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100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh về ngành nghề Quản trị hệ thống thông tin quản lý

Bài viết này thống kê 100 từ vựng và cụm từ vựng tiếng Anh quan trọng trong ngành Quản trị Hệ thống Thông tin Quản lý (Management Information Systems – MIS). Những từ này sẽ giúp bạn hiểu rõ hơn về các khái niệm, công nghệ, và quy trình liên quan đến quản trị thông tin, giúp nâng cao kỹ năng và kiến thức trong lĩnh vực này.

Từ vựng nghề Quản trị hệ thống thông tin quản lý

Information Systems ManagementQuản lý Hệ thống Thông tin
Database AdministrationQuản trị Cơ sở Dữ liệu
Network ArchitectureKiến trúc Mạng
System IntegrationTích hợp Hệ thống
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)Hoạch định Nguồn lực Doanh nghiệp (ERP)
Business Intelligence (BI)Trí tuệ Doanh nghiệp (BI)
Data WarehousingKho Dữ liệu
IT GovernanceQuản trị CNTT
Systems AnalysisPhân tích Hệ thống
Project Management Office (PMO)Văn phòng Quản lý Dự án (PMO)
User Requirements GatheringThu thập Yêu cầu Người dùng
IT InfrastructureCơ sở Hạ tầng CNTT
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Vòng đời Phát triển Phần mềm (SDLC)
Cloud ComputingĐiện toán Đám mây
Data SecurityBảo mật Dữ liệu
Information AssuranceĐảm bảo Thông tin
Risk AssessmentĐánh giá Rủi ro
Business Continuity PlanningHoạch định Liên tục Kinh doanh
Disaster Recovery PlanningHoạch định Khôi phục Thảm họa
Change ManagementQuản lý Thay đổi
Configuration ManagementQuản lý Cấu hình
System MaintenanceBảo trì Hệ thống
IT Service ManagementQuản lý Dịch vụ CNTT
Help Desk SupportHỗ trợ Bàn Trợ giúp
ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)ITIL (Thư viện Cơ sở Hạ tầng CNTT)
Application Lifecycle ManagementQuản lý Vòng đời Ứng dụng
Software DeploymentTriển khai Phần mềm
System UpgradesNâng cấp Hệ thống
IT AuditKiểm toán CNTT
Data BackupSao lưu Dữ liệu
Incident ManagementQuản lý Sự cố
Performance MonitoringGiám sát Hiệu suất
Capacity PlanningHoạch định Năng lực
Access ControlKiểm soát Truy cập
System DocumentationTài liệu Hệ thống
User TrainingĐào tạo Người dùng
Service Level Agreements (SLA)Thỏa thuận Cấp độ Dịch vụ (SLA)
Vendor ManagementQuản lý Nhà cung cấp
Compliance ManagementQuản lý Tuân thủ
Data EncryptionMã hóa Dữ liệu
Database BackupSao lưu Cơ sở Dữ liệu
Network SecurityBảo mật Mạng
User AuthenticationXác thực Người dùng
Information RetrievalTruy xuất Thông tin
Systems DevelopmentPhát triển Hệ thống
Integration TestingKiểm thử Tích hợp
Software Quality Assurance (QA)Đảm bảo Chất lượng Phần mềm (QA)
Systems DesignThiết kế Hệ thống
IT StrategyChiến lược CNTT
Technology AssessmentĐánh giá Công nghệ
Resource AllocationPhân bổ Nguồn lực
Application IntegrationTích hợp Ứng dụng
Data MigrationDi chuyển Dữ liệu
Performance TuningTối ưu Hiệu suất
System OptimizationTối ưu Hệ thống
Capacity ManagementQuản lý Năng lực
Technical SupportHỗ trợ Kỹ thuật
Data AnalysisPhân tích Dữ liệu
Information Retrieval SystemsHệ thống Truy xuất Thông tin
Business Process Management (BPM)Quản lý Quy trình Kinh doanh (BPM)
IT Risk ManagementQuản lý Rủi ro CNTT
Service DeskBàn Dịch vụ
Change ControlKiểm soát Thay đổi
Operational EfficiencyHiệu quả Hoạt động
Knowledge ManagementQuản lý Tri thức
IT ArchitectureKiến trúc CNTT
Systems ImplementationTriển khai Hệ thống
Data GovernanceQuản trị Dữ liệu
IT ComplianceTuân thủ CNTT
Software EngineeringKỹ thuật Phần mềm
Security ManagementQuản lý Bảo mật
Business System AnalysisPhân tích Hệ thống Kinh doanh
Application SupportHỗ trợ Ứng dụng
IT Performance MetricsChỉ số Hiệu suất CNTT
Service ManagementQuản lý Dịch vụ
System Design SpecificationsThông số Thiết kế Hệ thống
Database DesignThiết kế Cơ sở Dữ liệu
