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Cụm từ chỉ kết quả: Sử dụng cụm từ chỉ kết quả như “so…that”, “such…that”

Cụm từ chỉ kết quả như “so…that” và “such…that” được sử dụng trong tiếng Anh để diễn tả một kết quả xảy ra do nguyên nhân đã đề cập trước đó.

1. So…that

  • Cấu trúc: So + tính từ/trạng từ + that + mệnh đề kết quả
    Ví dụ:
    • The movie was so interesting that I watched it twice. (Bộ phim hay đến mức tôi đã xem nó hai lần.)
    • She ran so quickly that she won the race. (Cô ấy chạy nhanh đến mức cô ấy đã thắng cuộc đua.)

2. Such…that

  • Cấu trúc: Such + (a/an) + tính từ + danh từ + that + mệnh đề kết quả
    Ví dụ:
    • It was such a hot day that we decided to stay indoors. (Đó là một ngày nóng đến mức chúng tôi quyết định ở trong nhà.)
    • He is such a talented musician that everyone admires him. (Anh ấy là một nhạc sĩ tài năng đến mức ai cũng ngưỡng mộ anh ấy.)

Lưu ý:

  • So thường được dùng với tính từ hoặc trạng từ.
  • Such thường được dùng với cụm danh từ (tính từ + danh từ).

Hai cấu trúc này giúp nhấn mạnh mối quan hệ nguyên nhân-kết quả giữa hai sự kiện.

Bài tập

  1. The test was ___ difficult ___ many students couldn’t finish it.
  2. She spoke ___ softly ___ no one could hear her.
  3. It was ___ a beautiful dress ___ everyone complimented her on it.
  4. He was ___ tired ___ he fell asleep immediately.
  5. They were ___ excited ___ they couldn’t sit still.
  6. The movie was ___ scary ___ I had to close my eyes.
  7. It was ___ a long journey ___ we had to stop several times.
  8. She was ___ surprised ___ she couldn’t speak.
  9. The cake was ___ delicious ___ everyone asked for more.
  10. He ran ___ fast ___ he broke the record.
  11. The weather was ___ cold ___ we couldn’t go outside.
  12. She is ___ a kind person ___ everyone loves her.
  13. It was ___ a boring lecture ___ half the class fell asleep.
  14. The music was ___ loud ___ the neighbors complained.
  15. He is ___ a talented artist ___ his work is displayed in a gallery.
  16. The view was ___ breathtaking ___ we stood in awe.
  17. The exam was ___ easy ___ everyone passed.
  18. She danced ___ gracefully ___ everyone applauded.
  19. The soup was ___ hot ___ I had to wait before eating it.
  20. It was ___ an interesting book ___ I couldn’t put it down.
  21. The dog was ___ friendly ___ the children played with it all day.
  22. The movie was ___ long ___ we were tired by the end.
  23. It was ___ a difficult puzzle ___ it took hours to solve.
  24. She sang ___ beautifully ___ the audience was moved.
  25. The road was ___ icy ___ cars were sliding everywhere.
  26. The story was ___ sad ___ it made me cry.
  27. He was ___ nervous ___ he couldn’t speak clearly.
  28. The team played ___ well ___ they won the championship.
  29. It was ___ a big house ___ it had seven bedrooms.
  30. The weather was ___ perfect ___ we spent the whole day outside.
  31. The news was ___ shocking ___ I couldn’t believe it.
  32. The mountain was ___ tall ___ it took days to reach the summit.
  33. The child was ___ happy ___ he couldn’t stop smiling.
  34. It was ___ a heavy box ___ I needed help to carry it.
  35. The food was ___ spicy ___ I couldn’t eat it.
  36. The room was ___ dark ___ I couldn’t see anything.
  37. She worked ___ hard ___ she earned a promotion.
  38. The joke was ___ funny ___ everyone laughed.
  39. The rain was ___ heavy ___ the streets were flooded.
  40. It was ___ a quiet night ___ I could hear the wind.
  41. The soup was ___ salty ___ I had to add water.
  42. The dress was ___ expensive ___ I couldn’t afford it.
  43. The lecture was ___ informative ___ I learned a lot.
  44. The project was ___ challenging ___ it took weeks to complete.
  45. The cat was ___ curious ___ it explored every corner of the house.
  46. The sun was ___ bright ___ I had to wear sunglasses.
  47. The cake was ___ sweet ___ I couldn’t eat another bite.
  48. The road was ___ bumpy ___ it was difficult to drive.
  49. The actor was ___ talented ___ he won several awards.
  50. The weather was ___ stormy ___ we stayed indoors all day.
  51. The room was ___ messy ___ I couldn’t find anything.
  52. The concert was ___ loud ___ my ears were ringing afterward.
  53. The city was ___ crowded ___ it was hard to move.
  54. The tree was ___ tall ___ it could be seen from miles away.
  55. The story was ___ compelling ___ I read it in one sitting.
  56. The teacher was ___ patient ___ everyone understood the lesson.
  57. The mountain was ___ steep ___ it was difficult to climb.
  58. The water was ___ cold ___ I didn’t want to swim.
  59. The task was ___ simple ___ I finished it quickly.
  60. The flowers were ___ beautiful ___ they brightened up the room.
  61. The test was ___ easy ___ everyone finished early.
  62. The dog was ___ playful ___ it kept everyone entertained.
  63. The painting was ___ detailed ___ it looked almost real.
  64. The car was ___ fast ___ we arrived ahead of time.
  65. The homework was ___ difficult ___ I needed help.
  66. The book was ___ long ___ it took me weeks to finish.
  67. The performance was ___ good ___ it received a standing ovation.
  68. The beach was ___ clean ___ it was awarded a blue flag.
  69. The music was ___ soothing ___ it put me to sleep.
  70. The cake was ___ large ___ it served 20 people.
  71. The storm was ___ fierce ___ it knocked down trees.
  72. The cat was ___ sleepy ___ it didn’t move all day.
  73. The presentation was ___ boring ___ some people left early.
  74. The child was ___ curious ___ he asked a lot of questions.
  75. The movie was ___ exciting ___ I watched it twice.
  76. The coffee was ___ strong ___ I couldn’t drink it all.
  77. The sky was ___ clear ___ we could see the stars.
  78. The soup was ___ thick ___ the spoon stood upright in it.
  79. The shoes were ___ tight ___ they hurt my feet.
  80. The house was ___ old ___ it needed a lot of repairs.
  81. The field was ___ muddy ___ we couldn’t play soccer.
  82. The chair was ___ uncomfortable ___ I couldn’t sit for long.
  83. The tea was ___ hot ___ I had to let it cool.
  84. The picture was ___ blurry ___ I couldn’t make out the details.
  85. The phone was ___ expensive ___ I had to save for months to buy it.
  86. The room was ___ small ___ there was barely enough space to move.
  87. The food was ___ delicious ___ I asked for the recipe.
  88. The lake was ___ deep ___ we couldn’t see the bottom.
  89. The dog was ___ big ___ it scared the children.
  90. The problem was ___ complicated ___ it took us hours to solve it.
  91. The weather was ___ hot ___ we went swimming.
  92. The journey was ___ long ___ we were exhausted when we arrived.
  93. The bridge was ___ narrow ___ only one car could pass at a time.
  94. The mountain was ___ high ___ we could see snow at the top.
  95. The movie was ___ intense ___ I couldn’t look away.
  96. The soup was ___ bland ___ I added salt and pepper.
  97. The park was ___ peaceful ___ I spent the whole afternoon there.
  98. The teacher was ___ strict ___ no one dared to speak out of turn.
  99. The garden was ___ beautiful ___ it was featured in a magazine.
  100. The concert was ___ amazing ___ people talked about it for weeks.

