Học tiếng anh giao tiếp cùng giáo viên ielts 8.0+, giáo viên bản xứ & phương pháp shadowing

Sử dụng cấu trúc đảo ngữ như thế nào?

Đảo ngữ là một cấu trúc ngữ pháp đặc biệt được sử dụng trong tiếng Anh để nhấn mạnh một ý nào đó hoặc tạo sự đa dạng trong câu. Dưới đây là một số cấu trúc đảo ngữ phổ biến và cách sử dụng chúng:

Đảo ngữ với “No sooner… than…”

  • Cấu trúc: No sooner + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf) + than + S + V.
  • Ví dụ: No sooner had I arrived home than the phone rang. (Tôi vừa về đến nhà thì điện thoại reo.)

Đảo ngữ với “Hardly/Scarcely/Barely… when…”

  • Cấu trúc: Hardly/Scarcely/Barely + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf) + when + S + V.
  • Ví dụ: Hardly had she begun to speak when the audience started to applaud. (Cô ấy vừa bắt đầu nói thì khán giả đã bắt đầu vỗ tay.)

Đảo ngữ với “Only after/when/if”

  • Cấu trúc: Only after/when/if + S + V + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf).
  • Ví dụ: Only after I had seen her condition did I understand how serious the situation was. (Chỉ sau khi tôi nhìn thấy tình trạng của cô ấy, tôi mới hiểu tình hình nghiêm trọng thế nào.)

Đảo ngữ với “So/Such”

  • Cấu trúc:
    • So + adj/adv + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf) + that + S + V.
    • Such + be + N + that + S + V.
  • Ví dụ:
    • So beautiful was the painting that everyone admired it. (Bức tranh đẹp đến nỗi ai cũng ngưỡng mộ.)
    • Such is the strength of his character that he never gives up. (Anh ta có tính cách mạnh mẽ đến nỗi anh ta không bao giờ bỏ cuộc.)

Đảo ngữ với “Not until”

  • Cấu trúc: Not until + clause/trạng ngữ + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf).
  • Ví dụ: Not until the sun set did they decide to go home. (Mãi đến khi mặt trời lặn, họ mới quyết định về nhà.)

Đảo ngữ với “No/Not + Noun”

  • Cấu trúc: No/Not + Noun + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf).
  • Ví dụ: No sooner had he left than it started to rain. (Anh ta vừa rời đi thì trời bắt đầu mưa.)

Đảo ngữ với “In/At/On/Under no circumstances”

  • Cấu trúc: In/At/On/Under no circumstances + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf).
  • Ví dụ: Under no circumstances should you reveal your password. (Trong bất kỳ hoàn cảnh nào, bạn cũng không được tiết lộ mật khẩu của mình.)

Đảo ngữ với “Little”

  • Cấu trúc: Little + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf).
  • Ví dụ: Little did she know that the surprise party was for her. (Cô ấy ít biết rằng bữa tiệc bất ngờ là dành cho cô ấy.)

Đảo ngữ với “Never/Rarely/Seldom”

  • Cấu trúc: Never/Rarely/Seldom + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf).
  • Ví dụ: Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset. (Tôi chưa bao giờ thấy hoàng hôn đẹp như vậy.)

Đảo ngữ với “Not only… but also…”

  • Cấu trúc: Not only + trợ động từ + S + V (bare-inf) + but also + S + V.
  • Ví dụ: Not only did she write the report, but she also presented it. (Cô ấy không chỉ viết báo cáo mà còn trình bày nó.)

    Những cấu trúc đảo ngữ này giúp câu văn trở nên sinh động và hấp dẫn hơn, đồng thời tạo ra sự nhấn mạnh đặc biệt cho ý tưởng mà người viết hoặc người nói muốn truyền đạt.

