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Cụm từ chỉ thời gian nâng cao: Sử dụng các cụm từ chỉ thời gian phức tạp

Có nhiều cụm từ chỉ thời gian phức tạp được sử dụng để diễn đạt các khái niệm thời gian một cách chính xác và nâng cao hơn.

1. By the time

  • Ý nghĩa: “By the time” được dùng để chỉ một điểm thời gian cụ thể khi một hành động khác đã hoặc sẽ hoàn thành.
  • Cấu trúc: By the time + mệnh đề (thường là thì quá khứ hoặc tương lai hoàn thành)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “By the time he arrived, the meeting had already started.”
    • “By the time you finish, I will have left.”

2. In the meantime / Meanwhile

  • Ý nghĩa: “In the meantime” và “meanwhile” được dùng để chỉ thời gian giữa hai sự kiện hoặc hành động khác nhau.
  • Cấu trúc: In the meantime/Meanwhile, + mệnh đề
  • Ví dụ:
    • “The new project will start next month. In the meantime, you can work on the current one.”
    • “I was cooking dinner. Meanwhile, she was setting the table.”

3. As soon as

  • Ý nghĩa: “As soon as” diễn đạt rằng một hành động sẽ xảy ra ngay sau khi một hành động khác kết thúc.
  • Cấu trúc: As soon as + mệnh đề (thường là thì hiện tại đơn hoặc tương lai đơn)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “I will call you as soon as I arrive.”
    • “As soon as she finished her homework, she went out to play.”

4. No sooner… than

  • Ý nghĩa: “No sooner… than” diễn tả một hành động xảy ra ngay sau một hành động khác. Cụm từ này thường mang tính chất trang trọng và nhấn mạnh hơn “as soon as”.
  • Cấu trúc: No sooner + mệnh đề (thường là quá khứ hoàn thành) + than + mệnh đề (quá khứ đơn)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “No sooner had we sat down than the show started.”
    • “No sooner did he arrive than he was asked to leave.”

5. Hardly/Scarcely… when

  • Ý nghĩa: “Hardly” hoặc “Scarcely” cũng có nghĩa tương tự như “No sooner… than”, chỉ một hành động vừa mới xảy ra thì một hành động khác đã xảy ra ngay lập tức sau đó.
  • Cấu trúc: Hardly/Scarcely + mệnh đề (thường là quá khứ hoàn thành) + when + mệnh đề (quá khứ đơn)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “Hardly had I closed my eyes when the phone rang.”
    • “Scarcely had they reached the station when the train departed.”

6. Until / Till

  • Ý nghĩa: “Until” và “Till” được sử dụng để diễn tả một hành động hoặc sự kiện kéo dài đến một thời điểm nhất định.
  • Cấu trúc: Until/Till + mệnh đề (thường là thì hiện tại đơn hoặc quá khứ đơn)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “I will wait until you come.”
    • “She didn’t leave till he arrived.”

7. By the end of

  • Ý nghĩa: “By the end of” dùng để chỉ một thời điểm kết thúc của một khoảng thời gian.
  • Cấu trúc: By the end of + mốc thời gian (thường là tháng, năm, thế kỷ)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “By the end of this year, we will have completed the project.”
    • “By the end of the century, many things will have changed.”

8. During

  • Ý nghĩa: “During” diễn tả một khoảng thời gian mà một sự kiện hoặc hành động diễn ra.
  • Cấu trúc: During + danh từ chỉ thời gian
  • Ví dụ:
    • “She was very busy during the summer.”
    • “I met him during the conference.”

9. From time to time

  • Ý nghĩa: “From time to time” có nghĩa là thỉnh thoảng, không đều đặn.
  • Cấu trúc: From time to time, + mệnh đề
  • Ví dụ:
    • “She calls me from time to time.”
    • “From time to time, we like to go for a walk.”

10. At the same time

  • Ý nghĩa: “At the same time” diễn tả hai sự kiện hoặc hành động xảy ra đồng thời.
  • Cấu trúc: At the same time, + mệnh đề
  • Ví dụ:
    • “He was talking on the phone and cooking dinner at the same time.”
    • “At the same time, she was thinking about her next move.”