Information Systems StrategyChiến lược Hệ thống Thông tin
Technical DocumentationTài liệu Kỹ thuật
Network AdministrationQuản trị Mạng
System AuditingKiểm toán Hệ thống
User Experience (UX)Trải nghiệm Người dùng (UX)
Disaster RecoveryKhôi phục Thảm họa
Data IntegrityTính toàn vẹn của Dữ liệu
IT Project ManagementQuản lý Dự án CNTT
Knowledge BaseCơ sở Tri thức
Systems ConfigurationCấu hình Hệ thống
Application Programming Interface (API)Giao diện Lập trình Ứng dụng (API)
System RedundancyDự phòng Hệ thống
Network TopologyTô-pô Mạng
Business AnalyticsPhân tích Kinh doanh
Data MiningKhai thác Dữ liệu
Security PoliciesChính sách Bảo mật
Enterprise ArchitectureKiến trúc Doanh nghiệp
Software MaintenanceBảo trì Phần mềm
Service AutomationTự động hóa Dịch vụ
Data ModelingMô hình Dữ liệu
System Integration TestingKiểm thử Tích hợp Hệ thống
Technical Support DocumentationTài liệu Hỗ trợ Kỹ thuật
Business Process AutomationTự động hóa Quy trình Kinh doanh

Bài viết sử dụng thuật ngữ trên

  1. Information Systems Management: Effective information systems management is crucial for optimizing business processes and performance.
  2. Database Administration: Database administration involves maintaining the health and performance of an organization’s databases.
  3. Network Architecture: Network architecture determines the layout and design of an organization’s network infrastructure.
  4. System Integration: System integration ensures that different IT systems work together seamlessly.
  5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP): An ERP system integrates various business processes into a unified system to improve efficiency.
  6. Business Intelligence (BI): Business intelligence tools help companies analyze data and make informed decisions.
  7. Data Warehousing: Data warehousing involves storing and managing large volumes of data for analysis and reporting.
  8. IT Governance: IT governance provides a framework for aligning IT strategies with business objectives.
  9. Systems Analysis: Systems analysis focuses on understanding and improving IT systems and their components.
  10. Project Management Office (PMO): The PMO oversees and manages project-related activities and ensures alignment with business goals.
  11. User Requirements Gathering: User requirements gathering is essential for understanding what users need from a new system.
  12. IT Infrastructure: IT infrastructure includes all the hardware, software, and network resources required to support IT operations.
  13. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC): The SDLC outlines the phases of software development, from planning to deployment.
  14. Cloud Computing: Cloud computing provides scalable and on-demand access to computing resources over the internet.
  15. Data Security: Data security measures protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches.
  16. Information Assurance: Information assurance ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.
  17. Risk Assessment: Risk assessment identifies potential threats and vulnerabilities to mitigate risks effectively.
  18. Business Continuity Planning: Business continuity planning ensures that critical business functions can continue during and after a disaster.
  19. Disaster Recovery Planning: Disaster recovery planning involves strategies to recover IT systems and data after a disaster.
  20. Change Management: Change management processes handle modifications to IT systems in a controlled manner.
  21. Configuration Management: Configuration management tracks and controls changes to IT systems and software.
  22. System Maintenance: System maintenance involves routine updates and repairs to keep IT systems functioning correctly.
