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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Phân tích hệ thống

Khám phá bộ từ vựng chuyên ngành phân tích hệ thống với 100 từ và cụm từ tiếng Anh quan trọng. Tài liệu này giúp bạn nắm bắt các thuật ngữ chuyên môn, nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp và hiểu biết trong lĩnh vực phân tích hệ thống, từ những khái niệm cơ bản đến nâng cao.

Từ vựng nghề Phân tích hệ thống

Systems AnalysisPhân tích hệ thống
System RequirementsYêu cầu hệ thống
Business RequirementsYêu cầu kinh doanh
Functional RequirementsYêu cầu chức năng
Non-functional RequirementsYêu cầu phi chức năng
Stakeholder AnalysisPhân tích các bên liên quan
Use CaseTình huống sử dụng
Data Flow Diagram (DFD)Sơ đồ luồng dữ liệu (DFD)
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)Sơ đồ thực thể-mối quan hệ (ERD)
Unified Modeling Language (UML)Ngôn ngữ mô hình hóa thống nhất (UML)
Business Process Modeling (BPM)Mô hình hóa quy trình kinh doanh (BPM)
Gap AnalysisPhân tích khoảng cách
Feasibility StudyNghiên cứu khả thi
Requirements GatheringThu thập yêu cầu
Requirements SpecificationĐặc tả yêu cầu
Process FlowLuồng quy trình
Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Vòng đời phát triển hệ thống (SDLC)
Agile MethodologyPhương pháp Agile
Waterfall ModelMô hình Waterfall
PrototypingTạo mẫu
User StoriesCâu chuyện người dùng
System DesignThiết kế hệ thống
System ArchitectureKiến trúc hệ thống
Database DesignThiết kế cơ sở dữ liệu
Data ModelingMô hình hóa dữ liệu
System IntegrationTích hợp hệ thống
System TestingKiểm tra hệ thống
Unit TestingKiểm tra đơn vị
Integration TestingKiểm tra tích hợp
User Acceptance Testing (UAT)Kiểm tra chấp nhận của người dùng (UAT)
Performance TestingKiểm tra hiệu suất
Regression TestingKiểm tra hồi quy
Test PlanKế hoạch kiểm tra
Test CaseTrường hợp kiểm tra
Data AnalysisPhân tích dữ liệu
Data MigrationDi chuyển dữ liệu
Data ValidationXác thực dữ liệu
Business Intelligence (BI)Thông tin kinh doanh (BI)
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)Chỉ số hiệu suất chính (KPIs)
Data WarehouseKho dữ liệu
Data MartKho dữ liệu con
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)ETL (Trích xuất, Chuyển đổi, Tải)
Big DataDữ liệu lớn
Data GovernanceQuản trị dữ liệu
Master Data Management (MDM)Quản lý dữ liệu chính (MDM)
Data QualityChất lượng dữ liệu
Data SecurityBảo mật dữ liệu
Access ControlKiểm soát truy cập
EncryptionMã hóa
FirewallTường lửa
Cloud ComputingĐiện toán đám mây
On-premiseTại chỗ
SaaS (Software as a Service)SaaS (Phần mềm như một dịch vụ)
PaaS (Platform as a Service)PaaS (Nền tảng như một dịch vụ)
IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)IaaS (Hạ tầng như một dịch vụ)
API (Application Programming Interface)API (Giao diện lập trình ứng dụng)
Web ServicesDịch vụ web
Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)Kiến trúc hướng dịch vụ (SOA)
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Hoạch định tài nguyên doanh nghiệp (ERP)
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)Quản lý quan hệ khách hàng (CRM)
Supply Chain Management (SCM)Quản lý chuỗi cung ứng (SCM)
Business Process Reengineering (BPR)Tái cấu trúc quy trình kinh doanh (BPR)
Change ManagementQuản lý thay đổi
Project ManagementQuản lý dự án
Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro
System MaintenanceBảo trì hệ thống
System EnhancementCải tiến hệ thống
Legacy SystemHệ thống kế thừa
System UpgradeNâng cấp hệ thống
System DecommissioningNgừng hoạt động hệ thống
Disaster Recovery PlanKế hoạch phục hồi thảm họa
Business Continuity PlanKế hoạch liên tục kinh doanh
Incident ManagementQuản lý sự cố
Problem ManagementQuản lý vấn đề
Service Level Agreement (SLA)Thỏa thuận mức dịch vụ (SLA)
Technical DocumentationTài liệu kỹ thuật
User DocumentationTài liệu người dùng
Training and SupportĐào tạo và hỗ trợ
User Interface (UI)Giao diện người dùng (UI)
User Experience (UX)Trải nghiệm người dùng (UX)
WireframeKhung wireframe
MockupMô phỏng
PrototypeTạo mẫu
Workflow AutomationTự động hóa quy trình
Process OptimizationTối ưu hóa quy trình
Continuous ImprovementCải tiến liên tục
Lean MethodologyPhương pháp Lean
Six SigmaSix Sigma
Data MiningKhai thác dữ liệu
Machine LearningHọc máy
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Trí tuệ nhân tạo (AI)
Predictive AnalyticsPhân tích dự đoán
Descriptive AnalyticsPhân tích mô tả
Prescriptive AnalyticsPhân tích chỉ dẫn
Data VisualizationTrực quan hóa dữ liệu
DashboardBảng điều khiển
Balanced ScorecardThẻ điểm cân bằng
Root Cause AnalysisPhân tích nguyên nhân gốc rễ
SWOT AnalysisPhân tích SWOT

