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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí cung ứng

Chủ đề “100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản lí cung ứng” sẽ giới thiệu các thuật ngữ chuyên ngành phổ biến trong lĩnh vực quản lý chuỗi cung ứng, từ các từ cơ bản như “logistics”, “inventory” đến các cụm từ phức tạp như “demand forecasting” hay “just-in-time delivery”. Những từ vựng này sẽ giúp người học tiếng Anh chuyên ngành nâng cao khả năng giao tiếp và làm việc trong lĩnh vực này.

Từ vựng nghề Quản lí cung ứng

Supply Chain ManagementQuản lý chuỗi cung ứng
LogisticsLogistics (Hậu cần)
ProcurementProcurement (Mua sắm)
Inventory ManagementQuản lý tồn kho
Supplier Relationship ManagementQuản lý quan hệ nhà cung cấp
Demand ForecastingDự báo nhu cầu
Warehouse ManagementQuản lý kho hàng
Order FulfillmentHoàn thiện đơn hàng
Transportation ManagementQuản lý vận chuyển
Supply Chain OptimizationTối ưu hóa chuỗi cung ứng
Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)Lập kế hoạch nhu cầu nguyên vật liệu (MRP)
Just-In-Time (JIT)Sản xuất kịp thời (JIT)
Lead TimeThời gian dẫn (Lead Time)
Supply Chain NetworkMạng lưới chuỗi cung ứng
Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)Mã số lưu kho (SKU)
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)Số lượng đặt hàng kinh tế (EOQ)
Vendor ManagementQuản lý nhà cung cấp
Distribution CenterTrung tâm phân phối
Supply Chain VisibilityTính minh bạch chuỗi cung ứng
Purchase Order (PO)Đơn đặt hàng (PO)
Sales OrderĐơn bán hàng
Inbound LogisticsLogistics đầu vào
Outbound LogisticsLogistics đầu ra
Supplier AuditKiểm toán nhà cung cấp
Cross-DockingGiao hàng chéo (Cross-Docking)
Reverse LogisticsLogistics ngược
Fleet ManagementQuản lý đội xe
Capacity PlanningLập kế hoạch năng lực
Shipping LogisticsLogistics vận chuyển
Supply Chain Risk ManagementQuản lý rủi ro chuỗi cung ứng
Batch TrackingTheo dõi lô hàng
Cycle CountKiểm kê chu kỳ
Product Lifecycle ManagementQuản lý vòng đời sản phẩm
Supplier DiversityĐa dạng nhà cung cấp
Supply Chain IntegrationTích hợp chuỗi cung ứng
Performance MetricsChỉ số hiệu suất
Supply Chain AnalyticsPhân tích chuỗi cung ứng
Sourcing StrategyChiến lược tìm nguồn cung ứng
Order ProcessingXử lý đơn hàng
Vendor QualificationĐánh giá nhà cung cấp
Material HandlingXử lý nguyên vật liệu
Stock ReplenishmentBổ sung hàng tồn kho
Cost ReductionCắt giảm chi phí
Supply Chain CollaborationHợp tác chuỗi cung ứng
Forecast AccuracyĐộ chính xác dự báo
Inventory TurnoverVòng quay hàng tồn kho
Warehouse AutomationTự động hóa kho hàng
Just-In-Case (JIC) InventoryDự trữ “Just-In-Case” (JIC)
KittingĐóng gói theo bộ
Supply Chain ResilienceKhả năng phục hồi chuỗi cung ứng
Vendor EvaluationĐánh giá nhà cung cấp
Order Cycle TimeThời gian chu kỳ đơn hàng
Logistics Network DesignThiết kế mạng lưới logistics
Supply Chain SustainabilityBền vững chuỗi cung ứng
Procurement StrategyChiến lược mua sắm
Transportation Cost AnalysisPhân tích chi phí vận chuyển
Product AllocationPhân bổ sản phẩm
Order Management System (OMS)Hệ thống quản lý đơn hàng (OMS)
Reorder PointĐiểm đặt hàng lại
Supply Chain MappingLập bản đồ chuỗi cung ứng
Material Resource Planning (MRP II)Lập kế hoạch tài nguyên vật liệu (MRP II)
Third-Party Logistics (3PL)Logistics bên thứ ba (3PL)