  23. IT Service Management: IT service management focuses on delivering and managing IT services to meet business needs.
  24. Help Desk Support: Help desk support provides assistance to users facing technical issues with their IT systems.
  25. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library): ITIL provides best practices for IT service management and delivery.
  26. Application Lifecycle Management: Application lifecycle management encompasses the entire lifecycle of software applications, from development to retirement.
  27. Software Deployment: Software deployment involves installing and configuring software applications for end users.
  28. System Upgrades: System upgrades enhance the functionality and performance of existing IT systems.
  29. IT Audit: An IT audit assesses the effectiveness and security of an organization’s IT systems and practices.
  30. Data Backup: Data backup ensures that copies of critical data are saved and can be restored if needed.
  31. Incident Management: Incident management deals with handling and resolving IT incidents to minimize disruption.
  32. Performance Monitoring: Performance monitoring tracks the efficiency and effectiveness of IT systems and services.
  33. Capacity Planning: Capacity planning ensures that IT resources are adequate to meet future demands.
  34. Access Control: Access control systems manage user permissions and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  35. System Documentation: System documentation provides detailed information about IT systems and their components.
  36. User Training: User training ensures that end users understand how to use IT systems effectively.
  37. Service Level Agreements (SLA): SLAs define the expected performance and availability levels of IT services.
  38. Vendor Management: Vendor management involves overseeing relationships with external suppliers and service providers.
  39. Compliance Management: Compliance management ensures that IT practices adhere to legal and regulatory requirements.
  40. Data Encryption: Data encryption protects sensitive information by converting it into a secure format.
  41. Database Backup: Database backup involves creating copies of databases to prevent data loss.
  42. Network Security: Network security measures protect an organization’s network from cyber threats and attacks.
  43. User Authentication: User authentication verifies the identity of users before granting access to IT systems.
  44. Information Retrieval: Information retrieval involves accessing and extracting relevant data from databases and systems.
  45. Systems Development: Systems development focuses on creating and implementing new IT systems to meet business needs.
  46. Integration Testing: Integration testing ensures that different system components work together as intended.
  47. Software Quality Assurance (QA): Software QA involves testing applications to ensure they meet quality standards.
  48. Systems Design: Systems design involves creating blueprints for IT systems and their components.
  49. IT Strategy: IT strategy aligns technology initiatives with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.
  50. Technology Assessment: Technology assessment evaluates the suitability and effectiveness of new technologies.
  51. Resource Allocation: Resource allocation involves assigning IT resources to various projects and tasks.
  52. Application Integration: Application integration connects different software applications to improve workflow and efficiency.
  53. Data Migration: Data migration involves transferring data from one system or format to another.
  54. Performance Tuning: Performance tuning optimizes IT systems to improve their speed and efficiency.
  55. System Optimization: System optimization enhances the performance and reliability of IT systems.
  56. Capacity Management: Capacity management ensures that IT resources are sufficient to meet current and future needs.
  57. Technical Support: Technical support assists users with troubleshooting and resolving IT issues.
  58. Data Analysis: Data analysis involves examining data to uncover insights and support decision-making.
  59. Information Retrieval Systems: Information retrieval systems facilitate the extraction and use of data from large datasets.
  60. Business Process Management (BPM): BPM focuses on improving and managing business processes for greater efficiency.
  61. IT Risk Management: IT risk management identifies and mitigates risks associated with IT systems and projects.
  62. Service Desk: The service desk provides a single point of contact for users to request support and report issues.
  63. Change Control: Change control manages modifications to IT systems to prevent disruptions and ensure stability.
  64. Operational Efficiency: Operational efficiency aims to improve the performance and effectiveness of business operations.
  65. Knowledge Management: Knowledge management involves capturing, sharing, and utilizing organizational knowledge and information.
  66. IT Architecture: IT architecture defines the structure and design of an organization’s IT systems and infrastructure.
  67. Systems Implementation: Systems implementation involves deploying new IT systems and integrating them into existing processes.
