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Sử dụng “the more…the more”: Sử dụng để chỉ sự tương quan giữa hai hành động hoặc trạng thái

Cấu trúc “the more… the more” được sử dụng trong tiếng Anh để chỉ sự tương quan giữa hai hành động hoặc trạng thái, thể hiện rằng một sự việc gia tăng hay giảm bớt sẽ kéo theo sự thay đổi tương ứng trong một sự việc khác. Đây là cách để nói rằng một điều càng xảy ra nhiều hoặc càng mạnh mẽ thì điều còn lại cũng sẽ càng xảy ra nhiều hoặc càng mạnh mẽ.

Cấu trúc

  • “The more + [điều kiện] + the more + [hậu quả]”

Cách sử dụng

  1. Chỉ sự tăng lên hoặc giảm đi đồng thời: Khi một yếu tố tăng lên hoặc giảm đi, yếu tố khác cũng sẽ tăng lên hoặc giảm đi theo.
  2. Đặt câu ví dụ: Câu có thể được sử dụng để miêu tả sự thay đổi đồng thời hoặc sự tương quan giữa hai yếu tố.

Ví dụ

  1. Sự Tăng lên hoặc Giảm đi đồng thời:
    • The more you practice the more skilled you become. (Càng luyện tập nhiều, bạn càng trở nên thành thạo hơn.)
    • The more you eat, the more you will gain weight. (Càng ăn nhiều, bạn càng tăng cân nhiều.)
  2. Sự tương quan giữa hai hành động:
    • The more time you spend on your studies, the more likely you are to succeed. (Càng dành nhiều thời gian cho việc học, bạn càng có khả năng thành công cao hơn.)
    • The more she travels, the more she learns about different cultures. (Càng đi du lịch nhiều, cô ấy càng học hỏi được nhiều về các nền văn hóa khác nhau.)

“The more” được theo sau bởi một mệnh đề, có thể là một câu đơn giản hoặc phức tạp.

“The more”“the more” không phải lúc nào cũng phải đứng đầu câu, nhưng phải ở vị trí phù hợp để thể hiện mối quan hệ giữa hai yếu tố.