Inventory ControlKiểm soát tồn kho
Supplier Performance EvaluationĐánh giá hiệu suất nhà cung cấp
Demand PlanningLập kế hoạch nhu cầu
Fulfillment CenterTrung tâm hoàn thiện đơn hàng
Inventory ValuationĐịnh giá hàng tồn kho
Supply Chain CoordinationĐiều phối chuỗi cung ứng
Global SourcingTìm nguồn cung ứng toàn cầu
Procurement ProcessQuy trình mua sắm
Supplier Lead TimeThời gian dẫn nhà cung cấp
Logistics StrategyChiến lược logistics
Inventory ForecastingDự báo tồn kho
Supply Chain CostsChi phí chuỗi cung ứng
Supplier NegotiationĐàm phán với nhà cung cấp
Logistics EfficiencyHiệu quả logistics
Product DistributionPhân phối sản phẩm
Supply Chain TransformationChuyển đổi chuỗi cung ứng
Purchase RequisitionYêu cầu mua hàng
Logistics Management SystemHệ thống quản lý logistics
Inventory AnalysisPhân tích tồn kho
Contract ManagementQuản lý hợp đồng
Supply Chain DataDữ liệu chuỗi cung ứng
Supply Chain PlanningLập kế hoạch chuỗi cung ứng
Inventory OptimizationTối ưu hóa tồn kho
Demand ManagementQuản lý nhu cầu
Warehouse EfficiencyHiệu quả kho hàng
Supply Chain Collaboration ToolsCông cụ hợp tác chuỗi cung ứng
Supplier CollaborationHợp tác nhà cung cấp
Transportation OptimizationTối ưu hóa vận chuyển
Inventory ReconciliationĐối chiếu hàng tồn kho
Logistics CoordinationĐiều phối logistics
Supplier Performance MetricsChỉ số hiệu suất nhà cung cấp
Supply Chain DesignThiết kế chuỗi cung ứng
Inventory LevelsMức tồn kho
Procurement AutomationTự động hóa mua sắm
Supply Chain FlexibilityLinh hoạt chuỗi cung ứng
Shipping and ReceivingGiao nhận hàng hóa
Vendor Management System (VMS)Hệ thống quản lý nhà cung cấp (VMS)
Supply Chain StrategyChiến lược chuỗi cung ứng

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Supply Chain Management: Effective Supply Chain Management ensures smooth operations from raw materials to finished products.
  2. Logistics: Logistics involves the detailed coordination of complex operations involving people, facilities, and supplies.
  3. Procurement: The Procurement team is responsible for acquiring goods and services needed by the company.
  4. Inventory Management: Inventory Management systems help businesses track their stock levels and order new supplies as needed.
  5. Supplier Relationship Management: Supplier Relationship Management focuses on building strong relationships with suppliers to improve efficiency and performance.
  6. Demand Forecasting: Demand Forecasting helps businesses predict future product demand to optimize inventory levels.
  7. Warehouse Management: Warehouse Management includes overseeing the storage and handling of goods in a warehouse.
  8. Order Fulfillment: Order Fulfillment is the process of receiving, processing, and delivering customer orders.
  9. Transportation Management: Transportation Management involves planning and executing the movement of goods from suppliers to customers.
  10. Supply Chain Optimization: Supply Chain Optimization aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain.
  11. Materials Requirement Planning (MRP): Materials Requirement Planning (MRP) helps businesses plan the materials needed for production.
  12. Just-In-Time (JIT): Just-In-Time (JIT) inventory systems minimize stock levels and reduce waste by ordering materials only as needed.
