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Mệnh đề danh từ phức tạp: Sử dụng mệnh đề danh từ trong các câu phức tạp

Mệnh đề danh từ là một loại mệnh đề phụ dùng để thay thế cho một danh từ trong câu. Chúng có thể đóng vai trò như chủ ngữ, tân ngữ hoặc bổ ngữ cho động từ chính. Trong tiếng Anh, mệnh đề danh từ thường được bắt đầu bằng các từ như “that”, “whether”, “if”, và các từ nghi vấn như “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, và “how”.

Cách sử dụng mệnh đề danh từ trong câu phức tạp:

  1. Chủ ngữ của câu:
    • Cấu trúc: That + mệnh đề
    • Ví dụ: That she will attend the meeting is not clear.
      • (Việc cô ấy có tham dự cuộc họp hay không thì chưa rõ.)
    • Ví dụ khác: What he said was surprising.
      • (Những gì anh ấy nói thật bất ngờ.)
  2. Tân ngữ của động từ:
    • Cấu trúc: Verb + (that) + mệnh đề
    • Ví dụ: I believe (that) the project will succeed.
      • (Tôi tin rằng dự án sẽ thành công.)
    • Ví dụ khác: She asked whether the report was ready.
      • (Cô ấy hỏi liệu báo cáo đã sẵn sàng chưa.)
  3. Bổ ngữ cho danh từ:
    • Cấu trúc: Noun + (that) + mệnh đề
    • Ví dụ: The fact (that) he won the award is amazing.
      • (Việc anh ấy giành giải thưởng thật đáng kinh ngạc.)
    • Ví dụ khác: My concern is whether we have enough resources.
      • (Mối quan tâm của tôi là liệu chúng ta có đủ tài nguyên không.)

Các mệnh đề danh từ phổ biến:

  1. Mệnh đề danh từ với “that”:
    • Cấu trúc: Noun + that + mệnh đề
    • Ví dụ: The news that she got the job was exciting.
      • (Tin tức rằng cô ấy đã nhận được công việc thật thú vị.)
  2. Mệnh đề danh từ với “whether”:
    • Cấu trúc: Verb + whether + mệnh đề
    • Ví dụ: I am not sure whether he will come.
      • (Tôi không chắc liệu anh ấy có đến không.)
  3. Mệnh đề danh từ với “if”:
    • Cấu trúc: Verb + if + mệnh đề
    • Ví dụ: She wondered if the decision was final.
      • (Cô ấy tự hỏi liệu quyết định đã là cuối cùng chưa.)
  4. Mệnh đề danh từ với các từ nghi vấn (who, what, where, when, why, how):
    • Cấu trúc: Wh-word + mệnh đề
    • Ví dụ: I don’t know what he wants.
      • (Tôi không biết anh ấy muốn gì.)
    • Ví dụ khác: She asked where the meeting would be held.
      • (Cô ấy hỏi cuộc họp sẽ được tổ chức ở đâu.)
  • Mệnh đề danh từ có thể làm chủ ngữ, tân ngữ, hoặc bổ ngữ trong câu.
  • Từ bắt đầu mệnh đề bao gồm “that”, “whether”, “if”, và các từ nghi vấn như “who”, “what”, “where”, “when”, “why”, và “how”.
  • Mệnh đề danh từ giúp mở rộng thông tin trong câu và làm cho câu phức tạp hơn.

