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Sử dụng “whom” trong câu hỏi

“whom” được sử dụng trong các câu hỏi để chỉ người và thường xuất hiện trong các câu hỏi chính thức hoặc trang trọng hơn.

1. Whom dùng làm tân ngữ trong câu hỏi

Khi “whom” được sử dụng như một tân ngữ trong câu hỏi, nó thay thế cho một người mà hành động của động từ hướng đến. “Whom” thường đứng sau giới từ hoặc động từ trong câu hỏi.

  • Ví dụ 1: Whom did you see at the party?
    • (Bạn đã thấy ai tại bữa tiệc?)
  • Ví dụ 2: To whom should I address the letter?
    • (Tôi nên gửi thư cho ai?)

2. Whom trong các câu hỏi có giới từ

Khi có giới từ trong câu hỏi, “whom” đứng sau giới từ đó.

  • Ví dụ 1: With whom are you going to the concert?
    • (Bạn đang đi xem hòa nhạc với ai?)
  • Ví dụ 2: About whom were you talking?
    • (Bạn đang nói về ai?)

3. Whom khi đứng đầu câu hỏi

Khi “whom” đứng đầu câu hỏi, nó thường đi cùng với động từ.

  • Ví dụ 1: Whom will you invite to the wedding?
    • (Bạn sẽ mời ai đến đám cưới?)
  • Ví dụ 2: Whom did they choose as their leader?
    • (Họ đã chọn ai làm lãnh đạo của họ?)

4. Sử dụng “who” thay vì “whom” trong câu hỏi không chính thức

Trong giao tiếp hàng ngày và trong các câu hỏi không chính thức, “who” thường được sử dụng thay vì “whom”, đặc biệt khi không có giới từ đi kèm.

  • Ví dụ: Who did you meet at the party?
    • (Bạn đã gặp ai tại bữa tiệc?)

Tuy nhiên, “whom” vẫn được sử dụng trong các văn bản chính thức hoặc khi cần sự trang trọng hơn.

Whom được sử dụng khi là tân ngữ của động từ hoặc giới từ trong câu hỏi.

Who thường thay thế whom trong giao tiếp hàng ngày, đặc biệt khi không có giới từ đi kèm.

Bài tập

  1. _____ did you see at the conference?
  2. To _____ should I send this email?
  3. _____ are you going to invite to the party?
  4. About _____ were they talking last night?
  5. With _____ did you travel to Paris?
  6. _____ did they choose as the new manager?
  7. To _____ do you want to give the gift?
  8. _____ did you ask for help with the project?
  9. For _____ did you buy this book?
  10. _____ are you waiting for?
  11. From _____ did you receive the message?
  12. With _____ did you have lunch today?
  13. _____ will you meet at the airport?
  14. _____ did she give the report to?
  15. To _____ did he offer his assistance?
  16. About _____ were you asking earlier?
  17. _____ are you planning to discuss the issue with?
  18. To _____ is this letter addressed?
  19. _____ will they nominate for the award?
  20. For _____ did you make this reservation?
  21. _____ do you think will win the competition?
  22. With _____ did you collaborate on the research?
  23. _____ will the team report to?
  24. To _____ did you send the invitation?
  25. _____ did you speak to about the problem?
  26. For _____ did she prepare the presentation?
  27. _____ did you visit during your trip?
  28. With _____ did they share the results?
  29. _____ do you trust the most?
  30. About _____ did the article mention?
  31. _____ will they be interviewing for the job?
  32. To _____ should I direct my question?
  33. _____ did you give your feedback to?
  34. With _____ did you work on the project?
  35. _____ did you hear the news from?
  36. For _____ is this gift intended?
  37. _____ did you consult before making the decision?
  38. With _____ did she discuss the proposal?
  39. _____ did you ask to join the meeting?
  40. About _____ are the rumors?
  41. _____ are you collaborating with on this task?
  42. To _____ did they send the confirmation?
  43. _____ did you borrow the book from?
  44. For _____ did you complete this assignment?
  45. _____ are they expecting to meet?
  46. With _____ did you discuss the strategy?
  47. _____ did you see at the event?
  48. To _____ did you report the issue?
  49. _____ did you find out about the change?
  50. For _____ are the new policies designed?
  51. _____ did you talk to about the proposal?
  52. With _____ are you sharing your ideas?
  53. _____ will they call for the interview?
  54. To _____ did you forward the document?
  55. _____ did she ask for directions?
  56. For _____ did you organize the workshop?
  57. _____ did you discuss the matter with?
  58. With _____ are they planning the project?
  59. _____ did you receive the package from?
  60. To _____ did you address the letter?
  61. _____ do you think will handle the case?
  62. About _____ did you inquire at the office?
  63. _____ did you want to speak to?
  64. For _____ did you write this letter?
  65. _____ will they select for the position?
  66. With _____ did you share the news?
  67. _____ did you get the information from?
  68. To _____ should I send the report?
  69. _____ did you speak with about the issue?
  70. For _____ did you arrange the meeting?
  71. _____ did you ask for feedback?
  72. With _____ did they collaborate on the design?
  73. _____ did you visit during your vacation?
  74. To _____ did she direct her complaint?
  75. _____ did you discuss the results with?
  76. About _____ were they making decisions?
  77. _____ do you need to get approval from?
  78. With _____ did you coordinate the event?
  79. _____ did you mention in the meeting?
  80. For _____ did they prepare the materials?
  81. _____ did you seek advice from?
  82. To _____ did you submit your application?
  83. _____ did she give the message to?
  84. About _____ did you hear the news?
  85. _____ did you consult regarding the policy?
  86. With _____ did you finalize the agreement?
  87. _____ did you get the recommendation from?
  88. For _____ did you create this design?
  89. _____ will you be working closely with?
  90. To _____ did you report the error?
  91. _____ did you receive the instructions from?
  92. With _____ did they discuss the budget?
  93. _____ do you plan to discuss the changes with?
  94. For _____ did they design the new software?
  95. _____ did you contact regarding the project?
  96. To _____ did you present the findings?
  97. _____ did she discuss the details with?
  98. About _____ did the discussion focus?
  99. _____ did you speak to about the delay?
  100. For _____ did you develop the new strategy?

Đáp án

  1. Whom
  2. Whom
  3. Whom
  4. Whom
  5. Whom
  6. Whom
  7. Whom
  8. Whom
  9. Whom
  10. Whom
  11. Whom
  12. Whom
  13. Whom
  14. Whom
  15. Whom
  16. Whom
  17. Whom
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  100. Whom

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