Học tiếng anh giao tiếp cùng giáo viên ielts 8.0+, giáo viên bản xứ & phương pháp shadowing

Đảo ngữ nâng cao: Sử dụng đảo ngữ trong các cấu trúc phức tạp

Đảo ngữ là một cấu trúc ngữ pháp trong tiếng Anh được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh một phần cụ thể của câu, thường được sử dụng trong văn viết và văn nói trang trọng. Trong cấu trúc đảo ngữ, vị trí của động từ và chủ ngữ trong câu bị đảo ngược so với câu thông thường.

1. Đảo ngữ với “Not only… but also…”

  • Ý nghĩa: Được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh rằng hai điều đều đúng và đặc biệt là cả hai điều đều gây ngạc nhiên.
  • Cấu trúc: Not only + trợ động từ + S + V, but also + S + V
  • Ví dụ:
    • “Not only did she sing beautifully, but she also played the piano perfectly.”

2. Đảo ngữ với “No sooner… than…”

  • Ý nghĩa: Diễn tả một hành động xảy ra ngay lập tức sau một hành động khác.
  • Cấu trúc: No sooner + had + S + PII than + S + V (quá khứ đơn)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “No sooner had I arrived at the station than the train left.”

3. Đảo ngữ với “Hardly/Scarcely… when…”

  • Ý nghĩa: Tương tự như “No sooner… than…” nhưng ít trang trọng hơn, diễn tả một hành động vừa xảy ra thì hành động khác xảy đến.
  • Cấu trúc: Hardly/Scarcely + had + S + PII when + S + V (quá khứ đơn)
  • Ví dụ:
    • “Hardly had we started the meal when the phone rang.”

4. Đảo ngữ với “Only after/Only when/Only if”

  • Ý nghĩa: Được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh một điều kiện hoặc một thời điểm cụ thể.
  • Cấu trúc: Only after/Only when/Only if + mệnh đề, trợ động từ + S + V
  • Ví dụ:
    • “Only after he had left did she realize her mistake.”
    • “Only when you accept the truth will you find peace.”

5. Đảo ngữ với “So… that” và “Such… that”

  • Ý nghĩa: Dùng để nhấn mạnh mức độ của một sự việc.
  • Cấu trúc: So + adj/adv + trợ động từ + S + V that + S + V
    • “So beautiful was the view that we couldn’t stop staring.”
  • Cấu trúc: Such + to be + N + that + S + V
    • “Such was the force of the explosion that it was heard miles away.”

6. Đảo ngữ với “Not until”

  • Ý nghĩa: Dùng để nhấn mạnh thời điểm mà một điều gì đó xảy ra.
  • Cấu trúc: Not until + mệnh đề/từ chỉ thời gian + trợ động từ + S + V
  • Ví dụ:
    • “Not until I saw her did I realize how much I missed her.”

7. Đảo ngữ với “No” và các cụm từ phủ định khác

  • Ý nghĩa: Nhấn mạnh sự phủ định, thường đi cùng các từ như “never,” “no,” “seldom,” “little,” “rarely,”…
  • Cấu trúc: No + N + trợ động từ + S + V
  • Ví dụ:
    • “No sooner had we arrived than it started raining.”
    • “Never have I seen such a beautiful sunset.”
    • “Little did he know that he was being watched.”

8. Đảo ngữ với “Here/There”

  • Ý nghĩa: Dùng để nhấn mạnh sự xuất hiện của người hoặc vật ở một nơi nào đó.
  • Cấu trúc: Here/There + động từ + S
  • Ví dụ:
    • “Here comes the bus.”
    • “There goes my money.”

9. Đảo ngữ với “Should,” “Were,” “Had”

  • Ý nghĩa: Thường được sử dụng trong các câu điều kiện dạng đảo ngữ để thay thế cho “if.”
  • Cấu trúc:
    • Should + S + V: “Should you need any help, just let me know.”
    • Were + S + to V: “Were he to ask me, I would say yes.”
    • Had + S + PII: “Had I known, I would have acted differently.”

10. Đảo ngữ với “As/Though”

  • Ý nghĩa: Dùng để nhấn mạnh một tính từ hoặc trạng từ dù hành động có ngược lại.
  • Cấu trúc: Adj/Adv + as/though + S + V
  • Ví dụ:
    • “Tired as he was, he continued to work.”
    • “Much as I like him, I can’t agree with his decision.”