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Systems Analysis: Systems analysis helps in understanding and improving the overall functionality of a system.
  2. System Requirements: Clearly defining system requirements is essential for successful project implementation.
  3. Business Requirements: Gathering accurate business requirements ensures that the system meets the needs of the organization.
  4. Functional Requirements: The functional requirements specify what the system should do in terms of functionality.
  5. Non-functional Requirements: Non-functional requirements address how the system performs under various conditions.
  6. Stakeholder Analysis: Stakeholder analysis identifies all parties affected by the system and their needs.
  7. Use Case: A use case diagram illustrates the interactions between users and the system.
  8. Data Flow Diagram (DFD): The data flow diagram shows how data moves through the system.
  9. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD): The entity-relationship diagram helps in visualizing the relationships between different data entities.
  10. Unified Modeling Language (UML): UML is used to create standardized diagrams for system design.
  11. Business Process Modeling (BPM): Business process modeling helps in documenting and analyzing business processes.
  12. Gap Analysis: Gap analysis identifies discrepancies between the current and desired system states.
  13. Feasibility Study: A feasibility study evaluates whether the proposed system is viable and worth pursuing.
  14. Requirements Gathering: Requirements gathering involves collecting detailed requirements from stakeholders.
  15. Requirements Specification: The requirements specification document outlines all the necessary features and constraints of the system.
  16. Process Flow: A process flow diagram illustrates the steps involved in a particular business process.
  17. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC): The SDLC framework guides the development process from planning to deployment.
  18. Agile Methodology: Agile methodology focuses on iterative development and collaboration with stakeholders.
  19. Waterfall Model: The waterfall model is a sequential design process often used in software development.
  20. Prototyping: Prototyping allows for the creation of a preliminary version of the system to gather feedback.
  21. User Stories: User stories describe how a system should function from the perspective of the end user.
  22. System Design: System design involves creating a blueprint for how the system will be structured and function.
  23. System Architecture: System architecture defines the overall structure and organization of the system.
  24. Database Design: Database design involves creating the schema and structure of the database to ensure data integrity.
  25. Data Modeling: Data modeling helps in defining the data structure and relationships for the system.
  26. System Integration: System integration involves combining different subsystems to work together as a unified system.
  27. System Testing: System testing ensures that the entire system functions correctly and meets the specified requirements.
  28. Unit Testing: Unit testing focuses on testing individual components or modules of the system.
  29. Integration Testing: Integration testing checks the interaction between different components of the system.
  30. User Acceptance Testing (UAT): User acceptance testing involves the end users testing the system to ensure it meets their needs.
  31. Performance Testing: Performance testing evaluates how well the system performs under various conditions.
  32. Regression Testing: Regression testing ensures that new changes do not adversely affect the existing functionality.
  33. Test Plan: A test plan outlines the approach and scope of testing activities for the system.
  34. Test Case: A test case defines a specific condition or set of conditions under which the system will be tested.
  35. Data Analysis: Data analysis involves examining data to uncover useful insights and trends.
  36. Data Migration: Data migration refers to the process of transferring data from one system to another.
  37. Data Validation: Data validation ensures that the data entered into the system meets predefined criteria.
  38. Business Intelligence (BI): Business intelligence tools help in analyzing and interpreting business data to support decision-making.
  39. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs are metrics used to measure the effectiveness and performance of the system.
  40. Data Warehouse: A data warehouse stores large volumes of historical data for analysis and reporting.
  41. Data Mart: A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse tailored to specific business needs.
  42. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): The ETL process involves extracting data from sources, transforming it, and loading it into a target system.
  43. Big Data: Big data refers to extremely large datasets that require advanced techniques for analysis.
  44. Data Governance: Data governance involves managing the availability, usability, and security of data within an organization.
  45. Master Data Management (MDM): Master data management ensures that the organization’s data is consistent and accurate across different systems.
  46. Data Quality: Data quality focuses on the accuracy, completeness, and reliability of data.
  47. Data Security: Data security involves protecting data from unauthorized access and breaches.
  48. Access Control: Access control mechanisms ensure that only authorized users can access sensitive data.
  49. Encryption: Encryption protects data by converting it into a secure format that can only be read by authorized users.
  50. Firewall: A firewall is used to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network.
  51. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing provides on-demand computing resources and services over the internet.
