảng bá
  36. Digital Marketing – Tiếp thị kỹ thuật số
  37. Market Demand – Nhu cầu thị trường
  38. Sales Target – Mục tiêu doanh số
  39. Product Lifecycle – Vòng đời sản phẩm
  40. Customer Segmentation – Phân khúc khách hàng
  41. Brand Identity – Nhận diện thương hiệu
  42. Market Saturation – Bão hòa thị trường
  43. Brand Extension – Mở rộng thương hiệu
  44. Competitive Landscape – Cảnh quan cạnh tranh
  45. Customer Churn – Tỷ lệ rời bỏ của khách hàng
  46. Market Opportunity – Cơ hội thị trường
  47. Pricing Model – Mô hình giá
  48. Sales Conversion Rate – Tỷ lệ chuyển đổi bán hàng
  49. Brand Perception – Nhận thức thương hiệu
  50. Product Innovation – Đổi mới sản phẩm
  51. Market Dynamics – Động lực thị trường
  52. Brand Communication – Truyền thông thương hiệu
  53. Sales Strategy – Chiến lược bán hàng
  54. Market Entry Barriers – Rào cản gia nhập thị trường
  55. Customer Satisfaction – Sự hài lòng của khách hàng
  56. Sales Force – Đội ngũ bán hàng
  57. Market Trend – Xu hướng thị trường
  58. Market Positioning – Định vị thị trường
  59. Value Chain – Chuỗi giá trị
  60. Customer Loyalty – Lòng trung thành của khách hàng
  61. Market Potential – Tiềm năng thị trường
  62. Product Development – Phát triển sản phẩm
  63. Brand Strategy – Chiến lược thương hiệu
  64. Sales Revenue – Doanh thu bán hàng
  65. Customer Insights – Thấu hiểu khách hàng
  66. Sales Management – Quản lý bán hàng
  67. Market Research Survey – Khảo sát nghiên cứu thị trường
  68. Sales Promotion – Khuyến mãi bán hàng
  69. Brand Recognition – Nhận diện thương hiệu
  70. Marketing Strategy – Chiến lược tiếp thị
  71. Market Analysis – Phân tích thị trường
  72. Customer Engagement – Sự gắn kết của khách hàng
  73. Brand Repositioning – Tái định vị thương hiệu
  74. Sales Forecast – Dự báo doanh số
  75. Market Growth – Tăng trưởng thị trường
  76. Brand Ambassador – Đại sứ thương hiệu
  77. Consumer Targeting – Nhắm mục tiêu người tiêu dùng
  78. Sales Channel – Kênh bán hàng
  79. Market Entry Strategy – Chiến lược gia nhập thị trường
  80. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) – Giá trị vòng đời khách hàng
  81. Sales Performance – Hiệu suất bán hàng
  82. Market Segmentation Strategy – Chiến lược phân khúc thị trường
  83. Brand Differentiation – Sự khác biệt hóa thương hiệu
  84. Market Forecast – Dự báo thị trường
  85. Customer Value Proposition – Đề xuất giá trị khách hàng
  86. Brand Portfolio – Danh mục thương hiệu
  87. Sales Lead – Khách hàng tiềm năng bán hàng
  88. Market Disruption – Gián đoạn thị trường
  89. Brand Equity Management – Quản lý giá trị thương hiệu
  90. Sales Growth – Tăng trưởng doanh số
  91. Market Entry Mode – Phương thức gia nhập thị trường
  92. Customer-Centric Strategy – Chiến lược tập trung vào khách hàng
  93. Sales Tactics – Chiến thuật bán hàng
  94. Market Potential Analysis – Phân tích tiềm năng thị trường
  95. Brand Building – Xây dựng thương hiệu
  96. Sales Plan – Kế hoạch bán hàng
  97. Market Intelligence – Tình báo thị trường
  98. Customer Advocacy – Sự ủng hộ của khách hàng
  99. Sales Operations – Hoạt động bán hàng
  100. Market Differentiation – Sự khác biệt hóa thị trường

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Market Expansion – “Our company is focusing on market expansion in Southeast Asia.”