Bài tập

  1. __________ I had finished my homework, the phone rang.
  2. __________ he realized his mistake, it was too late.
  3. __________ you need any help, just ask.
  4. __________ the car broke down, we had to walk home.
  5. __________ the meeting was over, everyone left the room.
  6. __________ she was exhausted, she finished the report.
  7. __________ did he speak a word, the crowd cheered.
  8. __________ the weather was bad, we decided to go out.
  9. __________ you finish your work, you can leave.
  10. __________ had they started the project __________ the company announced a new policy.
  11. __________ the music was playing, the children were dancing.
  12. __________ they knew about the changes, they would have reacted differently.
  13. __________ the sun set, the sky turned orange.
  14. __________ I had seen the film before, I still enjoyed it.
  15. __________ the end of the week, we will know the results.
  16. __________ the train arrived, it started raining.
  17. __________ I been aware of the problem, I would have fixed it earlier.
  18. __________ I have seen this movie before, I still find it interesting.
  19. __________ the report was completed, the team started celebrating.
  20. __________ she had left the room, the meeting continued.
  21. __________ you had arrived earlier, you would have met her.
  22. __________ she was tired, she continued working.
  23. __________ the time the bell rang, the students had already left.
  24. __________ they worked hard, the project was delayed.
  25. __________ the manager had spoken, the employees understood the new policy.
  26. __________ he finished the test, he left the classroom.
  27. __________ he knew the truth, he would have acted differently.
  28. __________ the time I finished the book, it was late.
  29. __________ they had completed the task, they went out for dinner.
  30. __________ you saw the movie, you should have known the ending.
  31. __________ she had received the message, she called back immediately.
  32. __________ you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to ask.
  33. __________ the rain stopped, the sun came out.
  34. __________ the dog barked, the neighbors complained.
  35. __________ he had done his homework, he went to bed.
  36. __________ she finished speaking, the room went silent.
  37. __________ I knew the answer, I still doubted myself.
  38. __________ the storm passed, the streets were flooded.
  39. __________ you are ready, we can start the meeting.
  40. __________ he worked late, he was still tired the next day.
  41. __________ the project was completed, the team went on vacation.
  42. __________ she had known about the party, she would have attended.
  43. __________ the students had left, the teacher cleaned the classroom.
  44. __________ he had heard the news, he was shocked.
  45. __________ the book was interesting, I couldn’t put it down.
  46. __________ the manager spoke, everyone listened carefully.
  47. __________ you read the instructions, the process will be easier.
  48. __________ the machine was fixed, production resumed.
  49. __________ the movie started, the audience became quiet.
  50. __________ she had prepared the presentation, she was nervous.
  51. __________ the meeting was over, the staff went home.
  52. __________ the guests arrived, the host started the event.
  53. __________ you finish the project, we can discuss the next steps.
  54. __________ he knew it was wrong, he still did it.
  55. __________ the instructions were clear, he made a mistake.
  56. __________ the test was difficult, he managed to pass.
  57. __________ you had left, the party started.
  58. __________ she completed the assignment, she took a break.
  59. __________ they reached the summit, they celebrated.
  60. __________ the deadline was approaching, he worked harder.
  61. __________ I saw her, I recognized her instantly.
  62. __________ the team had practiced, they won the match.
  63. __________ he finished the book, he wrote a review.
  64. __________ the plane landed, the passengers disembarked.
  65. __________ the event started, the guests began arriving.
  66. __________ she finished her meal, she went for a walk.
  67. __________ the storm was fierce, the house was safe.
  68. __________ they had prepared well, they still felt nervous.
  69. __________ the sun rose, the temperature increased.
  70. __________ the class ended, the students chatted.
  71. __________ I had met him before, I didn’t recognize him.
  72. __________ the boss arrived, the meeting started.
  73. __________ the book was long, it was fascinating.
  74. __________ they had been warned, they still made the mistake.
  75. __________ the problem was identified, the team started working on solutions.
  76. __________ she had practiced for months, she was still nervous before the performance.
  77. __________ the coffee was cold, I still drank it.
  78. __________ he had explained the process, the team was confused.
  79. __________ the concert started, the audience cheered.
  80. __________ she was on vacation, she checked her emails daily.
  81. __________ the sun was setting, the temperature dropped.
  82. __________ he heard the news, he called his friends.
  83. __________ the new policy was implemented, the employees adjusted quickly.
  84. __________ I had read the book, I saw the movie adaptation.
  85. __________ the temperature dropped, the wind picked up.
  86. __________ they had solved the issue, the project continued.
  87. __________ the meeting was scheduled, it was postponed.
  88. __________ the task was difficult, she managed to complete it on time.
  89. __________ the time the bell rang, the class was already over.
  90. __________ he was late, he still managed to finish the report.
  91. __________ the plan was finalized, the team began working.
  92. __________ the guests left, the host cleaned up.
  93. __________ the dog barked loudly, the neighbors complained.
  94. __________ the project was launched, the team celebrated.
  95. __________ the test was challenging, she passed with flying colors.
  96. __________ the rain started, the streets became slippery.
  97. __________ the students finished their exams, they went on vacation.
  98. __________ the manager approved the budget, the project was greenlit.
  99. __________ the movie was interesting, it was too long.
  100. __________ she had done everything she could, the outcome was disappointing.

Đáp án

  1. No sooner
  2. Had he
  3. Should
  4. Had the car
  5. Once
  6. Exhausted
  7. Scarcely
  8. Had the weather
  9. Once
  10. No sooner
  11. While
  12. Had they
  13. By the time
  14. Although
  15. By the end
  16. No sooner
  17. Had I
  18. Though
  19. Once
  20. After
  21. Had you
  22. Tired
  23. By the time
  24. Despite
  25. Once
  26. No sooner
  27. Had he
  28. By the time
  29. After
  30. Had you
  31. Once
  32. Should
  33. As soon as
  34. Hardly
  35. After
  36. No sooner
  37. Though
  38. Once
  39. When
  40. Despite
  41. Once
  42. Had she
  43. After
  44. No sooner
  45. Though
  46. Once
  47. Should
  48. Once
  49. No sooner
  50. Though
  51. After
  52. As soon as
  53. Once
  54. Though
  55. Though
  56. Despite
  57. No sooner
  58. After
  59. Once
  60. As
  61. The moment
  62. Since
  63. After
  64. Once
  65. By the time
  66. No sooner
  67. Though
  68. Despite
  69. As soon as
  70. By the time
  71. Though
  72. No sooner
  73. Though
  74. Despite
  75. Once
  76. Though
  77. Though
  78. Despite
  79. No sooner
  80. Though
  81. As soon as
  82. No sooner
  83. Once
  84. Though
  85. As
  86. Once
  87. Although
  88. Despite
  89. By the time
  90. Though
  91. Once
  92. After
  93. No sooner
  94. Once
  95. Though
  96. As soon as
  97. Once
  98. After
  99. Though
  100. By the time

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