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Câu điều kiện nâng cao: Sử dụng các loại câu điều kiện phức tạp

Câu điều kiện nâng cao (advanced conditional sentences) trong tiếng Anh thường sử dụng để diễn tả các tình huống giả định không thực tế, không có khả năng xảy ra, hoặc các tình huống trong quá khứ với những kết quả khác.

1. Câu điều kiện loại 0 (Zero Conditional)

  • Cấu trúc: If + hiện tại đơn, hiện tại đơn
  • Sử dụng: Diễn tả những sự thật hiển nhiên, quy luật tự nhiên, hoặc những điều luôn đúng.
  • Ví dụ:
    • If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
    • If you mix red and blue, you get purple.

2. Câu điều kiện loại 1 (First Conditional)

  • Cấu trúc: If + hiện tại đơn, will + động từ nguyên mẫu
  • Sử dụng: Diễn tả những tình huống có thể xảy ra trong tương lai nếu điều kiện được đáp ứng.
  • Ví dụ:
    • If it rains tomorrow, we will cancel the picnic.
    • If you study hard, you will pass the exam.

3. Câu điều kiện loại 2 (Second Conditional)

  • Cấu trúc: If + quá khứ đơn, would + động từ nguyên mẫu
  • Sử dụng: Diễn tả những tình huống không có thực hoặc ít có khả năng xảy ra trong hiện tại hoặc tương lai.
  • Ví dụ:
    • If I won the lottery, I would travel the world.
    • If she were here, she would help us.

4. Câu điều kiện loại 3 (Third Conditional)

  • Cấu trúc: If + quá khứ hoàn thành, would have + động từ quá khứ phân từ
  • Sử dụng: Diễn tả những tình huống không có thực trong quá khứ và kết quả khác nếu điều kiện được đáp ứng.
  • Ví dụ:
    • If I had known about the meeting, I would have attended.
    • If they had left earlier, they would have caught the train.

5. Câu điều kiện hỗn hợp (Mixed Conditionals)

  • Cấu trúc: Kết hợp giữa các thì của các loại điều kiện khác nhau, tùy thuộc vào sự kết hợp của thời gian và điều kiện.
    • Quá khứ điều kiện và hiện tại kết quả:
      • If + quá khứ hoàn thành, would + động từ nguyên mẫu
      • Ví dụ: If I had studied harder, I would be a doctor now.
    • Hiện tại điều kiện và quá khứ kết quả:
      • If + hiện tại đơn, would have + động từ quá khứ phân từ
      • Ví dụ: If he were more responsible, he would have finished the project on time.

6. Câu điều kiện với “unless”

  • Cấu trúc: Unless + hiện tại đơn, will + động từ nguyên mẫu (hoặc các dạng khác tùy theo loại điều kiện)
  • Sử dụng: “Unless” có thể được sử dụng thay cho “if not” để diễn tả điều kiện tương tự.
  • Ví dụ:
    • Unless it rains, we will go for a hike.
    • She will be late unless she catches the early train.

7. Câu điều kiện với “should”, “were to”, “had”

  • Sử dụng: Để tạo ra sự nhấn mạnh trong câu điều kiện.
    • Should (thay cho “if”) trong câu điều kiện loại 1:
      • Should you need any help, let me know.
    • Were to (thay cho “if”) trong câu điều kiện loại 2:
      • If I were to win the lottery, I would buy a house.
    • Had (thay cho “if”) trong câu điều kiện loại 3:
      • Had I known, I would have acted differently.