    Bài tập

    1. _______ (I/have) arrived home than the phone rang.
    2. _______ (she/finish) her work when she decided to go out.
    3. _______ (he/leave) the house than it started raining.
    4. _______ (we/reach) the station than the train departed.
    5. _______ (they/start) eating when the guests arrived.
    6. _______ (he/say) a word when the crowd started cheering.
    7. _______ (I/enter) the room than everyone stood up.
    8. _______ (the storm/hit) than the power went out.
    9. _______ (the teacher/finish) explaining than the bell rang.
    10. _______ (the cat/jump) than it ran away.
    11. _______ (she/buy) the dress than she regretted it.
    12. _______ (they/sit) down when the movie started.
    13. _______ (we/get) to the top than it started snowing.
    14. _______ (I/meet) her than I realized we were classmates.
    15. _______ (he/start) running when it began to rain.
    16. _______ (the baby/cry) than the mother picked him up.
    17. _______ (the alarm/ring) when he woke up.
    18. _______ (she/open) the door when the dog barked.
    19. _______ (the train/leave) than they arrived.
    20. _______ (the show/end) than the audience applauded.
    21. _______ (the sun/rise) when the birds started singing.
    22. _______ (I/ask) her a question than she answered.
    23. _______ (we/finish) dinner when they called.
    24. _______ (he/turn) the corner when he saw her.
    25. _______ (the match/start) when it began to rain.
    26. _______ (the plane/take off) than she felt nervous.
    27. _______ (the book/finish) than he started a new one.
    28. _______ (the fire/alarm/go off) when everyone evacuated.
    29. _______ (the rain/start) than we decided to leave.
    30. _______ (the phone/ring) when I picked it up.
    31. _______ (he/open) the letter than he smiled.
    32. _______ (the lights/go out) when the movie started.
    33. _______ (the music/start) when they began to dance.
    34. _______ (the guests/arrive) than the party started.
    35. _______ (the car/start) when we got in.
    36. _______ (she/read) the letter than she cried.
    37. _______ (the dog/bark) when the doorbell rang.
    38. _______ (the clock/strike) when she woke up.
    39. _______ (he/enter) the room than everyone was silent.
    40. _______ (the lesson/end) when the students left.
    41. _______ (the phone/ring) than he answered it.
    42. _______ (the sun/set) when they started the campfire.
    43. _______ (the train/arrive) than we got on.
    44. _______ (the car/stop) when we got out.
    45. _______ (the concert/end) when the crowd cheered.
    46. _______ (the class/start) when the bell rang.
    47. _______ (the bus/arrive) when we got on.
    48. _______ (the store/open) when the customers entered.
    49. _______ (the show/start) when the lights went off.
    50. _______ (the door/open) when we saw him.
    51. _______ (the storm/pass) when the sun came out.
    52. _______ (the test/end) when they collected the papers.
    53. _______ (the game/begin) when they scored.
    54. _______ (the fireworks/start) when it got dark.
    55. _______ (the bell/ring) when they went to class.
    56. _______ (the door/close) when he arrived.
    57. _______ (the water/boil) when she added the pasta.
    58. _______ (the song/end) when the audience clapped.
    59. _______ (the movie/start) when we sat down.
    60. _______ (the meeting/end) when they left.
    61. _______ (the sun/rise) when they woke up.
    62. _______ (the lights/go out) when they lit the candles.
    63. _______ (the concert/start) when we found our seats.
    64. _______ (the race/start) when the gun fired.
    65. _______ (the game/end) when the crowd cheered.
    66. _______ (the class/finish) when the bell rang.
    67. _______ (the rain/stop) when we went outside.
    68. _______ (the alarm/sound) when everyone exited.
    69. _______ (the snow/fall) when we built a snowman.
    70. _______ (the sun/set) when we went home.
    71. _______ (the wind/start) when we closed the windows.
    72. _______ (the storm/end) when the sky cleared.
    73. _______ (the lights/flicker) when the storm approached.
    74. _______ (the car/stall) when it ran out of gas.
    75. _______ (the show/end) when the audience left.
    76. _______ (the baby/cry) when the mother picked him up.
    77. _______ (the oven/beep) when the food was ready.
    78. _______ (the music/stop) when everyone was quiet.
    79. _______ (the play/start) when the curtain rose.
    80. _______ (the phone/ring) when I was in the shower.
    81. _______ (the storm/begin) when we were on the boat.
    82. _______ (the power/go out) when we were watching TV.
    83. _______ (the door/knock) when we were having dinner.
    84. _______ (the class/commence) when the professor arrived.
    85. _______ (the sun/shine) when we went for a walk.
    86. _______ (the meeting/start) when the manager arrived.
    87. _______ (the fire/spread) when the firemen arrived.
    88. _______ (the rain/continue) when we went to bed.
    89. _______ (the bell/chime) when the service began.
    90. _______ (the door/creak) when she opened it.
    91. _______ (the clock/tick) when we waited in silence.
    92. _______ (the dog/howl) when the moon appeared.
    93. _______ (the storm/rage) when we were inside.
    94. _______ (the stars/shine) when it was night.
    95. _______ (the moon/rise) when the sun set.
    96. _______ (the thunder/roar) when the lightning struck.
    97. _______ (the wind/howl) when we were indoors.
    98. _______ (the door/slam) when he left the room.
    99. _______ (the alarm/beep) when it was time to wake up.
    100. _______ (the fog/clear) when the sun rose.