Bài tập

  1. The more you exercise, the more __________ you will feel.
  2. The more she practices, the more __________ her performance becomes.
  3. The more we discuss, the more __________ we find the solution.
  4. The more he reads, the more __________ he becomes.
  5. The more you study, the more __________ you will understand the material.
  6. The more we save, the more __________ our financial situation improves.
  7. The more they cooperate, the more __________ their project succeeds.
  8. The more you cook, the more __________ your dishes taste.
  9. The more time you spend, the more __________ you become at your hobby.
  10. The more you travel, the more __________ you see of different cultures.
  11. The more she works out, the more __________ her body gets.
  12. The more he volunteers, the more __________ he feels about helping others.
  13. The more we prepare, the more __________ our event turns out to be.
  14. The more you meditate, the more __________ your mind becomes.
  15. The more they argue, the more __________ the situation becomes.
  16. The more you practice speaking, the more __________ your fluency will be.
  17. The more we communicate, the more __________ our relationship improves.
  18. The more you invest in training, the more __________ your skills develop.
  19. The more she learns, the more __________ she excels in her studies.
  20. The more you explore, the more __________ you understand about the world.
  21. The more you help, the more __________ you contribute to the team.
  22. The more he writes, the more __________ his stories become.
  23. The more you focus on your goals, the more __________ you achieve them.
  24. The more we analyze, the more __________ our insights become.
  25. The more they collaborate, the more __________ their work turns out.
  26. The more you engage in activities, the more __________ your experience grows.
  27. The more you rest, the more __________ you recover from fatigue.
  28. The more she participates, the more __________ she feels involved.
  29. The more you study different subjects, the more __________ your knowledge becomes.
  30. The more you challenge yourself, the more __________ you reach your goals.
  31. The more you listen, the more __________ you understand the speaker.
  32. The more they interact, the more __________ their relationship strengthens.
  33. The more you practice mindfulness, the more __________ your stress decreases.
  34. The more they save, the more __________ their financial stability grows.
  35. The more you explore new techniques, the more __________ your results vary.
  36. The more you follow instructions, the more __________ the task is completed correctly.
  37. The more you improve your skills, the more __________ you excel in your field.
  38. The more you invest in education, the more __________ your career prospects become.
  39. The more she studies, the more __________ her academic performance improves.
  40. The more you practice, the more __________ you achieve mastery in the skill.
  41. The more we discuss, the more __________ we clarify our objectives.
  42. The more you cook, the more __________ your culinary skills become.
  43. The more you travel, the more __________ you appreciate different cultures.
  44. The more you exercise regularly, the more __________ your health improves.
  45. The more he trains, the more __________ his athletic performance becomes.
  46. The more you engage with the community, the more __________ you contribute.
  47. The more she reads, the more __________ her understanding of literature becomes.
  48. The more you practice meditation, the more __________ your inner peace is.
  49. The more you interact with different people, the more __________ your communication skills improve.
  50. The more you participate in workshops, the more __________ your skills are enhanced.
  51. The more you understand the theory, the more __________ your practical application is.
  52. The more she trains, the more __________ her fitness level becomes.
  53. The more you engage in discussions, the more __________ your critical thinking improves.
  54. The more you write, the more __________ your writing skills develop.
  55. The more you explore different perspectives, the more __________ your worldview expands.
  56. The more he practices, the more __________ his technique becomes.
  57. The more they analyze data, the more __________ their conclusions are.
  58. The more you plan, the more __________ your project outcomes are.
  59. The more you help with the project, the more __________ the results will be.
  60. The more you study the market trends, the more __________ your business strategies become.
  61. The more you attend training sessions, the more __________ your expertise grows.
  62. The more she practices, the more __________ her musical performance becomes.
  63. The more you engage in physical activities, the more __________ your fitness improves.
  64. The more you save money, the more __________ your financial security becomes.
  65. The more they interact with each other, the more __________ their teamwork improves.
  66. The more you study, the more __________ you comprehend the complex concepts.
  67. The more you volunteer, the more __________ your sense of community grows.
  68. The more you invest in your skills, the more __________ your career prospects become.
  69. The more they work together, the more __________ their project succeeds.
  70. The more you explore, the more __________ your curiosity is satisfied.
  71. The more you focus on your goals, the more __________ you achieve them efficiently.
  72. The more you communicate effectively, the more __________ your relationships improve.
  73. The more you practice, the more __________ you become at solving problems.
  74. The more you write, the more __________ your writing skills improve.
  75. The more you practice a language, the more __________ you become fluent in it.
  76. The more you study different subjects, the more __________ your knowledge base grows.
  77. The more you invest in your education, the more __________ your career opportunities expand.
  78. The more you participate in discussions, the more __________ your understanding of the topic.
  79. The more you help others, the more __________ you feel about making a difference.
  80. The more you practice, the more __________ you refine your technique.
  81. The more you engage in new experiences, the more __________ your personal growth becomes.
  82. The more you focus on details, the more __________ your accuracy improves.
  83. The more you invest in your health, the more __________ your overall well-being becomes.
  84. The more you interact with diverse groups, the more __________ your social skills develop.
  85. The more you participate in activities, the more __________ your skill set expands.
  86. The more you analyze the data, the more __________ your insights become.
  87. The more you practice a sport, the more __________ your performance improves.
  88. The more you engage in creative projects, the more __________ your ideas flourish.
  89. The more you work on your public speaking, the more __________ your confidence grows.
  90. The more you collaborate with others, the more __________ your teamwork skills become.
  91. The more you study the theory, the more __________ your practical skills improve.
  92. The more you focus on your strengths, the more __________ you enhance your abilities.
  93. The more you practice patience, the more __________ you handle difficult situations.
  94. The more you participate in cultural activities, the more __________ your appreciation for them grows.
  95. The more you attend workshops, the more __________ your expertise expands.
  96. The more you challenge yourself, the more __________ your skills develop.
  97. The more you invest in your hobbies, the more __________ your enjoyment of them becomes.
  98. The more you take on responsibilities, the more __________ your leadership skills grow.
  99. The more you explore new hobbies, the more __________ your interests diversify.
  100. The more you read, the more __________ your comprehension and analysis improve.

Đáp án

  1. energized
  2. refined
  3. clear
  4. knowledgeable
  5. understanding
  6. stable
  7. successful
  8. flavorful
  9. skilled
  10. experienced
  11. fit
  12. fulfilled
  13. smooth
  14. peaceful
  15. complicated
  16. fluent
  17. harmonious
  18. advanced
  19. excelling
  20. insightful
  21. valuable
  22. creative
  23. motivated
  24. precise
  25. efficient
  26. meaningful
  27. rested
  28. connected
  29. informed
  30. successful
  31. attentive
  32. strong
  33. calm
  34. secure
  35. effective
  36. accurate
  37. proficient
  38. promising
  39. improved
  40. masterful
  41. focused
  42. skilled
  43. expert
  44. healthy
  45. stronger
  46. productive
  47. knowledgeable
  48. serene
  49. effective
  50. impressive
  51. excited
  52. capable
  53. critical
  54. polished
  55. broad
  56. adept
  57. reliable
  58. successful
  59. robust
  60. innovative
  61. expert
  62. improved
  63. fit
  64. confident
  65. cohesive
  66. clear
  67. satisfied
  68. prosperous
  69. efficient
  70. satisfied
  71. successful
  72. harmonious
  73. mature
  74. effective
  75. fluent
  76. expansive
  77. broad
  78. engaged
  79. empowered
  80. refined
  81. enriched
  82. accurate
  83. vitalized
  84. skilled
  85. diverse
  86. detailed
  87. skilled
  88. vibrant
  89. confident
  90. cohesive
  91. skilled
  92. enhanced
  93. resilient
  94. informed
  95. advanced
  96. developed
  97. enjoyable
  98. strong
  99. varied
  100. proficient
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