  2. Target Market – “We need to identify our target market before launching the product.”
  3. Market Penetration – “The company’s market penetration strategy has led to increased sales.”
  4. Market Segmentation – “Market segmentation allows us to tailor our marketing efforts.”
  5. Competitive Advantage – “Innovative technology gives us a competitive advantage in the market.”
  6. Brand Positioning – “Brand positioning is crucial for differentiating our products from competitors.”
  7. Product Differentiation – “Product differentiation is key to attracting diverse customer segments.”
  8. Customer Retention – “Improving customer retention can significantly boost profitability.”
  9. Sales Funnel – “A well-structured sales funnel helps convert leads into customers.”
  10. Lead Generation – “Effective lead generation strategies are essential for business growth.”
  11. Consumer Behavior – “Understanding consumer behavior is vital for successful marketing campaigns.”
  12. Market Research – “Market research provides insights into customer needs and preferences.”
  13. Sales Forecasting – “Accurate sales forecasting helps us manage inventory and resources.”
  14. Pricing Strategy – “We need to revise our pricing strategy to stay competitive.”
  15. Distribution Channel – “Choosing the right distribution channel is critical for market reach.”
  16. Brand Equity – “Strong brand equity can lead to higher customer loyalty.”
  17. Market Share – “The company aims to increase its market share by 10% this year.”
  18. Go-to-Market Strategy – “Our go-to-market strategy focuses on digital channels.”
  19. Product Launch – “The product launch was successful, attracting a lot of media attention.”
  20. Marketing Mix – “The marketing mix of product, price, place, and promotion must be balanced.”
  21. Customer Acquisition – “Customer acquisition costs are rising in this competitive market.”
  22. Brand Awareness – “Increasing brand awareness is essential for new product launches.”
  23. Value Proposition – “Our value proposition highlights the unique benefits of our service.”
  24. Customer Journey – “Mapping the customer journey helps us improve their overall experience.”
  25. Customer Feedback – “We use customer feedback to improve our products and services.”
  26. Customer Experience – “Enhancing customer experience is key to building brand loyalty.”
  27. Sales Pipeline – “A healthy sales pipeline indicates strong future revenue.”
  28. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) – “KPIs help us measure the success of our marketing strategies.”