  68. Data Governance: Data governance ensures that data management practices comply with policies and standards.
  69. IT Compliance: IT compliance ensures that IT practices and systems adhere to relevant laws and regulations.
  70. Software Engineering: Software engineering applies engineering principles to design, develop, and maintain software applications.
  71. Security Management: Security management involves protecting IT systems and data from threats and breaches.
  72. Business System Analysis: Business system analysis examines and improves IT systems to support business objectives.
  73. Application Support: Application support provides assistance with the operation and troubleshooting of software applications.
  74. IT Performance Metrics: IT performance metrics measure the effectiveness and efficiency of IT systems and services.
  75. Service Management: Service management focuses on delivering and managing IT services to meet business requirements.
  76. System Design Specifications: System design specifications outline the requirements and features of an IT system.
  77. Database Design: Database design involves creating the structure and schema of a database to store and manage data.
  78. Information Systems Strategy: Information systems strategy aligns IT initiatives with the overall strategic goals of the organization.
  79. Technical Documentation: Technical documentation provides detailed information about IT systems, processes, and procedures.
  80. Network Administration: Network administration involves managing and maintaining an organization’s network infrastructure.
  81. System Auditing: System auditing reviews IT systems to ensure compliance with standards and identify areas for improvement.
  82. User Experience (UX): User experience focuses on designing IT systems and interfaces that are user-friendly and efficient.
  83. Disaster Recovery: Disaster recovery involves planning and implementing strategies to restore IT systems after a catastrophic event.
  84. Data Integrity: Data integrity ensures the accuracy and consistency of data throughout its lifecycle.
  85. IT Project Management: IT project management involves planning, executing, and closing IT projects to achieve specific goals.
  86. Knowledge Base: A knowledge base is a centralized repository of information and solutions for IT support and operations.
  87. Systems Configuration: Systems configuration involves setting up IT systems to meet specific requirements and preferences.
  88. Application Programming Interface (API): APIs allow different software applications to communicate and interact with each other.
  89. System Redundancy: System redundancy provides backup components and systems to ensure continuity in case of failure.
  90. Network Topology: Network topology defines the arrangement and connection of devices in a network.
  91. Business Analytics: Business analytics involves analyzing data to gain insights and make strategic decisions.
  92. Data Mining: Data mining extracts useful patterns and information from large datasets.
  93. Security Policies: Security policies outline guidelines and rules for protecting IT systems and data.
  94. Enterprise Architecture: Enterprise architecture provides a framework for aligning IT systems with business goals and strategies.
  95. Software Maintenance: Software maintenance involves updating and fixing software applications to keep them functional.
  96. Service Automation: Service automation streamlines and automates IT service processes to improve efficiency.
  97. Data Modeling: Data modeling involves creating representations of data structures and relationships for database design.
  98. System Integration Testing: System integration testing verifies that different system components work together as intended.
  99. Technical Support Documentation: Technical support documentation provides guides and resources for resolving IT issues and providing assistance.
  100. Business Process Automation: Business process automation uses technology to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency.

Bài tập

  1. Effective __________ is crucial for optimizing business processes and performance.
  2. __________ involves maintaining the health and performance of an organization’s databases.
  3. __________ determines the layout and design of an organization’s network infrastructure.
  4. __________ ensures that different IT systems work together seamlessly.
  5. An __________ integrates various business processes into a unified system to improve efficiency.
  6. __________ tools help companies analyze data and make informed decisions.
  7. __________ involves storing and managing large volumes of data for analysis and reporting.
  8. __________ provides a framework for aligning IT strategies with business objectives.
  9. __________ focuses on understanding and improving IT systems and their components.
  10. The __________ oversees and manages project-related activities and ensures alignment with business goals.
  11. __________ is essential for understanding what users need from a new system.
  12. __________ includes all the hardware, software, and network resources required to support IT operations.
  13. The __________ outlines the phases of software development, from planning to deployment.
  14. __________ provides scalable and on-demand access to computing resources over the internet.
  15. __________ measures protect sensitive information from unauthorized access and breaches.
  16. __________ ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.
  17. __________ identifies potential threats and vulnerabilities to mitigate risks effectively.
  18. __________ ensures that critical business functions can continue during and after a disaster.