  52. On-premise: On-premise refers to software or hardware that is hosted and managed within the organization’s physical location.
  53. SaaS (Software as a Service): SaaS delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis.
  54. PaaS (Platform as a Service): PaaS provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage applications without dealing with infrastructure.
  55. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service): IaaS offers virtualized computing resources over the internet, such as servers and storage.
  56. API (Application Programming Interface): An API allows different software systems to communicate and interact with each other.
  57. Web Services: Web services enable different applications to communicate over the web using standard protocols.
  58. Microservices: Microservices architecture divides a system into small, independent services that work together.
  59. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): SOA is a design paradigm where services are provided to other components over a network.
  60. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): ERP systems integrate various business processes and functions into a unified system.
  61. Customer Relationship Management (CRM): CRM systems manage and analyze customer interactions and data throughout the customer lifecycle.
  62. Supply Chain Management (SCM): SCM involves managing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers.
  63. Business Process Reengineering (BPR): BPR involves redesigning business processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  64. Change Management: Change management ensures that changes to the system are implemented smoothly and effectively.
  65. Project Management: Project management involves planning, executing, and overseeing projects to achieve specific goals.
  66. Risk Management: Risk management identifies, assesses, and mitigates risks that may impact the project.
  67. System Maintenance: System maintenance involves updating and repairing the system to ensure its continued functionality.
  68. System Enhancement: System enhancement refers to improving or adding new features to the existing system.
  69. Legacy System: A legacy system is an outdated system that is still in use and may be replaced or upgraded.
  70. System Upgrade: A system upgrade involves updating the system to a newer version with improved features.
  71. System Decommissioning: System decommissioning involves retiring and removing an old system from use.
  72. Disaster Recovery Plan: A disaster recovery plan outlines procedures for recovering from a system failure or disaster.
  73. Business Continuity Plan: A business continuity plan ensures that essential functions can continue during and after a disaster.
  74. Incident Management: Incident management involves handling and resolving unexpected events or disruptions.
  75. Problem Management: Problem management aims to identify and resolve the root causes of recurring issues.
  76. Service Level Agreement (SLA): An SLA defines the level of service expected from a service provider and includes performance metrics.
  77. Technical Documentation: Technical documentation provides detailed information about the system’s design and functionality.
  78. User Documentation: User documentation includes guides and manuals to help users understand and use the system.
  79. Training and Support: Training and support ensure that users are proficient in using the system and can get help when needed.
  80. User Interface (UI): The user interface is the point of interaction between the user and the system.
  81. User Experience (UX): User experience focuses on the overall experience and satisfaction of users interacting with the system.
  82. Wireframe: A wireframe is a visual guide that represents the skeletal framework of a user interface.
  83. Mockup: A mockup provides a realistic representation of the final design for user feedback and approval.
  84. Prototype: A prototype is an early model of the system used to test and validate design concepts.
  85. Workflow Automation: Workflow automation streamlines business processes by using technology to perform repetitive tasks.
  86. Process Optimization: Process optimization involves improving processes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
  87. Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement focuses on ongoing efforts to improve systems and processes.
  88. Lean Methodology: Lean methodology aims to maximize value by eliminating waste and improving processes.
  89. Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology used to improve quality by identifying and removing defects.
  90. Data Mining: Data mining involves analyzing large datasets to discover patterns and relationships.
  91. Machine Learning: Machine learning enables systems to learn from data and improve their performance over time.
  92. Artificial Intelligence (AI): AI involves creating systems that can perform tasks that typically require human intelligence.
  93. Predictive Analytics: Predictive analytics uses historical data to predict future outcomes and trends.
  94. Descriptive Analytics: Descriptive analytics focuses on summarizing and interpreting historical data.
  95. Prescriptive Analytics: Prescriptive analytics provides recommendations for actions based on data analysis.
  96. Data Visualization: Data visualization presents data in graphical formats to help users understand and interpret information.
  97. Dashboard: A dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of key performance indicators and metrics.
  98. Balanced Scorecard: The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management system used to align business activities with vision and strategy.
  99. Root Cause Analysis: Root cause analysis identifies the underlying causes of problems to prevent recurrence.
  100. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a project or organization.