  13. Lead Time: The Lead Time is the amount of time required to process an order from placement to delivery.
  14. Supply Chain Network: The Supply Chain Network encompasses all the suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors involved in delivering a product.
  15. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU): Each product is identified by a unique Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) for tracking and inventory purposes.
  16. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ): Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) is a formula used to determine the optimal order size to minimize total inventory costs.
  17. Vendor Management: Vendor Management involves selecting, monitoring, and evaluating suppliers to ensure quality and performance.
  18. Distribution Center: A Distribution Center stores goods and manages the distribution to various locations.
  19. Supply Chain Visibility: Supply Chain Visibility refers to the ability to track and monitor the flow of goods throughout the supply chain.
  20. Purchase Order (PO): A Purchase Order (PO) is a document sent to a supplier to request goods or services.
  21. Sales Order: A Sales Order confirms the sale of goods and details the terms of the sale.
  22. Inbound Logistics: Inbound Logistics involves managing the transportation and delivery of goods from suppliers to the company.
  23. Outbound Logistics: Outbound Logistics handles the distribution of finished products from the company to customers.
  24. Supplier Audit: A Supplier Audit is an evaluation of a supplier’s processes and performance to ensure compliance with standards.
  25. Cross-Docking: Cross-Docking is a logistics practice where products are unloaded from incoming trucks and immediately loaded onto outbound trucks.
  26. Reverse Logistics: Reverse Logistics involves managing the return and disposal of goods from customers back to the supplier.
  27. Fleet Management: Fleet Management oversees the operation and maintenance of a company’s vehicle fleet.
  28. Capacity Planning: Capacity Planning ensures that a business has the resources needed to meet future production demands.
  29. Shipping Logistics: Shipping Logistics involves managing the process of transporting goods from the warehouse to the customer.
  30. Supply Chain Risk Management: Supply Chain Risk Management identifies and mitigates risks that could disrupt the supply chain.
  31. Batch Tracking: Batch Tracking allows companies to trace the production and movement of goods in specific batches.
  32. Cycle Count: Cycle Count is an inventory auditing technique where a portion of the inventory is checked regularly.
  33. Product Lifecycle Management: Product Lifecycle Management manages the entire lifecycle of a product from inception to disposal.
  34. Supplier Diversity: Supplier Diversity promotes the inclusion of a variety of suppliers, including minority-owned businesses.
  35. Supply Chain Integration: Supply Chain Integration connects various elements of the supply chain to improve coordination and efficiency.
  36. Performance Metrics: Performance Metrics are used to measure and evaluate the efficiency of supply chain operations.
  37. Supply Chain Analytics: Supply Chain Analytics involves analyzing data to optimize and improve supply chain performance.
  38. Sourcing Strategy: A Sourcing Strategy outlines how a company will obtain the goods and services it needs.
  39. Order Processing: Order Processing is the series of steps from receiving an order to shipping the product to the customer.
  40. Vendor Qualification: Vendor Qualification assesses potential suppliers to ensure they meet the company’s standards and requirements.
  41. Material Handling: Material Handling involves the movement, protection, and control of materials throughout the production process.
  42. Stock Replenishment: Stock Replenishment ensures that inventory levels are maintained to meet customer demand.
  43. Cost Reduction: Cost Reduction strategies aim to lower expenses in the supply chain to improve profitability.
  44. Supply Chain Collaboration: Supply Chain Collaboration involves working with suppliers and partners to improve efficiency and performance.
  45. Forecast Accuracy: Forecast Accuracy measures how closely actual demand matches predicted demand.
  46. Inventory Turnover: Inventory Turnover is a ratio that measures how often inventory is sold and replaced over a period.
  47. Warehouse Automation: Warehouse Automation uses technology to streamline and improve warehouse operations.
  48. Just-In-Case (JIC) Inventory: Just-In-Case (JIC) Inventory involves keeping higher inventory levels to avoid stockouts.
  49. Kitting: Kitting involves assembling individual items into a single kit or package for distribution.
  50. Supply Chain Resilience: Supply Chain Resilience is the ability of a supply chain to adapt and recover from disruptions.