  19. __________ involves strategies to recover IT systems and data after a disaster.
  20. __________ processes handle modifications to IT systems in a controlled manner.
  21. __________ tracks and controls changes to IT systems and software.
  22. __________ involves routine updates and repairs to keep IT systems functioning correctly.
  23. __________ focuses on delivering and managing IT services to meet business needs.
  24. __________ provides assistance to users facing technical issues with their IT systems.
  25. __________ provides best practices for IT service management and delivery.
  26. __________ encompasses the entire lifecycle of software applications, from development to retirement.
  27. __________ involves installing and configuring software applications for end users.
  28. __________ enhances the functionality and performance of existing IT systems.
  29. An __________ assesses the effectiveness and security of an organization’s IT systems and practices.
  30. __________ ensures that copies of critical data are saved and can be restored if needed.
  31. __________ deals with handling and resolving IT incidents to minimize disruption.
  32. __________ tracks the efficiency and effectiveness of IT systems and services.
  33. __________ ensures that IT resources are adequate to meet future demands.
  34. __________ systems manage user permissions and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access.
  35. __________ provides detailed information about IT systems and their components.
  36. __________ ensures that end users understand how to use IT systems effectively.
  37. __________ define the expected performance and availability levels of IT services.
  38. __________ involves overseeing relationships with external suppliers and service providers.
  39. __________ ensures that IT practices adhere to legal and regulatory requirements.
  40. __________ protects sensitive information by converting it into a secure format.
  41. __________ involves creating copies of databases to prevent data loss.
  42. __________ measures protect an organization’s network from cyber threats and attacks.
  43. __________ verifies the identity of users before granting access to IT systems.
  44. __________ involves accessing and extracting relevant data from databases and systems.
  45. __________ focuses on creating and implementing new IT systems to meet business needs.
  46. __________ ensures that different system components work together as intended.
  47. __________ involves testing applications to ensure they meet quality standards.
  48. __________ involves creating blueprints for IT systems and their components.
  49. __________ aligns technology initiatives with the overall goals and objectives of the organization.
  50. __________ evaluates the suitability and effectiveness of new technologies.
  51. __________ involves assigning IT resources to various projects and tasks.
  52. __________ connects different software applications to improve workflow and efficiency.
  53. __________ involves transferring data from one system or format to another.
  54. __________ optimizes IT systems to improve their speed and efficiency.
  55. __________ enhances the performance and reliability of IT systems.
  56. __________ ensures that IT resources are sufficient to meet current and future needs.
  57. __________ assists users with troubleshooting and resolving IT issues.
  58. __________ involves examining data to uncover insights and support decision-making.
  59. __________ facilitate the extraction and use of data from large datasets.
  60. __________ focuses on improving and managing business processes for greater efficiency.
  61. __________ identifies and mitigates risks associated with IT systems and projects.
  62. The __________ provides a single point of contact for users to request support and report issues.
  63. __________ manages modifications to IT systems to prevent disruptions and ensure stability.
  64. __________ aims to improve the performance and effectiveness of business operations.
  65. __________ involves capturing, sharing, and utilizing organizational knowledge and information.
  66. __________ defines the structure and design of an organization’s IT systems and infrastructure.
  67. __________ involves deploying new IT systems and integrating them into existing processes.
  68. __________ ensures that data management practices comply with policies and standards.
  69. __________ ensures that IT practices and systems adhere to relevant laws and regulations.
  70. __________ applies engineering principles to design, develop, and maintain software applications.
  71. __________ involves protecting IT systems and data from threats and breaches.
  72. __________ examines and improves IT systems to support business objectives.
  73. __________ provides assistance with the operation and troubleshooting of software applications.
  74. __________ measure the effectiveness and efficiency of IT systems and services.
  75. __________ focuses on delivering and managing IT services to meet business requirements.
  76. __________ outline the requirements and features of an IT system.
  77. __________ involves creating the structure and schema of a database to store and manage data.
  78. __________ aligns IT initiatives with the overall strategic goals of the organization.
  79. __________ provides detailed information about IT systems, processes, and procedures.