    Đáp án với các cấu trúc đảo ngữ được in đậm:

    1. No sooner had I arrived home than the phone rang.
    2. Hardly had she finished her work when she decided to go out.
    3. No sooner had he left the house than it started raining.
    4. No sooner had we reached the station than the train departed.
    5. Hardly had they started eating when the guests arrived.
    6. Hardly had he said a word when the crowd started cheering.
    7. No sooner had I entered the room than everyone stood up.
    8. No sooner had the storm hit than the power went out.
    9. No sooner had the teacher finished explaining than the bell rang.
    10. No sooner had the cat jumped than it ran away.
    11. No sooner had she bought the dress than she regretted it.
    12. Hardly had they sat down when the movie started.
    13. No sooner had we got to the top than it started snowing.
    14. No sooner had I met her than I realized we were classmates.
    15. Hardly had he started running when it began to rain.
    16. No sooner had the baby cried than the mother picked him up.
    17. Hardly had the alarm rung when he woke up.
    18. Hardly had she opened the door when the dog barked.
    19. No sooner had the train left than they arrived.
    20. No sooner had the show ended than the audience applauded.
    21. No sooner had the sun risen when the birds started singing.
    22. No sooner had I asked her a question than she answered.
    23. Hardly had we finished dinner when they called.
    24. Hardly had he turned the corner when he saw her.
    25. No sooner had the match started when it began to rain.
    26. No sooner had the plane taken off than she felt nervous.
    27. No sooner had he finished the book than he started a new one.
    28. No sooner had the fire alarm gone off when everyone evacuated.
    29. No sooner had the rain started than we decided to leave.
    30. No sooner had the phone rung when I picked it up.
    31. No sooner had he opened the letter than he smiled.
    32. No sooner had the lights gone out when the movie started.
    33. No sooner had the music started when they began to dance.
    34. No sooner had the guests arrived than the party started.
    35. No sooner had the car started when we got in.
    36. No sooner had she read the letter than she cried.
    37. Hardly had the dog barked when the doorbell rang.
    38. Hardly had the clock struck when she woke up.
    39. No sooner had he entered the room than everyone was silent.
    40. No sooner had the lesson ended when the students left.
    41. No sooner had the phone rung than he answered it.
    42. No sooner had the sun set when they started the campfire.
    43. No sooner had the train arrived than we got on.
    44. No sooner had the car stopped when we got out.
    45. No sooner had the concert ended when the crowd cheered.
    46. No sooner had the class started when the bell rang.
    47. No sooner had the bus arrived when we got on.
    48. No sooner had the store opened when the customers entered.
    49. No sooner had the show started when the lights went off.
    50. Hardly had the door opened when we saw him.
    51. No sooner had the storm passed when the sun came out.
    52. No sooner had the test ended when they collected the papers.
    53. No sooner had the game begun when they scored.
    54. No sooner had the fireworks started when it got dark.
    55. No sooner had the bell rung when they went to class.
    56. No sooner had the door closed when he arrived.
    57. No sooner had the water boiled when she added the pasta.
    58. No sooner had the song ended when the audience clapped.
    59. No sooner had the movie started when we sat down.
    60. No sooner had the meeting ended when they left.
    61. No sooner had the sun risen when they woke up.
    62. No sooner had the lights gone out when they lit the candles.
    63. No sooner had the concert started when we found our seats.
    64. No sooner had the race started when the gun fired.
    65. No sooner had the game ended when the crowd cheered.
    66. No sooner had the class finished when the bell rang.
    67. No sooner had the rain stopped when we went outside.
    68. No sooner had the alarm sounded when everyone exited.
    69. No sooner had the snow fallen when we built a snowman.
    70. No sooner had the sun set when we went home.
    71. No sooner had the wind started when we closed the windows.
    72. No sooner had the storm ended when the sky cleared.
    73. No sooner had the lights flickered when the storm approached.
    74. No sooner had the car stalled when it ran out of gas.
    75. No sooner had the show ended when the audience left.
    76. No sooner had the baby cried when the mother picked him up.
    77. No sooner had the oven beeped when the food was ready.
    78. No sooner had the music stopped when everyone was quiet.
    79. No sooner had the play started when the curtain rose.
    80. No sooner had the phone rung when I was in the shower.
    81. No sooner had the storm begun when we were on the boat.
    82. No sooner had the power gone out when we were watching TV.
    83. No sooner had the door knocked when we were having dinner.
    84. No sooner had the class commenced when the professor arrived.
    85. No sooner had the sun shone when we went for a walk.
    86. No sooner had the meeting started when the manager arrived.
    87. No sooner had the fire spread when the firemen arrived.
    88. No sooner had the rain continued when we went to bed.
    89. No sooner had the bell chimed when the service began.
    90. No sooner had the door creaked when she opened it.
    91. No sooner had the clock ticked when we waited in silence.
    92. No sooner had the dog howled when the moon appeared.
    93. No sooner had the storm raged when we were inside.
    94. No sooner had the stars shone when it was night.
    95. No sooner had the moon risen when the sun set.
    96. No sooner had the thunder roared when the lightning struck.
    97. No sooner had the wind howled when we were indoors.
    98. No sooner had the door slammed when he left the room.
    99. No sooner had the alarm beeped when it was time to wake up.
    100. No sooner had the fog cleared when the sun rose.

    Đọc thêm: Thể giả định (subjunctive mood) trong tiếng Anh giao tiếp.

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