Bài tập

  1. I didn’t know ______ he would come to the party.
  2. What bothers me is ______ they haven’t called yet.
  3. She asked ______ the project was completed on time.
  4. The question is ______ we can finish the task by next week.
  5. I’m not sure ______ he has completed the assignment.
  6. The fact ______ he won the competition surprised everyone.
  7. Please let me know ______ you are available for the meeting.
  8. The teacher explained ______ the homework was due on Friday.
  9. What I need is ______ you help me with this report.
  10. It’s unclear ______ the company will launch the new product.
  11. I wonder ______ they will attend the seminar.
  12. The problem is ______ they don’t have enough resources.
  13. Can you tell me ______ the conference is going to be held?
  14. The news ______ she got the promotion was exciting.
  15. The issue is ______ we have enough time to finish the project.
  16. I didn’t realize ______ she was the manager.
  17. What surprised me was ______ they knew about the surprise party.
  18. I wonder ______ the team will meet the deadline.
  19. The question is ______ he will accept the offer.
  20. It’s uncertain ______ they will approve the budget.
  21. The teacher was pleased with ______ the students completed the project.
  22. He asked ______ the decision was final.
  23. I am concerned about ______ we have sufficient data for the analysis.
  24. The fact ______ the meeting was canceled was disappointing.
  25. What they want is ______ you give a presentation.
  26. The problem is ______ the system crashed during the presentation.
  27. I’m not sure ______ she can attend the conference.
  28. The issue is ______ they have not yet submitted their reports.
  29. Can you confirm ______ the documents have been reviewed?
  30. The news ______ he is leaving the company was unexpected.
  31. I am worried about ______ the new policy will affect our department.
  32. What I want to know is ______ they have finished the training.
  33. The question is ______ we need to revise the proposal.
  34. The problem is ______ they forgot to send the invitations.
  35. I wonder ______ the project will be completed before the deadline.
  36. The issue is ______ we have enough manpower for the task.
  37. Can you tell me ______ she will be available for the meeting?
  38. The fact ______ he is not coming to the event is disappointing.
  39. I’m curious ______ the results of the experiment.
  40. The question is ______ we will have enough time to prepare.
  41. What surprised me was ______ they had already made the decision.
  42. The news ______ the company is expanding was exciting.
  43. I am concerned about ______ the team has met its targets.
  44. The problem is ______ the report was not submitted on time.
  45. The issue is ______ we need to get approval before moving forward.
  46. I need to know ______ the new procedures will be implemented.
  47. The fact ______ she missed the deadline is troubling.
  48. Can you tell me ______ they have finalized the schedule?
  49. The question is ______ we will have enough funds for the project.
  50. I wonder ______ the new software will improve productivity.
  51. The news ______ he got the promotion was well-received.
  52. The issue is ______ they have not yet responded to the request.
  53. What concerns me is ______ we haven’t received the shipment.
  54. The problem is ______ they are still negotiating the terms.
  55. I am not sure ______ the team is ready for the presentation.
  56. The fact ______ the project was completed early was impressive.
  57. The question is ______ we will be able to meet the deadline.
  58. Can you tell me ______ the meeting has been scheduled?
  59. The issue is ______ we need to revise the plan before presenting it.
  60. I am curious ______ the budget will be approved.
  61. The problem is ______ the data was not accurate.
  62. What I need to know is ______ the training will be provided.
  63. The question is ______ they will agree to the new terms.
  64. I wonder ______ the company will achieve its goals.
  65. The news ______ the merger was finalized was exciting.
  66. The issue is ______ we don’t have a backup plan.
  67. Can you confirm ______ the contract has been signed?
  68. The problem is ______ we lack sufficient evidence for the case.
  69. The fact ______ the new system is working well is reassuring.
  70. What I want to know is ______ the report will be completed on time.
  71. The question is ______ we have the resources to support the project.
  72. I am concerned about ______ they will be able to deliver on time.
  73. The issue is ______ they forgot to include important details.
  74. Can you tell me ______ the team will start the project?
  75. The news ______ the company is launching a new product is exciting.
  76. I wonder ______ the changes will improve efficiency.
  77. The problem is ______ we haven’t received the necessary approvals.
  78. What surprised me was ______ they managed to resolve the issue quickly.
  79. The question is ______ the proposal will be accepted.
  80. The issue is ______ they have not completed the initial phase.
  81. Can you tell me ______ they will be attending the workshop?
  82. The fact ______ they are investing in new technology is promising.
  83. The news ______ he was promoted to manager was well-received.
  84. What I need is ______ you update me on the project status.
  85. The question is ______ the new policy will affect employee morale.
  86. The issue is ______ we don’t have enough information yet.
  87. I am curious ______ the results of the survey.
  88. The problem is ______ the system is not functioning correctly.
  89. The fact ______ they have met their targets is encouraging.
  90. Can you tell me ______ the budget will be approved soon?
  91. The question is ______ the team will meet the project goals.
  92. The issue is ______ we are facing delays in the production process.
  93. What I want to know is ______ the marketing campaign was successful.
  94. The fact ______ they managed to finish early is impressive.
  95. The problem is ______ they are still finalizing the details.
  96. Can you tell me ______ the final report will be submitted?
  97. The news ______ the new office is opening soon is exciting.
  98. I wonder ______ the changes will lead to better results.
  99. The question is ______ we will be able to deliver the project on time.
  100. The issue is ______ we have not yet received the client’s feedback.

Đáp án

  1. if
  2. that
  3. whether
  4. if
  5. whether
  6. that
  7. whether
  8. that
  9. that
  10. whether
  11. if
  12. that
  13. where
  14. that
  15. if
  16. that
  17. that
  18. whether
  19. if
  20. whether
  21. that
  22. whether
  23. whether
  24. that
  25. that
  26. that
  27. whether
  28. that
  29. whether
  30. that
  31. whether
  32. whether
  33. whether
  34. that
  35. whether
  36. whether
  37. whether
  38. that
  39. what
  40. whether
  41. that
  42. that
  43. whether
  44. that
  45. whether
  46. whether
  47. that
  48. whether
  49. whether
  50. whether
  51. that
  52. that
  53. that
  54. that
  55. whether
  56. that
  57. whether
  58. whether
  59. whether
  60. whether
  61. that
  62. whether
  63. whether
  64. whether
  65. that
  66. that
  67. whether
  68. that
  69. that
  70. whether
  71. whether
  72. whether
  73. that
  74. when
  75. that
  76. whether
  77. that
  78. that
  79. whether
  80. that
  81. whether
  82. that
  83. that
  84. that
  85. whether
  86. whether
  87. what
  88. that
  89. that
  90. whether
  91. whether
  92. that
  93. whether
  94. that
  95. that
  96. when
  97. that
  98. whether
  99. whether
  100. whether

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