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Giới từ nâng cao: Sử dụng giới từ phức tạp và cụm giới từ

Giới từ nâng cao trong tiếng Anh không chỉ bao gồm các giới từ đơn giản như “in”, “on”, “at”, mà còn bao gồm các giới từ phức tạp và cụm giới từ. Hiểu và sử dụng thành thạo các giới từ này sẽ giúp cải thiện đáng kể khả năng ngôn ngữ của bạn, đặc biệt trong văn viết và giao tiếp chính xác.

1. Giới từ phức tạp (Complex Prepositions)

Giới từ phức tạp là các cụm từ bao gồm một giới từ và một hoặc hai từ bổ sung (thường là một tính từ hoặc một danh từ), tạo thành một cụm từ mang nghĩa giới từ. Ví dụ:

  • In addition to: thêm vào
    • She speaks French in addition to English.
  • In spite of: mặc dù
    • In spite of the rain, we went out for a walk.
  • On behalf of: thay mặt cho
    • I’m writing on behalf of my manager.
  • With regard to: liên quan đến
    • With regard to your request, we have no information at the moment.
  • By means of: bằng cách
    • The problem was solved by means of new technology.

2. Cụm giới từ (Prepositional Phrases)

Cụm giới từ bao gồm một giới từ đi kèm với một danh từ, đại từ hoặc cụm từ danh từ. Cụm này có thể làm chức năng như một tính từ (modifying a noun) hoặc trạng từ (modifying a verb, adjective, or adverb). Ví dụ:

  • In time: kịp thời
    • She arrived just in time for the meeting.
  • Out of order: hỏng hóc
    • The elevator is out of order.
  • In charge of: phụ trách
    • She is in charge of the project.
  • On account of: bởi vì
    • He was late on account of the traffic.
  • In favor of: ủng hộ
    • The committee voted in favor of the proposal.

3. Cách sử dụng giới từ phức tạp và cụm giới từ

a) Chọn giới từ phù hợp với ngữ cảnh:

  • Giới từ phức tạp thường cần được sử dụng trong các văn cảnh trang trọng hoặc kỹ thuật. Ví dụ, khi viết email công việc, bạn có thể sử dụng “in accordance with” thay vì chỉ “with” để tạo ra sự trang trọng.

b) Tránh lặp từ:

  • Khi viết hoặc nói, tránh sử dụng cùng một giới từ lặp lại nhiều lần. Thay vào đó, hãy sử dụng các giới từ phức tạp hoặc cụm giới từ để làm cho câu văn phong phú hơn.

c) Kết hợp với các động từ, tính từ cụ thể:

  • Một số động từ, tính từ hoặc danh từ đi kèm với các giới từ cụ thể. Việc hiểu rõ sự kết hợp này sẽ giúp bạn sử dụng chính xác hơn. Ví dụ:
    • Accused of: bị cáo buộc
    • Capable of: có khả năng
    • Interested in: quan tâm đến

d) Chú ý đến sự thay đổi nghĩa:

  • Một cụm từ có thể thay đổi nghĩa tùy thuộc vào giới từ đi kèm. Ví dụ:
    • Depend on: phụ thuộc vào
    • Consist of: bao gồm
    • Believe in: tin tưởng