  29. Market Entry – “Careful planning is required for successful market entry.”
  30. Growth Strategy – “Our growth strategy includes expanding into new markets.”
  31. Product Portfolio – “Diversifying our product portfolio helps reduce risk.”
  32. Brand Loyalty – “Brand loyalty is often built through consistent customer satisfaction.”
  33. Sales Territory – “Each sales territory is assigned to a specific sales representative.”
  34. Consumer Insights – “Consumer insights guide our product development process.”
  35. Promotional Campaign – “The promotional campaign increased brand visibility significantly.”
  36. Digital Marketing – “Digital marketing has become the cornerstone of our advertising efforts.”
  37. Market Demand – “We need to analyze market demand before launching the new product.”
  38. Sales Target – “Meeting sales targets is essential for achieving our financial goals.”
  39. Product Lifecycle – “Understanding the product lifecycle helps in planning marketing strategies.”
  40. Customer Segmentation – “Customer segmentation allows us to tailor our messages more effectively.”
  41. Brand Identity – “A strong brand identity differentiates us from competitors.”
  42. Market Saturation – “Entering a saturated market requires innovative strategies.”
  43. Brand Extension – “We are considering a brand extension to enter a new product category.”
  44. Competitive Landscape – “The competitive landscape is constantly changing in this industry.”
  45. Customer Churn – “Reducing customer churn is critical to maintaining steady revenue.”
  46. Market Opportunity – “Identifying market opportunities early can give us a first-mover advantage.”
  47. Pricing Model – “We need to revisit our pricing model to reflect market changes.”
  48. Sales Conversion Rate – “Improving the sales conversion rate will boost our overall revenue.”
  49. Brand Perception – “Brand perception plays a significant role in customer purchasing decisions.”
  50. Product Innovation – “Product innovation is essential for staying competitive.”
  51. Market Dynamics – “We must stay agile to adapt to market dynamics.”
  52. Brand Communication – “Effective brand communication helps build a strong brand image.”
  53. Sales Strategy – “Our sales strategy focuses on building long-term customer relationships.”
  54. Market Entry Barriers – “Overcoming market entry barriers is essential for new market success.”
  55. Customer Satisfaction – “Customer satisfaction is a key metric for our service quality.”
  56. Sales Force – “Investing in our sales force is crucial for driving revenue growth.”
  57. Market Trend – “Staying ahead of market trends can give us a competitive edge.”
  58. Market Positioning – “Effective market positioning distinguishes our products from the competition.”
  59. Value Chain – “Optimizing the value chain can improve product delivery times.”
  60. Customer Loyalty – “Customer loyalty programs can encourage repeat purchases.”
  61. Market Potential – “Assessing market potential is crucial for investment decisions.”
  62. Product Development – “Our product development team is working on the next big innovation.”
  63. Brand Strategy – “A clear brand strategy is vital for long-term success.”
  64. Sales Revenue – “Increasing sales revenue is our primary goal this quarter.”
  65. Customer Insights – “Using customer insights, we can better tailor our offerings.”
  66. Sales Management – “Effective sales management is key to achieving our targets.”
  67. Market Research Survey – “We conducted a market research survey to gather consumer opinions.”
  68. Sales Promotion – “The sales promotion helped clear out last season’s inventory.”
  69. Brand Recognition – “High brand recognition can lead to increased customer trust.”
  70. Marketing Strategy – “Our marketing strategy focuses on digital channels to reach a wider audience.”
  71. Market Analysis – “Conducting a thorough market analysis is essential before entering a new region.”
  72. Customer Engagement – “Improving customer engagement can lead to higher retention rates.”
  73. Brand Repositioning – “We are considering brand repositioning to appeal to a younger demographic.”
  74. Sales Forecast – “Accurate sales forecasts help in resource planning.”
  75. Market Growth – “Market growth in emerging economies offers significant opportunities.”
  76. Brand Ambassador – “We hired a celebrity as our brand ambassador to boost brand visibility.”
  77. Consumer Targeting – “Effective consumer targeting helps optimize our advertising spend.”
  78. Sales Channel – “Expanding our sales channels is crucial for reaching more customers.”
  79. Market Entry Strategy – “A well-defined market entry strategy is essential for international expansion.”
  80. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) – “Maximizing customer lifetime value is key to long-term profitability.”
  81. Sales Performance – “We monitor sales performance regularly to identify areas for improvement.”
  82. Market Segmentation Strategy – “A robust market segmentation strategy can increase marketing efficiency.”
  83. Brand Differentiation – “Brand differentiation helps us stand out in a crowded market.”
  84. Market Forecast – “Market forecasts predict strong growth in the next quarter.”
  85. Customer Value Proposition – “Our customer value proposition emphasizes quality and affordability.”
  86. Brand Portfolio – “Managing a diverse brand portfolio helps mitigate risks.”
  87. Sales Lead – “We generated a significant number of sales leads from the recent trade show.”
  88. Market Disruption – “The new technology is causing significant market disruption.”
  89. Brand Equity Management – “Effective brand equity management can lead to sustained growth.”
  90. Sales Growth – “We are aiming for double-digit sales growth this year.”
  91. Market Entry Mode – “Choosing the right market entry mode is critical for success in foreign markets.”
  92. Customer-Centric Strategy – “A customer-centric strategy ensures that we meet client needs effectively.”
  93. Sales Tactics – “Adapting sales tactics can improve our close rates.”
  94. Market Potential Analysis – “Conducting a market potential analysis helps identify new opportunities.”
  95. Brand Building – “Brand building requires consistent messaging and customer engagement.”
  96. Sales Plan – “A detailed sales plan is essential for achieving our quarterly targets.”
  97. Market Intelligence – “Market intelligence allows us to stay ahead of the competition.”
  98. Customer Advocacy – “Customer advocacy is a powerful tool for word-of-mouth marketing.”
  99. Sales Operations – “Streamlining sales operations can increase overall efficiency.”
  100. Market Differentiation – “Market differentiation is crucial for standing out in a competitive landscape.”

Bài tập

  1. Our company is focusing on ______ in Southeast Asia.
  2. We need to identify our ______ before launching the product.
  3. The company’s ______ strategy has led to increased sales.
  4. ______ allows us to tailor our marketing efforts.