  80. __________ involves managing and maintaining an organization’s network infrastructure.
  81. __________ reviews IT systems to ensure compliance with standards and identify areas for improvement.
  82. __________ focuses on designing IT systems and interfaces that are user-friendly and efficient.
  83. __________ involves planning and implementing strategies to restore IT systems after a catastrophic event.
  84. __________ ensures the accuracy and consistency of data throughout its lifecycle.
  85. __________ involves planning, executing, and closing IT projects to achieve specific goals.
  86. A __________ is a centralized repository of information and solutions for IT support and operations.
  87. __________ involves setting up IT systems to meet specific requirements and preferences.
  88. __________ allow different software applications to communicate and interact with each other.
  89. __________ provides backup components and systems to ensure continuity in case of failure.
  90. __________ defines the arrangement and connection of devices in a network.
  91. __________ involves analyzing data to gain insights and make strategic decisions.
  92. __________ extracts useful patterns and information from large datasets.
  93. __________ outline guidelines and rules for protecting IT systems and data.
  94. __________ provides a framework for aligning IT systems with business goals and strategies.
  95. __________ involves updating and fixing software applications to keep them functional.
  96. __________ streamlines and automates IT service processes to improve efficiency.
  97. __________ involves creating representations of data structures and relationships for database design.
  98. __________ verifies that different system components work together as intended.
  99. __________ provides guides and resources for resolving IT issues and providing assistance.
  100. __________ uses technology to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency.

Đáp án

  1. Information Systems Management
  2. Database Administration
  3. Network Architecture
  4. System Integration
  5. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
  6. Business Intelligence (BI)
  7. Data Warehousing
  8. IT Governance
  9. Systems Analysis
  10. Project Management Office (PMO)
  11. User Requirements Gathering
  12. IT Infrastructure
  13. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  14. Cloud Computing
  15. Data Security
  16. Information Assurance
  17. Risk Assessment
  18. Business Continuity Planning
  19. Disaster Recovery Planning
  20. Change Management
  21. Configuration Management
  22. System Maintenance
  23. IT Service Management
  24. Help Desk Support
  25. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library)
  26. Application Lifecycle Management
  27. Software Deployment
  28. System Upgrades
  29. IT Audit
  30. Data Backup
  31. Incident Management
  32. Performance Monitoring
  33. Capacity Planning
  34. Access Control
  35. System Documentation
  36. User Training
  37. Service Level Agreements (SLA)
  38. Vendor Management
  39. Compliance Management
  40. Data Encryption
  41. Database Backup
  42. Network Security
  43. User Authentication
  44. Information Retrieval
  45. Systems Development
  46. Integration Testing
  47. Software Quality Assurance (QA)
  48. Systems Design
  49. IT Strategy
  50. Technology Assessment
  51. Resource Allocation
  52. Application Integration
  53. Data Migration
  54. Performance Tuning
  55. System Optimization
  56. Capacity Management
  57. Technical Support
  58. Data Analysis
  59. Information Retrieval Systems
  60. Business Process Management (BPM)
  61. IT Risk Management
  62. Service Desk
  63. Change Control
  64. Operational Efficiency
  65. Knowledge Management
  66. IT Architecture
  67. Systems Implementation
  68. Data Governance
  69. IT Compliance
  70. Software Engineering
  71. Security Management
  72. Business System Analysis
  73. Application Support
  74. IT Performance Metrics
  75. Service Management
  76. System Design Specifications
  77. Database Design
  78. Information Systems Strategy
  79. Technical Documentation
  80. Network Administration
  81. System Auditing
  82. User Experience (UX)
  83. Disaster Recovery
  84. Data Integrity
  85. IT Project Management
  86. Knowledge Base
  87. Systems Configuration
  88. Application Programming Interface (API)
  89. System Redundancy
  90. Network Topology
  91. Business Analytics
  92. Data Mining
  93. Security Policies
  94. Enterprise Architecture
  95. Software Maintenance
  96. Service Automation
  97. Data Modeling
  98. System Integration Testing
  99. Technical Support Documentation
  100. Business Process Automation
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