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Sử dụng mệnh đề điều kiện mà không cần “if”

Mệnh đề điều kiện ẩn (câu điều kiện không sử dụng “if”) thường được sử dụng để tạo sự tinh tế hơn trong văn viết và nói. Thay vì sử dụng từ “if,” chúng ta có thể lược bỏ nó bằng cách sử dụng các cấu trúc khác để diễn tả điều kiện.

1. Cấu Trúc và Ví Dụ

1.1. Điều kiện với động từ điều kiện

  • Câu điều kiện loại 1 (hiện tại hoặc tương lai):
    • Cấu trúc: Should + S + V, S + will/would + V
    • Ví dụ: Should you need any help, just let me know. (Nếu bạn cần sự giúp đỡ, chỉ cần cho tôi biết.)
  • Câu điều kiện loại 2 (không có thật ở hiện tại):
    • Cấu trúc: Were + S + to V, S + would + V
    • Ví dụ: Were I to win the lottery, I would travel the world. (Nếu tôi trúng xổ số, tôi sẽ đi du lịch vòng quanh thế giới.)
  • Câu điều kiện loại 3 (không có thật ở quá khứ):
    • Cấu trúc: Had + S + V-ed, S + would have + V-ed
    • Ví dụ: Had he known about the meeting, he would have attended. (Nếu anh ấy biết về cuộc họp, anh ấy đã tham dự.)

1.2. Sử dụng “unless”

  • Câu điều kiện phủ định (trừ khi):
    • Cấu trúc: Unless + điều kiện, + kết quả
    • Ví dụ: Unless you study hard, you won’t pass the exam. (Trừ khi bạn học chăm chỉ, bạn sẽ không vượt qua kỳ thi.)

1.3. Sử dụng các động từ cảm giác và trạng thái

  • Cấu trúc:Without + noun/verb-ing, S + would + V
    • Ví dụ: Without her guidance, I would have been lost. (Nếu không có sự hướng dẫn của cô ấy, tôi đã bị lạc.)

1.4. Sử dụng các cấu trúc thay thế khác

  • Cấu trúc:In case + clause
    • Ví dụ: Take an umbrella in case it rains. (Mang theo ô phòng trường hợp trời mưa.)
  • Cấu trúc:Provided (that) + clause
    • Ví dụ: Provided you finish the report, you can leave early. (Miễn là bạn hoàn thành báo cáo, bạn có thể ra về sớm.)
  • Cấu trúc:As long as + clause
    • Ví dụ: You can go out as long as you finish your homework. (Bạn có thể ra ngoài miễn là bạn hoàn thành bài tập về nhà.)