  5. Innovative technology gives us a ______ in the market.
  6. ______ is crucial for differentiating our products from competitors.
  7. ______ is key to attracting diverse customer segments.
  8. Improving ______ can significantly boost profitability.
  9. A well-structured ______ helps convert leads into customers.
  10. Effective ______ strategies are essential for business growth.
  11. Understanding ______ is vital for successful marketing campaigns.
  12. ______ provides insights into customer needs and preferences.
  13. Accurate ______ helps us manage inventory and resources.
  14. We need to revise our ______ to stay competitive.
  15. Choosing the right ______ is critical for market reach.
  16. Strong ______ can lead to higher customer loyalty.
  17. The company aims to increase its ______ by 10% this year.
  18. Our ______ focuses on digital channels.
  19. The ______ was successful, attracting a lot of media attention.
  20. The ______ of product, price, place, and promotion must be balanced.
  21. ______ costs are rising in this competitive market.
  22. Increasing ______ is essential for new product launches.
  23. Our ______ highlights the unique benefits of our service.
  24. Mapping the ______ helps us improve their overall experience.
  25. We use ______ to improve our products and services.
  26. Enhancing ______ is key to building brand loyalty.
  27. A healthy ______ indicates strong future revenue.
  28. ______ help us measure the success of our marketing strategies.
  29. Careful planning is required for successful ______.
  30. Our ______ includes expanding into new markets.
  31. Diversifying our ______ helps reduce risk.
  32. ______ is often built through consistent customer satisfaction.
  33. Each ______ is assigned to a specific sales representative.
  34. ______ guide our product development process.
  35. The ______ increased brand visibility significantly.
  36. ______ has become the cornerstone of our advertising efforts.
  37. We need to analyze ______ before launching the new product.
  38. Meeting ______ is essential for achieving our financial goals.
  39. Understanding the ______ helps in planning marketing strategies.
  40. ______ allows us to tailor our messages more effectively.
  41. A strong ______ differentiates us from competitors.
  42. Entering a ______ requires innovative strategies.
  43. We are considering a ______ to enter a new product category.
  44. The ______ is constantly changing in this industry.
  45. Reducing ______ is critical to maintaining steady revenue.
  46. Identifying ______ early can give us a first-mover advantage.
  47. We need to revisit our ______ to reflect market changes.
  48. Improving the ______ will boost our overall revenue.
  49. ______ plays a significant role in customer purchasing decisions.
  50. ______ is essential for staying competitive.
  51. We must stay agile to adapt to ______.
  52. Effective ______ helps build a strong brand image.
  53. Our ______ focuses on building long-term customer relationships.
  54. Overcoming ______ is essential for new market success.
  55. ______ is a key metric for our service quality.
  56. Investing in our ______ is crucial for driving revenue growth.
  57. Staying ahead of ______ can give us a competitive edge.
  58. Effective ______ distinguishes our products from the competition.
  59. Optimizing the ______ can improve product delivery times.
  60. ______ programs can encourage repeat purchases.
  61. Assessing ______ is crucial for investment decisions.
  62. Our ______ team is working on the next big innovation.
  63. A clear ______ is vital for long-term success.
  64. Increasing ______ is our primary goal this quarter.
  65. Using ______, we can better tailor our offerings.
  66. Effective ______ is key to achieving our targets.
  67. We conducted a ______ to gather consumer opinions.
  68. The ______ helped clear out last season’s inventory.
  69. High ______ can lead to increased customer trust.
  70. Our ______ focuses on digital channels to reach a wider audience.
  71. Conducting a thorough ______ is essential before entering a new region.
  72. Improving ______ can lead to higher retention rates.
  73. We are considering ______ to appeal to a younger demographic.
  74. Accurate ______ help in resource planning.
  75. ______ in emerging economies offers significant opportunities.
