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Cấu trúc câu với “so…that”: Sử dụng “so…that” để chỉ kết quả

Cấu trúc câu với “so…that” thường được dùng để diễn tả kết quả của một hành động hay tình huống nào đó.

Lý thuyết

Cấu trúc này bao gồm hai phần:

  1. “so” + tính từ/trạng từ: phần này mô tả mức độ của tính từ hoặc trạng từ.
  2. “that” + mệnh đề chỉ kết quả: phần này giải thích kết quả của mức độ được miêu tả ở phần đầu.

Cấu trúc cơ bản là:

  • S + V + so + tính từ/trạng từ + that + mệnh đề.

Ví dụ:

  1. She was so tired that she fell asleep immediately.
    (Cô ấy mệt đến nỗi mà ngủ ngay lập tức.)
  2. The movie was so interesting that I watched it twice.
    (Bộ phim hấp dẫn đến nỗi tôi đã xem hai lần.)
  3. He spoke so quickly that I could hardly understand him.
    (Anh ấy nói nhanh đến nỗi tôi gần như không thể hiểu được.)

Bài tập

  1. The weather was ______________ hot that we had to stay indoors.
  2. She is ______________ talented that everyone admires her.
  3. The book was ______________ interesting that I couldn’t put it down.
  4. His explanation was ______________ clear that I understood immediately.
  5. The restaurant was ______________ crowded that we had to wait for a table.
  6. The movie was ______________ long that we missed the last train.
  7. He ran ______________ fast that no one could catch up with him.
  8. The test was ______________ difficult that many students failed.
  9. The noise was ______________ loud that I couldn’t concentrate.
  10. The room was ______________ messy that I couldn’t find my keys.
  11. The project was ______________ complex that it took months to complete.
  12. She felt ______________ nervous that she could hardly speak.
  13. The cake was ______________ delicious that everyone wanted the recipe.
  14. The house was ______________ expensive that they had to take a loan.
  15. The concert was ______________ amazing that I want to see it again.
  16. The documentary was ______________ informative that I learned a lot.
  17. The dress was ______________ beautiful that everyone complimented her.
  18. The traffic was ______________ heavy that we arrived late.
  19. The test was ______________ easy that everyone passed it.
  20. The book was ______________ boring that I didn’t finish it.
  21. The climb was ______________ challenging that only a few made it to the top.
  22. The song was ______________ catchy that I couldn’t stop singing it.
  23. The hike was ______________ strenuous that we were exhausted by the end.
  24. The ice cream was ______________ cold that it gave me a headache.
  25. The restaurant was ______________ busy that we had to wait for an hour.
  26. The view from the top was ______________ breathtaking that I took many photos.
  27. The joke was ______________ funny that everyone laughed out loud.
  28. The movie was ______________ scary that I couldn’t sleep that night.
  29. The game was ______________ exciting that we played for hours.
  30. The lecture was ______________ boring that several people fell asleep.
  31. The shoes were ______________ uncomfortable that I had to take them off.
  32. The paint was ______________ bright that it was visible from a distance.
  33. The cake was ______________ sweet that I could hardly eat a slice.
  34. The weather was ______________ rainy that the picnic was canceled.
  35. The hotel was ______________ luxurious that it felt like a dream.
  36. The lesson was ______________ simple that everyone understood it quickly.
  37. The speech was ______________ inspiring that it motivated everyone.
  38. The news was ______________ shocking that it made headlines.
  39. The store was ______________ expensive that I didn’t buy anything.
  40. The park was ______________ quiet that it was perfect for relaxing.
  41. The flight was ______________ delayed that we missed our connection.
  42. The workout was ______________ intense that I was sore the next day.
  43. The house was ______________ cozy that I felt right at home.
  44. The instructions were ______________ confusing that I needed help.
  45. The trip was ______________ memorable that we talk about it all the time.
  46. The weather was ______________ sunny that we decided to go to the beach.
  47. The traffic was ______________ light that we arrived ahead of schedule.
  48. The party was ______________ lively that everyone had a great time.
  49. The dog was ______________ friendly that it made everyone smile.
  50. The hotel room was ______________ small that we felt cramped.