Bài tập

  1. Systems __________ helps to evaluate and improve system performance.
  2. Accurate __________ are critical for the successful implementation of a new system.
  3. Identifying __________ is essential for understanding what the system needs to achieve.
  4. __________ define the specific functions and capabilities required from the system.
  5. __________ include performance criteria and security requirements.
  6. Conducting a __________ helps to understand all parties involved and their needs.
  7. A __________ outlines the interactions between system users and the system itself.
  8. A __________ illustrates how data moves through the system from input to output.
  9. The __________ helps to visualize the relationships between different data entities.
  10. __________ is used to create diagrams and models for system design.
  11. __________ involves documenting and analyzing how business processes work.
  12. Performing a __________ helps to identify differences between the current and desired state of the system.
  13. A __________ assesses the viability and potential success of a proposed system.
  14. __________ involves collecting detailed information on what the system should do.
  15. The __________ document specifies all the requirements and constraints for the system.
  16. A __________ diagram represents the sequence of steps in a business process.
  17. The __________ provides a framework for managing the entire development process.
  18. __________ focuses on iterative development and collaboration with stakeholders.
  19. The __________ model is a linear approach to system development.
  20. __________ involves creating an early version of the system to gather user feedback.
  21. __________ describe how users will interact with the system and its features.
  22. __________ involves creating a detailed plan for how the system will be built and function.
  23. __________ defines the overall design and organization of the system.
  24. __________ involves creating the structure and schema of the database.
  25. __________ helps to represent the structure and relationships of data within the system.
  26. __________ ensures that different subsystems work together seamlessly.
  27. __________ verifies that the system meets the specified requirements and functions correctly.
  28. __________ focuses on testing individual components of the system.
  29. __________ tests the interactions between different system components.
  30. __________ ensures that the system meets the needs of its users before it goes live.
  31. __________ evaluates how the system performs under stress or high load conditions.
  32. __________ checks that new changes do not affect existing functionality.
  33. A __________ outlines the approach, scope, and methodology for testing the system.
  34. A __________ defines the conditions under which a particular function will be tested.
  35. __________ involves analyzing data to find meaningful insights and patterns.
  36. __________ refers to the process of moving data from one system to another.
  37. __________ ensures that the data entered into the system is correct and reliable.
  38. __________ involves analyzing business data to support decision-making.
  39. __________ are used to measure the performance and success of the system.
  40. A __________ stores large volumes of data for analysis and reporting.
  41. A __________ is a subset of a data warehouse designed for specific business needs.
  42. __________ involves extracting, transforming, and loading data into a target system.
  43. __________ refers to large datasets that require advanced techniques for processing and analysis.
  44. __________ involves managing the availability and usability of data within an organization.
  45. __________ ensures that data is consistent and accurate across different systems.
  46. __________ focuses on the accuracy and reliability of data.
  47. __________ involves protecting data from unauthorized access and breaches.
  48. __________ mechanisms ensure that only authorized individuals can access certain data.
  49. __________ secures data by converting it into a format that is unreadable to unauthorized users.
  50. A __________ is used to prevent unauthorized access to a network.
  51. __________ provides computing resources and services over the internet.
  52. __________ refers to software or hardware that is hosted and managed within the organization.
  53. __________ delivers software applications over the internet on a subscription basis.
  54. __________ provides a platform for developing and managing applications without handling the infrastructure.
  55. __________ offers virtualized computing resources over the internet.
  56. An __________ allows different software systems to interact and exchange data.
  57. __________ enable different applications to communicate using standard protocols over the web.
  58. __________ architecture divides the system into small, independent services that work together.
  59. __________ involves designing a system where services are provided over a network.
  60. __________ integrates various business processes into a unified system.
  61. __________ manages and analyzes customer interactions and data throughout their lifecycle.
  62. __________ involves managing the flow of goods and services from suppliers to customers.
  63. __________ involves redesigning business processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness.
  64. __________ ensures that changes to the system are implemented smoothly and effectively.
  65. __________ involves planning, executing, and overseeing projects to meet specific goals.
  66. __________ identifies, assesses, and mitigates risks that may impact the project.
  67. __________ involves updating and maintaining the system to ensure it remains functional.
  68. __________ refers to improving or adding features to the existing system.
  69. A __________ is an outdated system that is still in use and may need replacement.
  70. __________ involves updating the system to a newer version with improved features.
  71. __________ involves retiring and removing an old system from use.
  72. A __________ outlines procedures for recovering from a system failure or disaster.
  73. A __________ ensures that essential functions continue during and after a disaster.
  74. __________ involves handling and resolving unexpected events or disruptions.
  75. __________ identifies and resolves the root causes of recurring issues.
  76. A __________ defines the level of service expected from a provider and includes performance metrics.
  77. __________ provides detailed information about the system’s design and functionality.
  78. __________ includes guides and manuals to help users understand and use the system.
  79. __________ ensures that users are proficient in using the system and can get help when needed.
  80. The __________ is the point of interaction between the user and the system.
  81. __________ focuses on the overall experience and satisfaction of users interacting with the system.
  82. A __________ represents the skeletal framework of a user interface.
  83. A __________ provides a realistic representation of the final design for feedback and approval.
  84. A __________ is an early model used to test and validate design concepts.
  85. __________ streamlines business processes by using technology to perform repetitive tasks.
  86. __________ involves improving processes to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
  87. __________ focuses on ongoing efforts to improve systems and processes.
  88. __________ aims to maximize value by eliminating waste and improving processes.
  89. __________ is a data-driven methodology used to improve quality by identifying and removing defects.
  90. __________ involves analyzing large datasets to discover patterns and relationships.
  91. __________ enables systems to learn from data and improve their performance over time.
  92. __________ involves creating systems that perform tasks requiring human intelligence.
  93. __________ uses historical data to predict future outcomes and trends.
  94. __________ focuses on summarizing and interpreting historical data.
  95. __________ provides recommendations for actions based on data analysis.
  96. __________ presents data in graphical formats to help users understand and interpret information.
  97. A __________ provides an overview of key performance indicators and metrics.
  98. The __________ evaluates business activities to align them with vision and strategy.
  99. __________ identifies the underlying causes of problems to prevent recurrence.
  100. __________ evaluates the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to a project.

