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Câu giả định với “should”: Sử dụng “should” trong câu giả định

“should” được sử dụng trong câu giả định để thể hiện sự khuyến nghị, đề xuất, hoặc để nói về điều gì đó mà người nói mong đợi sẽ xảy ra trong tương lai.

1. Sử dụng “should” sau một số động từ nhất định

Một số động từ yêu cầu sử dụng “should” khi theo sau là một mệnh đề giả định. Những động từ này thường diễn tả ý kiến, mong muốn, đề nghị, hoặc yêu cầu.

Ví dụ các động từ thường gặp:

  • suggest (gợi ý)
  • recommend (khuyến nghị)
  • insist (khăng khăng)
  • demand (yêu cầu)
  • propose (đề xuất)
  • advise (khuyên)

Ví dụ:

  • The doctor suggested that she should take a break.
  • I recommend that he should start the project early.
  • They insisted that we should stay longer.

2. Sử dụng “should” sau một số tính từ nhất định

Một số tính từ cũng yêu cầu “should” khi theo sau là một mệnh đề giả định. Những tính từ này thường diễn tả sự cần thiết, quan trọng, hoặc bắt buộc.

Ví dụ các tính từ thường gặp:

  • important (quan trọng)
  • essential (cần thiết)
  • necessary (cần thiết)
  • advisable (được khuyên)
  • crucial (quan trọng)

Ví dụ:

  • It’s important that you should attend the meeting.
  • It’s necessary that the report should be completed on time.
  • It’s advisable that she should see a doctor.

3. Sử dụng “should” trong các mệnh đề trạng ngữ chỉ mục đích

“Should” có thể được sử dụng để thể hiện mục đích trong câu, thường đi kèm với các từ như “in case” hoặc “so that.”

Ví dụ:

  • Take your umbrella with you in case it should rain.
  • We’ll leave early so that we should arrive on time.

4. Sử dụng “should” trong câu điều kiện loại 1

Trong một số trường hợp trang trọng, “should” có thể thay thế cho “if” trong câu điều kiện loại 1 để nhấn mạnh tính giả định.

Ví dụ:

  • Should you need any assistance, please let me know. (If you need any assistance, please let me know.)

5. Sử dụng “should” để diễn đạt sự ngạc nhiên hoặc không mong đợi

“Should” cũng được sử dụng trong các câu giả định để diễn đạt sự ngạc nhiên hoặc tình huống không mong đợi.

Ví dụ:

  • It’s strange that he should say such a thing.
  • I’m surprised that you should feel this way.
  • Should trong câu giả định thường được dùng sau các động từ và tính từ chỉ sự đề nghị, yêu cầu, hoặc cần thiết.
  • Should cũng có thể xuất hiện trong các mệnh đề chỉ mục đích hoặc các tình huống ngạc nhiên.