  51. The museum was ______________ educational that the kids learned a lot.
  52. The meal was ______________ filling that I couldn’t eat dessert.
  53. The hotel was ______________ old that it had a lot of character.
  54. The storm was ______________ severe that there was flooding in the streets.
  55. The song was ______________ sad that it brought tears to my eyes.
  56. The view was ______________ picturesque that it looked like a painting.
  57. The class was ______________ interactive that everyone participated actively.
  58. The store was ______________ crowded that it was hard to move around.
  59. The movie was ______________ thrilling that it kept me on the edge of my seat.
  60. The lecture was ______________ lengthy that we had a break halfway through.
  61. The dress was ______________ expensive that it was out of my budget.
  62. The news was ______________ exciting that everyone started talking about it.
  63. The lecture was ______________ informative that I took many notes.
  64. The hotel was ______________ noisy that it was hard to sleep.
  65. The restaurant was ______________ cheap that we had a great meal for a small price.
  66. The book was ______________ challenging that I had to read it several times.
  67. The view was ______________ spectacular that I wanted to stay longer.
  68. The flight was ______________ comfortable that I slept the entire way.
  69. The concert was ______________ loud that I had to wear earplugs.
  70. The beach was ______________ crowded that we had trouble finding a spot.
  71. The food was ______________ spicy that I needed a lot of water.
  72. The assignment was ______________ tedious that I finished it late at night.
  73. The concert was ______________ enjoyable that I bought tickets for the next show.
  74. The book was ______________ emotional that it made me cry.
  75. The weather was ______________ perfect that we spent the whole day outside.
  76. The movie was ______________ funny that it made me laugh all the way through.
  77. The gift was ______________ thoughtful that I was touched.
  78. The museum was ______________ fascinating that I could have spent the whole day there.
  79. The weather was ______________ foggy that it was hard to see the road.
  80. The restaurant was ______________ nice that I want to go back.
  81. The dance was ______________ graceful that it captivated the audience.
  82. The street was ______________ deserted that it felt eerie.
  83. The book was ______________ gripping that I couldn’t put it down.
  84. The project was ______________ demanding that I worked overtime.
  85. The view from the hill was ______________ panoramic that you could see for miles.
  86. The performance was ______________ outstanding that it received a standing ovation.
  87. The ice cream was ______________ rich that a little went a long way.
  88. The news was ______________ disappointing that it changed our plans.
  89. The field was ______________ vast that it took us hours to explore it.
  90. The gift was ______________ perfect that it made her day.
  91. The meal was ______________ gourmet that it was worth every penny.
  92. The sunset was ______________ magnificent that everyone took pictures.
  93. The rain was ______________ constant that it ruined our outdoor event.
  94. The lecture was ______________ fascinating that I didn’t check my phone once.
  95. The task was ______________ complicated that it required multiple attempts.
  96. The atmosphere was ______________ festive that it felt like a celebration.
  97. The service was ______________ prompt that we were served immediately.
  98. The book was ______________ poetic that it resonated deeply with me.
  99. The dinner was ______________ elegant that it felt like a special occasion.
  100. The hike was ______________ exhilarating that I wanted to do it again immediately.

Đáp án

  1. so
  2. so
  3. so
  4. so
  5. so
  6. so
  7. so
  8. so
  9. so
  10. so
  11. so
  12. so
  13. so
  14. so
  15. so
  16. so
  17. so
  18. so
  19. so
  20. so
  21. so
  22. so
  23. so
  24. so
  25. so
  26. so
  27. so
  28. so
  29. so
  30. so
  31. so
  32. so
  33. so
  34. so
  35. so
  36. so
  37. so
  38. so
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  43. so
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  46. so
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  72. so
  73. so
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  92. so
  93. so
  94. so
  95. so
  96. so
  97. so
  98. so
  99. so
  100. so

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