Đáp án

  1. so difficult that
  2. so softly that
  3. such a beautiful dress that
  4. so tired that
  5. so excited that
  6. so scary that
  7. such a long journey that
  8. so surprised that
  9. so delicious that
  10. so fast that
  11. so cold that
  12. such a kind person that
  13. such a boring lecture that
  14. so loud that
  15. such a talented artist that
  16. so breathtaking that
  17. so easy that
  18. so gracefully that
  19. so hot that
  20. such an interesting book that
  21. so friendly that
  22. so long that
  23. such a difficult puzzle that
  24. so beautifully that
  25. so icy that
  26. so sad that
  27. so nervous that
  28. so well that
  29. such a big house that
  30. so perfect that
  31. so shocking that
  32. so tall that
  33. so happy that
  34. such a heavy box that
  35. so spicy that
  36. so dark that
  37. so hard that
  38. so funny that
  39. so heavy that
  40. such a quiet night that
  41. so salty that
  42. so expensive that
  43. so informative that
  44. such a challenging project that
  45. so curious that
  46. so bright that
  47. so sweet that
  48. so bumpy that
  49. such a talented actor that
  50. so stormy that
  51. so messy that
  52. so loud that
  53. so crowded that
  54. so tall that
  55. so compelling that
  56. so patient that
  57. so steep that
  58. so cold that
  59. so simple that
  60. so beautiful that
  61. so easy that
  62. so playful that
  63. so detailed that
  64. so fast that
  65. so difficult that
  66. so long that
  67. so good that
  68. so clean that
  69. so soothing that
  70. such a large cake that
  71. so fierce that
  72. so sleepy that
  73. so boring that
  74. so curious that
  75. so exciting that
  76. so strong that
  77. so clear that
  78. so thick that
  79. so tight that
  80. so old that
  81. so muddy that
  82. so uncomfortable that
  83. so hot that
  84. so blurry that
  85. so expensive that
  86. so small that
  87. so delicious that
  88. so deep that
  89. so big that
  90. so complicated that
  91. so hot that
  92. so long that
  93. so narrow that
  94. so high that
  95. so intense that
  96. so bland that
  97. so peaceful that
  98. so strict that
  99. so beautiful that
  100. so amazing that
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