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Sử dụng “no sooner…than” trong câu

Cấu trúc “no sooner…than” được sử dụng để diễn tả hai hành động xảy ra ngay lập tức, với hành động thứ hai xảy ra ngay sau hành động đầu tiên. Cấu trúc này thường được dùng trong các câu diễn tả sự nối tiếp nhau của hai sự kiện mà sự kiện thứ hai xảy ra ngay lập tức sau sự kiện đầu tiên.

Cấu trúc cơ bản

  • No sooner + had + subject + past participle + than + subject + past simple verb

Chú ý:

  • “No sooner” luôn được theo sau bởi động từ ở dạng quá khứ hoàn thành (had + past participle).
  • “Than” được sử dụng để nối hai mệnh đề.

Cách sử dụng

  1. Diễn tả sự nối tiếp nhanh chóng:
    • Ví dụ 1: No sooner had she finished her work than the phone rang.
      • (Vừa mới xong việc, thì điện thoại đã reo.)
    • Ví dụ 2: No sooner had we arrived at the station than the train left.
      • (Chúng tôi vừa mới đến ga thì tàu đã rời đi.)
  2. Cấu trúc ngược lại (hành động xảy ra trước đó và được nhấn mạnh bởi “no sooner”):
    • Ví dụ 1: No sooner had he seen the news than he called his family.
      • (Vừa thấy tin tức, anh ấy đã gọi cho gia đình.)
    • Ví dụ 2: No sooner had they begun the presentation than the projector broke down.
      • (Họ vừa bắt đầu thuyết trình thì máy chiếu đã bị hỏng.)

Một số điểm cần lưu ý

  • Cấu trúc này thường được dùng trong văn viết trang trọng hơn và ít được dùng trong giao tiếp hàng ngày.
  • Thay vì sử dụng “no sooner…than,” bạn cũng có thể sử dụng các cấu trúc tương tự như “hardly…when” hoặc “scarcely…when” với cùng một nghĩa.

Bài tập

  1. No sooner ______ his meal than the doorbell rang.
  2. No sooner ______ at the hotel than they started exploring the city.
  3. No sooner ______ the office than it started raining.
  4. No sooner ______ the presentation than the projector broke down.
  5. No sooner ______ the movie than the lights went out.
  6. No sooner ______ home than I received a phone call.
  7. No sooner ______ the concert than the singer lost her voice.
  8. No sooner ______ the news than he called his friend.
  9. No sooner ______ dinner than the guests arrived.
  10. No sooner ______ at the airport than her flight was canceled.
  11. No sooner ______ into the new house than the heater broke.
  12. No sooner ______ the exam than students began to ask questions.
  13. No sooner ______ off the TV than the power went out.
  14. No sooner ______ her book than she started a new one.
  15. No sooner ______ the project than they received new tasks.
  16. No sooner ______ at the meeting than he was asked to speak.
  17. No sooner ______ the rain than the sun came out.
  18. No sooner ______ the restaurant than they realized they forgot their wallets.
  19. No sooner ______ her friend than they went shopping.
  20. No sooner ______ the match than the crowd started cheering.
  21. No sooner ______ my work than I went for a walk.
  22. No sooner ______ on his coat than it started snowing.
  23. No sooner ______ asleep than the doorbell rang.
  24. No sooner ______ our food than it arrived.
  25. No sooner ______ the sun than the stars appeared.
  26. No sooner ______ their vacation than they got sick.
  27. No sooner ______ the car than it broke down again.
  28. No sooner ______ the room than it started to get cold.
  29. No sooner ______ his workout than he took a shower.
  30. No sooner ______ the play than the audience was captivated.
  31. No sooner ______ at the park than it started to rain.
  32. No sooner ______ the song than the applause began.
  33. No sooner ______ his assignment than he relaxed.
  34. No sooner ______ her presentation than the meeting ended.
  35. No sooner ______ the house than we noticed we forgot the keys.
  36. No sooner ______ the storm than we went outside.
  37. No sooner ______ the manager than he was given the project.
  38. No sooner ______ on than the guests started dancing.
  39. No sooner ______ her coffee than she went to work.
  40. No sooner ______ to the beach than it started to rain.
  41. No sooner ______ the lesson than the students began to take notes.
  42. No sooner ______ drinks than the waiter brought them.
  43. No sooner ______ the car than it began to sputter.
  44. No sooner ______ out the forms than they were called.
  45. No sooner ______ the doors than the crowd rushed in.
  46. No sooner ______ her call than the meeting began.
  47. No sooner ______ the campsite than we set up the tent.
  48. No sooner ______ the announcement than everyone started cheering.
  49. No sooner ______ the sun than the birds began singing.
  50. No sooner ______ to the hotel than they went swimming.
  51. No sooner ______ the alarm than she fell back asleep.
  52. No sooner ______ the dress than she wore it to the party.
  53. No sooner ______ the tour than they saw the famous landmark.
  54. No sooner ______ the sink than it started leaking again.
  55. No sooner ______ the meeting than the power went out.
  56. No sooner ______ than the music started playing.
  57. No sooner ______ the office than the mail arrived.
  58. No sooner ______ the dress than she wore it to the party.
  59. No sooner ______ the credits rolled.
  60. No sooner ______ on the car than it started raining.
  61. No sooner ______ into the hotel than we went out to dinner.
  62. No sooner ______ than it started to rain.
  63. No sooner ______ the invitation than they RSVP’d.
  64. No sooner ______ the phone than she heard a strange noise.
  65. No sooner ______ than the party started.
  66. No sooner ______ the tank than he drove off.
  67. No sooner ______ down for dinner than the doorbell rang.
  68. No sooner ______ the package than she opened it.
  69. No sooner ______ than the lights went out.
  70. No sooner ______ the reservation than the restaurant was fully booked.
  71. No sooner ______ the new job than she felt overwhelmed.
  72. No sooner ______ the fireworks than we heard the thunder.
  73. No sooner ______ the corner than he saw the store.
  74. No sooner ______ than the crowd went wild.
  75. No sooner ______ at the destination than they started exploring.
  76. No sooner ______ her workout than she ate breakfast.
  77. No sooner ______ the door than the dog ran out.
  78. No sooner ______ than the kids went outside.
  79. No sooner ______ the climb than they reached the summit.
  80. No sooner ______ the damage than she called for help.
  81. No sooner ______ his exam than he felt relieved.
  82. No sooner ______ than the students left.
  83. No sooner ______ the decision than we acted on it.
  84. No sooner ______ than the weather changed.
  85. No sooner ______ her work than she took a break.
  86. No sooner ______ cooking than the guests arrived.
  87. No sooner ______ the house than it started to flood.
  88. No sooner ______ at the airport than the flight was delayed.
  89. No sooner ______ than the passengers got out.
  90. No sooner ______ the puzzle than she started another one.
  91. No sooner ______ the test than they submitted it.
  92. No sooner ______ the book than he finished it.
  93. No sooner ______ than the movie began.
  94. No sooner ______ the pool than the children jumped in.
  95. No sooner ______ on the heater than it started to warm up.
  96. No sooner ______ to the beach than the sun set.
  97. No sooner ______ talking than the audience listened attentively.
  98. No sooner ______ his report than he had to leave for a meeting.
  99. No sooner ______ the party than the music began.
  100. No sooner ______ their work than they went out for dinner.