Bài tập

  1. She was late __________ the heavy traffic.
  2. He apologized __________ the inconvenience.
  3. They are responsible __________ the project’s success.
  4. She is interested __________ learning new languages.
  5. The book consists __________ ten chapters.
  6. He was accused __________ stealing the money.
  7. The meeting was canceled __________ the bad weather.
  8. I’m looking forward __________ your reply.
  9. She is good __________ math.
  10. We arrived __________ the airport early.
  11. The company is in charge __________ the new product launch.
  12. He is capable __________ solving difficult problems.
  13. I prefer tea __________ coffee.
  14. He was punished __________ breaking the rules.
  15. She was shocked __________ the news.
  16. He succeeded __________ passing the exam.
  17. The store is closed __________ Sundays.
  18. They are dependent __________ their parents for support.
  19. The report is based __________ recent data.
  20. He was famous __________ his paintings.
  21. The letter was written __________ hand.
  22. They were surprised __________ his decision.
  23. She was angry __________ him for being late.
  24. He is afraid __________ spiders.
  25. The car is parked __________ front of the house.
  26. The movie was directed __________ Steven Spielberg.
  27. He is responsible __________ managing the team.
  28. She is known __________ her kindness.
  29. The package was delivered __________ express mail.
  30. He is tired __________ working late every day.
  31. She is interested __________ art and music.
  32. The meeting will take place __________ Friday.
  33. They are grateful __________ your help.
  34. He is familiar __________ this area.
  35. The work was completed __________ time.
  36. She was worried __________ her health.
  37. They were involved __________ a car accident.
  38. The book was written __________ a famous author.
  39. He is proud __________ his achievements.
  40. The company is famous __________ its innovative products.
  41. She was excited __________ the trip.
  42. He is married __________ a famous actress.
  43. The house was built __________ the 19th century.
  44. She was responsible __________ organizing the event.
  45. He is talented __________ playing the piano.
  46. The decision was made __________ the management.
  47. She is allergic __________ peanuts.
  48. He is afraid __________ heights.
  49. The report is due __________ next week.
  50. The movie was inspired __________ a true story.
  51. She is fond __________ cats.
  52. He is addicted __________ video games.
  53. The problem was solved __________ a creative approach.
  54. The project was delayed __________ unforeseen circumstances.
  55. She is disappointed __________ the results.
  56. The meeting was rescheduled __________ a later date.
  57. He is fluent __________ three languages.
  58. The document was signed __________ the CEO.
  59. She is confident __________ her abilities.
  60. The house is located __________ the city center.
  61. The plan was approved __________ the committee.
  62. He is skilled __________ negotiating deals.
  63. The decision was influenced __________ external factors.
  64. She is known __________ her excellent cooking skills.
  65. The concert was attended __________ thousands of fans.
  66. He is responsible __________ handling customer complaints.
  67. The issue was discussed __________ great detail.
  68. She is accustomed __________ the cold weather.
  69. The contract was signed __________ both parties.
  70. He is involved __________ various community projects.
  71. The problem was caused __________ a technical error.
  72. She is interested __________ pursuing a career in medicine.
  73. The offer is valid __________ the end of the month.
  74. The meeting was held __________ the conference room.
  75. He is committed __________ improving the company’s performance.
  76. The letter was sent __________ express delivery.
  77. She is passionate __________ environmental conservation.
  78. The agreement was reached __________ mutual understanding.
  79. He is responsible __________ maintaining the equipment.
  80. The project was completed __________ schedule.
  81. She is capable __________ multitasking.
  82. The contract is subject __________ approval by the board.
  83. The proposal was rejected __________ lack of funds.
  84. He is known __________ his sense of humor.
  85. The work was done __________ professional standards.
  86. She is involved __________ various charity organizations.
  87. The meeting was postponed __________ a later date.
  88. He is proud __________ his heritage.
  89. The product is available __________ different colors.
  90. The decision was made __________ the management team.
  91. She is excited __________ the opportunity.
  92. The letter was addressed __________ the company’s CEO.
  93. He is interested __________ studying abroad.
  94. The plan was executed __________ precision.
  95. She is worried __________ her upcoming exams.
  96. The report was prepared __________ the finance department.
  97. He is focused __________ achieving his goals.
  98. The project was funded __________ private investors.
  99. She is known __________ her dedication to her work.
  100. The problem was solved __________ the new software.

Đáp án

  1. because of
  2. for
  3. for
  4. in
  5. of
  6. of
  7. because of
  8. to
  9. at
  10. at
  11. of
  12. of
  13. to
  14. for
  15. by
  16. in
  17. on
  18. on
  19. on
  20. for
  21. by
  22. by
  23. with
  24. of
  25. in
  26. by
  27. for
  28. for
  29. by
  30. of
  31. in
  32. on
  33. for
  34. with
  35. on
  36. about
  37. in
  38. by
  39. of
  40. for
  41. about
  42. to
  43. in
  44. for
  45. at
  46. by
  47. to
  48. of
  49. by
  50. by
  51. of
  52. to
  53. by
  54. because of
  55. with
  56. to
  57. in
  58. by
  59. in
  60. by
  61. in
  62. by
  63. in
  64. by
  65. in
  66. for
  67. with
  68. to
  69. by
  70. about
  71. because of
  72. for
  73. to
  74. in
  75. to
  76. of
  77. in
  78. by
  79. for
  80. with

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