Bài tập

  1. If it __________ tomorrow, we will stay indoors.
  2. I would have gone to the party if I __________ invited.
  3. You will be promoted if you __________ hard.
  4. She would travel more if she __________ more money.
  5. He would have passed the test if he __________ studied harder.
  6. __________ it rain, the event will be canceled.
  7. We will leave early __________ the traffic is heavy.
  8. She could have finished the project on time if she __________ more resources.
  9. If they __________ to our offer, we would have started the project.
  10. I will call you if I __________ any news.
  11. She __________ have been late if she had caught the earlier bus.
  12. If you __________ me earlier, I could have helped you.
  13. I would go to the beach if the weather __________ warmer.
  14. __________ you need assistance, just let me know.
  15. If he __________ harder, he would have passed the exam.
  16. They will succeed as long as they __________ to the plan.
  17. If she __________ known about the meeting, she would have attended.
  18. He would be happier if he __________ more time with his family.
  19. __________ you study regularly, you will improve your grades.
  20. I would have bought the car if I __________ enough money.
  21. If you __________ the instructions carefully, you will do it right.
  22. She will join us if she __________ finish her work.
  23. They would have attended the event if they __________ invited.
  24. If it __________ too late, we will go for a walk.
  25. __________ you have any questions, please ask.
  26. If I __________ you, I would take that job.
  27. He will be on time unless there __________ traffic.
  28. We would have enjoyed the trip if the weather __________ better.
  29. If she __________ to the party, she would have met the new manager.
  30. I would have helped you if I __________ known about the problem.
  31. If they __________ to the guidelines, the project will be successful.
  32. __________ the meeting be canceled, we will reschedule it.
  33. If you __________ more careful, you wouldn’t have made that mistake.
  34. She would have finished the book if she __________ more time.
  35. If they __________ the tickets earlier, they would have gotten a discount.
  36. I will call you if I __________ more information.
  37. If we __________ more volunteers, we could finish the project sooner.
  38. They would have won the match if they __________ played better.
  39. If he __________ earlier, he could have avoided the traffic.
  40. She will attend the conference if she __________ her report done.
  41. If the weather __________ nice, we will go hiking.
  42. He would have gone to the concert if he __________ tickets.
  43. If they __________ the rules, they would not have faced any issues.
  44. She will be happy if she __________ the promotion.
  45. If you __________ late, you will miss the beginning of the film.
  46. I would have cooked dinner if I __________ known you were coming.
  47. They will visit us if they __________ time this weekend.
  48. If you __________ the report on time, it will be reviewed.
  49. She would have passed the course if she __________ studied more.
  50. If they __________ us the information, we could have made the decision.
  51. He would join us if he __________ feel sick.
  52. If we __________ enough time, we will complete the project.
  53. She will be promoted if she __________ well in her performance review.
  54. If he __________ more practice, he would perform better.
  55. They would have gone to the beach if the weather __________ warmer.
  56. If you __________ to the instructions, you will get it right.
  57. I will finish the work if I __________ have no interruptions.
  58. If the manager __________ the report, he would have approved the proposal.
  59. She would have visited us if she __________ known we were in town.
  60. If they __________ earlier, they would have avoided the rush hour.
  61. He would travel more if he __________ more vacation days.
  62. If you __________ that book, you would understand the topic better.
  63. They will start the project if they __________ receive the funding.
  64. If we __________ the train, we would have arrived on time.
  65. She would have been upset if she __________ missed the deadline.
  66. If he __________ the truth, he would have acted differently.
  67. If you __________ the manual, you would know how to use the machine.
  68. They would have completed the assignment if they __________ more time.
  69. If we __________ the plan, everything would have gone smoothly.
  70. She would visit the museum if she __________ more free time.
  71. If you __________ the application on time, it would have been accepted.
  72. They will get a discount if they __________ the coupon.
  73. If he __________ to the party, he would have met the guest.
  74. I would have gone hiking if it __________ sunny.
  75. If they __________ the offer, they would have joined the team.
  76. She will call you if she __________ any updates.
  77. If he __________ the job, he would be working here.
  78. We would have finished the project if we __________ more help.
  79. If you __________ the dress code, you would have been allowed in.
  80. They would have arrived earlier if they __________ left on time.
  81. If I __________ you, I would try that restaurant.
  82. She will be on time if she __________ early enough.
  83. If we __________ more information, we could make a better decision.
  84. They would have achieved their goal if they __________ more effort.
  85. If you __________ the workshop, you would have learned new skills.
  86. He would have repaired the car if he __________ the right tools.
  87. If they __________ the email, they would have responded sooner.
  88. She will be pleased if she __________ the award.
  89. If you __________ the recommendation, you would have been accepted.
  90. They would have stayed longer if they __________ had more time.
  91. If I __________ the opportunity, I would travel abroad.
  92. She would have bought the house if it __________ been available.
  93. If he __________ about the meeting, he would have prepared better.
  94. They will succeed if they __________ work hard.
  95. If we __________ the right materials, the project would have been completed.
  96. She would have enjoyed the show if she __________ attended.
  97. If you __________ the schedule, you would know the time of the event.
  98. They would have gone out if it __________ been warmer.
  99. If he __________ the directions, he would not have gotten lost.
  100. She will be happy if she __________ the job offer.

Đáp án

  1. rains
  2. had been
  3. work
  4. had
  5. had
  6. Should
  7. if
  8. had had
  9. had agreed
  10. get
  11. would not
  12. had told
  13. were
  14. If
  15. had worked
  16. stick
  17. had
  18. spent
  19. If
  20. had
  21. follow
  22. can
  23. had been
  24. were
  25. If
  26. were
  27. is
  28. had been
  29. had come
  30. had
  31. stick
  32. Should
  33. had been
  34. had had
  35. had bought
  36. get
  37. had
  38. had
  39. had left
  40. finishes
  41. is
  42. had
  43. had followed
  44. gets
  45. arrive
  46. had
  47. have
  48. submit
  49. had
  50. had given
  51. would not
  52. had
  53. performs
  54. had had
  55. had been
  56. listened
  57. do not
  58. had reviewed
  59. had
  60. had left
  61. had
  62. read
  63. receive
  64. had caught
  65. had
  66. had known
  67. read
  68. had had
  69. had followed
  70. had
  71. had submitted
  72. use
  73. had come
  74. had been
  75. had accepted
  76. has
  77. had accepted
  78. had had
  79. had followed
  80. had
  81. would try
  82. leaves
  83. had
  84. had put
  85. had attended
  86. had had
  87. had received
  88. gets
  89. had followed
  90. had
  91. had
  92. had
  93. had known
  94. work
  95. had had
  96. had
  97. had followed
  98. had
  99. had followed
  100. accepts
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