Bài tập

  1. had he finished
  2. had they arrived
  3. had she left
  4. had we started
  5. had the movie started
  6. had I gotten
  7. had the concert begun
  8. had he seen
  9. had they finished
  10. had she arrived
  11. had we moved
  12. had the exam started
  13. had he turned
  14. had she finished
  15. had they completed
  16. had he arrived
  17. had the rain stopped
  18. had they left
  19. had she met
  20. had the match ended
  21. had I finished
  22. had he put
  23. had the baby fallen
  24. had we ordered
  25. had the sun set
  26. had they started
  27. had she fixed
  28. had we entered
  29. had he finished
  30. had the play begun
  31. had they arrived
  32. had the song ended
  33. had he completed
  34. had she finished
  35. had we left
  36. had the storm stopped
  37. had he met
  38. had the lights come
  39. had she finished
  40. had they gotten
  41. had the lesson started
  42. had we ordered
  43. had he started
  44. had they filled
  45. had the doors opened
  46. had she finished
  47. had we arrived
  48. had he made
  49. had the sun risen
  50. had they gotten
  51. had she turned
  52. had she bought
  53. had they started
  54. had she fixed
  55. had we finished
  56. had the lights flashed
  57. had they left
  58. had she bought
  59. had the movie ended
  60. had he started
  61. had we checked
  62. had the ceremony begun
  63. had they received
  64. had she answered
  65. had the guests arrived
  66. had he filled
  67. had we sat
  68. had the package arrived
  69. had the play finished
  70. had he made
  71. had she started
  72. had we seen
  73. had he turned
  74. had the game ended
  75. had they arrived
  76. had she finished
  77. had he opened
  78. had the snow fallen
  79. had they started
  80. had she seen
  81. had he finished
  82. had the class ended
  83. had we made
  84. had the event started
  85. had she finished
  86. had he started
  87. had they left
  88. had we arrived
  89. had the car stopped
  90. had she finished
  91. had they completed
  92. had he started
  93. had the lights dimmed
  94. had they filled
  95. had she turned
  96. had we gotten
  97. had the speaker started
  98. had he finished
  99. had she arrived
  100. had they finished

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