Đáp án

  1. Systems Analysis
  2. System Requirements
  3. Business Requirements
  4. Functional Requirements
  5. Non-functional Requirements
  6. Stakeholder Analysis
  7. Use Case
  8. Data Flow Diagram (DFD)
  9. Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD)
  10. Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  11. Business Process Modeling (BPM)
  12. Gap Analysis
  13. Feasibility Study
  14. Requirements Gathering
  15. Requirements Specification
  16. Process Flow
  17. Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  18. Agile Methodology
  19. Waterfall Model
  20. Prototyping
  21. User Stories
  22. System Design
  23. System Architecture
  24. Database Design
  25. Data Modeling
  26. System Integration
  27. System Testing
  28. Unit Testing
  29. Integration Testing
  30. User Acceptance Testing (UAT)
  31. Performance Testing
  32. Regression Testing
  33. Test Plan
  34. Test Case
  35. Data Analysis
  36. Data Migration
  37. Data Validation
  38. Business Intelligence (BI)
  39. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  40. Data Warehouse
  41. Data Mart
  42. ETL (Extract, Transform, Load)
  43. Big Data
  44. Data Governance
  45. Master Data Management (MDM)
  46. Data Quality
  47. Data Security
  48. Access Control
  49. Encryption
  50. Firewall
  51. Cloud Computing
  52. On-premise
  53. SaaS (Software as a Service)
  54. PaaS (Platform as a Service)
  55. IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service)
  56. API (Application Programming Interface)
  57. Web Services
  58. Microservices
  59. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
  60. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  61. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
  62. Supply Chain Management (SCM)
  63. Business Process Reengineering (BPR)
  64. Change Management
  65. Project Management
  66. Risk Management
  67. System Maintenance
  68. System Enhancement
  69. Legacy System
  70. System Upgrade
  71. System Decommissioning
  72. Disaster Recovery Plan
  73. Business Continuity Plan
  74. Incident Management
  75. Problem Management
  76. Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  77. Technical Documentation
  78. User Documentation
  79. Training and Support
  80. User Interface (UI)
  81. User Experience (UX)
  82. Wireframe
  83. Mockup
  84. Prototype
  85. Workflow Automation
  86. Process Optimization
  87. Continuous Improvement
  88. Lean Methodology
  89. Six Sigma
  90. Data Mining
  91. Machine Learning
  92. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  93. Predictive Analytics
  94. Descriptive Analytics
  95. Prescriptive Analytics
  96. Data Visualization
  97. Dashboard
  98. Balanced Scorecard
  99. Root Cause Analysis
  100. SWOT Analysis

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