  51. Vendor Evaluation: Vendor Evaluation assesses the performance and reliability of suppliers.
  52. Order Cycle Time: Order Cycle Time measures the time taken from order placement to order fulfillment.
  53. Logistics Network Design: Logistics Network Design involves planning the layout and flow of the logistics network to optimize performance.
  54. Supply Chain Sustainability: Supply Chain Sustainability focuses on environmentally and socially responsible practices within the supply chain.
  55. Procurement Strategy: Procurement Strategy defines the approach for sourcing and acquiring goods and services.
  56. Transportation Cost Analysis: Transportation Cost Analysis evaluates the expenses associated with transporting goods.
  57. Product Allocation: Product Allocation determines how products are distributed among various locations or customers.
  58. Order Management System (OMS): An Order Management System (OMS) tracks and manages customer orders from placement to delivery.
  59. Reorder Point: The Reorder Point is the inventory level at which new stock should be ordered to prevent stockouts.
  60. Supply Chain Mapping: Supply Chain Mapping visualizes the flow of goods and information through the supply chain.
  61. Material Resource Planning (MRP II): Material Resource Planning (MRP II) integrates additional business functions, such as finance and human resources, into the planning process.
  62. Third-Party Logistics (3PL): Third-Party Logistics (3PL) providers offer outsourced logistics services, including warehousing and transportation.
  63. Inventory Control: Inventory Control involves managing and tracking inventory to ensure optimal stock levels.
  64. Supplier Performance Evaluation: Supplier Performance Evaluation measures and assesses supplier effectiveness and reliability.
  65. Demand Planning: Demand Planning involves forecasting future demand to ensure sufficient inventory levels.
  66. Fulfillment Center: A Fulfillment Center processes and ships orders to customers on behalf of retailers and wholesalers.
  67. Inventory Valuation: Inventory Valuation determines the monetary value of inventory for financial reporting purposes.
  68. Supply Chain Coordination: Supply Chain Coordination ensures that all parts of the supply chain work together effectively.
  69. Global Sourcing: Global Sourcing involves procuring goods and services from international suppliers.
  70. Procurement Process: The Procurement Process includes all steps involved in acquiring goods and services from suppliers.
  71. Supplier Lead Time: Supplier Lead Time is the time required for a supplier to fulfill an order after it has been placed.
  72. Logistics Strategy: A Logistics Strategy outlines the plans and actions for managing the movement and storage of goods.
  73. Inventory Forecasting: Inventory Forecasting predicts future inventory needs based on historical data and trends.
  74. Supply Chain Costs: Supply Chain Costs encompass all expenses associated with managing and operating the supply chain.
  75. Supplier Negotiation: Supplier Negotiation involves discussing terms and prices with suppliers to reach mutually beneficial agreements.
  76. Logistics Efficiency: Logistics Efficiency measures how effectively resources are used to manage the logistics process.
  77. Product Distribution: Product Distribution involves delivering products from manufacturers to retailers and customers.
  78. Supply Chain Transformation: Supply Chain Transformation refers to significant changes made to improve supply chain performance.
  79. Purchase Requisition: A Purchase Requisition is a request for approval to acquire goods or services.
  80. Logistics Management System: A Logistics Management System helps manage and coordinate logistics operations.
  81. Inventory Analysis: Inventory Analysis examines inventory data to optimize stock levels and improve inventory management.
  82. Contract Management: Contract Management involves overseeing and ensuring compliance with contractual agreements.
  83. Supply Chain Data: Supply Chain Data includes all information related to the supply chain, such as inventory levels and shipment details.
  84. Supply Chain Planning: Supply Chain Planning involves designing and organizing supply chain activities to meet demand.
  85. Inventory Optimization: Inventory Optimization aims to balance inventory levels to meet demand while minimizing costs.
  86. Demand Management: Demand Management controls and influences customer demand to ensure adequate supply.
  87. Warehouse Efficiency: Warehouse Efficiency measures how effectively warehouse operations are conducted to maximize productivity.
