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Mệnh đề tân ngữ: Sử dụng mệnh đề tân ngữ trong câu phức tạp

Mệnh đề tân ngữ (object clause) là mệnh đề hoạt động như một đối tượng trong câu, thường đi sau động từ hoặc danh từ. Mệnh đề tân ngữ cung cấp thông tin bổ sung về đối tượng của động từ chính trong câu.

1. Cấu Trúc Mệnh Đề Tân Ngữ

Mệnh đề tân ngữ thường bắt đầu bằng các liên từ như:

  • That (dùng khi mệnh đề tân ngữ là một câu khẳng định hoặc câu nghi vấn)
  • If (dùng cho câu điều kiện)
  • Whether (dùng cho câu hỏi lựa chọn)

2. Cấu Trúc Câu

Cấu trúc cơ bản:

  • [Main clause] + that/whether/if + [object clause]
  • Ví dụ:
    • “She believes that he will come.”
      • (Cô ấy tin rằng anh ấy sẽ đến.)
    • “I don’t know whether he will come.”
      • (Tôi không biết liệu anh ấy có đến không.)
    • “He asked if I could help.”
      • (Anh ấy hỏi liệu tôi có thể giúp không.)

3. Mệnh Đề Tân Ngữ Sau Động Từ

Mệnh đề tân ngữ thường đi sau các động từ như:

  • Believe: “I believe that she is honest.”
  • Know: “Do you know if he is coming?”
  • Ask: “She asked whether we had finished the project.”
  • Wonder: “I wonder whether it will rain tomorrow.”
  • Hope: “They hope that we will succeed.”

4. Mệnh Đề Tân Ngữ Sau Tính Từ

Mệnh đề tân ngữ cũng có thể đi sau các tính từ để giải thích hoặc bổ sung ý nghĩa:

  • Surprised: “I was surprised that he won the award.”
  • Certain: “She is certain that they will be on time.”

5. Mệnh Đề Tân Ngữ Sau Danh Từ

Mệnh đề tân ngữ cũng có thể đi sau các danh từ, đặc biệt là các danh từ chỉ cảm xúc, ý kiến, hoặc quyết định:

  • Decision: “The decision that he made was unexpected.”
  • Fact: “The fact that she won the contest was amazing.”
  • Mệnh đề tân ngữ làm rõ nghĩa cho động từ, tính từ, hoặc danh từ trong câu.
  • Sử dụng các liên từ that, whether, if để giới thiệu mệnh đề tân ngữ.
  • Mệnh đề tân ngữ có thể theo sau động từ, tính từ, hoặc danh từ.