Bài tập

  1. I will call you __________ I arrive.
  2. She didn’t leave __________ he came.
  3. __________ you finish your homework, we can go out.
  4. No sooner had I arrived __________ the meeting started.
  5. We’ll discuss the details __________ the meeting.
  6. __________ he graduated, he started working at a big company.
  7. The guests will arrive __________ the evening.
  8. __________ the end of this month, we should have the results.
  9. __________ he was speaking, the doorbell rang.
  10. We’ll wait here __________ the rain stops.
  11. __________ the time I got home, it was already dark.
  12. She was cooking __________ he was setting the table.
  13. __________ the interview, I felt very nervous.
  14. The project was completed __________ the deadline.
  15. __________ the project was over, everyone celebrated.
  16. __________ had she finished speaking __________ the crowd started clapping.
  17. I’ve been waiting __________ you arrived.
  18. __________ the presentation, I will answer your questions.
  19. __________ the time the sun sets, the sky turns orange.
  20. He usually goes jogging __________ the morning.
  21. __________ the time you read this, I will be on a plane.
  22. __________ the meantime, I’ll continue with my work.
  23. I started working here __________ I graduated from college.
  24. She left __________ he could say goodbye.
  25. He didn’t call __________ he promised.
  26. __________ you finish your lunch, we can leave.
  27. They were watching TV __________ I was reading a book.
  28. The children played __________ it got dark.
  29. __________ had I hung up the phone __________ it rang again.
  30. She continued talking __________ I interrupted her.
  31. He arrived __________ the end of the movie.
  32. __________ the winter, the lake is frozen.
  33. We need to finish this task __________ the day ends.
  34. __________ you leave, don’t forget to lock the door.
  35. They had already left __________ we arrived.
  36. __________ the rain stopped, they went outside.
  37. The train will arrive __________ the morning.
  38. __________ the time we realized, it was too late.
  39. __________ I was studying, she was working.
  40. The show started __________ we sat down.
  41. __________ you arrive, the meeting will have already begun.
  42. I will meet you __________ the afternoon.
  43. __________ you finish your homework, you can play video games.
  44. They didn’t finish the project __________ the deadline.
  45. __________ the conference, we discussed various topics.
  46. We will be there __________ the time you finish.
  47. __________ the meantime, please review the documents.
  48. The team worked hard __________ the entire weekend.
  49. __________ we reached the station, the train had already left.
  50. __________ the end of the year, the company will announce its results.
  51. __________ had the meeting ended __________ the participants started leaving.
  52. They continued playing __________ it started to rain.
  53. __________ the time we arrived, the party was over.
  54. I was reading __________ he was watching TV.
  55. __________ the day, I usually take a short nap.
  56. The game will start __________ the afternoon.
  57. __________ the project is completed, we will celebrate.
  58. __________ he realized the mistake, it was too late.
  59. __________ the end of the summer, we’ll go on vacation.
  60. __________ the phone rang, she was cooking dinner.
  61. The store closes __________ 9 PM.
  62. __________ you finish reading, we can discuss the book.
  63. The sun sets __________ the evening.
  64. __________ the morning, I like to go for a walk.
  65. __________ the time you return, dinner will be ready.
  66. The movie will start __________ a few minutes.
  67. __________ the meeting, we discussed several issues.
  68. I will call you __________ I get home.
  69. __________ the time I reached the office, the meeting had already started.
  70. __________ I was working, the phone rang.
  71. He will arrive __________ the evening.
  72. __________ the project is due, everyone will be working late.
  73. __________ the meeting was over, we left the room.
  74. __________ the meantime, let’s focus on other tasks.
  75. The sun rises __________ the morning.
  76. I will finish this task __________ the end of the day.
  77. __________ had the show ended __________ the audience started applauding.
  78. They were talking __________ I was listening.
  79. __________ the day, we work on different projects.
  80. The game was canceled __________ the bad weather.
  81. __________ the time we reached the airport, the plane had already departed.
  82. He will finish his work __________ the evening.
  83. __________ the time you arrive, I will have already left.
  84. __________ the morning, I usually read the news.
  85. They were busy __________ the entire weekend.
  86. __________ the end of the week, we should have the report ready.
  87. __________ I was on my way to work, I realized I forgot my keys.
  88. The train will depart __________ 10 AM.
  89. __________ you complete the task, you can take a break.
  90. The sun sets __________ the evening.
  91. __________ the meeting, everyone was attentive.
  92. He started working here __________ he graduated.
  93. __________ the time the project is finished, everyone will be exhausted.
  94. The deadline is __________ the end of the month.
  95. __________ I was cooking, the phone rang.
  96. We usually go for a walk __________ the evening.
  97. __________ the end of the presentation, I will take questions.
  98. They continued working __________ it was time to leave.
  99. __________ the morning, I like to have coffee.
  100. __________ the time we arrived, the event had already started.

Đáp án

Here are the short sentences:

  1. As soon as
  2. Until
  3. Once
  4. Than
  5. During
  6. After
  7. In
  8. By
  9. While
  10. Until
  11. By the time
  12. While
  13. During
  14. By
  15. Once
  16. Than
  17. Since
  18. After
  19. By the time
  20. In
  21. By the time
  22. In the meantime
  23. After
  24. Before
  25. When
  26. Once
  27. While
  28. Until
  29. Than
  30. When
  31. By
  32. During
  33. Before
  34. Before
  35. By the time
  36. After
  37. In
  38. By the time
  39. While
  40. As soon as
  41. By the time
  42. In
  43. Once
  44. By
  45. During
  46. By the time
  47. In the meantime
  48. During
  49. By the time
  50. By the end of
  51. Than
  52. Until
  53. By the time
  54. While
  55. During
  56. In
  57. Once
  58. By the time
  59. By the end of
  60. While
  61. By
  62. Once
  63. In
  64. In
  65. By the time
  66. In
  67. During
  68. As soon as
  69. By the time
  70. While
  71. In
  72. By the time
  73. Once
  74. In the meantime
  75. In
  76. By
  77. Than
  78. While
  79. During
  80. Because of
  81. By the time
  82. In
  83. By the time
  84. In
  85. During
  86. By the end of
  87. While
  88. At
  89. Once
  90. In
  91. During
  92. After
  93. By the time
  94. By
  95. While
  96. In
  97. By the end of
  98. Until
  99. In
  100. By the time

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