  88. Supply Chain Collaboration Tools: Supply Chain Collaboration Tools facilitate communication and coordination among supply chain partners.
  89. Supplier Collaboration: Supplier Collaboration involves working closely with suppliers to enhance performance and resolve issues.
  90. Transportation Optimization: Transportation Optimization improves the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of transporting goods.
  91. Inventory Reconciliation: Inventory Reconciliation compares physical inventory counts with recorded inventory levels to ensure accuracy.
  92. Logistics Coordination: Logistics Coordination manages and aligns logistics activities to achieve optimal results.
  93. Supplier Performance Metrics: Supplier Performance Metrics are used to evaluate and track supplier performance.
  94. Supply Chain Design: Supply Chain Design involves creating the structure and processes for managing the supply chain effectively.
  95. Inventory Levels: Inventory Levels refer to the quantity of goods held in stock at any given time.
  96. Procurement Automation: Procurement Automation uses technology to streamline and automate the procurement process.
  97. Supply Chain Flexibility: Supply Chain Flexibility enables the supply chain to adapt to changes and disruptions quickly.
  98. Shipping and Receiving: Shipping and Receiving involves managing the sending and receiving of goods within the supply chain.
  99. Vendor Management System (VMS): A Vendor Management System (VMS) helps track and manage vendor information and performance.
  100. Supply Chain Strategy: Supply Chain Strategy outlines the long-term plans and goals for managing the supply chain.

Bài tập

  1. Effective ________ ensures smooth operations from raw materials to finished products.
  2. ________ involves the detailed coordination of complex operations involving people, facilities, and supplies.
  3. The ________ team is responsible for acquiring goods and services needed by the company.
  4. ________ systems help businesses track their stock levels and order new supplies as needed.
  5. ________ focuses on building strong relationships with suppliers to improve efficiency and performance.
  6. ________ helps businesses predict future product demand to optimize inventory levels.
  7. ________ includes overseeing the storage and handling of goods in a warehouse.
  8. ________ is the process of receiving, processing, and delivering customer orders.
  9. ________ involves planning and executing the movement of goods from suppliers to customers.
  10. ________ aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chain.
  11. ________ helps businesses plan the materials needed for production.
  12. ________ inventory systems minimize stock levels and reduce waste by ordering materials only as needed.
  13. The ________ is the amount of time required to process an order from placement to delivery.
  14. The ________ encompasses all the suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors involved in delivering a product.
  15. Each product is identified by a unique ________ for tracking and inventory purposes.
  16. ________ is a formula used to determine the optimal order size to minimize total inventory costs.
  17. ________ involves selecting, monitoring, and evaluating suppliers to ensure quality and performance.
  18. A ________ stores goods and manages the distribution to various locations.
  19. ________ refers to the ability to track and monitor the flow of goods throughout the supply chain.
  20. A ________ is a document sent to a supplier to request goods or services.
  21. A ________ confirms the sale of goods and details the terms of the sale.
  22. ________ involves managing the transportation and delivery of goods from suppliers to the company.
  23. ________ handles the distribution of finished products from the company to customers.
  24. A ________ is an evaluation of a supplier’s processes and performance to ensure compliance with standards.
  25. ________ is a logistics practice where products are unloaded from incoming trucks and immediately loaded onto outbound trucks.
  26. ________ involves managing the return and disposal of goods from customers back to the supplier.
  27. ________ oversees the operation and maintenance of a company’s vehicle fleet.
  28. ________ ensures that a business has the resources needed to meet future production demands.
  29. ________ involves managing the process of transporting goods from the warehouse to the customer.
  30. ________ identifies and mitigates risks that could disrupt the supply chain.
  31. ________ allows companies to trace the production and movement of goods in specific batches.
  32. ________ is an inventory auditing technique where a portion of the inventory is checked regularly.
  33. ________ manages the entire lifecycle of a product from inception to disposal.