Bài tập

  1. If you __________ the instructions carefully, you will understand the process.
  2. If she __________ the meeting yesterday, she would have known about the changes.
  3. Should you __________ any issues, please contact support immediately.
  4. If they __________ earlier, they would have avoided the traffic jam.
  5. If he __________ the project last week, he would be finished by now.
  6. Unless it __________ tomorrow, the event will go ahead as planned.
  7. If you __________ me earlier, I could have helped you with the problem.
  8. If I __________ more time, I would have completed the assignment.
  9. Had we __________ earlier, we wouldn’t have missed the train.
  10. If she __________ more experience, she would be qualified for the job.
  11. If he __________ to the party, he would have met the CEO.
  12. Should the weather __________, we will have to reschedule the outdoor activity.
  13. If they __________ about the issue sooner, they could have solved it quickly.
  14. If you __________ me know about the delay, I would have waited.
  15. If I __________ the tickets earlier, we would have gotten a discount.
  16. Unless you __________ the report by tomorrow, we won’t meet the deadline.
  17. Had I __________ the instructions, I would have avoided the mistake.
  18. If he __________ the appointment, he would have avoided the problem.
  19. Should they __________ their offer, they will not win the contract.
  20. If she __________ the training, she would understand the new system better.
  21. If they __________ a different strategy, they would have succeeded.
  22. Unless the project __________ on time, it will be delayed.
  23. If I __________ about the event, I would have attended.
  24. Had he __________ the correct address, he wouldn’t have gotten lost.
  25. If you __________ the solution, we would have finished the task.
  26. Should you __________ the problem, please report it immediately.
  27. If they __________ the deadline, they could have received a bonus.
  28. If he __________ the advice, he would have made a better decision.
  29. Unless it __________ more, we will continue with our plans.
  30. If she __________ the email, she would know about the changes.
  31. Had they __________ the terms, they wouldn’t have signed the contract.
  32. If you __________ the file, you would see the updated information.
  33. Should he __________ the project on time, he will get a promotion.
  34. If she __________ the details, she would have avoided the error.
  35. If they __________ the new policy, they would be better prepared.
  36. Unless he __________ the right tools, the job will be difficult.
  37. If you __________ the report by now, we would have reviewed it.
  38. Had we __________ the proper equipment, we would have finished the job.
  39. If I __________ the directions, I would have found the location.
  40. If he __________ the warning, he wouldn’t have faced the issue.
  41. Should you __________ any questions, please let us know.
  42. If they __________ the offer, they would have secured the deal.
  43. If you __________ the deadline, we would have completed the project.
  44. Had she __________ the project earlier, she would have met the deadline.
  45. If he __________ the document, he would have noticed the mistake.
  46. If you __________ the guidelines, the procedure would be easier.
  47. Unless they __________ their work, they will not meet the standards.
  48. If I __________ the information sooner, I could have helped.
  49. If he __________ the schedule, he would have been on time.
  50. Should they __________ the offer, they will lose the opportunity.
  51. If she __________ the file correctly, she wouldn’t have missed the data.
  52. If we __________ the materials, we could have started the project earlier.
  53. Had they __________ the correct procedure, they would have avoided the issue.
  54. If you __________ the contract, you would have understood the terms.
  55. If she __________ the procedure, she would have done it correctly.
  56. Unless the team __________ together, they will not complete the project.
  57. If he __________ more time, he would have finished the work.
  58. If they __________ the information in advance, they would be prepared.
  59. Should you __________ the issue, please address it immediately.
  60. If I __________ the meeting earlier, I would have been informed.
  61. If he __________ the feedback, he would have improved his performance.
  62. Had she __________ the report by now, she would have reviewed it.
  63. If we __________ the previous method, we would have saved time.
  64. If you __________ the guidelines, you would know what to do.
  65. Should they __________ the situation, they will be able to act.
  66. If she __________ the latest update, she would be aware of the changes.
  67. If they __________ the right equipment, they could have completed the task.
  68. Unless he __________ the issue immediately, it will get worse.
  69. If I __________ the task, I would have completed it by now.
  70. If he __________ the necessary documents, he would have gotten the permit.
  71. Should you __________ any difficulties, please contact us.
  72. If they __________ the new strategy, they would have achieved their goals.
  73. If she __________ the announcement, she would have attended the event.
  74. Had you __________ the information earlier, you could have acted.
  75. If they __________ their goals, they would have been promoted.
  76. If we __________ the time correctly, we would have arrived sooner.
  77. Should he __________ the project before the deadline, he will be praised.
  78. If she __________ the steps correctly, she would have completed the task.
  79. If they __________ the rules, they would not have faced penalties.
  80. Unless you __________ the changes, the plan will not work.
  81. If he __________ the guidelines, he would have done it right.
  82. Had we __________ the right approach, we would have succeeded.
  83. If they __________ the opportunity, they would have expanded their business.
  84. If I __________ the suggestions, the result would be better.
  85. Should you __________ any problems, please let us know.
  86. If she __________ the requirements, she would have been hired.
  87. If we __________ the project sooner, we would have met the deadline.
  88. If he __________ the advice earlier, he would have avoided the trouble.
  89. Had they __________ the correct method, they would have completed the task.
  90. If you __________ the procedure, the process would be smoother.
  91. If they __________ the meeting, they would have understood the new plan.
  92. Should she __________ the report on time, she would have been promoted.
  93. If I __________ the event, I would have known about the changes.
  94. If he __________ the issue before, the problem would have been solved.
  95. Unless they __________ the project, they will not achieve their objectives.
  96. If you __________ the system update, you would see the improvements.
  97. Had I __________ the correct address, I wouldn’t have gotten lost.
  98. If they __________ the contract, they would have secured the partnership.
  99. If she __________ the deadline, she would have received the bonus.
  100. Should they __________ the policy changes, they will be compliant.

Đáp án

  1. attended
  2. encounter
  3. left
  4. started
  5. rains
  6. let
  7. had
  8. left
  9. had
  10. come
  11. rain
  12. known
  13. let
  14. bought
  15. submit
  16. followed
  17. missed
  18. accept
  19. attended
  20. used
  21. is delayed
  22. known
  23. had known
  24. found
  25. solve
  26. missed
  27. taken
  28. rains
  29. read
  30. read
  31. open
  32. finish
  33. checked
  34. followed
  35. has
  36. finished
  37. had
  38. followed
  39. heeded
  40. have
  41. accepted
  42. met
  43. completed
  44. read
  45. follow
  46. improve
  47. had
  48. seen
  49. decline
  50. handled
  51. ordered
  52. followed
  53. read
  54. understood
  55. works
  56. had
  57. received
  58. identify
  59. attended
  60. listened
  61. finished
  62. used
  63. follow
  64. understand
  65. received
  66. had
  67. addresses
  68. completed
  69. submitted
  70. encounter
  71. achieved
  72. seen
  73. had known
  74. met
  75. calculated
  76. finish
  77. followed
  78. followed
  79. understand
  80. followed
  81. taken
  82. seized
  83. implemented
  84. face
  85. met
  86. started
  87. taken
  88. used
  89. follow
  90. attended
  91. submitted
  92. attended
  93. addressed
  94. complete
  95. installed
  96. had
  97. signed
  98. met
  99. understand

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