Bài tập

  1. She believes ________ he will come to the party.
  2. I don’t know ________ she will join us for dinner.
  3. They asked me ________ I could help with the project.
  4. I wonder ________ they have finished their work.
  5. He was surprised ________ she knew about the surprise.
  6. We need to find out ________ the meeting is still on schedule.
  7. I’m not sure ________ they have received our invitation.
  8. She was excited ________ she won the competition.
  9. Do you know ________ he will be arriving today?
  10. I hope ________ you will consider my application favorably.
  11. The manager asked ________ we had completed the report.
  12. She is certain ________ he will accept the offer.
  13. I am wondering ________ the weather will be good for our trip.
  14. They were pleased ________ the results of the test.
  15. He couldn’t believe ________ she had already left the office.
  16. I am concerned ________ the new policy will affect our work.
  17. The teacher asked ________ we had any questions about the assignment.
  18. She wants to know ________ he has completed his training.
  19. I doubt ________ they will be able to finish on time.
  20. He is unsure ________ he should take the job offer.
  21. We need to check ________ the software update is ready.
  22. I am interested ________ what you think about the proposal.
  23. They are excited ________ the launch of the new product.
  24. She wondered ________ the company would be able to meet the deadline.
  25. He asked ________ we could provide a detailed report.
  26. Do you think ________ they will be able to solve the problem?
  27. I was relieved ________ the flight was not canceled.
  28. She didn’t understand ________ the meeting had been postponed.
  29. I am curious ________ the new restaurant is any good.
  30. The director was pleased ________ the team had completed the project.
  31. He was anxious ________ he might miss the important announcement.
  32. I want to know ________ you have any suggestions for improvement.
  33. They were surprised ________ the results came out so well.
  34. She was uncertain ________ she would make it to the event on time.
  35. He is worried ________ the changes will negatively impact the company.
  36. I need to know ________ the documents were sent.
  37. She was excited ________ she got the promotion.
  38. They wondered ________ the conference would be postponed.
  39. I am interested ________ your opinion on this matter.
  40. He asked ________ the team would be able to finish the project.
  41. She wants to know ________ the new policy will be effective.
  42. They are curious ________ the final decision will be made.
  43. I doubt ________ they will accept the proposal.
  44. The client is eager ________ the product will meet their needs.
  45. She wasn’t sure ________ the event was still happening.
  46. He wondered ________ he should invest in the new venture.
  47. I am concerned ________ the new regulations will complicate things.
  48. The committee wants to know ________ we have any further questions.
  49. She was delighted ________ the team won the championship.
  50. He asked ________ they had completed the required paperwork.
  51. I am curious ________ the new system will improve efficiency.
  52. They were relieved ________ the issue was resolved quickly.
  53. She wants to find out ________ the new software is user-friendly.
  54. He was uncertain ________ he should attend the meeting.
  55. I wonder ________ the team has made any progress.
  56. They are not sure ________ they can meet the deadline.
  57. She asked ________ I would be available for the presentation.
  58. He was disappointed ________ the project did not succeed.
  59. I need to confirm ________ the shipment has arrived.
  60. She was worried ________ the report would be late.
  61. They wanted to know ________ the changes would affect their plans.
  62. He is curious ________ the new policy will be beneficial.
  63. I am excited ________ we are going to visit the new facility.
  64. She was unsure ________ she would be able to attend the workshop.
  65. They asked ________ the proposal had been approved.
  66. I wonder ________ the new manager will implement any changes.
  67. He is interested ________ the results of the market research.
  68. She was relieved ________ the meeting went well.
  69. They wanted to find out ________ the event was a success.
  70. I am concerned ________ the new software might have bugs.
  71. She asked ________ we could meet next week.
  72. He was surprised ________ the company was expanding so quickly.
  73. They need to know ________ the product is ready for release.
  74. I am curious ________ the team will finish the project on time.
  75. She wondered ________ the training session would be effective.
  76. He was concerned ________ the decision would affect their budget.
  77. They want to find out ________ the new policy has been implemented.
  78. I doubt ________ the team will meet the project deadline.
  79. She was pleased ________ the conference was well-organized.
  80. He asked ________ the manager had received his report.
  81. I am eager ________ see the final results of the experiment.
  82. They are wondering ________ the new initiative will succeed.
  83. She is interested ________ how the new strategy will be executed.
  84. He was disappointed ________ the delivery was delayed.
  85. I need to confirm ________ the team has started the development.
  86. She was excited ________ she would be attending the seminar.
  87. They want to know ________ the new system will improve performance.
  88. He is curious ________ the client will approve the design.
  89. I am concerned ________ the budget will be exceeded.
  90. She wondered ________ the company would offer any additional benefits.
  91. He asked ________ the update was completed.
  92. I am interested ________ the changes to the policy.
  93. They were relieved ________ the issue was resolved quickly.
  94. She wants to know ________ we are meeting the targets.
  95. He was surprised ________ the project was completed ahead of schedule.
  96. I am curious ________ the training program will be effective.
  97. They need to know ________ the team will be available for the meeting.
  98. She asked ________ the equipment had been delivered.
  99. He is anxious ________ the changes will impact the team’s performance.
  100. I wonder ________ the new procedure will be easy to implement.

Đáp án

  1. that
  2. if
  3. if
  4. whether
  5. that
  6. whether
  7. whether
  8. that
  9. if
  10. that
  11. whether
  12. that
  13. whether
  14. that
  15. that
  16. that
  17. if
  18. if
  19. that
  20. whether
  21. whether
  22. what
  23. about
  24. whether
  25. if
  26. whether
  27. that
  28. why
  29. whether
  30. that
  31. that
  32. whether
  33. that
  34. whether
  35. that
  36. whether
  37. that
  38. whether
  39. that
  40. whether
  41. that
  42. whether
  43. that
  44. if
  45. what
  46. if
  47. whether
  48. when
  49. that
  50. that
  51. whether
  52. whether
  53. that
  54. whether
  55. that
  56. whether
  57. if
  58. whether
  59. that
  60. whether
  61. whether
  62. if
  63. that
  64. whether
  65. that
  66. how
  67. whether
  68. that
  69. whether
  70. if
  71. whether
  72. what
  73. that
  74. if
  75. that
  76. whether
  77. if
  78. whether
  79. that
  80. whether
  81. if
  82. about
  83. that
  84. if
  85. that
  86. whether
  87. if
  88. whether
  89. whether
  90. that
  91. that
  92. whether
  93. to
  94. whether
  95. how
  96. that
  97. whether
  98. that
  99. if
  100. whether

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