  34. ________ promotes the inclusion of a variety of suppliers, including minority-owned businesses.
  35. ________ connects various elements of the supply chain to improve coordination and efficiency.
  36. ________ are used to measure and evaluate the efficiency of supply chain operations.
  37. ________ involves analyzing data to optimize and improve supply chain performance.
  38. A ________ outlines how a company will obtain the goods and services it needs.
  39. ________ is the series of steps from receiving an order to shipping the product to the customer.
  40. ________ assesses potential suppliers to ensure they meet the company’s standards and requirements.
  41. ________ involves the movement, protection, and control of materials throughout the production process.
  42. ________ ensures that inventory levels are maintained to meet customer demand.
  43. ________ strategies aim to lower expenses in the supply chain to improve profitability.
  44. ________ involves working with suppliers and partners to improve efficiency and performance.
  45. ________ measures how closely actual demand matches predicted demand.
  46. ________ is a ratio that measures how often inventory is sold and replaced over a period.
  47. ________ uses technology to streamline and improve warehouse operations.
  48. ________ inventory involves keeping higher inventory levels to avoid stockouts.
  49. ________ involves assembling individual items into a single kit or package for distribution.
  50. ________ is the ability of a supply chain to adapt and recover from disruptions.
  51. ________ assesses the performance and reliability of suppliers.
  52. ________ measures the time taken from order placement to order fulfillment.
  53. ________ involves planning the layout and flow of the logistics network to optimize performance.
  54. ________ focuses on environmentally and socially responsible practices within the supply chain.
  55. A ________ defines the approach for sourcing and acquiring goods and services.
  56. ________ evaluates the expenses associated with transporting goods.
  57. ________ determines how products are distributed among various locations or customers.
  58. An ________ tracks and manages customer orders from placement to delivery.
  59. The ________ is the inventory level at which new stock should be ordered to prevent stockouts.
  60. ________ visualizes the flow of goods and information through the supply chain.
  61. ________ integrates additional business functions, such as finance and human resources, into the planning process.
  62. ________ providers offer outsourced logistics services, including warehousing and transportation.
  63. ________ involves managing and tracking inventory to ensure optimal stock levels.
  64. ________ measures and assesses supplier effectiveness and reliability.
  65. ________ involves forecasting future demand to ensure sufficient inventory levels.
  66. A ________ processes and ships orders to customers on behalf of retailers and wholesalers.
  67. ________ determines the monetary value of inventory for financial reporting purposes.
  68. ________ ensures that all parts of the supply chain work together effectively.
  69. ________ involves procuring goods and services from international suppliers.
  70. The ________ includes all steps involved in acquiring goods and services from suppliers.
  71. ________ is the time required for a supplier to fulfill an order after it has been placed.
  72. A ________ outlines the plans and actions for managing the movement and storage of goods.
  73. ________ predicts future inventory needs based on historical data and trends.
  74. ________ encompass all expenses associated with managing and operating the supply chain.
  75. ________ involves discussing terms and prices with suppliers to reach mutually beneficial agreements.
  76. ________ measures how effectively resources are used to manage the logistics process.
  77. ________ involves delivering products from manufacturers to retailers and customers.
  78. ________ refers to significant changes made to improve supply chain performance.
  79. A ________ is a request for approval to acquire goods or services.
  80. A ________ helps manage and coordinate logistics operations.
  81. ________ examines inventory data to optimize stock levels and improve inventory management.
  82. ________ involves overseeing and ensuring compliance with contractual agreements.
  83. ________ includes all information related to the supply chain, such as inventory levels and shipment details.
  84. ________ involves designing and organizing supply chain activities to meet demand.
  85. ________ aims to balance inventory levels to meet demand while minimizing costs.
  86. ________ controls and influences customer demand to ensure adequate supply.
  87. ________ measures how effectively warehouse operations are conducted to maximize productivity.
  88. ________ facilitate communication and coordination among supply chain partners.