Bài tập

  1. If I had known about the meeting, I _____ have attended.
  2. It’s important that she _____ finish the report by tomorrow.
  3. I don’t know _____ he will come to the party or not.
  4. _____ the weather is bad, we will stay indoors.
  5. The doctor recommended that he _____ take the medicine regularly.
  6. If you _____ have any questions, feel free to ask.
  7. She wasn’t sure _____ she should go to the concert.
  8. He asked me _____ I could help him with the project.
  9. You should leave early _____ you want to avoid traffic.
  10. It’s necessary that the car _____ be repaired immediately.
  11. If it _____ rain tomorrow, the game will be canceled.
  12. I’m not sure _____ to accept the job offer or not.
  13. The teacher suggested that we _____ study more for the exam.
  14. If I _____ you, I would take that offer.
  15. I wonder _____ he will be able to finish the task on time.
  16. _____ you need help, just let me know.
  17. They were surprised _____ he didn’t show up at the meeting.
  18. It’s essential that we _____ follow the instructions carefully.
  19. She asked _____ he could lend her some money.
  20. _____ you had told me earlier, I could have helped.
  21. He is not sure _____ he should go on vacation this year.
  22. The manager demanded that the report _____ be submitted by Friday.
  23. I’m wondering _____ she will attend the conference.
  24. If he _____ study harder, he would get better grades.
  25. The company’s success depends on _____ employees’ dedication.
  26. I don’t know _____ I should take the train or drive.
  27. It’s crucial that they _____ arrive on time for the presentation.
  28. _____ you see Jane, please tell her to call me.
  29. If you _____ have any doubts, ask for clarification.
  30. She wasn’t sure _____ she had locked the door.
  31. I was surprised _____ he knew the answer.
  32. It’s advisable that you _____ read the instructions before starting.
  33. _____ we leave now, we will miss the movie.
  34. They were worried _____ he might be late for the flight.
  35. He asked _____ she could join them for dinner.
  36. If I _____ known about the problem, I would have fixed it.
  37. It’s important that the team _____ work together.
  38. I don’t understand _____ he was so angry.
  39. _____ the meeting ends, I need to leave.
  40. If you _____ want to get a good grade, you should study hard.
  41. It’s necessary that she _____ finish the project before the deadline.
  42. I was unsure _____ I should buy the blue shirt or the red one.
  43. _____ you need any assistance, call customer service.
  44. If they _____ have followed the guidelines, they wouldn’t have made a mistake.
  45. She wondered _____ he would be free this weekend.
  46. It’s essential that the documents _____ be submitted on time.
  47. _____ you come earlier, we can discuss the plan.
  48. He is not sure _____ to take the job or stay with his current position.
  49. The doctor advised that she _____ get plenty of rest.
  50. If I _____ were you, I would reconsider that decision.
  51. I don’t know _____ to call or email him.
  52. It’s important that we _____ make a decision soon.
  53. _____ you encounter any problems, contact the support team.
  54. They were shocked _____ he won the competition.
  55. If it _____ be sunny tomorrow, we can go for a picnic.
  56. The teacher recommended that the students _____ participate in the study group.
  57. I’m not sure _____ the concert tickets are still available.
  58. _____ we hurry, we might miss the beginning of the movie.
  59. He asked _____ we could meet earlier.
  60. If they _____ have planned better, they would have succeeded.
  61. It’s crucial that the instructions _____ be followed exactly.
  62. I wonder _____ she will agree to the terms.
  63. _____ you call me, I will be at the office.
  64. If I _____ have more time, I would visit you.
  65. She was surprised _____ he didn’t recognize her.
  66. It’s important that you _____ complete the form accurately.
  67. _____ we had known the truth, we would have acted differently.
  68. The manager emphasized that the report _____ be finished by Monday.
  69. I don’t know _____ she will arrive on time.
  70. If you _____ need anything, just let me know.
  71. It’s necessary that all members _____ attend the meeting.
  72. _____ it’s too late, we can reschedule the appointment.
  73. I’m not sure _____ he will understand the instructions.
  74. He asked me _____ I could provide more details.
  75. If she _____ work harder, she would be promoted.
  76. It’s crucial that you _____ submit the application before the deadline.
  77. I’m wondering _____ he will like the gift.
  78. _____ you are ready, we can start the meeting.
  79. If we _____ leave now, we’ll avoid the traffic.
  80. It’s important that they _____ communicate effectively.
  81. I don’t know _____ to wear a suit or casual clothes.
  82. She was unsure _____ she should take the new job offer.
  83. _____ you encounter any issues, report them immediately.
  84. He asked _____ I had completed the assignment.
  85. If I _____ knew about the event, I would have attended.
  86. It’s essential that we _____ finish the project on time.
  87. I wonder _____ he will accept the proposal.
  88. _____ the train is delayed, we’ll have to wait.
  89. If you _____ have any feedback, please share it.
  90. It’s necessary that the budget _____ be approved by the committee.
  91. I don’t understand _____ he reacted that way.
  92. _____ you see the manager, let him know I’m here.
  93. If they _____ had known about the changes, they would have prepared differently.
  94. It’s important that we _____ resolve this issue quickly.
  95. She wasn’t sure _____ to buy the product or not.
  96. _____ you need further information, contact us.
  97. He asked _____ we could change the meeting time.
  98. If I _____ had known the answer, I would have told you.
  99. It’s essential that the plan _____ be reviewed carefully.
  100. I wonder _____ she will be available for a call.

Đáp án

  1. would
  2. should
  3. whether
  4. If
  5. should
  6. if
  7. whether
  8. if
  9. if
  10. be
  11. should
  12. whether
  13. should
  14. were
  15. whether
  16. If
  17. that
  18. should
  19. if
  20. had
  21. whether
  22. be
  23. whether
  24. had
  25. the
  26. whether
  27. should
  28. If
  29. If
  30. whether
  31. that
  32. should
  33. If
  34. that
  35. if
  36. had
  37. should
  38. why
  39. Before
  40. If
  41. should
  42. whether
  43. If
  44. had
  45. whether
  46. be
  47. If
  48. whether
  49. should
  50. were
  51. whether
  52. should
  53. If
  54. that
  55. should
  56. should
  57. whether
  58. If
  59. if
  60. had
  61. be
  62. whether
  63. If
  64. would
  65. that
  66. correctly
  67. had
  68. should
  69. whether
  70. if
  71. should
  72. Although
  73. whether
  74. if
  75. would
  76. should
  77. whether
  78. If
  79. If
  80. should
  81. whether
  82. whether
  83. If
  84. if
  85. had
  86. should
  87. whether
  88. If
  89. if
  90. had
  91. be
  92. why
  93. If
  94. had
  95. should
  96. whether
  97. If
  98. if
  99. had
  100. be
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