  76. We hired a celebrity as our ______ to boost brand visibility.
  77. Effective ______ helps optimize our advertising spend.
  78. Expanding our ______ is crucial for reaching more customers.
  79. A well-defined ______ is essential for international expansion.
  80. Maximizing ______ is key to long-term profitability.
  81. We monitor ______ regularly to identify areas for improvement.
  82. A robust ______ can increase marketing efficiency.
  83. ______ helps us stand out in a crowded market.
  84. ______ predict strong growth in the next quarter.
  85. Our ______ emphasizes quality and affordability.
  86. Managing a diverse ______ helps mitigate risks.
  87. We generated a significant number of ______ from the recent trade show.
  88. The new technology is causing significant ______.
  89. Effective ______ can lead to sustained growth.
  90. We are aiming for double-digit ______ this year.
  91. Choosing the right ______ is critical for success in foreign markets.
  92. A ______ ensures that we meet client needs effectively.
  93. Adapting ______ can improve our close rates.
  94. Conducting a ______ helps identify new opportunities.
  95. ______ requires consistent messaging and customer engagement.
  96. A detailed ______ is essential for achieving our quarterly targets.
  97. ______ allows us to stay ahead of the competition.
  98. ______ is a powerful tool for word-of-mouth marketing.
  99. Streamlining ______ can increase overall efficiency.
  100. ______ is crucial for standing out in a competitive landscape.

Đáp án

  1. Market Expansion
  2. Target Market
  3. Market Penetration
  4. Market Segmentation
  5. Competitive Advantage
  6. Brand Positioning
  7. Product Differentiation
  8. Customer Retention
  9. Sales Funnel
  10. Lead Generation
  11. Consumer Behavior
  12. Market Research
  13. Sales Forecasting
  14. Pricing Strategy
  15. Distribution Channel
  16. Brand Equity
  17. Market Share
  18. Go-to-Market Strategy
  19. Product Launch
  20. Marketing Mix
  21. Customer Acquisition
  22. Brand Awareness
  23. Value Proposition
  24. Customer Journey
  25. Customer Feedback
  26. Customer Experience
  27. Sales Pipeline
  28. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  29. Market Entry
  30. Growth Strategy
  31. Product Portfolio
  32. Brand Loyalty
  33. Sales Territory
  34. Consumer Insights
  35. Promotional Campaign
  36. Digital Marketing
  37. Market Demand
  38. Sales Target
  39. Product Lifecycle
  40. Customer Segmentation
  41. Brand Identity
  42. Market Saturation
  43. Brand Extension
  44. Competitive Landscape
  45. Customer Churn
  46. Market Opportunity
  47. Pricing Model
  48. Sales Conversion Rate
  49. Brand Perception
  50. Product Innovation
  51. Market Dynamics
  52. Brand Communication
  53. Sales Strategy
  54. Market Entry Barriers
  55. Customer Satisfaction
  56. Sales Force
  57. Market Trend
  58. Market Positioning
  59. Value Chain
  60. Customer Loyalty
  61. Market Potential
  62. Product Development
  63. Brand Strategy
  64. Sales Revenue
  65. Customer Insights
  66. Sales Management
  67. Market Research Survey
  68. Sales Promotion
  69. Brand Recognition
  70. Marketing Strategy
  71. Market Analysis
  72. Customer Engagement
  73. Brand Repositioning
  74. Sales Forecast
  75. Market Growth
  76. Brand Ambassador
  77. Consumer Targeting
  78. Sales Channel
  79. Market Entry Strategy
  80. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV)
  81. Sales Performance
  82. Market Segmentation Strategy
  83. Brand Differentiation
  84. Market Forecast
  85. Customer Value Proposition
  86. Brand Portfolio
  87. Sales Lead
  88. Market Disruption
  89. Brand Equity Management
  90. Sales Growth
  91. Market Entry Mode
  92. Customer-Centric Strategy
  93. Sales Tactics
  94. Market Potential Analysis
  95. Brand Building
  96. Sales Plan
  97. Market Intelligence
  98. Customer Advocacy
  99. Sales Operations
  100. Market Differentiation

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