  89. ________ involves working closely with suppliers to enhance performance and resolve issues.
  90. ________ improves the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of transporting goods.
  91. ________ compares physical inventory counts with recorded inventory levels to ensure accuracy.
  92. ________ manages and aligns logistics activities to achieve optimal results.
  93. ________ are used to evaluate and track supplier performance.
  94. ________ involves creating the structure and processes for managing the supply chain effectively.
  95. ________ refer to the quantity of goods held in stock at any given time.
  96. ________ uses technology to streamline and automate the procurement process.
  97. ________ enables the supply chain to adapt to changes and disruptions quickly.
  98. ________ involves managing the sending and receiving of goods within the supply chain.
  99. A ________ helps track and manage vendor information and performance.
  100. ________ outlines the long-term plans and goals for managing the supply chain.

Đáp án

  1. Supply Chain Management
  2. Logistics
  3. Procurement
  4. Inventory Management
  5. Supplier Relationship Management
  6. Demand Forecasting
  7. Warehouse Management
  8. Order Fulfillment
  9. Transportation Management
  10. Supply Chain Optimization
  11. Materials Requirement Planning (MRP)
  12. Just-In-Time (JIT)
  13. Lead Time
  14. Supply Chain Network
  15. Stock Keeping Unit (SKU)
  16. Economic Order Quantity (EOQ)
  17. Vendor Management
  18. Distribution Center
  19. Supply Chain Visibility
  20. Purchase Order (PO)
  21. Sales Order
  22. Inbound Logistics
  23. Outbound Logistics
  24. Supplier Audit
  25. Cross-Docking
  26. Reverse Logistics
  27. Fleet Management
  28. Capacity Planning
  29. Shipping Logistics
  30. Supply Chain Risk Management
  31. Batch Tracking
  32. Cycle Count
  33. Product Lifecycle Management
  34. Supplier Diversity
  35. Supply Chain Integration
  36. Performance Metrics
  37. Supply Chain Analytics
  38. Sourcing Strategy
  39. Order Processing
  40. Vendor Qualification
  41. Material Handling
  42. Stock Replenishment
  43. Cost Reduction
  44. Supply Chain Collaboration
  45. Forecast Accuracy
  46. Inventory Turnover
  47. Warehouse Automation
  48. Just-In-Case (JIC) Inventory
  49. Kitting
  50. Supply Chain Resilience
  51. Vendor Evaluation
  52. Order Cycle Time
  53. Logistics Network Design
  54. Supply Chain Sustainability
  55. Procurement Strategy
  56. Transportation Cost Analysis
  57. Product Allocation
  58. Order Management System (OMS)
  59. Reorder Point
  60. Supply Chain Mapping
  61. Material Resource Planning (MRP II)
  62. Third-Party Logistics (3PL)
  63. Inventory Control
  64. Supplier Performance Evaluation
  65. Demand Planning
  66. Fulfillment Center
  67. Inventory Valuation
  68. Supply Chain Coordination
  69. Global Sourcing
  70. Procurement Process
  71. Supplier Lead Time
  72. Logistics Strategy
  73. Inventory Forecasting
  74. Supply Chain Costs
  75. Supplier Negotiation
  76. Logistics Efficiency
  77. Product Distribution
  78. Supply Chain Transformation
  79. Purchase Requisition
  80. Logistics Management System
  81. Inventory Analysis
  82. Contract Management
  83. Supply Chain Data
  84. Supply Chain Planning
  85. Inventory Optimization
  86. Demand Management
  87. Warehouse Efficiency
  88. Supply Chain Collaboration Tools
  89. Supplier Collaboration
  90. Transportation Optimization
  91. Inventory Reconciliation
  92. Logistics Coordination
  93. Supplier Performance Metrics
  94. Supply Chain Design
  95. Inventory Levels
  96. Procurement Automation
  97. Supply Chain Flexibility
  98. Shipping and Receiving
  99. Vendor Management System (VMS)
  100. Supply Chain Strategy

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